>Be invading universe
>Waste 90% of your fighting force beating (!) the Imperium
>Then you meet the Orks
Srsly though. Which universe could beat the 40k one?
>Be invading universe
>Waste 90% of your fighting force beating (!) the Imperium
>Then you meet the Orks
Srsly though. Which universe could beat the 40k one?
Other urls found in this thread:
And any that tell you otherwise are misguided.
I feel like DBZ might have a decent shot.
Batman, given enough prep time.
>40k universe
>Space Marines are average soldiers
>Space Marines
Dr. Who would stomp. Capeshit like Marvel, DC also stomp. Weebshit like gurren lagan, dragon ball also stomp. Anything with proven omnipotent beings really.
Sci-fi stuff like starwars, star trek, halo. Would devastate in space combat, but no sci-fi can compete with 40k in ground combat.
Provide insight of those Universes and reasons why they would beat 40k. I'll do the same with 40k
>Our average Spehss Ship is a fucking kilometers-long Cathedral
>The average army has literally countless dudes
>Motherfuckig Titans
>Attack Moons and World Engines
>Did I mention the Orks?
>A set of tunnels to travel
>The Warp and Chaos
I'm not even talking about the Spehss Bugs
Now that I think about it, stuff like Star Wars and Trek could probably both win because of sheer speed. Their method of travel is safer and faster than using the warp.
Any who stretch beyond the bounds of a single galaxy. Any who have better FTL travel/communication, and some-kind of pyschic defence. Any with time-travel, or which have harnessed any other massive reality-shattering powersets.
40k is above many sci-fi and sci-fantasy universes, but doesn't even breach the top 20 for ridiculous bullshit. The Xeelee fought a universe-wide war involving time travel and lost to the Photino Birds, Gurren Laggan literally runs on the power of "whatever you do I beat you", and Doctor Who is so ridiculous it gets it's own entire tier above everyone else.
About the only familiar universes that operate at a scale where debate is even reasonable are Star Trek and Star Wars, and in both cases it mostly depends on how big a part the Warp plays. And of course who's bullshit overrides who's.
The Culture. Already proven multiple times.
The Thing. Already proven (because 'secret magical defenses of the nids' is not an answer to a telepathic cellular infection vector that can literally pretend to be 'nids until it decides not to).
goku can and will kill each of the bazillion tyranids in hand to hand combat and will destroy whatever anti-saiyan bioform they send after him, after spending 11 minutes pondering how to defeat this new and scary foe which just killed yamcha, 10 minutes powering up super saiyan form, and 1 minute dropping a kamehameha
It's proven that you cannot win a war without ground assets/operations/forces. You may beat in Space, but what counts towards territory owned are the planets, and there...the only ones that would loose to SW and ST are the Tau
Power Man could defeat it.
How many team-ups and crossovers would Big Boss need to win the war?
>big ships
>lotta dudes
>big robots
>big ships
>lotta dudes
>big ships
>oh wow teleportation tech never heard of it
>oh wow teleportation tech that makes you shit your lungs through your ear sockets
>lotta dudes
sounds unimpressive, fampai.
>and reasons
40k using WW1 tech.
Even modern Earth will beat it.
>>The average army has literally countless dudes
That's why largest siege (Wrax) have lesser casualties than WW2?
>Our average Spehss Ship is a fucking kilometers-long Cathedral
Useless, cannot travel without Astronomicon.
>Needing anyone else
He'll probably just recruit the entire setting.
And have a whole zoo of tyranids at his base.
My favorite universe can beat up your favorite universe.
>tearing entire planets outside of history
>time travel
>actual omnipotents
>infinite numbers of beings that move faster than light, shatter planets with a bunch and can survive said hits.
>literal retcon machines
>time travel
Gurren Lagan
>current mechanic throws galaxies as ammunition and survives being hit by galaxies.
>literally succeed because they believe as the in universe power source.
> planet busters a plenty
> wish to be completely unkillable
> zen-o says squish
> sparring between god like entities threatens to destroy the universe
> dudes strong enough to escape a cage of time
Star Wars
>massively faster ships
>massively more efficient methods of destroying planets
Star Trek
>massively faster ships
>time travel
>ships existing in multiple parts of time simultaneously
>massively faster ships
>larger ships
>stupid as fuck plague that travels through data systems
>life wipe buttons
>Larger ships
Hasn't stopped the Imperium before.
>Life wipe buttons
Not in this universe. Plus the Halo rings are MAD weapons.
