Show me a better example of Chaotic Evil done right than pic related
Show me a better example of Chaotic Evil done right than pic related
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The mask, I mean.
Majora's Mask was basically a Lovecraftian horror in a Zelda game about loss, death, grief, despair and, ultimately, letting go.
Shit, I need to get the 3DS version and replay that game.
Best way to do Chaotic Evil as a player within a party, I agree.
Don't. The remake changed a lot of things that ruined most of the bosses, and absolutely screwed over zora swimming. If you want a portable zelda, OoT 3d is a more faithful port. Then again MM3D is easier to find than the original copy or a collector's edition disc, so...
I mean, I could probably borrow the Collector's Edition disc my buddy has laying around.
He was a great character in a good show, but I don't think you should look at him for inspiration. He was sometimes chaotic and/or evil, but he was also pretty unstable in this regard. His alignment shifted depending on the needs of the writers.
I have no idea what you're talking about. The bosses in the remake felt fine and Zora swimming was great. Shit, the remake actually made the Gyorg fight tolerable.
this. he still cares about the crew and in general more than he lets on, but is still prone to greed and being a plot device.
Art is worth the pain.
He's fun, but I wouldn't call any league "character" particularly good.
I always considered Bender to be Chaotic Neutral. The fluctuations and capriciousness are accounted for by both terms. He only generally values his own pleasure, and doesn't seek to oppress or harm others just for the sake of it.
I think that you are right.
I was going to chime in ans say Bender was chaotic neutral, but you beat me to it!
Can Bender be even really considered evil though? Sure, he's a materialistic asshole, but he doesn't tend to do evil just for the sake of it, rather because it profits him in some way. He even has softer or more good moments from time to time. I would say he's rather Chaotic Neutral
>Sure, he's a materialistic asshole, but he doesn't tend to do evil just for the sake of it, rather because it profits him in some way.
that's still evil
Even though nothing generally comes of it, he does still want to kill all humans and brings it up whenever he can. I'd say his character is best when his general CE is temporarily tempered into CN because of caring about the rest of the crew, but the pathos of that works because CE is his baseline.
Not really, because he also does good things when they serve his needs. To be honest, if anything I would say that Bender is simply almost completely amoral. He does what he feels like doing and doesn't care about the ethical side of it a bit, which from our point of view can sometimes result in bad deeds and sometimes in somewhat good ones
Although I'm not sure. He's a literal anarchist, but he sticks to principles. Well, whatever, alignments are stupid anyway.
being amoral is what evil is all about. neutral is normal person morality, not really interested in helping people for its own sake but still has basic moral standards. if you have no moral standards you're just evil.
Here you go
I'm the bad guy? How did that happen?
There is no reason that someone who is evil can't care about people. Forgetting that is part of what causes a lot of portrayals of evil characters to be so one dimensional.
Ethics are not mathematics user, I understand what you mean and even pretty much agree with it, but there is no such thing as a single definition of evil. Saint Augustine or Kant would probably agree with you. Mill would not. Since the crappy alignment system comes from D&D, I guess it all depends on how its setting defines evil, which I don't really know since I've never been into D&D much
painfully wrong
>People who are neutral with respect to good and evil have compunctions against killing the innocent but lack the commitment to make sacrifices to protect or help others.
neutral is not amoral
And He-Man is a perfect example of Lawful Good
>People who are neutral with respect to good and evil have compunctions against killing the innocent
Haha, no, thats dumb
Only good characters give a fuck about "innocence" or the general moral standing of a person, neutral characters are by definition morally pragmatic and have as little obligation to show compassion as to show cruelty
>not chaotic good
He doesn't like rules. He doesn't like rulers. He's had his fill of prisons.
He likes killing. Breaking things, people, places. You don't get as good at it as he does without loving it. Everyone's got a sadist in them, and his has drunk deep from the chalice of murder. You should see the look in his eyes when he talks about killing a man with a teacup.
And sure, he's got soft spots. Kids get a pass. Women, too, sometimes, if they're not the dangerous kind. And he doesn't kill unless you try to kill him first.
He's kind of hoping you'll try.
Neutral is the baseline. Good characters surpass the baseline, evil characters fail to meet it.
Most people have trouble killing people, especially if they're not aware of those people having done anything to harm anyone.
Agreed. Riddick is Chaotic Evil PC done right.
CE would be the alignment that fluctuates the most based on id, and Bender doesn't give a fuck about much of anything. His least evil act was maiming himself to maintain a relationship with his roommate. Dude's chaotic evil.
The strongest argument for him being chaotic neutral is a love of animals, but even then he dumps the work on others because he figures someone else will do it in the end.
No, user's right a typical person that is willing to kill for their family without regret or steal something from work is still neutral. The base state allows for a lot of fluctuation but still requires reasons besides self interest.