How do I do the whole sibling marriages deal in my fantasy not!Egypt without creeping my players out?
How do I do the whole sibling marriages deal in my fantasy not!Egypt without creeping my players out?
make it symbollic.
Or just do it. What do you care if they are "creeped out"? They are pretending that they are murdering people and taking their stuff, they can deal with some crazy royals doing crazy things.
Goddamn millineials.
Just do it.
If your players are creeped out by the sibling marriage tradition, keep them far, far away from the rest of Egyptian mythology.
Shit's wierd, yo.
Basically all pre-Christian myth is weird and fucky, in the figurative and literal senses of the word.
I mean, if bestiality is icky to you, don't study Greek myth, for example. Fucking Zeus, what the fuck.
>Fucking Zeus
a feat one too many can claim
A sudden blow: the great wings beating still
Above the staggering girl, her thighs caressed
By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill,
He holds her helpless breast upon his breast.
How can those terrified vague fingers push
The feathered glory from her loosening thighs?
And how can body, laid in that white rush,
But feel the strange heart beating where it lies?
A shudder in the loins engenders there
The broken wall, the burning roof and tower
And Agamemnon dead.
Being so caught up,
So mastered by the brute blood of the air,
Did she put on his knowledge with his power
Before the indifferent beak could let her drop?
Nothing wrong with fucking a hot sibling, just makes the fornication that much more addictive and sweaty. Never-mind the 'good' chemistry shared with the openness of familial bonds allowing it to go down when and wherever- It's basically one of the highest forms of hedonistic relationship next to grooming a daughter with a daddy fetish.
Besides, to make it even hotter, you only need to add the magical words of 'upper class royalty' and 'faith' to make hot cultist ritual sex scenes, banquets and orgies a thing with only the highest grade BDSM S&M Bondage sex dungeon things a reality here as per the hottest pornos's everything's good at your local black sabbath.
I mean if the gods willed it, then It'll work out, no matter what. Incest is the relationship equivalent of smashing two atoms together, it just releases boundless energy, or something. Hardcore love explosion.
The only ones that will creep out are the guys that have wet dreams with their sisters
One, as other's have said, your players are wusses.
Two, have them be "siblings" - in that both their fathers are ostensibly the king, but could also be the High Priest, the Champion or any of the Nobles that had access to the (very-accessible) harem, and their mothers are known to be different - make it all but known that the pharaoh wasn't the only one who would be having kids with his harem.
For bonus points have someone who clearly is one of their siblings as well.
Its fine creeping out your players, in fact that would be why I would add sibling marriage. so that their sensibilities(if not in conflict with the characters) would be offended and be driven to figure just what the fuck is going on.
they aren't related by same parentage, but were declared siblings after long, elaborate rituals. Somewhere in the past of your not!Egypt they figured out that fucking your actual siblings makes some pretty screwed up kids, but they still keep the brother/sister marriage thing because its part of the religion.
Reminder that the greeks viewed sex fundamentally as an act of creation, so Zeus banging things is a literal way of creating things. Plus his true form isnt even humanoid, so whatever.
Game of Thrones has made sibling incest in fiction pretty damn acceptable already. It's a weird thing, no longer creepy.
Ooh, clever use of a good upbringing.
Do it. If they bitch tell them to grow the fuck up. Or get better players.
Zeus was the original furry.
Remember, humans don't go into heat but animals do. Imagine how crazy and wild sex must be for them.
"Goddamn millenials" love Game of Thrones.
You white wash it.
No one wants your discomforting historical accuracy hurting their feelings in their self insert power fantasy
If you're that worried about them being turned off by it, just don't include it. It's not like the setting is a complete 1:1 of Egypt so it's odd you'd want to stick with that particular aspect anyway.
Unless of course the setting doesn't exist and this is just a thinly-veiled fetish thread you fucking faggot.
I once was asked to teach greek mythology to a friend's younger brother, I started with "the first thing you need to understand is that 80% of greek myth happens because zeus couldnt keep it in his pants"
>''ItS ThEiR CuLtUrE!''
