I need some fluffy and/or comfy fantasy creatures to populate my world with
I need some fluffy and/or comfy fantasy creatures to populate my world with
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Pick a creature. Literally any creature. Make it fuzzy and/or chubby.
I'm not sure that googleing fuzzy chubby will result in what OP wants.
I cannot feel threatened by an oversized sparrow.
>inb4 moth bugmen
Did you even read that post?
I like these
>Giant gerbils are the mount of choice for the desert dwelling nomads
>Bands of wild giant gerbils roam the desert, carrying small supplies of moisture-rich fruits with them and guiding lost travelers to desert tradeposts
>Giant gerbils aren't "tamed", instead their would-be riders earn their trust over time
sounds comfy as fuck
Once I become Emperor of the World, my first decree will be to have every cow washed and blow-dried.
Giant hamsters are living weapons that know no mercy.
Fuzzy tho.
weebs should die
actually if I don't remember wrong that's just how that species of cow looks like.
guess this thread is not for you then
>actually if I don't remember wrong that's just how that species of cow looks like.
It's a meat breed calf in a clean winter coat. They're cute as fuck and as fuzzy and cuddly as they look.
Vegans want to make them extinct.
That picture is so sweet, I don't even know.
Vegans don't understand how nutrition works either and will make themselves extinct.
Not really an animal, but I think it still fits.
Tough choice for the cow. Extinction or slaughter.
Anything in the Ryuutama book. You can view it/download the PDF for free (in Japanese) here: mangaz.com
wait, I missed the next Wow expansion?
that's a basilisk isn't it?
Why does the Meowstress has two sets of ears?
>Magical fish which swim through the air, forming colorful shimmering shoals. If you carry food with you while walking, you will be followed by a shifting rainbow mass.
>Domesticated otters. Often trained to attend children and other at-risk swimmers in lakes and ponds.
>Sipper skinks. Long sinuous lizards with hummingbird-like beaks, they inhabit forested areas with many sources of sap and nectar. They dip their long beaks into flowers in order to drink nectar. They can be befriended with honey, which they would never get in the wild.
>Furry lumps with big mouths. They slink along the ground, feeding on fruit and insects.
Don't see a tail, so I assume part of her outfit.
>mixing species
>different front and hind paws
Don't do that. They all look very bad because of that.
love this
the OP is
>I need some fluffy and/or comfy fantasy creatures to populate my world with
>I need weebshit images to populate my magical realm with waifus
OP here.
I am ok with it. I mostly want fluffy PC races, but I find the thread enjoyable all the same.
>being such a pathetic fuck that you try to enforce your opinion and try to ruin someone's else thread just because someone posted cartoon characters
How about you just end your suffering and kys
You can't drive! You're a dog!
I respectfully disagree.
Its okay
All good then
Fey, Youkai, and other folklore monsters would fit the bill. The characters could have to chase them away, content them or make a pact with some so they let the village alone.
ANYTHING by Wood Splitter Lee Cross (pic related). All her work is small but the creatures can easily be scaled up to any size.
Planning on a Ark: Survival Evolved inspired rpg jacking most if not all creature deaighns from her.
I approve of comfy Thursday.
>tabby cat
>mixed with a parrot instead of an owl
That was their main mistake.
Simbly ebin :DDD
Simbly ebin :DDDD
This is Veeky Forums, my good user. I suspect it would provide *exactly* what he wants.
I think Reddit is more your speed
those who post weebshit are the ones who are ruining the thread
>but the OP is ok with it
people who get scammed are also ok with it, it just means they don't unerstand what they're doing
The better to hear you with, my dear.
All I had.
Ain't no rule says a dog can't drive.
ah okay i'm going to try and help