>user! We need to talk, why are you collecting nazi figurines?
User! We need to talk, why are you collecting nazi figurines?
Because i like to do it? What a stupid question.
It's for my tabletop game, ma.
Said no one ever, least of all any of OP's friends or family.
> letting people know about your non-normie hobbies unless they're okay with/into it
They're stormtroopers mom, like in star wars!
I'm pretty sure every IG player has had someone mistake their army for Nazi memorabilia at some point
>implying historical wargaming/modeling is not seen as a more socially acceptable activity than science fiction/fantasy wargaming
But they're not German, they're more French in style and equipment?
It doesn't count if you're a neckbeard without any normie friends, user
Same reason I collect all the factions I do: to push tiny mans and tanks and aircraft around the table.
Are you going to ask me about the Soviets? or the Nationalist Chinese? or the British? or the U.S. ? Each has done naughty things in its past... Soviets killed more than the nazis, Nationalists were pretty ruthless against the commies, British starved millions in India, U.S. nuked non-military cities for the lols
DK are styled more on WW1 French than Nazis OP. Either this is really poor bait, or you need to learn some history.
Becuase i hate jewish space elves and negro space orks
But none of that stuff matters user, because Nazis are the evil we must compare everything to.
Apart from the title, I think my group would totally be down to play this. Fiasco seems like a good bet.
But user, these don't look anything like modern US infantry!!!
>"But grandpa, Hitler did nothing wrong."
Well obviously I need hapless bad guys to heroically gun down
My mom once found my baggies full of fake snow and flocking and accused me of buying drugs.
I was taking drugs but I'm not stupid enough to store it at my parents house.
My Cadians are painted in black/grey. A friend of family once saw them and said something like "whoa, so they are like space nazis?". He also said that he liked them.
i'm resisting white genocide with them mom, get out
Kinda sad that I can't wear my gw licensed commissar coat because people will assume it is nazi based.
Because you can't fight skirmishes with only one side?
Wearing a gasmask and a steel helm makes you nazi?
Kinda sad that someone actually bought that monstrosity.
How are Kriegers in 8th these days? I am wondering whether I should use them with their rules or proxy them as regular Imperial Guard.
They're pretty solid but are hampered a bit by lack of unique stratagems and relics. Grenadiers and Engineers are both very solid choices and Death Riders are excellent fast attack units.
According to today society, just being white makes you a nazi, especially if you voted for Donald Trump.
I also collect Communist figurines, you never complain about them. Who are you, Diane Abbot?
Britain didn't intentionally starve millions in India; local Indian government fucked up during a famine and there was a war on so material shipments went elsewhere. At the very best you could say Britain ignored Indians starving because the alternative was that India would be Japan.
> North America
> Actually white
Pick one. Pinkskin Reich when?
Most importantly, Nazis lost.
Once my dad thought I was visiting some Christian theology site.
It was Infinity catalog, old site with the motto and bio for the unit front and center rather than tucked away like it is now. I was viewing Teutonic Knights.
I sometimes go to /christian/ to collect christ-chan memes and sometimes post lewd anime nuns to see how fast I get ban.
>Catholic space nazi figurines, ma, please, I already told you.
>and sometimes post lewd anime nuns to see how fast I get ban
In Infinity General you'd be entirely on-topic, just make sure to put "Reverend Moira" somewhere in the filename.
I bought DKoK for the sole purpose of panting up in Waffen-SS oakleaf camo.
>tfw you actually collect nazi and communist figs
Unless there's something else about you that makes people think you have fringe beliefs no one will say anything.
>"Reverend Moira"
What's the story behind this?
Do people not play hwgs anymore?
I never have been but we did have a Nightlords player who was...well I wouldn't say Nazi as such because I don't think he'd be able to get his head around it from an ideological stand point but he was an edgelord contrarian with a hateboner for Jews
>with a hateboner for Jews
Not like fantasy or medieval settings dont have a reason for this.
