So... Why does Veeky Forums hate proxies again?
So... Why does Veeky Forums hate proxies again?
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Fuck off, /pol/. Hambly deserved to be banned because he rallied his followers to harass and defame people he hated.
Cyber bullying is against the law.
>Fucked up set symbol
Did you decide against the LotVs because the border was pointed out? Come on Jing you need to use your GOOD print runs for advertising, not this garbage
I welcome a push reprint at rare just for the foil stamp
That has nothing to do with proxies. Are you a fucking bot?
In my experience, if someone calls them proxies = /pol/
Chinaman fakes, however = Veeky Forums
Because only jobless soyboys that can't hold down a job or were literally born after the turn of the millenium buy chink fakes and I don't want those fucks in my hobby.
>/pol/ tries to fit in on Veeky Forums
>he rallied his followers to harass and defame people he hated.
Isn't... Isn't that what wotc and various employees and pro players are doing?
Congrats user, you got baited by a /pol/tard and his strawman libtard post directing the topic toward "muh white knights" and not the retardo who broke the EULA.
Daily reminder that when you agree to an EULA and then repeatedly break the EULA after being warned several times that your actions are in violation of the EULA, the company that wrote the EULA has every right to follow through with the legally-allowed actions spelled out in the EULA that you agreed to.
I don't know how much a set of these novelty chinese toilet papers cost, but I'm just going to assume it's still more than just playing via Cockatrice
I do nit appreciate being spoken down to or told what to think by someone forcing their own narrative. Harassing Mr. Hambley's family over Christmas is far, far beyond unacceptable behavior for anyone.
>Harassing Mr. Hambley's family over Christmas is far, far beyond unacceptable behavior for anyone.
Talk shit, get hit.
I used to believe that the horshoe theory was a fallacy, yet people like you constantly prove me wrong.
>If people are smart enough to not waste thousands on cardboard, i don't want them in my hobby
Now i understand why all mtg players are so stupid
>Families are an acceptable target.
I'd be happy to hit you. Anyone who ever says or types something like this deserves a smack. Say that out loud today, see if anyone gives you one.
This post is /pol/. Note the shitty trendy insults.
This post is also /pol/. Same points. They may even be the same person.
This guy gets it. Actual Veeky Forums calls them Chinaman fakes.
Can you even read? Do you understand the what the words that make up this post mean? His FAMILY. Not him, his FUCKING FAMILY. Who had NOTHING to do with this. It is absolutely ethically wrong to target the man's family for his own actions. Not to mention the fact that you are doing EXACTLY the thing that you condemn this man for you absolute imbecile.
>everything is /pol/, /pol/ is everywhere
I guess /pol/ has become our latest and greatest boogeyman.
>See a thread about /mtg/ proxies
>People telling him to go back to /pol/
So where can I buy proxies made by white supremacists instead of chinese men?
>Anyone who ever says or types something like this deserves a smack. Say that out loud today, see if anyone gives you one.
Congratulations, you finally understand why using your real name and face to call someone a whore on YouTube causes social problems for you! Now that you understand why Jeremy was in the wrong, I know we can count on you to stop making daily whinethreads about his ban.
No. They just use particular vernacular that is incredibly obvious. No one on Veeky Forums calls people soyboys or incels or whatever that current trendy slang is. We're more likely to call you a degenerate fuckwit, critique your philosophy, or insult you with board-related image macros.
/pol/ is this generations /b/; a bunch of half informed plebs who think they don't shit up everywhere they post. This thread, like all the others in the past month, hits the whole litany of check boxes for your retarded board.
I wouldn't recommend it- the card selection is a lot worse.
>What is a Confirmation Bias?
I have no idea what you guys are talking about but I thought I would add in here for anyone reading this that EULAs are not allowed to violate the law. Because some idiots will see what you say and think that a company can literally murder you if you agree to it. I see too many idiots thinking that EULAs are the word of god.
Now continue with your bickering over card games or whatever.
Wow, you sure are condescending for a person okay with someone's family being threatened.
>We're more likely to call you a degenerate fuckwit, critique your philosophy, or insult you with board-related image macros.
Which is ironic because that's what /pol/ was like back in 2015 before it became Reddit's personal sekrit klub.
Exactly, but it's true.
Good trolls used to be indistinguishable from regular posters. Now you can just Ctrl+f "cuck" and figure it out really easily.
In other words /pol/ migrated and you're stuck with bots and shills that can't debate.
I think it should be "bots, shills, and children that can't debate"
>Wow, you sure are condescending for a person okay with someone's family being threatened.
