who is your chessfu?
Who is your chessfu?
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Rook. She is always doing her job protecting me. I love you onee-san.
Pawn-chan. One day I'll make her my queen.
Knight-senpai. She's so cool and versatile.
>She's able to go in any position easily
You had ONE job dude.
Queen (male)
Chess QT threads are always entertaining because there's an even split between incels crying that they're forever alone and incels crying about women being dumber than men.
Gentleman of taste and culture.
[Angry László Polgár noises]
this is the dumbest meme. you couldn't just go with bishop and its obvious gender implications?
I want to shit in Bishop-san's hat while she watches.
So which one are you?
Hit a little too close to home, huh.
King (female)
redpilled Bobby.
Charles Dozsa, Hungarian chess grandmaster. Here he is being arrested for dine-and-dashing in Australia: youtube.com
Queen-chan (used to be pawn)
>is still humble from when she had no powers
>is the most powerful piece around
a gentleman of taste, I see
Obviously. And the Battle Chess version, specifically.