>and gradually I began to hate them
I'm sorry, do they remind you of Opa?
They're for spellcasting and Odin worship. I need them as sympathetic protective fetters for the souls of SS warriors I collect.
Actually had this conversation. The fastest way I've found to diffuse it is instead of trying to explain the 40k setting I tell them they're not Nazis they're Austrian heavy infantry from the Italian front circa 1916, they predate the Nazi party by 20 years.
>user! We need to talk, why are you collecting Nazi figurines?
Mostly for a variety of Pulp and Weird WW2 games. Hollow Earth Expedition, Chaos in Cairo, Adventure!, etc..
Some "injured" members of the expedition. Luckily the Ahnenerbe have a comprehensive health and treatment plan. No soldier gets left behind.
Sure but we were playing 40k and V:TM so wasn't really appropriate. Well except for a short lived Sabbat campaign where he played our pack priest as a former SS Tzimisce. The DM eventually killed him off using mossad agents Muldstein and Skullerwitz
>fuck off tumblr.
>soviets killed more than Nazis
Except they didn't
About 99% of the neckbeards that have nazi IG are just waiting for you to say something so they can sperg out about muh free speech And cry that the soviet killed 150 bajillion
They're insufferable, but are some of the most socially awkward betas out there. If they get too excited and start harassing everyone tell them to fuck off a and theyll back down in a second
>U.S. nuked non-military cities for the lols
If I had a magic wand, I'd teleport you to the alternate universe where pic related had to happen because some faggot thought that dropping the bomb to compel Japan's surrender was "wrong."
>[citation needed]
>that reply
>not knowing about Stalin's purges
>AND his mistreatment of his own military
>AND not letting the civvies of Lenningrad retreat
>AND Stalin's own persecution of the Jews
>AND the cossaks and ukes
>AND the blatant mismanagement of winter lines which killed soviets as well as the germans
>AND his retaliations against his internal enemies after the war
>AND the rape of berlin
>AND the sack of budapest
>AND how Stalin fed 3 soviet armies into the jaws of little ol' Finland.
>then did that bit a second time....
I got banned from there for making an infamous drawing of christ-chan with a cross up her ass and some chaos marine figures on her couch.
wait, where is this /christian/?
i...have to know....
not that user, but you know that user actually kinda agreed w' you.
>2 nukes were not enough....
8 chong
Hitler probably killed himself out of shame when he realized that his life's work of being a genocidal maniac was being outdone by Mao and Stalin by accident
Thats some good thinking user.
Anyone dumb enough to mistake Krieg for actual Nazi's is also dumb enough to be unable to distinguish between WW1 and WW2 and label them all Nazi's.
For the glory of the Reich, fraulein.
It's a /leftypol/ invasion, some of the debris settled here and chimp out when they realize nobody likes them.
Those arn't my nazis.
My nazis are in with my world war 2 stuff, along with my GI's and soviets.
I know it will shock you user, but normies don't really know about about the World Wars beyond "The Nazis were the bad guys" and will assume that any sinister looking soldier in a trenchcoat and gasmask is a Nazi because, well, that's all they know. I don't think the US teaches anything about WW1 at all, it's all "We saved everyones asses in WW2 lets tell the story about how Uncle Sam beat up old man Hitler for the 1000th time, god bless america!"
That's exactly what i'm saying. I totally agree. Average normie see's DK, concludes it looks like a Nazi and therefor concludes that it must therefor be a Nazi. Which means that OP's post is not auto-bait or in need of a history lesson like the other poster implied.
WW1 birthed nations while shattering the West. It hurts to read about but is still undeniably fascinating.
So I don't mind losing as much since I'm playing the bad guys.
Except that both are British stereotypes of other Brits, but sure, if your safe space says so...
This was me until very recently. I have decided to start being open and honest with people, and it seems like nobody cares about any of it. I've also suddenly started doing better with girls. It's like I'm half a normie already. Feels nice
Being a normie sucks user, turn back now
German soldiers return from Soviet gulags after decades of labor (1965, colorized)
Well, now I need to get some Soviets in an appropriate scale.