If you use your real name and face to start shit, I don't know why you would be surprised that you get hit. Typical millennials, thinking that "free speech" allows you to skate through life insulting people without consequence.
Note that at no point during this post did I seek the internet celebrity status that would come from attaching my real-world identity to this post.
As much as I dislike the price of some of the cards I buy, proxies will not fix that. All it'll do is cause distrust among the secondhand markets which handle most of the promoting and major events for the game which in turn are a major lifeblood of the game.
So please kindly fuck off with the shilling of these proxies.
I don't know, dude.
I was pretty happy to see Glazed Hambly get banned, but fucking with someone's family is pretty low.
But here's the thing,
I haven't used /pol/ in years, and certainly not as much as I use Veeky Forums.
And I call them proxies because that is a common term for them everywhere.
And I'm certain that this inconsistency is not unique and there are many more uses of language where this occurs.
Your infallible system of detecting /pol/lution is inherently flawed.
I want MtG to die though. You can't stop us, every year we're closer and closer to perfect copies and when someone finally wins a big tournament with them, it'll be over forever.
I love that tg is so autistic as a group that people like you exist. Virtue signaling, by using a light racial slur, in order to show how much better than a supposedly "bad" group of people you are.
Like, am I the only one that see's the irony?
Probably the same reason /v/ magically started opposing net neutrality just before it was repealed
pro-corporate lobbyists
Proxies have a distinct meaning; using sharpie to write a card name on a land. Chinaman fakes are to be passed off as real.
>virtue signaling
>light racial slur
Hmm I wonder who behind this post.
>I was pretty happy to see Glazed Hambly get banned, but fucking with someone's family is pretty low.
The president of America does it.
and yet when the left do it it's a good thing?
really jogs my noggin
By this logic, as a reminder, the noble and intelligent denizens of Veeky Forums would then call fakes originating from Africa as: Niggerman Fakes?.
and yet you keep using that term.
the double think is astounding.
Pro-tip: the only people on Veeky Forums who use the term "virtue signalling" are /pol/tards.
If you fags want to pretend you belong on this board, it's fine, but you shouldn't expect to be treated like a fatguy if you can't be assed to lurk moar before you start shitposting.
Odds are this poster doesn't understand the significance of the name "Niggerman" on Veeky Forums.
I mean, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it must be a squirrel? Right user.
The description fits you to a tee.
Trump has absolutely nothing to do with this, dipshit. Stop deflecting and just admit you're a hypocritical peice of shit for trying to downplay these people's blatant breach of ethics.
I think that you missed the point entirely, friend.
Please continue to make racial slurs, threads about imaginary women, and others that are definitely in no way similar to any thought form on pol or any other board for that matter.
you are a unique, noble and bright snowflake
>Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequence ;^)
Yeah, nah. Fuck off cunt.
Funny, only one result of that in a thread supposedly full /pol/ trolls. Interesting.
>all these (You)s
Silly /pol/, don't hit on me
This thread is a meta commentary on the mental state of a lot of Veeky Forums users.
Truth is objective, boys, and it is out there.
>tfw everyone fears /pol/ now.
Hahaha good. We are everywhere. And these threads will never EVER stop.
>being so assblasted that you go glow in the dark cia niggers grade psychotic
I visit /pol/ and Veeky Forums everyday. I seriously think the magic fans on Veeky Forums are suffering from shill shock.
>having this image saved on your device..
I don't think you can directly upload a Google Images link without Veeky Forums X, can you?
back to
I think you're right. I've never seen this problem on cripplechan's Veeky Forums, though it may be due to the concentration of GGers.
I Captain America that text
Thank you, you don't see this problem on the other Veeky Forums threads. Only on /mtg/ threads when people are trying to accuse other people for being /pol/ shills
Like this guy
>newfag doesn't get the joke
It's OK, user; it just happened today. Someone in another thread used the word "yikes" and user thought (or pretended to think) they had said "kikes" and posted a rant about /pol/.
>this copypasta reply goes back two fucking years
You've got to be retarded if you think this isn't worthy of suspicion.
link to thread?
Using words rhythms with other racists and use it to counter-shill, that could work.
That how /pol/ deal with actual paid shills on /pol/. Take whatever message they are trying to shill and turn it into a meme like "WTF, I'm a cruz missile now!". Although in Veeky Forums terms, it would be "WTF, I'm a yugioh player now".
Infact, the first negative /mtg/ thread I see, I might shitpost "WTF, I'm a yugioh player now" to see how people react.
Devalues cards.
Also in left unchecked and the majority of the fanbase bought proxies instead of real cards it would invariably lead to the death of the game.
I don't.
