Previously, on /5eg/: How do I represent a dragon in a vision without directly showing a dragon? With an undead menace, I can show a dead forest, with a kraken - something lurking in the murky deep, but how do I hint on a dragon?
>how do I hint on a dragon? >fields covered in >small creatures scurrying away from it followed by creatures that normally wouldnt be fleeing, fleeing from it >open skies that darken suddenly (not weather related) and everything goes quiet except for a single roar
Brody Sullivan
Red. Also, I can't show a shadow in the sky or something abstarct like that - this vision will be an interactive kind, and will be shown on a map.
Angel Torres
Black smoke billowing mountain Smoldering crater in the ground Furling, almost writhing, yet stationary pyroclastic cloud Sulfur vents Blood red sunset molten/melted gold black charred skeletons/corpses Slightly melted rubies Wild fires California
Matthew White
Kobold Pyro maniac Forge cleric who worships a normal dragon
Or a goo warlock of an undecided race with pact of the chain and a lot of pet rats.
Angel Cox
Charred remains of a destroyed caravan and from it a trail of coins and gems leading into a cave.
Alexander Nguyen
>I hint on a [red] dragon? volcano
Jackson Stewart
Size matters. If it's big enough it'll start changing the area around it's lair to suit it's element. If it's really big, it'll do that by simply being there rather than actively trying.
If we're talking Young, then it'll be building it's horde. A thin trail of coins for your tracker to track. Burnt and melted shit everywhere, maybe even a melted rock with the skeleton of someone who thought they could hide.
Dragons are typically big headed so they might leave a survivor on the map somewhere to tell the tale, if you plan on leaving anyone alive.
Andrew Stewart
Katana should be 1d8 slashing versatile and finesse what do you guys think?
Nathan Jackson
2d6 with finesse property imo
Jayden Butler
Can anyone think of 2 more quirks to add to this table? I love flavor, so having a large quirks table is always fun.
Colton Lewis
Make it d6 (d8)
Adrian White
1d12 (versatile 2d10) slashing finesse and +2 to hit and damage
Aiden Murphy
Reposting from few threads back, because i want more answers:
During our last session, my dwarven Battlemaster tried using Trip Attack on Giant Vulture (large beast). My DM thought it is rather weird that medium PC can trip to large enemy and considered giving the Vulture advantage on saving throw. We argued that it is class feature and it says nothing about large enemies having advantage and convinced him to let it be.
My question is: Who, if anyone, is faggot in this story? Is it me, for arguing with DM? Is it him, for nerfing my on the spot? Is it actually right thing to give situational dis/advantage?
>Trip Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to knock the target down. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you knock the target prone.
Jose Allen
>That image
Who was the sexiest character you’ve ever made?
Nolan James
>Finesse longsword Sure why not
Evan Martin
I think katana is just curved longsword.
Ryan Scott
Just make it a Longsword, play a Kensai Monk to make it Dex based. Or ask for a Finessable Longsword like the Sunblade.
Aaron Gonzalez
Katana even means “Japanese Sword.”
Ryan Scott
A long-ass time ago, back in the 1500s and 1600s, Japan had a blanket ban on brining rapiers into the country because even middling swordsman using rapiers were able to win duels against highly skilled samurai ten out of ten times. So obviously, the katana shouldn't be put as high as the rapier. That means 1d6 at most. Possibly less, considering how shit they are at anything but unarmed peasants and animals.
I think the most accurate stats for the katana would be 1d6 slashing with disadvantage against medium and heavy armor.
Michael Sanders
Owen Baker
Reposting for feedback.
Ignore the numerous typos I can’t edit from phone.
Evan Gomez
Golden eyes will never not be the hottest thing ever.
Liam Thomas
or I don't know, I thought sex appeal was in the eyes of the beholder. It always depends on what you find attractive I guess.
Charles Rivera
Tripping people larger than you, especially if you've trained to be good at tripping people, is not amazingly difficult all things considered. Plus features like that tend to specify when they get advantage based on size. I'd side with you
That said, DM's word is law so you might be SOL here.
Parker Gonzalez
My Tiefling Warlock who was tall, dark, mysterious, filed his horns Hellboy style, and had a shapely and firm ass (which was relevant to the story at one point).
Nolan Reyes
Starting a new Campaign
Give me all your In House/Custom Rules so I can see if I wanna use any
Landon Sullivan
Elf courtesan. Never had an image for it though
Gavin Lopez
I always aim for cute rather than sexy
Isaac King
As someone who is 6'7" and has a center of gravity in his fucking chest, your DM can eat a dick. Difficulty in being tripped comes entirely from how stable something is, not how big it is.
