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I had to make the thread so I'm shilling for Armada. What're you most looking forward to about Chimaera/Profundity?

RIP my waifu, gone too soon

>legends says ISDs always accompanied by huge fleets of lesser craft and support ships
>movies and rebels always show ISDs working alone or in small ISD packs, or with only a few support ships for specialized purposes

the former seems to be the one /swg/ prefer, but i think the latter makes their fleet look distinct from the motely crew of the rebel fleet

In Chimaera I'm most excited about the new squadrons. Not sure I will buy this expansion.

The Profundity is such a cool ship, I'm mostly looking forward to having the model in my collection.

Dunno, I prefer the first because variety and I love lotes of the models they used in legends.
Arquitens and Gozanti are cool and all, but the Lancer, Carrack, Dreadnaughts, Marauders, Tartans etc make the ISD feel more important, and not a star jober like they are in Rebels (how many have the Ghost crew killed already? 3 or 4?)

Some things just aren't easy to show.

I mean, I like the CONCEPT of an Imperial Army. But let's be honest here, those were just Stormtroopers in the films.

The SD has usually been shown as a single 'squadron' with its on-board TIE's and shuttles as escorts, about the only time I can remember them being with other ships is in Rebels where you'll sometimes see them with a shitbox like the old Aquitens or a specialist vessel like the Interdictor. Actual 'fleets' of SD's aren't all that uncommon either in the movies and cartoons.
I've always had an interest into the support mechanisms behind the Imperial navy, their fleet oilers, supply ships and so on. It would be nice to see more of the other line vessels as well, though the SD is something the Imperials can guarantee to get somewhere fast and more than likely handle whatever is on the other end in a call for help. So maybe that's why there's a bit of a bias to them because the characters are usually that much of a threat or have something of vital importance that means nothing less than a battleship turning up

Part of that might be because /swg/ also prefers a larger Rebel fleet and GCW in general than depicted in the films.

i think that even scaled up to the battle of endor, having the empire spam a single big ship command and conquer style while the rebels use hundreds of diverse craft would be more visually distinct in showing off the opposing strategic philosophies of the forces

imperial are uniform, homogenous, and wave the big stick
rebels are diverse, colorful, and use guille

Fuck off Traya; you know how it's end. And it's not well.

Stop not putting /swg/ in the thread subject you mongoloid.

This, it makes it much easier to find them.

But it's not always big battles above your death station.

Sometimes it's patrolling frontier roles, shaking down groups of smugglers, or chasing a Rebel fleet fleeing in a dozen directions. And that's part of my point, /swg/ in general leans towards the "alright, but how does this logistics chain handle under extreme analysis?" end of the spectrum, wherein you're always going to have different specialized roles that need filling - even with a jack of all trades battlecarrier to throw at most problems.

Noted; if I have to make the thread again for some reason I will. I always use the search in the catalog so it didn't cross my mind.

use ISDs for all of those, then

Know that it ends in pretzels.

>and use guile
I'd trust him, the man's got TWO tattoos of Corellia.

What are your favorite small Imperial spacecraft?

We're talking Cruisers and Corvettes here, nothing as big as a Star Destroyer.

A Lancer or a Carrack. If I had to be an Imperial officer, the later would be my shipfu.
But for games, the lancer. Fuck every player ship, it's like a dragon to them.

>crime lord hires party to steal space nerve gas for him
>orders his goons to kill party once they're back with the gas so that he won't have to pay them
>alternatively he could also be revealed as actually being an Imperial officer and the nerve gas was in the hands of rebels masquerading as Imperial forces to swoop under the radar
Help me, /swg/

Definitely the Raider.

I'm biased to Armada over it's X-Wing version, but the idea of a light cruiser that "will it blend?"s fighter squadrons and dodges firelines to deliver a one-off ordnance payload is both badass and fairly unique.

Papa Mandalore, what are basilisk war droids and why don't we have any?

Killing her was one of Rian Johnson's biggest crimes.

The scale for a Carrack is really weird. They look like a 10 person spaceship thanks to the enormous front window but they're actually significantly larger than the Yamato

Scale in SW is all fucked up, like we are talking about a GALACTIC Empire able to destroy planets, but they crack troops get bested be fuzzy midget bears with stone weapons. The new movies only make it worse, TLJ felt like a bunch of refugees scaping the Costal guard, and the space ships where incredible big, but even then they didn't felt that way. That's why I tend to take things I like and make them more fitting in the setting I want my players to play.

>Every female character gets a dramatic death scene (Paige, Holdo, Rose to an extent)
>Except A-Wingfu, who gets unceremoniously killed off like every other background character

There is no justice in this world.