>Devalues cards.
It's done strictly the opposite. Do Americans not take econ classes?
Christ, /leftypol/ has been super active on Veeky Forums lately.
Here user, I'm gonna teach you how to fish:
I'm alright with this.
It's because Veeky Forums is full of virgins who spend hundreds, even thousands on their games of choice. It's only natural they hate proxy chads
It causes social problems because nutters like you will destroy people for not thinking the same way. Keep it up, by the way, you're just convincing more and more people that you're not only insane, but outright dangerous and your ideologies are bankrupt.
If there is less demand for a card because people just buy proxies how exactly does it cause cards to increase in value?
Ni hao ping pong wing wong
Fuck off to /pol/ if you want to talk about the President of the United States. The only relevance President Donald Trump has to card games is discussing the cool magical coincidences that dot his life, such as the tower card vs his tower being struck by lightning during the primary. Or all the slightly interesting numerology.
President Donald Trump did not make it okay to harass someone's family on Christmas, and your political ideology doesn't make it okay either. God damn.
>Pro-tip: the only people on Veeky Forums who use the term "virtue signalling" are /pol/tards.
Absolutely not true; I've never been to /pol/ and I've been here since the board was created Get the fuck off my board and take your shit political flinging with you.
I think you've confused me with someone who cares about bullshit. You seem pretty upset, though. Might want to disconnect the Internet for a few weeks and get a better sense of perspective on your life.
You'll probably just keep getting upset at things beyond your control, though.
retarded trash is not a traditional game, which is the same reason quests were banned
Ha. Hahaha.
No, you see, he's on the RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY so he can harass and dox and do whatever because DRUMPF is President.
These assholes are trying to push their shit by using the fuckers on /pol/ as justification. We don't want EITHER OF YOU.
Perhaps you might like to do so and talk with people in reality outside of your limited social bubble. People are really not happy with your lot.
I'm The thread is here is still up, called worst feel thread. >>>No.57113485
Reminder that the position of the mods is that quest threads are fully Veeky Forums-related but need a separate board because they were taking up too much space (7-8%) on this board.
You seem to care enough to wank about doxing people because they do wrongthink. That sounds like someone who's pretty upset.
Anyway, everything touched by your lot withers and dies, which is great. Means more room for decent wargames instead of cons like MtG.
I'm fishing, but it's hard to find it since it doesn't show the replies so I can't pick out the "go back to /pol/" posts.
Son of a fucking bitch. I added too many angle brackets.
>death of the game
That's not how capitalism works. All markets are self-correcting. WotC WANTS MtG to survive. Wizards will go full Games Workshop and HAMMER the chinamen with lawyers and drive them even farther underground like what GW does with recasters.
But, assuming they can't do this very well and fakes are steal a huge chunk of profits (which is highly unlikely), then they will be forced to compete with the ching chongs, and competition between markets, elicit or not, is always good for the customer.
So, in theory, fakes will either not change MtG at all, or they will change it for the better. But this is all assuming that fakes gain any traction rather than remain in the fringe of the market, unaffecting it. Just like movie piracy.
Reminder that historical revisionism is one of the many reasons that we hate retards like yourself
>If there is less demand for a card because people just buy proxies
The supply of a good (rare cards) has been increased by a drastically inferior good (fakes). The already high price point of the good coupled with the market expectation that the good is an investment creates unusual situation where people are willing to pay more for the high quality good than the inferior substitute good.
This is in part the reason you've seen a drastic rise in the price of Reserved List cards despite the fact that the playerbase is more or less stable.
This is like high school econ level shit.
If its just for Kitchen gaming
I'm ok with this.
I remember that thread. I saw that post about the guy's mom died during a D&D session, got the feels, and left.
>historical revisionism
All american citizens should be exterminated for the dignity of the species.
So, do we have a bingo?
Thanks for the proof that you're just another retarded keyboard communist
No rational argument could counter this, just emotional dribble.
Can we agree there are wotc shills calling everything /pol/ and derailing the threads every time an issue with their cardboard paper comes up?
>historical revisionism
I mean, you can look at the thread the mod made. It's right here:
According to the mod who made /qst/, quests are Veeky Forums-related.
No? There is no economic reason for WOTC to actively pay people to go on Veeky Forums and spout stuff.
>Pro-tip: the only people on Veeky Forums who use the term "virtue signalling" are /pol/tards.
user, you should go see a doctor. Being this full of shit is very unhealthy and may lead to death.
Can we agree that Jeremy and his minions are starting the same threads day after day, bringing up all of the same talking points in an effort to try and hurt MtG because they dislike WotC's politics?