No the halos are explicitly said to kill all sentient life with in a 3 radii of the galaxy. All that would need to be done is move them to 40k galaxy. And if 40k is on the advance just use it while hiding out on the shield worlds.
A covenant super carrier is more than twice the size of the largest imperium vessel last I checked two years ago. Can cut through larger ships than the average imperium vessel with little to no effort.
40k stomps halo on the ground but in space, they don’t have a chance.
>No the halos are explicitly said to kill all sentient life with in a 3 radii of the galaxy
My point was there are no Halo rings in the 40k universe.
Reread my post, I addressed this.
>Star Trek
>massively faster ships
Star Trek ships are really, really slow. Voyager would've taken 70 years to cross the galaxy without plot devices.
>you can have this universe invade WH40K but you can't take the significant aspect of that universe because it might hurt my WH40kid universe
Uh huh.
They can move
I think he meant faster in ship-to-ship combat situation, not FTL. W40K ships behave like sea vessels, most of other sci-fi emulates dogfights more or less.
>each single Exalted is more powerful than a god
>can overwrite reality
A single shell from an Imperial Vessel would severely cripple any Federation ship. Not speaking of Cronsants,
I guess but there's no point if the ships can't project their power over the galaxy. Star Trek in the WH40k universe would basically be the Tau, a tiny sphere slowly growing outwards, no real threat to any of the other races.
Not him but the OP clearly said "invading" so the Halo universe forces are the ones attacking the 40k universe, it's not like the two universes just smashed together.
there have been wars were billions have died
Armageddon is a good example of shit getting out of control. Its not uncommon for generals to simply throw thousands of dudes into a suicide mission just to appease higher command with a military action.
>40k using WW1 tech.
some planets are backwards, but humanity is a space fairing species, I dont know what the fuck you are talking about.
>Useless, cannot travel without Astronomicon.
you can travel in real space without one, and if you are balsy you can travel the warp without one. you will just end up way off course and it would be very dangerous, but done before.
tell me how much it matter how fast you can travel when attacking a fortress world with millions of guardsmen and, even more dangerous, a chapter or two of space marines
As it stands star trek and star wars have literally nothing to counter space marines. SW jedi may have stood a chance before disney acquired SW, but since the movies are the only cannon, I would say a space marine or two could wreck your average jedi.
>there have been wars were billions have died
[citation needed]
>Armageddon is a good example of shit getting out of control.
Please, post direct numbers
>but humanity is a space fairing species,
So what?
>you can travel in real space without one
Yeah without FTL.
Not to mention that ships probably will run out of fuel.
>fortress world with millions of guardsmen
>10,000 Vraksian Traitor Guard, 500,000 Vraks Planetary Defence Forces,
The rest were militia
during the third war of Armageddon
>However there were still countless Orks infesting Armageddon and the war raged. For the Orks, the war became known as the "Big Scrap"[4b] (also other name - "Ragnarork")[9] and more Orks arrived to the system with each day as word spread.[4b] The cost of the war was measured in human lives, and the death toll spiraled towards the billions. The Imperials knew one thing, however: whatever the cost, Armageddon must not fall.[2c]
and that is only counting the human casualties, the ork and chaos casualties would both be larger than the imperiums casualties, so its not out of the realm of possibility that over 10 billion combatants and civilians could have died.
There have been times when chaos demons have sacrificed/vaporized entire hive cities, and these cities by themselves can have a population into the billions
still, SW and ST do not have an answer for space marines, a single chapter could run havoc through their lines.
"After days of pounding strikes, the majority of the Tau guns were silenced. A few were so well protected by shield generators that they would require a more direct approach. Under the command of Kayvaan Shrike, the Space Marines used Drop Pod assaults to destroy the last few batteries that dared to engage the Imperial fleet. Only then did the first wave of atmospheric fighters and bombers enter Mu’gulath Bay’s atmosphere, hitting preselected targets. Space Marine Scouts were the first forces of the Imperium to hit the ground. Upon their signals, the vast transports and landing craft began the long process of ferrying billions of soldiers along with supporting materiel."
