I have a bunch of nids here and they too have a bunch of hooves and/or talons. They aint got no feet either
Jayden Jones
I'm getting bored of fighting Mortarion, Magnus, Baneblade variants, Knights and Wraithknights. Does anyone these days avoid bringing huge fucking models?
Christopher Russell
Whats in it for me bud?
Hunter Hall
>You and I have very different ideas of "simple greenstuff work". It's just some balls of green stuff put in the sockets where the arms normally go and a bunch of tubes of green stuff to make it look more tentaclly If you want an easier one, then use this one as reference instead, just use the flyrants tail and repose it a bit instead of making a new one entirely
John Ward
Why would i not bring the best and coolest models?
Jordan Parker
tyranids are perfectly capable of forming human feet if that's what their evolutionary objective demands. and their evolutionary objective is giving me footjobs.
Aiden Campbell
>not having your tyranids mutate to have qt feet in order to distract the enemy Your degenerative narrative is weak and unforged
Andrew Reyes
Nicholas Morales
What ork lists have people been running? I'm thinking of doing one detachment of boyz and one stompy detachment with deff dreads and a gorkanaut
Kayden Stewart
The cool thing about Magnus is that although I see him all the time, it's almost always a slightly different assembly. GW needs to learn from this.
Isaiah Mitchell
>wanting something that's in contact with dirt 2/3rds of the day touching your penis I mean that's how you get space aids
So you mean it's not a gf but a harlot that will stab you in the back? I guess I'll stick with the hoofjob over a bunch of talons up my rectum
Dylan Wilson
>I've yet to see that orb of magic be painted as fenris burning Missed opportunities man
James Murphy
Genestealer cult pls go.
Carter Miller
>What ork lists have people been running? Boyz and weirdboyz. As many as you can fit. And a Gargantuan Squiggoth or two.
Adam Long
what would fenris look like if not a white ball though?
John Murphy
Matthew Perry
Nice pictures and telepathy without invisibility
Justin Sanchez
I don't know, what do other deamon worlds look like?
Wyatt Lewis
>spend 3 hours sculpting hair >In the end it'll probably look like shit why do I suck so much with greenstuff?
Brayden Jones
>not having the ice melted away as it burns Weak
Adrian Reed
Why are AoS models always so much better than the shit we're getting? I mean, compare this lad to the Death Guard.
Jaxson Foster
Jace Gray
>not buying 40k and AoS to convert your own models
Juan Roberts
Well, the Deathguard dont carry around giant fly-shaped shields.
Jayden Kelly
Would lightly converted blightkings make good Nurgle chaos spawn?
Please tell me those are not monopose crap that I can find in any third party company.
Julian Campbell
Because it looks like a child's racecar bed.
Mason Hughes
Is that guy at the front wearing Dark Eldar armor?
Leo Cooper
Well, those are some disturbingly well-made maggots.
Charles Smith
Even DE turn into Plague Zombies
Evan Green
Anyone have the most current thing approved Warhammer books image?
Ian Brooks
It's just colour scheme.
Andrew Morales
Heads up Veeky Forumsuys, sly marbo is 65 point
Angel Phillips
>The disease and famine Nurgle Aesthetic is dead forever >Only meme faced thicc boys now
Andrew Bell
Cameron Gutierrez
I bring an old Grudges Commander by default due to how many of these superunits people bring to ancor their armies. Then I laugh as the enemy’s keystone unit of choice melts under battle cannon and plasma fire.
Juan Ramirez
Yes. Death guard is all about tentacles. Tentacles everywhere. Tentacle Guard.
Alexander Campbell
It's going back to its roots
Kevin Ward
Tentacles have always been a Tzeentch thing, but apparently Tzeentch is now suddenly all about feathers.
Robert Hill
You know, they could've substantiated Slaanesh's force with not inherently sexual tentacles instead of going they tranny route.
Blake Smith
Slaanesh is about insectile parts.
Blake Ramirez
>It's going back to its roots
Caleb Adams
Jackson Cox
Jack Edwards
Is this guy still made from metal or is it resin now?
