And post cute orc boys
Stat him
Other urls found in this thread:
>massive lower canines that jut out of closed mouth
>no matching upper canines
Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10+25 (52 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —
they're tusks for display purposes, plenty of animals have similar things.
Are you retarded?
Tusks in terrestrial animals grow either only the skull or on the skull and mandible, never on the mandible alone.
What if the skull stretches around the mandible, kind of like a chin strap?
how does jaws work?
Orcs have swine elements
Pic related: pig skull
Interesting. I suppose if you got rowdy with lower-jaw only tusks in the way that elephants do you might lose your jaw entirely.
Generations of selective breeding? Same reason human women have breasts that are always swollen, or why human men have disproportionately large penises compared to other primates.
Orc 12
Teeth 26
Hands 2
Metabolism 14
There is some confusion here about the meaning of the word "tusk", as in different species it refers to different root teeth, often with different functions and therefore taxonomically vague. When a tooth becomes a tusk is up to some degree of interpretation, but being non-functional in the function of eating and being outside of the mouth commonly differentiate proper teeth from tusks.
>Swine, walruses, narwhals
In swine, walruses, narwhals, "tusks" are enlarged canine teeth, growing directly out of the skull (and mandible in the case of swine) but having no chewing or biting function. Male swine in their wild form typically produce both upper and lower exposed "tusks". In these species they are almost strictly sexually dimorphic.
Hippos possess both upper and lower tusks, which are enlarged canines. These tusks appear on both males and females. In addition to the canines, their incisors are often considered tusks as well due to their ivory content, but are functional in terms of interacting with food.
Perhaps the most known for their tusks, elephant tusks are technically incisors, unlike the aforementioned species, though they have physically grown out of the palate and exist unto their own on an outcropping of the skull. Elephant tusks are sexually dimorphic in Indian elephants but not African elephants.
Hippos tusks are dimorphic in that males are much larger than females.
>are functional in terms of interacting with food
Wikipedia says otherwise.
>The canines and incisors are used for combat and play no role in feeding.
How does that picture even begin to disprove the claim?
tfw ywn have qt orc bf(female)
We can't know what's possible beyond the curtain of death, user.
kill yourself
Is any bara race more kino than orcs?
tfw no orc husbando
Well that's all I got that's even remotely sfw
>this entire thread
Stop it you guys, I can only take so much
>cares enough to shave
>not enough to shave regularly
that's a lot of women IRL
What about indian rhinos, are their incisors considered tusks?
>dedicated and disciplined enough to spend hours training to be at the peak of fitness
>not dedicated and disciplined enough to spend a couple minutes shaving
Literally the wet dream i had last night
Have you ever shaved your pits? It's fucking awful. I tried manscaping one time and that's all it took for me to swear off metrosexual bullshit for life. That skin is sensitive, man. The hair acts as a barrier between the skin around it. Without that hair you get two sensations: the sensation of having a very sensitive part of your body constantly rubbed raw and the sensation of wet sandpaper scraping the hell out of whatever part of you it touching your newly shaved stink pit.
Hairy all the way. Just trim the long fuckers every once in a while.
The idea of women shaving their pits and legs was invented by pedophiles trying to make prepubescent aesthetics appear sexual to people without harmful fetishes. There is no shame in abandoning this sick practice.
>inb4 hygiene
If men can wash those hairs why wouldn't women be able to?
"Cambridge University zoologist Charles Goodhart believed men have long preferred the "hairless trait" in women, ever since the existence of the "hairless trait" occurred in our hairy forebears 70,000–120,000 years ago during the last episode of global warming. Goodhart argued that humans are relatively hairless today compared to our ancestors because women who were sexually selected for their "hairless trait" passed it on to both their male and female offspring.[14]"
He's not cute.
He's just a fag.
American Veeky Forums really is so much worse
male and female hair in pits, legs, and pubic areas is gross
everyone should shave
>Le conspiracy theory is responsible for shaving
I guess you never been in a gym. Or around bodybuilders. Yes, I'm aware being Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums is highest heresy. Doesn't change shit
It's hard to show muscles if you are covered in hair. And it does look really fucking awkward and unappealing when you flex your arm and then a bush emerges from below of it. A bush of oily, tangled hair, since your entire body is greased in oil.
It's nice to put quotes around words. You should learn to cite what you are quoting
Shows that she knows what's important. Prioritization is hot.
>all people should shave to show off their muscles
>everyone is chiseled
Never stated that, so why exactly are you trying to project this hard? Aside, of course, being fucking retarded and intentionally missing the point.
It's not gross at all. Stop being afraid of your body
>Sweaty, smelly tangled hair aren't gross
Found the slob fetishist
Women have shaved their legs, arms, and pussies, since ancient Egypt, you bloody mong.
Take a god damn shower
Nabbin that shit before it gets deleted, wew
Considering the colour of her hair and how masculine she looks, she prbably gets her armpits like that after only two days or three of shaving them. Shaving even more would be harmful for her skin so waiting some more days is the good and "disciplined" thing to do. Most women of her country are like her and it's not really considered a problem, anyways, unless orc culture is polluted by external influences.
not that guy, but it's from wikipedia, the quote is from the independent London.
>unless orc culture is polluted by external influences
Definitely should be. How come I haven't seen any stories about barbarous orcs emulating civilized humans after being conquered by them?
>The idea of women shaving their pits and legs was invented by pedophiles
Wow, and here I thought it couldn't be any more respectable.
In my setting that it's still work in progress and has never used for anything orcs will probably be like that (unless I decide to go with not!orcs), but conquerors instead of conquered. It's inspired by the middle east, where primitive savages from the steppe ruling over civilized peoples and adopting their culture was the norm.
How are you all so wrong? The worldwide trend of women shaving started during one of the world wars where razor companies lost profit from the men they had been marketing towards. Before that it was more an individual culture thing.
>Veeky Forums - Traditional Games
Someone's making a visual novel where you date an Orc Girl.
confirmed to be a girl, but whatever
Well this thread took many odd directions
Not that it wasn't fun
> cute
> orc
> boys
Pick TWO, then we'll talk.
Stat him
not sure orcs are just green people with tusks.
Whom'stve is this semen demon
>tg/ - Gay Orcs and Feminine Hygiene
qt orc coming through
And elves are just people with point ears. What's your point?
Yes. Dwarves, you tasteless fag.
Anyone got the goblinboi?
You know the one I'm talking about.
>Orc thread
>It's full of green humans and elves with tiny tusks
Warcraft ruined everything
Warcraft orcs don't really look that humanlike. They just don't have mud pies for faces.
So post a proper orc then