been thinking on working on one during my down time, and I just want to get some ideas thrown around. I was thinking of a 1d100 system, and each class getting their own seperate skills and feats as well as a shared pool of generic ones. What else would you like to see?
No, honestly, a socially useful sex appeal stat is at home in universe, and no, I have near zero interest in Wakfu as magical realm.
Camden Roberts
So, like comeliness? Perhaps it could provide a bonus to interactions to those whose sexuality would be effected?
Asher Wood
That's not as useful when literally every character is proportioned like a porn star.
David Edwards
One problem I see right off the bat: xelors and their time magic. How would you even make that work?
Josiah Perez
>How would you even make that work? They get to fuck with turn order, Force Cage and Time Stop effects, etc.
Jonathan Gray
>I was thinking of a 1d100 system Why?
Cameron Baker
because I like it better than dice pool and d20's been done to death.
Colton Clark
So, for no reason, then? You did not for a second stop to think about the potential benefits and drawbacks of this incredibly short list that contains less than a third of the options I can think of off the top of my head?
Joshua Lewis
D&D 4e.
Both games already play similar to each other.
Christopher Stewart
Honestly this. As a basis for adaptation it works surprisingly well.
Henry Morgan
I'm trying to adapt it to WEG d6, having a hard time deciding the class templates, will have a harder time adapting the spells.
Gabriel Turner
Pretty much. It's the system i have the most experience with, but please, what would you choose?
Alexander Lee
Dofus is better
Kayden Green
>>Dofus is better
Brandon Parker
Where in the world story do you want to start with? Before Ogrest becomes a big powerful entity? During the Ogrest Storms? How much would crafting/resource gathering be applicable to the game? Would you allow for Havenbags for the other players? How much would you force the players to adhere to the 10 commandments of each God? Is it based on how devout to the gods the players act upon?
Elijah Diaz
Just use GURPS. Use advantages/disadvantages like appearance and lecherousness, skills like sex-appeal and erotic arts.
Julian Ward
Yes, Wakfu is for horny preteens.
Tyler Ward
Crafting/resource gathering wouldn't be all that applicable to the game, but players could take professions in it ala DnD. Havenbags would be similar to Bags of Holding, as they're expensive and rarely seen because of it. Though this does not stop players from buying them. Devoutness could play a part in the game as perhaps a bonus that you carry as long as you follow your deity's commandments that would be lost if you break their commandments too much, refreshed daily or something. It could also provide interaction bonuses for other followers of your god/dess, as they see how devout you are or something like that.
Jack Miller
That depends entirely on what the rest of the system is supposed to look like.
Henry Jackson
The two depict the same world.
Not just preteen. The web animation called Wakfuck got me horny as well.
Using the exact same style and the very same voices as in the tv cartoon probably plays a part in that.
William Hernandez
>very same voices Wait wat. Same voice actors? Or did someone artfully rearrange sound bites?
Wyatt Carter
Certainly not the same voice actors, as it's a cartoon for kids. But the resemblance is uncanny.
I hate this sword. I hate when they introduced this shit on dofus
Jaxon Rogers
Dally is best boy user, be honest with yourself >best Paladin character in a long ass time >has an intelligent demon as his bitch weapon >punches demons to redeem them >has the best waifu, & gets cra ads of the daily >awesome dad >god