David Foster
There is literally no mechanical reason for a katana to be versatile
Henry Myers
Critical fails makes you fail so hard you die. Critical successes make you succeed so hard you end up having to create a new character. Example: >Trying to convince a city guard that you're one as well, and you're replacing him for your shift >20: You're so persuasive that you believe it yourself, and live the rest of your life as a city guard >1: You're so suspicious that the guard rallies as many other guards and adventurers as he can, and the resulting army skewers you
Carson Bell
I like giving a free feat, either to everyone, or to just martial classes.
Zachary Foster
Jonathan Wood
Go play L5R you weebs. This
Joseph Campbell
That first link is from the masterwork bastard sword meme. You wouldn't post before lurking, would you?
Daniel Robinson
Does that mean that with extra attack i can make up 6 attacks in round with -2 to hit? For 6d6+2DEX? Averaging 29.
Could you somehow make the special ability without six attack rolls in round? Couldn't they be just crossbows without loading property?
Jacob Richardson
That said I do think longswords should be finesse...
Julian Morales
That’s what I was saying, user. I think bright golden eyes are extremely attractive and one of my favorite quirks of making a character in a fantasy setting that allows that eye color.
Brayden Peterson
>Potions as a bonus action. >Dual Wielder Feat gives a +1 bonus to Dexterity or Strength. >Try out these resurrection rules to add some extra punch to your PCs relationships with one another and other NPCs.
These are what I use as far as house rules go.
Luis Green
Thanks for your insight. My issue with it is not as much about whether tripping of large enemies is realistic, but rather about etiquette at the table.
Henry Hall
Actually due to cutting motion used when swinging a katana properly, having the extra hand on the grip for leverage makes a tangible change in effectiveness. It should still 1d6 (1d8).
Parker Hall
Oh. Applying dis/advantage on the fly is good DMing. Nerfing a class ability on the fly is not.
Alexander Phillips
Parker Brown
Trying to think of a way to hack 5e to balance casters Thinking about using Apoc World and a d12+spell mod and making players roll to cast everything except cantrips.
Sorry user, apparently I'm illiterate and did not notice the double negative. Golden eyes are pretty awesome and I think my half-elven Rogue/Warlock would appreciate the compliment, she is pretty self-conscious about her body.
Levi Butler
Which category does my example fits into?
Xavier Jackson
Nah I want it to grant extra attacks. Not really balanced or intended for high level play. But yes someone with extra attack could fire six times a round with it. A level 11 fighter could shoot 9 times with a light.
The average damage is on par with comparable stuff.
3d6+6 from repeater vs 2d8+9 from someone with a longbow or crossbowmaster at 5. Difference is you have less range, it’s more expensive, and you take a to hit penalty.
Caleb Young
i actually meant to say finesse it makes sense for it to be versatile. Just reflavor a longsword.
Ryan Mitchell
What exactly is middle succes?
Also, note that every caster worth the name will have +4 or more in hist casting stat, making it literally impossible to roll 4 or less. This rule would nerf mostly low level casters and half casters, which are not really the problem.
Leo Bell
If you increase something's dimensions in three ways, their mass increases in theory eightfold. Mass is effectively resistance to movement for all we care about here.
Something something moments, moments of inertia, mass distance square blah blah I don't know exactly how it works out but what I know for sure is that being bigger will absolutely make you harder to push over if you try to trip the creature at their feet. If you push at their centre of mass, that might be a different story but you still have to appreciate that more mass should make it harder.
It'd kind of make sense if it was a huge creature maybe, but large doesn't feel big enough to warrant any special rulings. Technically a warlock can repelling blast a creature the size of a planet and redirect it into the sun. Your DM shouldn't make houserules on the spot that work against the players unless something is absolutely absurd, and large isn't quite absurd enough yet.
Julian Powell
Both. Your DM did good by making ad hoc reasons to use dis/ad. They also did bad by nerfing you on the fly. It ended up being bad overall because he used to former to do the latter. Also you broke etiquette by pausing the game to argue with the DM on a ruling, but it's understandable in this case since it was an ad hoc nerf.
Robert Brown
Boy I just typed this and I do not fucking understand any of the logic I used to reach this conclusion.
Ignore me I’m very tired.
Luke Myers
My DM gave us a free feat at character creation, and I decided to go mountain dwarf for 17 str. I took the shield master feat and am going sword and board fighter.