Downfall called for the use of several dozen atomic devices to clear a beachhead
US corriculum teaches WWI. It's boiled down to: a lot of alliances are made, terrorists shoot and arch Duke and war were declared, and all the alliances come into play. Long, bloody, dry war happens with shitty planes and tanks shooting misguided people on horses. Trenches. Lots of trenches. Germany gets blamed and print so much money that a fort made of it would buy you groceries for a day. Then they get sick of it an invade Poland.
This paragraph will get you through a high school test on world war one.
>This paragraph will get you through a high school test on world war one.
Bit depressing how true this is.
Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it.
But what if repeating it is considered a good thing?
Because i like how they look and have a vested interest in WWII technology and warfare.
That said, I assure you I'm mature enough that my preferences in miniature games does not affect my politics.
Hitler deaths:
>~24,000,000 Soviets
>6,000,000 Poles
>1,700,000 Yugoslavians
>700,000 Greeks
>600,000 French
>600,000 Hungarians
>500,000 Baltics
>475,000 British/Commonwealth
>350,000 Czechs
>300,000 Germans
>213,000 Americans
>210,000 Dutch
>150,000 Italians
>120,000 Romanians
>90,000 Belgians
>30,000 Albanians
>10,000 Norwegians
>10,000 Danish
>7,000 Bulgarians
>2,000 Finns
>1,000 Swedes
>700 Luxembourgian
>100 Swiss
Total: ~36,000,000
Stalin Deaths:
>12 Million in famines from Collectivization/Industrialization/Kulak persecution (including 7 million Holodomor)
>4.5 Million Axis
>1.7 Million dead from deportations
>1.5 Million executed in Great Purge
>1.5 Million dead from Gulags
>1 Million post-war executions/gulag deaths
>350,000 Poles
Total: ~22,500,000
Eh, none of my friends+senpai would remark on it. They might no agree but they all know I'm far-right. Enough so that my gf bought me an SS dagger for Christmas 2016
>Laying all the Allied deaths of WW2 at Hitler's feet
I've had multiple friends ask me why I play "Space Nazis" so this is true.
I mean, he did start the war.
There are a mix of everything on the western front.
The name for example is german
Is that yours? That's a real nice paint job bro.
>Implying the soviet death of the war are all the responsibility of hitler and not gross incompetence from stalin who killed all the skilled officers beforehand.
>Implying the fight in Burma was hitler's fault
Could you be more intellectually dishonest
>collect bolt action German army
>idiot antifa player actually suspects I'm a nazi because he can't understand why anyone would collect "fucking nazis"
>they're not even nazis, just German army
>idiot can't comprehend that national armies exist regardless of the ideology of government in power
>I'm actually racist as fuck
>still not a nazi
Britain is heavy to blame as well for their foreign policy around Poland in 1938.
"We want to unite the German people under one banner. Poland you are good friend, can we have German clay"
"Well Britain promised that they would be our friend if we didn't help you at all ever"
Who started the war?
And do you really believe the Japanese would have dared attack the British Empire if they weren't already engaged in a huge war in Europe? If France had not fallen? If troops had not been stripped from India, Australia, New Zealand and the rest of the Empire to help fight in Europe and North Africa?
Nobody forced war on Hitler. He was given everything he wanted right up until September 1939. Every single death in that war is on him and him alone.
Guys... c'mon.
>implying i even talk to normies
>actually believes the memes about Hitler
Technically the allied forces were the ones who declared war
Who invented the fire?
>Nobody forced war on Hitler. He was given everything he wanted right up until September 1939. Every single death in that war is on him and him alone.
Do you actually believe this bullshit?
France and Great Britain declared war on Germany, after they tricked Poland to believe they would rush to aid them if they would defy Hitlers demand for a Corridor through polish territory.
They knew Hitler would attack Poland, and they also knew that they would sacrifice Poland to have a reason to declare war.