The eccentric "Supreme Commander" of a country no one officially recognizes has asked your party to take a detachment of The "Alchemically Enhanced Amazon Corps" for a training mission. The Supreme Commander has assured you that they are formidable combatants but haven't had "live experience"
Do you accept? If So what do make the mission about?
>Babysitting a bunch of rookies on their first mission Man this is gonna be fun
James Reyes
Do they have dicks? This is important.
Jose Myers
Deal with the rats in the cellar, armed with nothing more than their wits and butts.
Camden Bell
What enhancements do they have? Need to know what I'm dealing with
Carter Murphy
So they've got good base stats but dont have any levels?
Take them Goblin raiding.
Jack Sanders
How many civilian casualties are allowed?
Connor Miller
Including but not limited to Enhanced Strength and Endurance, increased healing, more efficient digestive system, can store nutrients for dispensing at will, and a resistance to temperature extremes.
Zachary Jenkins
So, what's their personality?
Jaxson Collins
Baring and demonstrations/information of specifically how greater these traits are I suppose the first thing to do is get a good feel for how stronger they are by testing them against some low level opponents/wildlife, just basic starting adventurer stuff and go from there once I see what they can deal with untrained Given my last character only made it to level 3 at the end of the campaign what are the odds they're already stronger than him at level one?
Joseph Wood
>can store nutrients for dispensing at will What kind of nutrients and via what method?
Kevin Adams
Probably rude to ask for "state" secrets. Start them on an advanced course, when one of them gets to the appointed accident you can look under the hood while treating her.
Brandon Myers
High calorie nutrient slurry produced by mammary glands.
Ayden Martinez
I think we all know how user The only question is if your on a several week/month long training mission do you test it by letting them consume the food all at once and seeing how long you can last drinking it with no ill effects or not
Don't need specifics, just a ballpark estimate so I know what to put them up against as a baseline, am I looking at +2 to a few stats? +2 across the board? +4? +10? Don't want to put them up to something that won't test them after all
Henry Campbell
+6 all physical stats,
Powerful Build: treat as one size category larger whe benifical.
Natural Slam attack 1d8
Gabriel Lewis
>+6 all physical stats Does this take into account the -4 Str penalty?
Ryan Kelly
Nice meme.
In that particular system its +10 str
Jaxon James
Damn that's good, and like I feared probably puts them unleveled as stronger than any character I've played Okay, new plan, see if there's any low level dungeons nearby, I'm assuming they're mostly martial classes so I'll be healer/support as usual Doubt they'll have much trouble once they get into the swing of things
>+16 STR, +6 all others Why am I even here? Am I just the medic/chew toy or something?
Also I really hope Mr Supreme Commander has some way to ensure their loyalty, with stats like that I have a feeling we may be welcoming our new amazon overlords sooner or later
Luke James
+10 not +16
Elijah Stewart
Still, that puts it in the 20ish range, one of them could kick any of the PCs I played asses I guess I could let them lose on an orc/bandit camp or something
Joseph Hernandez
Doctor Kochin, we've had this discussion. I just need a new body to house my brain. Don't really care if penis or no...
Evan Allen
It's already suspicious this country has the resources to support this alchemy, make a corps of them, and trusted a sample to an outsider. First thing I'd do is check that they're really enhanced and this isn't all theater for Supreme People's Champion to impress developed nations. Then that they're actually inexperienced and I'm not leading my own hit squad to a dark corner.
Jordan Reyes
Well, I do! And I do understand your impatience, but I would also like to point out that when you signed up for this experimental procedure it was explicitly spelled out that the final choice will be in the hand of, yours truly, chief surgeon.
Oliver Perry
You do bring up some very, very good points, but I'm assuming said "nation" is one crazy wizard and the people living too close to him to bother go saving. I suppose I go back to my original idea of letting them loose on a low level dungeon or just putting them through some basic bits of strength/ability before letting them loose on things steadily more powerful.
Also, if they're a hit squad, there's not much I can do to stop them at the power levels I normally play at, probably just end up begging if there's anyway I can serve them or their leader if that's the case. That's even ignoring the question of why they're after me, no idea what I could've done
Julian Hill
This thread.... I like this thread
Ryder Bell
Asher Young
If I saw a woman do that, I'd take it as an invitation.
Kevin Williams
Thinking about it more, going by the stats in and , they'd actually be a bit of a glass cannon at level one, great attack and AC, but low hp but after a level or two the increased CON should make up the difference Though depending on what you mean by >increased healing That may not be a factor
So yeah, low level dungeon like you would any other PC, but increasing the CR much faster than normal
Also I just realized I misread +6 physical as +6 all, much less impressive but still way overpowered, I am curious about what else is included in I'll admit
It's a good thread yeah >Pic Dear god, if they look like that I'd worry I'd be too distracted to get much training done I wonder if waifuing them/becoming their waifu is in the cards? Hell I'd just settle to have my head between those thighs
>Fear Not the reaction I'd have
Angel Baker
I want to lick the sweat off of those thighs Is the Supreme Commander accepting immigration to his land? How common are these amazons?