At 4th level, should I take the Brawny feat (+1 str, double proficiency athletics) or HAM (+1 str, -3 B/P/S damage taken)?
Jackson Hughes
>ass is effectively resistance to movement for all we care about here. "Tripping" implies that you're using their own movement against them unfavorably (so more mass means that /they/ have to work harder to stop themselves), not forcing them to move from the start. Other than that I agree.
Matthew Harris
I would make them normal crossbows that just ignore the loading property so you can get past the feat tax if you have the multiattack feature.
Sebastian Bennett
>Tempest gods send their clerics to inspire fear in the common folk, to encourage them to offer sacrifices of propitiation to ward off divine wrath. What FR and Greyhawk deities have this flavor?
Samuel Reyes
Alright so I’m gonna increase the extra shot penalty to -2 per extra bolt for the heavy.
So -4 to hit for all three attacks if you shoot three times.
Luke Nguyen
Borrow tags from dungeon world based on a middle success.
I haven't implemented it yet, just working out how to make it work without just slamming casters with a Nerf maul. And using d20s doesn't really seem to work unless the range of a complete success is really narrow. Like an 18+ My goal is giving an 65% chance to cast a spell based on only the dice
Andrew Robinson
Go Brawny. You’re going to be making those Athletics checks every round for your whole career. 3 DR never hurts but becomes less and less useful as you go.
Gavin Torres
Talos is the FR thunderbolts and lightning god for you.
Ayden Howard
>Nah I want it to grant extra attacks You are exactly the reason why homebrewers have bad name here. But if you are brewing only for your group, it doesn't really matter.
I argue against multiple attacks mostly because it seems unnecessarily complicated (tracking ammo, six attacks rolls!), not because i think it is too strong. (It costs like uncommon magical weapon and it the glance it seems to be similarly strong).
Also, please check the wording, especially in second paragraph of Repeater. I think "ranged weapon attack modifier " in not necessarily thing. Can i stack other bonuses? For example, Enlarge gives +1d4 to damage for enlarged weapons...
>3d6+6 from repeater >2d8+9 from someone with a longbow Pls explain like i am retarded.
Joshua Young
I would argue that finesse would fit as well, but such an argument would needlessly devovle into weebery so we'll just agree to disagree. Refluffing a longsword is easier and less work anyway.
Gabriel Perry
Haha, you guys ever watch any of CJ's class guide videos? They're really funny and have lots of memes
Trying to fix this monster, I added a save to end effect and gain immunity. Another user said I should add the ability to hold your breath but given how long you can hold your breath compared to how long combat lasts, I feel like it would reduce this ability to a pointless novelty. I could just change the ability to "any creature not holding its breath that starts its turn within 30 feet of a drowned, must succeed on a Con save DC 14 or take one level exhaustion" and simplify the ability, but I'm not sure that would make it better.
Oliver Bennett
>No Good Tempest god or goddess Garbage
Liam Cruz
That's what I was thinking, but I -really- feel like that -3 damage adds up like crazy. Even at higher levels, if I get hit 3 times in a round for 15 damage each (for a total of 45), knocking 9 off of that is still 20% less damage taken.
Cameron Sanders
I'd also appreciate thoughts on this creature: an arcane ooze that can drain spell slots from enemies. This was from the 3.5 monster manual III, and since people had said the "drowned" was a "fuck you martial" creature I figure I'd post a "fuck you caster" creature.
Nolan Long
All of my female characters have either been grouchy and unapproachable in such a manner, only "cute", or "holy fuck don't stick your dick in that, they're fucking crazy". Umberlee and Auril, without a doubt.
Brody Green
Why the shilling?
Joshua Turner
>"holy fuck don't stick your dick in that, they're fucking crazy". >implying Bards don't live their lives by the simple code of "Stick your dick in everything, especially crazy"
Tyler Davis
Thanks for your opinions.
>It'd kind of make sense if it was a huge creature The ability in question specifically works on Large on smaller
I think Umberlee works like this for sailors.
I think that if casters are overpowered is it because of options they have, not because they are too strong in combat.
Brandon Lewis
>The fight begins >I cast haste on the fighter! >Oh, nothing happens >Guess I will just move 30 feet back Sounds like a very good and fun mechanic, make sure to use it in conjunction with critical fumble table (two nat 1s on attack roll result in accidental suicide) and rules for dying of diarrohea when the food/water isn't clinically sterile.
Hudson Cooper
No no I’m retarded. I don’t know what I was thinking there.