Absolutely fucking stumped, they've had you, Halo has taken a massive shit on your fucking fanboy thread and just butt-blasted you and any credibility you have, you've done the arguement equivalent of a child moving goalposts in a game of football, you're dumb fucking scenario only works when you already set up the rules of arguement, what you've done is "Oh, well I guess Halo rings COULD beat my universe but you aren't allowed to use them" absolute waste of time, Threads over stop replying
not even mentioning the fact that ST and SW governments would break way before the imperiums. The imperium is a fascist autocracy, whatever the high lords of terra say goes and anyone who disagrees is killed. The imperium would be willing to do things that the SW and ST governments simply would not be willing to do, and the fact the imperium does not need the love of the people to continue gives it a decisive advantage over any democratic government. If anything, the imperium would just demoralize them to the point where they could no longer have the support of their people and could not wage war.
>autism the post
calm down, no one has even addressed the fact that the rings could easily be destroyed in transit. If the imperium knew that they had galaxy killing rings every ship would be after those things launching world cracking torpedoes at them. not to even mention the fact that the necrons have similar technology like the world engine that could annihilate them. AND THE RINGS WOULD NOT EVEN KILL THE NECRONS!
>The cost of the war was measured in human lives, and the death toll spiraled towards the billions.
>Please, post direct numbers
Should I remind?
>so its not out of the realm of possibility
ONLY straight numbers from fluff.
>, and these cities by themselves can have a population into the billions
Vraks, as the whole planet, was one big city, yet still the whole traitor forces were lower than combined armies of China, US, India, Russia, North and South Koreas (just six countries).
>still, SW and ST do not have an answer for space marines,
Even multilaser penetrating power-armor.
or the ctan, or chaos, or anyone in who is in the warp when the fire.
>The imperium is a fascist autocracy,
Nope, it's multicultural state now.
>The imperium would be willing to do things that the SW and ST governments simply would not be willing to do, and the fact the imperium does not need the love of the people to continue gives it a decisive advantage over any democratic government.
That's why both, SW and ST have more practical Mass destruction methods and techs?
>of ferrying billions of soldiers along with supporting materiel."
>>Please, post direct numbers
>Please, post direct numbers
are you autistic or something? i just posted a source saying the death count was in the billions. im sorry that you were wrong but my original stance which was "there have been wars were billions have died" is completely true. Sorry I dont have the numbers down to the human, its lore for fuck sakes not an actual thing that happened.
>ONLY straight numbers from fluff.
dont be disingenuous, in war casualties are often stated on the low end of what they actually are, i did not reach any sort of unreasonable conclusion, and I feel the ones i made were conservative at that.
>Vraks, as the whole planet, was one big city, yet still the whole traitor forces were lower than combined armies of China, US, India, Russia, North and South Koreas (just six countries).
its ok you dont know what you are talking about
> "Further up power reaches the ancient lighting system, while even further up, air circulation systems clean the air for those rich enough to afford it. It is a hierarchical system, and a ruthless one, but given sufficient forces to keep the populace down, it is a very efficient way of housing billions of people."
>Even multilaser penetrating power-armor.
space marine armor is specifically designed to absorb intense amount of heat, this is why lasguns (which i would argue are almost identical to SW and ST laser weapons of the same size) dont even scratch them
>"Ceramite is a form of ceramic material, used in higher-end types of Imperial armour such as carapace armour, power armour and Tactical Dreadnought Armour. Ceramite conducts almost no heat, making it especially heat-resistant and effective against energy-based weapons.[1]"
>That's why both, SW and ST have more practical Mass destruction methods and techs?
would the SW and ST governments be willing to torture and genocide enite peoples? would they be willing to mind wipe billions and lobotomize them turning them into servitors? would they be willing to sacrifice millions of their own men in pointless crusades just to appease high command?
SW and ST could not even handle chaos. the imeprium will blow up entire planets, killing billions of people if they even suspect there are a couple cultists on the planet. SW and ST would be totally unequipped to handle the very unique and very dangerous threat of chaos.
>Useless, cannot travel without Astronomicon
You can use warp travel without it, you just need to make smaller jumps or things get way riskier.
>i just posted a source saying the death count was in the billions.
Yeah from BL, FW>BL and they have real numbers.
>sorry that you were wrong
But I was right.