Can you spell 'millennials' properly, so that my word filter won't miss it? Thanks.
GoT normalized it, go for it
>creeping my players out
Get a group that doesn't consist of normalfags
Don't masturbate during.
Why does it matter if the players are creeped out? It should creep them out. They can decide for themselves how creeped out their characters are regardless of their own personal OOC response.
>sibling marriages
>creeping my players
Better not tell them about Ramses the Great, then.
Tell them about ethical family bonding.
Wait a few years until they are in their 20s
>pre-Christian myth is weird and fucky
Christian myth is just as weird, you just don't think about it because you're used to it and also probably because the people around you don't point out the weird fucky parts.
I don't think it gets a lot weirder than Samson (I think?) being asked to collect a certain number of enemy foreskins, which IS pretty weird in general but pretty tame in terms of how weird religion in general can get.
what even is the fucking context of this.
It's a fan-made family tree from a handful of hentai games all made by the same devs.
I love that some friendly /a/non pointed out you can see them getting more and more inbred with every generation.
Good enough for the God-Emperor, good enough for your bitch-ass players.
Ease them into the weird near-eastern pagan sex stuff with more wholesome lewdness like temple prostitutes and no nudity taboo.
Make it boringly political. It's not a sexy happy couple, it's a duty to solve some internal family infighting or keep two parts of the country together or something like that.
>that feel when you're obligated to keep boning your sister-queen until she produces both a daughter and a son so you can keep the sacred royal bloodline pure
Kinda onesided tough, he wasn't the only one raping.
You're alright, user.
are you sure
it's kind of hard to tell
It was David and it had one specific reason: Jews didn't had foreskins, so it was a guarantee, that David wouldn't just went out and killing some Jewish hobos instead of actual enemies.
Plus, ancient Egyptians barely wore anything, so you'd be seeing your hot sibling naked or nearly naked every single day. People can only take so much.
So instead of creeping the players out, depress them by reminding them that they don't live in a world of happy lewdness?
Yeah, and their gods were furries- with one religious parable about someone getting fucked in the ass and cummed inside which according to this one book on it I read was actually HILARIOUS to the egyptians- yeah, some bizzare necrophilia male-on anthro rape scene was apparently the height of comedy for these people back in the day.
I mean, they invented BEE powered dildos, used honey as lube, and were always getting vanity sculptures of themselves with marked the continent- and probably also had secret Ayys they revered and fucked, Incest is the least of the fun that went down there.
>thread about egypt
>nearly 50 posts in
>not a single WE
Im proud of you Veeky Forums
and the rest is basically the same pool of collected myths that all the various mythologys decendant from the proto indo-european myths draw from
(like the one about recovering a lover from the underworld where the only noteworthy difference between the Greek and Japanese versions is the specific participants)
>not a single WUZ
>not even one KANGZ
Orpheus, is the name of the greek version.
>but there was N SHIET.
It doesn't matter because you don't have players and you will never do this.
Humans are in heat most of the time. It's only when women are on their period that they aren't.
>Zeus was the original furry.
You mean bestiality
You could have turned this into an interesting thread, but instead you just posted a fish.
In a fantasy world, the Egyptian royals are literally and probably visibly descended from the gods and inbreeding just makes sense.
post cool not!egypt art
Define "cool"
Just do it. Only idiots are offended by historical facts.
In Egyptian mythology, the world literally got masturbated into existance.
If you don’t think Christian myth is just as weird, you haven’t read much of it.
Let them bang a sibling too to break the ice
Just do it. It will gross your players out, and they might think that it's your magical realm. But they are unlikely to object in character.
Or maybe they will, and the culture clash would be interesting.
>All the powers of a god
>Also retard strength
It it weren't for the hemophilia they'd be unstoppable.
>tfw church paintings look the way they do because an angel took human once
>tfw actually they looked like Lovecraftian horrors
>tfw if you replaced all angelic paintings with accurate angels it would look like we were under attack by transdimensional eldritch horrors, to the point demons and angels cant be distinguished
And that's why demons take the form of man! It's so you don't piss yourself screaming while they're trying to seduce you to evil and sin!