But yeah I need to fix wording. I threw sharpshooter in between it, it reads “You cannot add your ranged weapon attack modifier to damage” the modifier being Dex. But I guess I didn’t specify.
I might just make it you can’t add dex or sharpshooter to damage rolls made by repeater attacks and remove the to hit penalty.
Caleb Garcia
Because he's really funny, and deserves lots of views. Here's another really good video on a funny fighter archetype
In the FR, you have Valkur and Aerdrie Faenya for the good alignment and Akadi, Istishia and Sheela Peryroyl for neutrals.
Oliver Turner
>Who is Deep Sashelas
Thanks for the suggestions. Umberlee seems to focused on sailors for me.
I do not want to play capital E Evil Cleric, just one who does the necessary things to appeal to the gods, so people don't get killed. Fear the god, not the cleric
Gavin Barnes
See you in 3 days CJ. Maybe next time don't advertise so blatantly.
Liam Reyes
Is imposible to fail with a 18 score so is more like >I cast whatever >It works >Of course it fucking works, why are you making me roll and additional dice for no reason every turn you stupid fuck?
Nathan Richardson
One of them was a borderline-psycho who was a hedonist and barely managed to cling to their admittedly-loose moral compass and used what was effectively a nailbat with extreme prejudice, and the other was a self proclaimed princess. That was also supposedly a police officer, and Alchemist Artificer. Who ran around in fancy robes chucking bombs at people or handcuffing them mid-combat.
One of them's bound to be a sadist and the other absolutely had a thing for tying people up. Shit wouldn't end well.
Jace Jones
That's my problem with casters. Theyd only be rolling to cast a spell on the things that dont already do so. So, fireball would still be a Dex check. Otherwise it would be too steep of a Nerf having to do two checks.
Easton Morris
Anybody have an adventurers wanted poster handy?
Need it for trope
Dominic Carter
>Akadi Do we have any information about this deity?
Kevin Rogers
Assuming i let someone use close quarters shooter so his arcane archer can be a tacticool operator and he decides to take 2 levels of ranger for the archery fighting style they won't stack to give him a +3 to attack on every shot, right?
Ryder Gomez
I would say it's working as intended then. It and mage or whatever can only just rely on spells to end engagements, that's pretty lame.
Carson Ramirez
Reposting the Elemental shifting staffs/rings, they have charges now.
Jace Adams
Akadi (pronounced ah-KAH-dee[6]), the Queen of Air, was the embodiment of the element of air and goddess of elemental air, speed, and flying creatures. As an immortal being of freedom and travel, she instructed her followers to move as much as possible from place to place and from activity to activity.
Check the FR wiki or something.
Kayden Clark
The 2e Faiths and Avatars has a long writeup on her.
William White
My femme fatale Rogue (Mastermind) / Bard (Secrets) half-elf charlatan (inspiration, pic related). I was a little hesitant to bust out a sex-as-a-weapon character at a table that's literally half grills, but when one of them waltzed out with a pretty-boy valor bard with Vega (Street Fighter) as inspiration, I knew it would be ok. Turns out they all think it's hilarious when I ham it up and start flirting with NPCs. Better yet, me and the valor bard (the two unreasonably attractive characters in the group) can't fucking stand each other.
Brody Robinson
>Faiths and Avatars I'll check this book, hope it's good
Jacob Nguyen
fresh day same old garbage
Luis Wood
Is the college of swords any good? I loved blades back in baldur's gate 2 but I doubt they play anything like that game, throwing around bigger damage spells like skulltrap and fireball than wizards.
They're mostly limited to illusion and enchantment spells this time around right? Can they hold their own in melee without shields? Also, dueling or DW?
Dylan Edwards
>Self-conscious about her body
Why tho?
Joseph Torres
Faith and Avatars is awesome and well worth checking out. But here's Akadi for you (the rest of the pages are special spells for Akadi's specialty clerics).
Bentley Adams
She has really nasty scars on her body (Patron resurrected her and uses the scars a branding mark), they make her feel less "sexy" and not as attractive. So she does not show very much skin ever.
Ryan Davis
New day same user! How are you doing today buddy?
Chase Adams
Everyone has scars, some more visible than others! I’d protect the heck out of that smile.
Landon Kelly
I want to be a druid-type that's all about gems. Is there a homebrew for that? What would you guys recommend?
Matthew Nguyen
It would have to be an 11+spell mod to cast and if you fail, well fuck. Sucks to be a caster. Still thinking about it. I just can't fucking stand it.
>Player gets caught because they're a fucking idiot >I cast disguise self or whatever the fuck >Problem solved