What would a naturally calm and balanced race act like if they were a Dark Side force user?

Something like a Mon Cal or a Miraluka, would they still be full-edge or would they have a more restrained approach to evil?

Snoke is pretty restrained, by Sheev's standards. So something like "business evil", I'd imagine, or maybe a Dooku-esque figure.

The scale on FO ships *is* weird. I hate that they're all so arbitrarily large, but then they're modeled/filmed in a way that doesn't make them look any bigger than GCW tech.

It's like the dick measuring contest is going on with the Visual Guide authors and not the actual modelers.

>Dark Side Miraluka

>but they crack troops get bested be fuzzy midget bears with stone weapons
judging by size in the star wars universe? but why?

also, primitive people besting the largest military in the world?
not exactly out of sight

It really shows Johnson doesn't have a good handle for the larger SW conflict (the WARS part of the title) while he has a better grasp of Rey/Kylo/Snoke arc. It's especially telling where we have the projection that the entire galaxy is going to fall to the FO in weeks when in TFA they just suffered the lose of Starkiller Base and were evacuating.

If they had restricted the sequels to one small sector of the Republic, it wouldn't have made much of a difference frankly.

>It really shows Johnson doesn't have a good handle for the larger SW conflict
JJ didn't really, either.

Starkiller base's first action was being blowing all that shit away so they didn't have to deal with it.

Personally, I'm more of a small ship universe guy, but at least the Empire having more than a Km long ships make sense because they have a stupidily hugh pool of resources to draw from. But then a splinter factions with not clear cut line of supplires, money or resources (apart of raiding and some corrupt senators, but even then how can a corrupt senator move such quantity of credits without bein suspect? Only one of those ships would need an incredible amount only to maintain them) can arm, maintain and crew entire fleets of 3km or more space ships (and another of 50km plus several of 7km). It's there some answer to that? I know I'm being a retard because, lol SW and logic don't mix, but we where promised a more conected expanded universe, and for the moment it's all underwhelming or flat out bad with very few gems, and with even less sense than Legends.

>some corrupt senators
Half the New Republic was in on it. They seceded to the FO a few years ago.

TLJ is the same as the Star Wars you loved as a child. You just grew up and joined the Empire.

I will use your weak bait to post some small star wars ships.
What would be a good ship for a Hutt merc to use? I was thinking a corellian corvette, but well they are over used already.

We didn't change. It was the franchise that changed. TLJ/TFA are much more pro-Empire than the OT/PT. Instead of Lucas's ideas about rebuilding the Republic, it's about the rise of the Empire from the ashes of ROTJ and the weakness of Republican institutions.

The Grand Inquisitor is a good example for what you’re asking about, I think.

I have a serious boner for the Lancer-class

The VC never "bested" the USA though, they took horrible casualties and lost pretty much every major engagement. Having enough foreign backing and being stubborn enough to hold on until the war becomes politically awkward for your enemies is not the same as beating them in combat.

That said, the Empire did outright slaughter the Ewoks until Chewie stole an AT-ST.

>besting the largest military in the world?
Maybe they meant the Chinese

Though if you mean a larger ship like a corvette or cruiser, the C-ROC should make for a nice disguise so you’re just seen as another smuggler at worst

The ISD was only that big in the first place because it had to fulfil the roles of fighter carrier, regiment strength assault ship and space battleship with one hull. Also its pretty intimidating.

The way the FO has been portrayed makes no sense at all really. They could have done something legitimately interesting if the FO had to rely on old Imperial ships, sabotage, terrorism and the like.

a victory is a victory is a victory

I need some advice my setting has the first order as one of the major post sheeve factions, and I'm looking for tips on how to properly drive home the violent fanatic angle without making them look like a pack of morons who could not have possibly gotten any of their cools toys. It's hard because the FO in the movies doesn't come off as even really wanting to rule the galaxy, just burn it down in revenge for rejecting theit forebearers.

That is not the point and you know it. Nobody is talking about the USA bombing the NVA into a peace treaty and leaving.

We are talking about the idiotic myth that the VC is an example of a primitive force defeating a technologically advanced one in battle.

Veers and Snowtroopers are now "in development", so a launch some time after Wave 0 releases seems pretty likely.

>Playing Jet troop types in BF2 is as close as I'll ever get to being a Mandalorian
Wish I could have played Galaxies

I know incredibly little about Legions, they aren't hinting at introducing AT-ATs are they? At Legions scale they would be about 25" tall. For reference the Raider is about 12" long.

