Guilliman was the Imperium's ruler. Leman Russ was the Imperium's executioner. Alpharius was probably the Imperium's intelligence expert. Magnus was probably to power the Golden Throne and Astronomican.
What were the roles of the fourteen other Primarchs?
Nicholas Evans
Perturbed's thing was building stuff, which partly explains why he was so mad all the time.
John Wright
So the Imperial architect?
Jason Sullivan
Guilliman was Governor, not Ruler - that's the Emperor's job (or at least Sanguinius's), and the distinction lies in the right of Veto as well as being a figurehead (who happens to be able to demolish armies single-handedly)
Dorn already was the Emperor's Praetorian, Defender of Terra and Imperial Architect. Likewise Fulgrim's legion bore the Imperial Standard, so he'd probably keep that role and be an example for the glory of the Imperium. And you could probably include Horus as the Warmaster, though there'd always be a fair number of forces outside his command.
Manus was probably the one most able to ride herd on the Mechanicum.
Mortarion I could see as Witchhunter General, leader of an Ordo Malleus + Ordo Hereticus hybrid organisation - he's suspicious, hates psykers, and has a stockpile of WMDs.
Lionel seems like a knight, so IDK where you could put him. Probably on Horus's staff, or as a head of a "small" elite military force in his own right. You get this sort of problem for most of the primarchs though, they're all exemplary generals in their ow right.
If Curze wasn't insane I could see him as the Lord Arbiter and head of the Imperial police. Lorgar probably has some role in the Imperial Truth, but that has the same "if he wasn't X, where X is a huge part of his character" as Curze
Lincoln King
>statues of winged little boys
I thought this was a blue board OP!
Jaxson Nguyen
Lorgar was the imperium's savior
Hudson Miller
Judge Guilliman, not me.
Logan Miller
Kurze was meant to be the Lord of the Arbites, it was just because he grew up on Nostramo where the law needed terror tactics to be enforced that he got a fucked up idea of justice. Leman russ on the same world would have taken over a gang and then conquered the planet by brute force. Kurze became batman
Michael Fisher
Fulgrim and Sangy were most likely intended for public relations and image.
Vulkan and Ferrus were for tech, and Vulkan as the necessary “most human” of them all, trusted with the doomsday button and last resort.
Magnus was for the Golden Throne.
Curze and Angron we may never know, as they were far too warped in their growing.
Russ was the executioner.
Dorn the architect and Praetorian of Terra, helped by Pert.
Khan, Corax, were probably for roaming work on the fringes, catching threats with fast response. They would likely be under Horus’ direction, where Horus is overall battlefield leader, backed by the Lion for strategy and tactics.
Guilliman was the bureaucrat, designed to monitor and maintain the vast administrative work that would be needed.
Alpharius was covert ops.
And so on.
Caleb Gray
Lorgar would be for educating people about the Imperial Truth. Libraries, speaking, that sort of thing.
Andrew Anderson
The Two Unknown Primarchs were made to be scapegoats
Joseph Watson
>Lionel seems like a knight, so IDK where you could put him
The emperor's... knight? It sounds like a valuable thing to have, soldier doesn't carry so ingrained a concept of honor, even if the loyalty of the praetorian is unquestionable. Soldier is more related to pragmatism, knight carries the weight of a name to maintain pristine, on top of reverence and duty.
Logan Jenkins
Champion, perhaps. By and large, the I legion seems to have the most access to archaeotech, and are also stable in similar fashion to the Ultras, so it may be that they were in part the “template” for other legions to pattern from.
Tyler Hall
Not the OP, but more than functions I'd like to talk about the primarchs in terms of the Emperor's aspects, like russ was the emperor's executioner and sanguinius the emperor's soul.
Jaxson Lewis
He's no more a knight by design than Guilliman is a roman. That's part of their cultural upbringing, but not intrinsic to themselves.
Jace Long
I'd probably add Lorgar to the public relations pile, with a focus on religion (Or lack thereof, but his upbringing similarly ruined that) and culture.
Mortarion could be added to the Horus pile as a reserve or line force to complement the Dark Angels, or he works with or similarly to the Sisters of Silence and deals with psykers and other matters regarding the Warp, as others have said.
Blake Phillips
The primarchs were crafted with literal, ancient magic. Their destiny being forged in their genes wouldn't be out of question.
Otherwise, how do you explain Russ, fenris, Russ's genes and space wolves rejection issues?
James Collins
Bullshitting this as I go:
The Lion was his nobility and honour. Fulgrim was his desire for perfection. Perturabo was his creativity. Jaghatai Khan was his sense of wanting to go fast freedom. Leman Russ was his restrained anger, or his desire to see those who do him wrong punished. Rogal Dorn was his desire for protection and his calmness. Konrad Curze was his sense of justice, and possible his inner sadism (Assuming Nostramo wasn't what entirely corrupted Konrad Curze). We've all looked up ISIS videos and shit. Sanguinius was his desire to be a figurehead and a symbol. Even if he denied it, putting on a suit of golden armour, conquering the galaxy and calling yourself the Emperor sends a message. Ferrus Manus was his manifestation of light-headedness and... I'm not sure what Ferrus is. Angron is his unrestrained anger, his wrath. Guilliman is his sense of leadership and bureaucracy. Mortarion represents his endurance and determination. Magnus the Red represents his psychic abilities and desire to learn and explore. Horus is a blend of all his characteristics. Lorgar is his sense of spirituality. Vulkan is his morality and love for humanity. Corax could be his desire for privacy and secrecy, but like Ferrus I'm not sure. Alpharius is his want to know, to aquire information, either to use it or for information's sake. He could also be his desire to be at many places at once.
Henry Turner
>fenris Spoopy DAoT prison world
Connor Garcia
What's noble or honourable about the Lion?
Gavin Perry
Kurze is his justice, vengance and vindication. Perturabo is his focus, his desire for perfection not in form but in function. Ferrus manus is his pragmatism, his understanding of necessity before feelings, and pain. Dorn is his obedience, his sense of duty and proper place. Sanguinius is his doubt, and his glory. Russ is his punishment, deliberate and an end on itself. Magnus is his ambition and his curiosity. Lorgar is his faith, his desire for a higher truth and an eternal purpose. Vulkan is his empathy, his capacity to feel the emotions in his fellow man, acute and unrestrained. Corax is his desire to get things done, his need to act. Alpharius Omegon is his control, his need to pull the strings and be the one behind the motion of things. Horus is his son.