That gave me a quest idea
Prince wants to awaken the primoridal god that the pharaoh's line descends from so that god can "replenish" the divine blood, so that prince can marry a girl he likes rather than dumbass sister
Poseidon was even worse, and hte fucked up thing was that when Zeus knocked up someone the result was often a hero, when Poseidon knocked up someone it created a monster that plagued the seas for centuries before getting killed by one of Zeus' kids
Yeah yeah, "be not afraid" and all that. It works, but I'd love for a movie or tv show to go full retard with it
>>Also retard strength
I think divinity probably frees you up from the negative side effects.
>actually they look
They are spirits, hence the "they look" statement doesn't make sense.
I don't know. Mental retardation would explain a lot of the shit the Greek gods got up too.
Reminder that the oldest millennials are in their mid thirties by even the youngest commonly used time span and if you're on Veeky Forums you're probably a millennial or generation z.
Interestingly the Mormons have a system for telling angels and demons apart.
You ask them to shake your hand.
>angels will tell you they are spirits and cannot shake your hand
>resurrected beings will shake your hand
>demons will try to shake your hand and phase right through it
Poseidon knocked up his own grandmother and gave birth to a half-giant who fought hercules.
>Athena is the only god who didn't get the retard gene
...Is that why the eders on my campus always want to shake my hand when they're handing out flyers?
That's some weird theology. I figured hand shaking would be like the whole angels on the head of a pin thing.
>How many angels can shake your hand?
>As many as want too.
Makes sense given she isn't a product of inbreeding. (Sorta)
It also explains her eternally pissed demeanor. I could see Hephaestus avoiding it too.
>MFW I have used pictures of Biblical angels as images of Eldritch brings in Call of Cthulhu.
Mormonism is rather interesting.
All humans were spirit kids of God. Jesus was the firstborn son.
All the kids were suppose to come to this earth to be tested and get a body. Satan didn’t like that plan and rebeled so they don’t get a body.
Angels are humans who have yet to get their bodies (well, besides seraphim and other stuff which are creations in God’s court, the eldritch ones are creations). Demons are humans who will never get bodies.
Biblical angels more or less are eldritch beings so
Naw, he's just an autistic neet.
Just wants to be left alone and build stuff.
Eternally friend-zoned by Aphrodite.
Kinda makes me want to run a Call of Cuthulu game with them as the "villains" and see how long it takes the players to realize.
I had no idea that Mormonism was that far off from mainline.
At that point they're far enough out there that calling them Christian is a bit of a misnomer.
They still believe in Jesus even if it’s a bit strange.
Christians works.
Utah dweller here (not mormon, btw)
Mormons are way fucked up. it's like being a DnD player and then being told "we are running a Call of Cthulhu game, wanna join?" the only similarity is that it's an imagination game with rules. and hit points.
Every description of biblical angels has them as some kinda eldritch beings already whose mere radiance will blind you or outright burn you
Show obvious signs of inbreeding or don't show it In a postive light.
Like one sibling loves another or believes it's disgusting but has to go through with it for the sake of tradition and upholding the family.
If you don't want to freak out your players handle it carefully.
If you want to freak out go full magical realm.
Yeah, but they've got an additional prophet(s). They're definitely an abaihamic religion, but they're not much more Christian than Muhammadians.
Only in the USA could they be called christians.
Also, if you are one of the weirdos (like me) that enjoys reading the Bible and other religious texts I’d recommend the Book of Mormon.
It’s historically significant, interesting, and has a bunch of biblical craziness. It’s a fun read even if you don’t believe in it.
wouldn't honey lube lead to some nasty yeast/indections?
These guys don't know about Ezekiel
>Show obvious signs of inbreeding or don't show it In a postive light.
This. There's a difference between depicting something in game and endorsing it in game.
Like rape and pillaging. If you depict it as an evil, then you're unlikely to disturb your players.