>its ok you dont know what you are talking about
Except I knew
Strength (defenders)
Apostles of Contagion, Berserkers of Skallathrax, Black Brethren of Ayreas, The Faithless, Lords of Decay, The Purge, The Sanctified, Skulltakers, Steel Brethren, Legio Vulcanum I, 50,000 Disciples of Xaphan, 10,000 Vraksian Traitor Guard, 500,000 Vraks Planetary Defence Forces, 1,500,000 Vraksian Traitor Militia, 1,250,000 Traitor Frateris Militia, 1,500,000 Labour Corpsmen, 500,000 Lost and the Damned, Uraka's Head-Hunters,
China 2 183 000
Russia 1 902 758
USA 1 381 250
India 1 346 000
North Korea 1 190 000
>> "Further up power reaches the ancient lighting system, while even further up, air circulation systems clean the air for those rich enough to afford it. It is a hierarchical system, and a ruthless one, but given sufficient forces to keep the populace down, it is a very efficient way of housing billions of people."
I talked about engines, not about air recirculation
>space marine armor is specifically designed to absorb intense amount of heat,
That's why heretics multilasers easily killed Grey Knights in BL novels?
Your assumption that the government of SW wouldn't be able to keep up with the Imperium is stupid, I'll give you the republic would find it hard if led by say, Princess Leia but the thing with a republic is that leaders change, Palpatine would have a wet dream if the forces of chaos broke into the SW universe, the Siths would love it, the Force would bring balance to Chaos, because the force is in everything, so no matter what you throw at the SW universe, fundamentally, it will throw something of equal force back at it.
Easily destroyed in transit? The Halo Space superiority and FTL travel without the warp would obliterate 40k, it's why the Nids do so well in universe, as for the rings?
Necrons are sentient stupid, the Halo rings kill sentient beings, you'd perhaps have the lesser ranks of Necrons survive but because they are brain dead enough to survive they can't actually do shit without their leaders, who are sentient.
Eat a bag of dicks you have nothing to stand on.
>would the SW and ST governments be willing to torture and genocide enite peoples?
> Tank designs are WW1 inspired so that means it's all ww1 tech
Except they are made from materials were can barely imagine, effective laser weaponry, rapid fire handheld rocket launchers are common troop weaponry, interstellar travel is a thing, individual cities can sustain 3x more people than there are on earth, genetic modification, cybernetic limb replacement and power armor are all well developed, humans can live for centuries and humans have settled millions of worlds. But hey, tanks designed for trench warfare look similar to WW1 tanks designed for trench warfare, so that's all that matters
> One large battle I read about had less casualties than the entirety of the biggest war in human history.
There have been battles with billions of casualties
> Ships larger than some small cities cant use interdimensional travel to cross the galaxy without some form of guidance so they're useless
That said though, some of those universes would still beat 40k, even if these particular arguments are terrible. DBZ is just one of many anime more OP than 40k, Manhattan alone could wreck primarchs with ease, and it's hard to say with doctor who because the amount of plot armor there alone makes it impossible to get a proper measure of the power of groups like the Daleks.
>> Tank designs are WW1 inspired so that means it's all ww1 tech
Yes, any problems?
>Except they are made from materials were can barely imagine,
Blah-blah-blah magical metalls, it's existing in all sci-fi franchises. Does it mean they are equal?
>There have been battles with billions of casualties
Post examples with straight numbers, because it's obvious that 40k lore contradicts to itself.
>Blah-blah-blah magical metalls, it's existing in all sci-fi franchises. Does it mean they are equal?
Well no, but thats not the point. You can't take a scifi tank made of scifi materials and say its only as good as a ww1 tank because it takes some aesthetic inspiration from them.
>Yeah from BL, FW>BL and they have real numbers.
black library is all legit lore, just because you dont like it proves you wrong does not mean its not canon.
you are picking a single war from a universe were there are thousands of wars going on simultaneously, good for you.
you still cannot dispute the fact that I proved my earlier assertion that there are war where casualties are in the billions.
>I talked about engines, not about air recirculation
maybe you cant read, ill post it again
>" it is a very efficient way of housing BILLIONS of people."
>That's why heretics multilasers easily killed Grey Knights in BL novels?
>maybe if i cherry pick hard enough ill be right
40k was literally designed to powergame every other lore to shit.
>Necrons are sentient stupid, the Halo rings kill sentient beings
Im going to discount the rings entirely because it seems their function is not really set in stone. do they kill all sentient being or do they kill organic life? would it kill an AI? if it would kill and AI than how would the forerunners have repopulated the galaxy after the initial use of the rings, when they used machines to produce clones of the species they killed after the fact. The rings as a whole as a whole always bothered me because they are an extremely bad plot device.
not canon if it didn't happen in the movies.