AT-AT would be far too massive at that scale. My guess is he'll be a leader type with synergy with snowtroopers. Maybe some off-map artillery ability to indicate he calls in AT-AT firepower

Most likely no.

The AT-ST and Airspeeder aren't on a sliding scale, and he's releasing alongside other infantry with abilities that boost them.

Nice guess.

I don't know that I'd say any of his abilities synergize with Snowtroopers directly, but he boosts nearby infantry in general.

And his abilities. If you squint, you can see that he hands out buffs to the soldiers around him, while taking strong shots from afar.

No, it isn't, and I joined the Empire from the start.

Same mate, I was searching far a wide for a good pic of the Lancer and I found a mod than had them in HD and in different poses. Other top tier space ships from the empire are the Carrack and dreadnaught. Or the loronar strike cruiser class. Isn't like I don't love the ISD and some space triangles like the Gladiator or the Arquitens, but when the fleet it's all triangles it gets repetitive as fuck.

You could use an imperial remnant than isn't run be idiots, then, I'm sure there where competent moffs apart of Thrawn and Tarkin.

The problem is that ISDs can't be portrayed realistically in non-Imperial main character stories because they're so powerful. The OT made the smart move of just having the protags conveniently avoid laser fire and NEVER EVER attack them directly, as that'd be suicidal, and everyone says this, and it's made clear that whether you're in a capital ship or a fighter, if you go one on one against an ISD you will LOSE.

EU unofficially and now NU unofficially have fucked that up because you get stories of protags just charging an ISD and blowing it to bits because plot armor, and honestly it's far more aggressively dumb and frequent in the NU than the EU ever was, and even in the EU when the protags weren't involved or were Imperial, ISDs absolutely curbstomped any and all opposition in a fair fight.

Show the FO's attempt at building civilization. Show their extensive efforts to colonize the Unknown Regions and survive even in the most unstable part of the Galaxy. Show the ruins of alien worlds, purged of all life to make room for colonists, factories and fortresses. There are pragmatic reasons for their destruction of worlds (they might genocide an unknown species as a safety measure to their colonists, they might make worlds hidden by hyperspace mazes into factories), but their excesses reveal a lust for revenge. Add in a lot of broadcasted propaganda, maybe some Two Minutes Hate kind of deal. Basically they should be the 30K Imperium, only much smaller.

For characters, you should have a mix of Huxes, old Imperial commanders itching for another war, and what I would call the "businessmen." These guys would be responsible for securing the funds/contracts/general dicksucking that the FO needs in order to build its war machine. They are heavily authoritarian, but aren't fanatics, and are able to actually sell the pitch of another war to corporations and destitute systems.

AAAACCCCHHHHTUALLY the Soviet military was larger and I think the Chinese military as well.

Probably Lawful *whatever moral alignment you believe the Dark Side is*. There are also some Force users both Light and Dark who don't change their personality at all, even though both are pretty infectious energies in both good and bad ways.

You're forgetting the USA relied heavily on South Vietnamese support though, and before, during, and after American involvement the NVA and VC were wiping the floor with ARVN forces.

I'm not sure why I bring this up but the myth of the NVA doing a horrible job in every battle and only winning because poliitics is pretty unfounded. They did in fact give us several defeats.

I know, but the ones than did the First order didn't seem to care about that.
The ISD it's so valuable because even when it's a very costly ship, it can bring minor planets to heel alone, you have the core of any fleet with one of them, they are even faster than most other capitals (the falcon barely could out run one for example) and they are tough. But then you have the rebels ghost crew killing them for breakfast, so well, perhaps it was all a wank.
The FO fetish for the Tarkin Doctrine it's embarassing, because they go for the flash instead of the core of it. What use is to have your battlecruiser to be bigger than the ISD? THe SSD at least where the stuff only Moffs or equivalents tlike Vader had acess to, and not even all of them. The FO doesn't make much sense, for what I read, it's clear they don't have a clear vision about the new universe. Also they love they space triangles a lot more than the majority of EU authors.

But moral complexity requires effort, and it doesn't sell as good as just shoving recognizable products in every scene and dangling them like keys in the audience's face.


I mean, I'm not making them morally complex or anything. I'm just giving them a logical framework where their actions make sense, yet are still what most people would consider evil. It's like, the Empire is conceptually pretty evil, but their actions in the OT have logical grounding from the perspective of "terror-based totalitarian regime that places little value on life and has loads of money." So they're evil, but consistent about it. The FO so far just doesn't make much sense because the writers assigned them the exact same role of the old Empire despite having a different setting.