Also what do people use for their power armor Chaos Lords?
Owen Rivera
>Generic-ass plague marines with beer gut armour >Gets replaced with amazing range of death Guard minis with tonnes of character >Still complains Chaos players, everyone.
Kevin Cook
I steal loyalists and spike them up. Bonus points if a friend owns the base model.
Leo Gonzalez
>Also what do people use for their power armor Chaos Lords?
I use this model
Josiah Foster
They look dangerously monoposed
Adam Scott
Chaos players aren't forced to like and pick up every model. There is variety with each god for a reason. That said, most chaos players love new models GW have been releasing for us.
Jayden Edwards
Elijah Rivera
I've been considering picking up a box of HH marines and doing this, but that's also an idea.
I don't see it for sale anymore though that's a nice model.
Samuel Rodriguez
Not power armor, but that's a nice conversion.
Noah Hill
There was a very big backlash against the new Death Guard.
John Sullivan
I use this fellow and I don't even play IW.
Adam Gray
Where? /40kg/ is hardly reflective of general opinion
Anthony Ross
By who? Genuinely not seen anything but a bit of sperging on this board
Tyler Taylor
Considering ever DG player at my LGS now has a huge chunk of the new ones I'm gonna say that it's just people on /40kg/ that hated them.
David Green
There is always a vocal minority whining about every single thing, especially here. New DG is very popular in reality. Lots of people started DG because of the new models in my area, for example.
Jordan Barnes
That model is ass. Personally I'm using the DV lord
Jayden Stewart
IW colors or not this is the best model GW has ever produced.
Liam Phillips
any of those guys mixing in old and new models?
Oliver Lewis
Not where I live.
Wyatt Russell
Is there a good vehicle based chapter that already exists in the lore?
Grayson Moore
Mostly women for some odd reason
Cooper Miller
Pretty much any chapter can be vehicle based, but most people would probably tell you Iron Hands.
Jace Butler
Yeah some had old models that they are really attached to so they mix the squads, not all do this though.
Nicholas Diaz
Novamarines i think
Noah Ramirez
Iron Hands/Iron Warriors, Dark Angels Ravenwing, White Scars, Ultramarines Armored Company
Carson Hernandez
Same reason the women like nids meme exists, the new deathguard models are not a male power fantasy as much as regular marines and have the cute nurglings.
Tyler Lewis
I've been considering trying my hand at this Horus to Abaddon conversion. I believe Abaddon is canocally huge but his current model doesn't represent that.
Owen Fisher
they have a gaping axe wound between their legs, figures
John Reyes
>Chaos may have broke cadia but I'll never break your heart
Chase Howard
aurora chapter. Google them. Have very strong roots in the great crusade, come from a manufacturing world and have best tonks among Ultra successors
Ryder Torres
new here, what is monoposing?
Andrew Diaz
Abaddon is a manlet
Asher Rogers
Minis that can only be put together in one way, so they all have identical poses.
Oliver Butler
30k Horus model is very nice and this is a cool conversion. I've also read about Abaddon being huge, but I think it is a matter of perspective. Like in this art.
Xavier Clark
>Ultramarines successor Good lord thats a goldmine, it allows you to take Chronus as your HQ and also lets you field the Terminus Ultra
Brandon Hughes
Aurora Chapter is probably the most canon-supported for the idea of a "huge armoured force" chapter.
Others: Storm Wardens. Guardians Of The Covenant. Night Swords
Asher Moore
Think plastic army men except for a model 100 times the price.
Hudson Martin
I just refuse games against shit like that. This is an army game, not character-hammer 40k.
Noah Clark
Oh thanks! I can tell you that this set has 2-3 options for each blightking so you can chose out of 12 different minis to make from one box.
Kevin Gonzalez
It's pretty funny because those models are really powerful and oppressive in casual games, but get BTFO in competitive.
Hudson Long
Those models basically forced me to go full waac. They are so annoying that I decided to just spam melta Dominions and blow them to shit turn 1