>Post examples with straight numbers, because it's obvious that 40k lore contradicts to itself
Ones already in this thread, see
With doctor who it's not even just plot armor. Each enemy always has a crippling and easily exploited weakness that allows a physically weak pacifist and his plucky assistant to defeat them. A space marine strike team or a pissed off inquisitorial retinue would fucking wreck them.
>black library is all legit lore,
So as FW
>you are picking a single war from a universe were there are thousands of wars going on simultaneously,
Yeah the single, which was described as "largest and most brutal siege in IoM history since Vandir".
>>" it is a very efficient way of housing BILLIONS of people."
Great, so they will drift in space.
>>maybe if i cherry pick hard enough ill be right
You doing the same, so what?
>40k was literally designed to powergame every other lore to shit.
Yeah, that's why Space Marines< Terran Marines?
>not canon
Say it to Alderan.
>Ones already in this thread,
No staright numbers,
Hello! The *Orz* are *happy campers*. We would like to make you *happy campers* too
Its a quote that directly states billions. Its more than sufficient proof. We don't need to know if it was exactly say 3.876 billion
get fucked
The largest seig is no where near the same as the largest war. A war often involves several even dozens of individual seiges.
Universes like sw or st have almost no ballistic defenses a bolter would turn a storm trooper into mashed potatoes, a common Librarian would roasts any sith lord or jedi. the naval capabilities of the Imperium are unmatched even by advanced races like the T'au. Not mentioning the super weapons of the Imperium like Virus bombs. Id like to see Batman try and fight Guilliman in a melee are you fucking kidding me dude?
The Culture, Xeelee, Demonbane, Hadou Gods, the usual for top tier powerlevels.
if you want, i could have include the examples of single marines dropping down from space and taking over entire planetary goverments. or of pyskers that can KO entire star systems and mind wipe the entire galaxy as the emperor did on maloch. Or times where single space marines have defeated transcendent gods (sicarious defeating transcendent ctan). I chose to leave these out because I was trying to be intellectually honest and take the mean for what most people write them as, If i include those examples it would only further my point, so no, im not cherry picking you fuck, i didnt even mention KALDOR DRAIGO
i like this line in particular
But they see him coming, and they know what that means. It doesn’t matter what cosmic dementia has corrupted their minds and souls. It doesn’t matter what eternal promises the Dark Gods are whispering in their ears. It doesn’t matter what inflated courage the warp has poured into their veins along with madness.
Guilliman of Ultramar is coming right at them. To kill them. To kill them all.
Even though they stand a chance of hurting him, they waste it. They baulk. For a second, their twisted hearts know fear. Real fear.
And then he has them.
And then he is killing them
guilliman is so terrifying he is able to scare literal demons from hell.
>Not responding to the key philosophical argument about each world's metaphysics and the superiority of the Force Vs Chaos
>Discounting key parts of lore because it anally obliterates your arguement
How about more arguements then, the Imperium of Man is a vast Beurocracy that can and has lost multiple baneblades or has continuously fucked up huge supply lines or forces turning up years after a battle has happened
The Galactic empire was vast and efficient, although it was beaten by Luke that was only possible because the balance in the force had been disrupted, so the force balanced it out, up against the Imperium, it's far more decisive because it only has one leader Vs the Council of Terra, who can barely agree on most things and constantly bicker
Chaos would actually fight itself, as it often does because of Tzeetch bullshit, it's unorganized and a mess with it's only real guidence being God's that are so fickle that they'd kill a champion who's won like a hundred fights because he lost one
It's done Spazboi, your universe just can't compete, give up, threads over.
>Is useless without a map
>Enjoy spending thousands of thousands of years just working out how to get from one side of the galaxy to the other.
Trek Warp
>Slow as fucking balls.
>Half a galaxy in seventy five years.
Warhamms Warp
>Galaxy edge to edge in a year.
>Marines can do it in six months.
>Ad Mech and fucking expensive Ecclesiarchy craft also.
>Don't need a map as long as you have a psychic lighthouse
>Lighthouse is out/can't see it?
>'Warp Skimming' is three times slower but can be done without a lighthouse and without an anti-daemon shield.
also sailor moon and madoka
Two problems:
1) Star Trek doesn't put the same hard barrier between FTL and non-FTL that 40k and Star Wars does. The Federation ship will be moving at speeds such that I'm not sure the Imperium even has the instruments to track it accurately, let alone turn the ship and fire on it.
2) As far as I remember Star Trek shields are a total no-sell unless you know their frequency. I don't think anyone in the 40k universe is in the mindset needed to try something like different-frequency energy weapons, let alone actually having the ability and technical know-how to even do it.
