Torchstar a best.
Torchstar a best
she's a dumb floofhead. Proper t'au culture requires daily shaving of the head, what is she trying to achieve with that tuft of hers?
fyi this is what a female tau actually looks like
shut up kitten
>fyi this is what a female human actually looks like
There is actual canon artwork depicting pretty human and eldar ladies though. Not so for the tau.
Only under the oppressive, stick-up-your-assening regime of the Empire. Their tight-assed interpretation of the Tau'Va causes them to scowl and sneer and frown so hard that they become ugly.
>Torchstar betrayed the Empire and joined up with Farsight so that she could grow 80s anime hair
Seems legit.
Then post those and not terrible miniatures. Except you can't because the the only art of a female T'au is that one picture of Shadowsun, who is canonically a horrible old crone and hardly representative of what an attractive specimen of the species should look like.
>Except you can't because the the only art of a female T'au is that one picture of Shadowsun, who is canonically a horrible old crone and hardly representative of what an attractive specimen of the species should look like.
Hey so when the only canon depicitions are an ugly mini and an old crone then I'm guessing they probably are kind of yucky and not kawaii uguuuu anime girls.
>Posting the Living Manface and Inquisitor Lampjaw
You're not doing yourself any favors.
God, Tau need to be 80's-90's anime and always have thigh-high V-cut clothing, that sweet ass hair, fucking aerobics sessions, a dedication to fitness and joy of life due to short-lifespans and need fucking Synthwave blaring with Carpenter Brut for warfare.
Also, shitloads of gundam music, and Macross. need all of dat.
Also, I'd kill to see TauxDraenai Fanart, blueskinned ayy's unite!
Would commit Heresy over.
Are tau more Space Commies or Space Japs?
Space chinks?
Basically you just want Tau Knight Sabres, don't you user?
internally they're a blend of space jap and space chink, with an outward appearance of space hong kong
which is all the more funny considering how much all of those things absolutely hate one another
Eldar babes >>>>> Tau babes
Deal with it.
t. Guilliman
She's very smol. Only 150 cm at most.
How can she be a subcommander if she's so smol?
The one on the far right is probably going to do horrible things to us with her pompoms.
pof pof
The very worst she could do with you is honk.
Her face is fine but thats not the best part of her.
T'au are t'iny.
She cute and floof. And smol.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
This. Thigh highs refer to socks and boots and such.
XYZ-cut refers to the undies.
Have a chart.
That's canon for me now.
>women with combat boots
More Infinity than 40k but eh.
Quite honestly, the Eldar are more suited for that.
Eldar are too uptight to be genki and floof.
that's why we have corsairs!
also Banshees are very floofy
That's not real floof though.
Corsairs are okay.
I wish Jes Goodwin didn't have such a giant fetish for topknots
Topknots are a pretty odd choice to be honest; how'd he get fixated on them?
But that's Brother Dimetrius, so more like those banshees are gonna to be MANNED.
he might have seen em in old-timey illustrations of huns and figured it'd be a nice shorthand for "barbarian"
Most likely. Though I'm not sure; I'm trying to think of some obvious influence he might have drawn from culturally around the 80s, 90s or so.
ponygirl BDSM subculture?
That sounds about right.
Why are Tau and Eldar grils so lewd towards Human men?
Does he have a twitter? We could try asking him.
Tau can't dick unless Ethereals say so and Eldar don't want to Slaanesh again, so they need some BHC.
doesn't seem so.
John Blanche had an instagram account for a couple of months, so maybe he has one?
So, we're superior, especially in the way that counts? Whybhavent we taken advantage of this earlier? Why wait until King Smurf got an Eldar GF?
Because they're literally so uptight.They need to let their hair floof out naturally.
Very fit too!
Betcha she'd be more efficient outside of her suit, bouncing around and spewing promethium on the bad guys
Those aren't combat boots you fool they're geobaskets
Damn right she would. Leaping around the place while 80s aerobics video music plays in over some public tannoys, working up a nice sweat as she hoses them down with the flamer.
I thought the T'au didn't sweat at all.
How does she cool down, then? And how does she evacuate excess water?
Hah! the T'au can't wear those, they got hooves
Cool down I suppose by having a refreshing drink after a nice workout.
And we both know the answer to the second part.
I for one love tau girls
I'd get into melee combat with them if ya know what I mean.
I'll take an Earth caste with a side order of Air caste, to go please.
Blue best tau
She's a hot blooded Enclave rebel. Even her floofy hair is a microrebellion against the lies of the Ethereals
Draenei are a goddamn horsecocked tire fire, tho
What is the best caste and why is it water caste?
Water caste is the blandest caste, tho. Fire has the musclegirl thing going for them, Earth is plush and sturdy with dem hips, Air is tall and lithe, and Ethereals are stern muscular milfs like Balalaika if the male Ethereals are any measure. Water caste is just...there
u wot
I am like 80% sure it was just a random drawfag
They're vanilla if anything. Sometimes average is just what a guy needs.
Not posting superior version.
No, it was a quest. A smutty quest.
>not floofy
choose one
A man of fine taste.
Macha a cute.
Only good Eldar is a Saim Hann Eldar
The only Tau that deserves to be fucked by the hand of Man, is Jhi’kaara from the Fire Caste novel.
Damn Tau and their propaganda...
your waifu and the entirety of any attractiveness of her race is fanfiction and non canon. get cucked tauboi.
So, she's basically 40k version of Deunan?
Is he standing on a box. Eldar ladies are like 6'10
Kleinvoimond innit?
Did he ever continue it?
>Except you can't because the the only art of a female T'au is that one picture of Shadowsun, who is canonically a horrible old crone
I don’t think she looks that bad.
Reminder that water caste probably do actually look like blueberries, as they're selectively bred for their 'duties'.
Would you rather
>Fuck a Air Caste? With the caveat that you have to be very gentle lest you break their bones.
>Be fucked by a Fire Caste? Except it's Jhi’kaara and she's fucking pissed.
6.6 ~ 6.10 ft, actually.
t. kitten
>Implying he can even look at a picture of her anymore without bursting into tears and wallowing in a mix of sadness, shame, and denial for the rest of the day.
Seriously though, her facial features aren’t that bad or un-feminine. Sure she isn’t in line with the paragon of Human beauty standards or animu girls, but she’s still kind of cute in her own way.
Am I the only one who gets reminded of Osmosis Jones when looking at all these tau girls (male)?
>Tfw there was once a point in Kitten’s Life where he found someone who made him so happy, that he was willing to risk going against his people and beloved leader to be with her
>Tfw she wouldn’t do the same
Uncle Crawl is easily the best looking out of those 3
Damn it, Naga.
You know what's HI-FUCKIN-LARIOUS? Telling the same exact joke!
t. ThunderPsyker
Does this mean “Retrospective Review: Dawn of War 2” is getting pushed back another week?