I can't imagine how many credits that cost to convert, except its CEC, so they probably had it ready made sitting on a showroom floor somewhere and just bolted it on.

This fucking this, I also loved the stsrforge theory and like the idea f the corporation interests with them unwittingly being scammed into saturating the market

Yeah, that bugged me too. What kind of army does the FO have to do that? IT would be bigger than the empire. I Mean, with Twenty years they could do clones, but it doesn't seem they have gone that way.

I'm looking for something with a bit more bang than a refitted gozanti, something than could kill patrol crafts and minor fighters.

I'd have done lots of darktrooper droids to suppliment their indoctrinated troopers, if the good guys are still going to be under dogs, make sure the bad guys soldies feel fucking super

I got a feeling that the Resistance is always going to be weaker then the Rebel Alliance. With junk equipment and less manpower just so the new heroes can become 'better' heroes just because they are facing worse odds then the heroes of the original trilogy.

That feels cheep also the new x wings look instantly more advanced so that assumption falls flat

Why are the disney gang so retarded? We could have seen the good guys being powerful and fight isis tier imperials or some shit like that, but no, let's re make the rebels vs the empire again. At least in the PT both sides where big and with good and bad parts.
Fuck, the prequels weren't that bad,if only some one would have reigned over Lucas, specially in the writing...

Which mod?

At least they should have downgraded the FO too. I can't find it believable Kylo is runninga galaxy spanning organizing. The leftover of an Imperial battlegroup like five or six ships maybe, but guys like him/Hux/Snoke/Phasma being the elite of the New Empire is fucking ridiculous.

Because they think rebles vs empire for ever is what the people want, be the heroic underdog forever

That comes with the secret message "you'll never win, not really"

Yuuzhan Vong at War,for the Empire at war game, force of corruption. The models are top notch. Don't be fooled, the majority of models don't have anything to do with the Vong and you ahve some hidden gems from Legends.

Odd as I think vong modles would be a neat addition

Inb4 it turns out that light siders and dark siders can live in harmony, and that the dark side is not inherently bad, bad people just choose to use it.


That's the gayest fucking thing I've ever heard it's going to happen, isn't it?

How can you tell the difference between an Imperial 1 and a Imperial 2 SD?

They need to keep the Reylo shippers happy.

>we dont see star destroyers with support cra-

It already has casual.

I need help settling an argument.

Can NEAR-humans be stormtroopers (ex: Umbarab, Arkanian, Zeltron, etc)? Empire did have Thrawn and a hand full of others but they were generally off to the side. To clarify, stormtroopers from Galactic Civil War 0-4 ABY.

Well, the Vong where the ones than turned me from the Star wars lore, I really dislike them so that's why I said that, other anons opinion of them aren't that good either so that's why I put the little warning. There are plenty of EaW:FC mods with cool legends renditions, Republic assault for example has Fractal Sponge models, and he is probably the best 3d fan artist.

>prequels come out
>sequels come out

I won't defend Disney but I can absolutely see why they did what they did. They were going to lose either way, might as well go with the zero risk formula to print money.

It depends, I remember in Legenda they had some storm troopers being aliens, but with new canon it's all more difficult to say.

In TLJ, Luke talks a lot about the inherent balance of nature and how it relates to the Force. Then he singles out the dark side (and that black algae pit) as separate from all the other balanced shit. It seems unlikely.

>obscure Marvel comic from the 80s

Alien stormtroopers are mostly in the Imperial Remnant rule by the Fels.

well, at least Disney might not massacre one thing. maybe.

>Adirmal Giels armada
>centered around a Praetor 2, the pride of an Imperial sector fleet

maybe if your a rebel

If you're a hardline Legends purist, no aliens in the corps until post-Endor. NuCanon I don't think has been clear yet.

That said, it's a huge galaxy, so it's not hard to imagine that exceptions would exist, we just don't have any published examples

literally who

not the same user but I always assumed near human species were included, at least out in the rim where they were more common. logistically it makes more sense considering EU and OT deployed Stormtroopers like candy

>nightsisters not inherently bad
They're evil, but not ambitious.

They're still child sacrificing zombie witches who murder strangers for funsies, they just don't really leave Dathomir.

"At the height of the Empire, the Corps was almost exclusively Human but for a few experimental units, and overwhelmingly male since very few females could pass physical training, though female Stormtroopers were more common than most laymen realised."
>Wookipedia Legends

Possible but unlikely. Imagine it'd be like first non-segregated military units, expect a lot of hazing and "accidents" happen.


Mother Talzin is evil. Non of the other ones are.

Oh but that one isn't ready yet
They don't have anything playable just the models
It's looking pretty great so far