Lets come up with some modern day fantasy monsters Veeky Forums. Things that might flourish in the mouldering brickwork, forgotten spaces and undeseriable areas of the urban world.
>Needle Wights >A perculiar form of undead made from those who die from drug overdoses, Needle Wights are animated by their own unwavering all consuming addiction to whatever lead to their demise. They are of low intelligence and strength, but move slowly and quietly, often springing on their victims by suprise. Their victims tend to be anyone who has the particular drug that killed them, but when they have gone without the drug a long time they will attack anyone on the off chance they might have some. >The typical needle wight appears as a thoroughly emaciated human, their skin having dried out and become brittle and white over time. How the drugs they take still affect these dried out corpses is unknown.
Wonder who is eating your socks when you wash them? A Sock Eater, of course. Be wary, though, of switching to washing your socks by hand. The Sock Eater will go mad from hunger, and if it had a particularly nourishing and steady diet before, it might have grown very strong.
Grayson Ross
Catfish-people that try to lure in people to their lairs to devour them by posing as attractive people online, or conducting online scams of various sorts.
...They are kind of terrible at their art, but are terribly persistent.
Leo Smith
>Office Revenant >You know that guy who works in an office, he just makes you a little bit uncomfortable and he doesn't seem to work in the same department as anybody you know? Delving further may reveal he was a workaholic who died, but didn't let that interrupt his busy schedule. He works, after a fashion, showing up on time and leaving on time but never quite realizing he's dead for he's far, far too busy.
Liam Sullivan
are they literally catfish people? like, they wear human skins from their victims and stuff? I can't decide if that is hilarious or horrifying.
Nathan Flores
Orcs. Living in ghettos as parts of gang(clans) and being poor, but their innate strength makes them desirable as linemen in football. And they might get affirmative actioned onto the police
Isaiah Thomas
> Road zombies The victims of road accidents raised as undead by the magic still leaking from the tomb of a necromancer which was paved over to make the road. Broken, twisted, and charred bodies shambling along the roadside, some still dressed in the high-vis clothing they wore when fixing the roads they died on. More dangerous than regular undead due to improvised weaponry in the form of car parts, or simply the jagged ends of their broken and severed limbs.
> Vehicle, animated A particularly lazy mage has animated this vehicle to get him from A to B. It has some degree of autonomy, but retains it past the death of it's owner. Now it roams the streets as an unlicensed taxi, picking up passengers and depositing them at places the mage used to frequent, or at his former home. Traffic laws have changed since it was animated, and so have safety laws. Beware it's bull-bars of death!
> Fatberg Ooze A mound of solidified fat embedded with things that should never have been flushed but were anyway, surrounding a core of slowly-rotting meat. Slain victims are digested down to their bones, with their fat added to the mass of the ooze.
> Currency miners They took the term 'mining' far too seriously, and attack people with mining equipment to steal their money. At high levels, mining machinery is in use.
Michael Green
>Vehicle, animated that's a really good one
Joshua Cox
esoterrorists is full of these. golems spawned from snuff films, sexual parasites that manifest in repressed individuals
John Robinson
>Vehicle, animated Make it a pack of feral Waymos and you could make a whole adventure out of stopping them before they develop a culture and ramp up to Maximum Overdrive shenanigans.
Caleb Miller
Sure, skin suits help with the lying about being a nigerian prince or pretending to be a camwhore
Jace Foster
Garbage Golem >This disgusting creature was created by a hermit wizard. Garbage Golems range in size from tiny to enormous, and are completely indistinguishable from the piles of trash within the landfills they were raised from.
Cameron Campbell
Wire Spirit >An intelligent form of lightning elemental, Wire Spirits haunt electric circuits, internet networks, and television infrastructure. They are able to travel silently through conductive wires of all types, and generally claim abandoned offices and factories as their domains.
>A building inhabited by a Wire Spirit will appear haunted - electronic devices will falter and flicker, disturbing images may appear on televisions or be heard over phones, and footsteps or breathing may be heard over intercoms.
>Wire Spirits can disable electronic devices at will within their domain, and manifest themselves as humanoid clouds of lightning when directly threatened.
Isaiah Morgan
Mysterious malevolent "Russian hackers", sort of information age household spirit, materializes in unkept server rooms and uses it's power to do ""bad"" things. Sometime sepulchral "S-s-suka bliat"s can be heard form behind the closed door of room 404.
Ayden Sullivan
>House mimic >not actually a mimic, but instead a house that has slowly come to be posessed by a vital force by decades, or even centuries of use. Usually found in run down neighbourhoods, House mimics are abandoned buildings that need residents. To be lived in is their sole purpose, and they will try any means they can to gain residents. They will redesign their interiors, advertisements for them will spontaneously appear in listings, and they will generally make themselves appear inviting. >Once one or more people live inside a house mimic, it will begin to turn more insidious. the vital force or life that a house mimic feeds on is born from emotional reaction. Love, lust, anger, jealousy, greed, all are food for the creature. It will therefore attempt to twist it's residences perceptions in order to garner strong reactions for it to feed off, pitting them against each other, with only the smallest regard for keeping it's resident alive, all the while engineering them to want to leave the house less and less. >usually, a young house mimic will go overboard with its feeding frenzy and provoke their residents to murder or worse, but the old houses have gotten clever and crafty, and outside observers will never know of their presence, just remarking that there's always drama in that apartment building, etc.
