Why have you never played any bards as idols?
Why have you never played any bards as idols?
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Because I;d rather play that in Magical Burst or MAID RPG or basically any game except DnD.
I'd rather play most everything in any system other than DnD though.
Why play something that clashes with a setting when you can just play a different setting?
Why? Too busy playing Skalds.
I haven't played many bards. When I play one as anything other than a classical bard, I'll start with a rock star, then a jester, then I may consider an idol.
because I am not a weeaboo faggot, op
Because I did. Evil gestalt game, redheaded bard/cleric to abuse the religious conversion rules. Her colors were black, red and gold. Had the genderfluid antipaladin/mesmerist elf join her for performances, plus recruiting from captive npcs since a few didn't mind a shot at better stuff than mining alongside goblins.
GOOD GOD ABOVE THIS. I've had some many that guys make a character that doesn't fit the fucking setting and then bitch about it instead of just asking to play in a setting that their character will fit in.
Please don't bully her.
No, I'm not so weeby that I force anime shit where it doesn't belong.
Because you're lazy and CBA to learn any system beyond the one that everyone starts with.
Lipps are dual-classed bards/sex workers.
Idol "culture" is the absolute bottom-tier of vapid pop culture. It's like Japan saw the shittiest parts of Western pop music, asked themselves "how can we make this even worse" and then with true Nippon efficiency topped the West by every metric in awfulness.
>bard gets pregnant
OP never specified any setting
Idols as they actually exist would be much more interesting to play than idols as they're portrayed in anime. Real idols are held to ridiculous standards of purity by their labels and fanbases, made all the more impossible and hypocritical by the fact that the entire industry is controlled by the mob and every single idol is connected to, or at least complicit in, sleazy crime and corruption.
In D&D terms, imagine a theocracy that prides itself on being free of crime and having a culture that empasizes clean living and lawful-good values to an extent that borders on self-parody. Busking is illegal and the only public musical performances are church-subsidized liturgical choirs. However, 100% of these choirs are fronts for the thieves' guild that nobody likes to talk about.
I can get behind this. Might have to incorporate this into a future game.
>Every single thing MUST be forced into D&D
>Within D&D any musically-capable/sex-hungry/lol-so-randumb character MUST be a bard
I remember reading that bondage doujin about the pink girl. Shit was cash.
>not wanting to explore how different concepts in a game that promotes innovation
OP may be a bundle of sticks, but he wasn't trying to force people to be idol-bards, or even bards.
D&D is not even a setting you piece of hot garbage
It's A Dirty World then.
Do the mobsters fuck and pimp out their idols, IRL?
The only bard I've played was a dude, and I was going for something more storytelling-themed, though he did play an instrument and dress skimpily.
Not much point in keeping up appearances if you're going to be going down the dark and seedy route. Might as well just go ahead and portray some sick, twisted idols.
The thread should have ended here. There are some idol shows with a fantasy bent like PriPara, so it isn't as if you don't have premises to work off of.
Never been interested in it.
Neither has anyone in my groups. We never got into the “anime little girls” thing. I find it mildly weird to be honest.
Because Im a goddamn rock star.
Somehow it just feels wrong.
My Starfinder Envoy is an Idol. She plays thwe distressed maiden card to inspire her allies to protect, defend, and survive to help her make it to where she needs to go next.
She's also a martial artist and pharmaceutcal expert, so she doesn't need nearly as much help as she pretends to need. But she likes that protecting her makes them proud and strong.
Everytime I see Basara it makes me want to play a dodge-based Bard that does nothing but play songs autistically while doing fucking nothing during battle, including talking.
And keep going at it until peace has been achieved.
Never played one as a PC but I've had NPC Idols in a DtD game I run. With a minor subplot being the Mechanicus trying to roll out their own ones with zero understanding of what music and emotion have to do with each other and just blindly playing demographics.
Why does this one have one eye and an eyepatch?
I dunno, it's apparently 'Moe' or some other organic term and that's really popular with Tau
Having your bard getting pregnant goes against the very reason a bard exists.
Why do I know and yet not know that pic?
Also isn't there a story about someone taking the "perfect" dependant or something?
You mean, thrallherds.
>Why do I know and yet not know that pic?
Because it's an unholy combination of 'All that is Moe'.
Yeah but that specifically
It's Welcome to NHK, specifically the chapter where they are making a VN.
Thanks, though I still recall a storytime very much along these lines