Unrelated to that but Star Trek has a lot of very scary guns that they don't use because of Space Geneva, which I doubt would survive contact with the Imperium. Like in one episode Picard uses the tractor beam to generate an earthquake so the people on the planet will think he's magic.
The 40K universe consistently one ups itself to be the biggest braggart in the LGS schoolyard.
Any arguments against it tend to be met with "Nuh-uh times infinity plus one no touchbacks"
>11 minutes pondering how to defeat this new and scary foe which just killed yamcha, 10 minutes powering up super saiyan form, and 1 minute dropping a kamehameha
Which still spans across 10 episodes.
The fact that a single above average man was able to topple and entire galactic empire speak more for the fragility of the SW universe than anything
The imperiums organizational capabilities shouldn't be under estimated. It is afterall an empire that has managed to survive total war against multiple other galactic superpowers for 10,000 years straight. Sure its flawed but no argument can be made that its ineffective.
Do shields prevent from teleport strikes? If i recall they dont, so there is nothing stopping terminators from teleporting in and just slaughtering everyone.
how can you seriously suggest the imperial gov is useless when they have been besieged from all sides by other galactic empires multitudes stronger than SW and ST for over 10k years? there is a lot of waste in the imperial gov, but almost all that waste is human, something they have an abundance of.
40k is small time
>Demonbane, Hadou Gods
Is it really fair to bring in cosmic fantasy settings? I know 40k isn't exactly hard science, but still.
>calling other people spaz's
>Do shields prevent from teleport strikes?
Yes. It works like weapons, sometimes enemies technobabble their way into teleporting through shields, but I have less hope of the Imperium pulling that off than the energy weapon thing.
>Mistaking my philosophical points for Fag-Ops autistic obsession with statistics
Ain't me asking for that shit, it's pointless arguing statistics for two different universes, you can only argue ideas.
I would argue that imperial teleportation tech is a lot better than what the aliance have. Not to even mention the fact that the warp is a thing in the 40k universe
I think that ST and 40k is a really bad matchup, they play by to many different rules to really be compared. Still i would argue that the imperial government would simply break the aliance with the levels of depravity it would be willing to go to in order to win.
This pretty much sums it up. Right now there is probably a BL author here taking notes to make even more OP versions of everyone elses shit. It's a universe full of one-upping mary sues, and it will always be more powerful than most universes outside of anime for this simple reason, even if that means 90% of the lore is unreadable bullshit about why X hero is unbeatable or why Y faction will eventually rule the galaxy.
Which is why I like genestealer cults and dark eldar. Because they can't win.
The word billions literally means two or more billion.
So you want a straight number, then all you have to do is read 'billions' as two billion each and every time and you will get the MINIMUM specific number of people involved.
Now try to be a bit less autistic about it.
Wait. If Luke was able to bring down the Empire single handedly, doesn't that actually mean the Empire was a fragile house of cards?
Plenty for the simple fact that most sci-fi universes have faster, more reliable FTL.
A relatively high level owod or nwod mage would stomp hard.
The empire was strong but it was built entirely on the emperor. More like a skyscraper: remove the foundation level and it all goes down no matter how strong it is.
Consecutive serious serious serious punch!
>Individuals could beat a whole Galaxy
No, the Galaxy is too vast.
All your “stomps” would die of old age before they beat 40k’s Galaxy even if every battle was a stomp in your favor
He is obviously some SW autismo, he probably even loved the newest movie.
>The largest seig is no where near the same as the largest war.
Except the said sige was a siege of a fucking planet.
>if you want, i could have include the examples of single marines dropping down from space and taking over entire planetary goverments.
Ok, the I will just post a picrelated.
>means two or more billion.
It's also doesn't mean direct number, it's not my problem that 40k lore is so incoherent.
The Culture could beat the Imperium. They've been engaged in multiple wars and are led by Artificial Intelligences that have vastly more processing power than entire planets worth of humanoids.
God you are fucking autistic
To be fair, in Gurren Lagann, the 'individual' was the size of an actual galaxy, and thus could defeat an entire galaxy.
Wait, there are people than think WH40k isn't a joke setting and take it seriously?
>God you are fucking autistic
Just as you, but at least I don't have compensation complex
40k should just be enjoyed for what it is, a huge my dad can beat up your dad pissing contest
No, i say that as someone who actually works with mentally challenged children. I feel like im literally talking to one of the kids right now.