Isaiah Bailey
So you're telling me the most successful house mimics are home to those real life sitcom shows?
Andrew Allen
essentially, yes.
Dominic Butler
Gnomes, also called "car-key goblins", are nigh-undetectable tiny nuisances which delight in stealing objects like socks, underwear, car keys, smartphones, small tools like tire pressure gauges, and mechanical pencils. After theft, they generally return the items to a place which the owner swears he checked thirty times.
These monsters can also be found stuffing cat hair and debris into computer fans and cackling at the user's grief when the device overheats.
Jack Hill
Fairly sure my old car had one of those in. And my old motorbike, too.
Tyler Bailey
>Dumpster mimics. They're a plant species that grow inside dumpsters/trash bins and takes it over to feed off of garbage, they digest it via acid and they're used in high-traffic areas for easy garbage disposal. The worst they'll do is create a pheromone that attracts birds in order to trap them. Most mimics are found right outside restaurants and can visible be seen lowering and raising the dumpster's lid in anticipation, usually creating a foul smell.
>Whispering Machine and Dire Dryers Washing machines/dryers possessed by a spirit, will often whisper strange, crude or insulting things to people using said machine, sometimes they'll make your clothes come out in different colors or change the clothe entirely, so your blue shirt might become red shoes. Laundromat owners try to get rid of them but they'll slam the machine door shut and make loud clanging, whirring and banging noises until the owner stops. They feed off water, electricity and the dye of clothes.
These monsters are pretty much nuisances than horrors
Connor Moore
Gremlins are an actual real modern-day fantasy monster invented as a joke to explain bugs and malfunctions in the machine.
An original one: >Address Harvesters: Magical imps that find your mailing address and then deliver demonic spam mail promising good looks, a large penis, etc... for selling your soul.
Ryder Wright
When I need good Modern Fantasy monsters I turn to the X-Files. Far, far more interesting than just shoehorning the usual suspects like orcs and vampires into the modern day >brain worms >the fluke-man or men >stretchy mutants >Pushers >insane inbred hillbillies >talking tattoos >psychic retard janitors >demonic substitute teachers >Chameleon men
Also, not X-Files related but you can never go wrong with C.H.U.Ds
Carter Wood
Trash mimics. This is the real reason garbage men get paid so well. Lurking mixed in with you're standard trash are mimics. They look just like a bag of garbage, but as you grab them to toss 'em in the truck they strike. Often only taking a finger or hand, an unfortunate few lose an arm, leg, or worse. These injuries and deaths are said to just be accidents on the job, but the men doing the work know what really happened.
Lincoln Thompson
I like Stepford wives. A group of cliquey types that corrupt the souls of any new women that move into their territory, and maintain strict control over their men. Main weapons are nagging and judging, as well as bitchy comments.
Noah Peterson
>Stepford Wives Do I smell a magical realm?
Sebastian Brooks
The direct opposite most likely.
Jonathan Lee
Horse people that were borne from the lost connection between horses and humans. They feel only endless rage towards their replacements and can be found vandalizing cars and hijacking public transport. Some places have tried to hire them to officially drive the buses and trains, with mixed success.
Chase Adams
Have you not seen the movie "Stepford Wives", they're pretty much a modern take on vampires, especially Lahmian types. It's as magical realm as any generic fantasy
Elijah Peterson
How about modern day cursed items, like rags that do nothing except make the possessors feel murderous rage towards the possessors of differently coloured rags. Computer games that suck the souls of their users over time. Weights that get heavier as the user gets stronger, forcing them to try any means to get stronger because they think they've stalled. Mirrors that make people think they're fat. Pretty much any psychological disorder can be used as the basis for a cursed item or magical creature.
Joseph White
A type of rage demon that possesses people and makes them go on spree killings
Jaxon Baker
A soyboy liberal WS 10 BS 0 S 20 T 20 I 20 P 20 A 25 WP 10 F 40 Skills: Common Lore (USA) (Int), Scholastic lore (Social studies) (int) Talents: Paranoia Traits: Mob rule
Camden Roberts
No no, I mean as the fetish "stepfordization"
Benjamin Ortiz
Sewer Alligator
>An alligator that found its way into the sewer somehow. Exposure to magical energies have given it the ability to manipulate it's form to go up pipes and eat people.
Justin Allen
Dire Racoon
Luke Diaz
> Fatberg Ooze London Sewers just got extra horrifying.
>bbc.com/news/education-42324932 >"The museum describes the fatberg's dimensions as being longer than Tower Bridge and as heavy as 11 double-decker buses."
Nicholas Kelly
Forsaken Pet
>A pet abandoned by it's owner, eventually resulting in it's death. The resentment and confusion it held in its last moments awakened it into a jealous undead that seeks to destroy it's former owner and attacks any pets lucky to have their own.
Hunter Taylor
Misplaced Driad >A being that lives in city parks, this driad either doesn't understand the "nature" of metropolitan life, or resents it. Its goals range from expanding the park, to kidnapping park goers, to general nature mischief.
Dominic Murphy
Printer Mimic. That is all.
Noah Jones
This sounds like some yokai shit. I like it.
Owen Murphy
Drug Spirit >Mostly found inhabiting raves and clubs, this shadowy figure always seems to be selling what you need. But be wary of his wares, as once you use it you'll find yourself returning to him again and again until you yourself become his unwilling host.