>The eccentric "Supreme Commander" of a country no one officially recognizes Wait a minute... no one officially recognizes this country? Does this place have its own currency?
I better not be getting paid in beans again damn it!
David Wood
You won't be paid in be@ns
Gabriel Walker
>M.Bison Bills So what's the exchange rate for these again?
As for the ladies... how many civilian casualties am I allowed to 'accidentally' let them cause before my paycheck's in jeopardy?
Aaron Russell
What's the going rate for gold for those? Also, how much to hire one of the amazons?
>As for the ladies... how many civilian casualties am I allowed to 'accidentally' let them cause before my paycheck's in jeopardy? I would assume as long as you don't kill any of the supreme commander's citizens you should be fine, maybe even then…
William Taylor
>Enhanced Strength and Endurance, increased healing, more efficient digestive system, can store nutrients for dispensing at will, and a resistance to temperature extremes. Uhh... I give them power armor and send them to reclaim the galaxy in the name of mankind
Andrew Campbell
Is said supreme commander a guy or girl OP?
Anthony Morris
Can I be paid in headlock time?
Jason Brooks
They're either an effeminate man or a masculine woman. Hard to tell.
Michael Roberts
Ayden Powell
What asked but is getting squeezed by their thighs, or smothered by ass/tits an option as well?
Tyler Evans
First I will have to get them proper armor and then we can discuss the mission. No warriors will be fighting in bikinis on my watch.
Cooper Watson
Fit, chocolate girls are the greatest miracle of this world.
John Allen
You will be paid in wholesome hugs and head pats you deviant.
Jackson Carter
I can’t help but feel like this a bad idea.
I’ll watch from my power armor 3 km away.
Samuel Gomez
Huh....Well complement them on their good tastes eitherway
>Not picking cow or horse Poor tastes, not horrible, but poor
>+3 dex bonus on average >And that's assuming they put a 10 into dex Odds are they're going to wearing light armor, medium armor at most. Hell it's not inconceivable a couple of them would get to the point ANY dex penalty would outweigh the benefits from armor Just need to get an 18 in dex, add the +6 and anything more than padded armor is a net loss, add a small dex bonus and even that's not as useful as a bikini
Jayden Nguyen
This is acceptable too, snuggles as well? Typically play young, cute male clerics so either outcome is nice
Justin Gomez
Party is summoned together to catch an alchemist on the run, was hired by Lord Whosits for a highly secretive and expensive project that he convince the King to not only back but pay for. Alchemist succeeds, using Dwarven and Goliath blood in combination with various other ingredients and magical treatments... He creates a potion that only works on women and kills all men who take it. He flees immediately after the male test subjects start dying. Not to mention the women get uglier and stupider.
You must obtain him if possible, his notes and any potions he has absolutely, and ensure no other nations get ahold of any of the above. Kill him if you cannot catch him.
Follow clues to an area with mysterious deaths and a strangely hearty but stupid female population. Mostly men, but some women have up and died in the throws of some unknown illness that is clearly the potion.
You find his lair and begin cutting your way through women goons. You make it to the alchemist. He sends a team of men after you that are clearly jacked up on this potion.
After you've nixed the old hail mary you go in to get him, he pleads that he is almost there, the potion is nearly successful, the mercenaries you killed are the proof of it.
Depending on how the party approaches it he can beg for freedom, offering what he currently has. He can offer to work a little more with the party covering for him, in which case a second group of adventurers come to investigate and the party either has to kill them or trick them. He can snivel and surrender. Or he can sudoku with a big blast of alchemical crazy that deals big damage to a radius on the man.
What he has now gives Dex, Str, Con +1 and -1 on Wis, Int, and Cha, plus a feat that they can no longer be induced to fear or intimidated and gain disadvantage on persuasion saves. Work on it you do a D6 for +1 to a stat plus the what he has now formula, females lay eggs, males have retracted penis. Dragonborn was the key.
Justin Watson
How about cybernetic wolf/kitsune hybrids?
Robert Bell
The Alchemist is Rick Sanchez.
Grayson White
Fools, the Intent for them is clearly only one thing. MARKETING!!
They kick ass and look good doing it to drive up sales/recruitment rates!
Jaxon Hughes
I'm down
Joseph Bailey
>implying a young cleric has the constitution to meet the prerequisites for Amazon Snuggle Better bring some potions son
William Reed
>Do you accept? If So what do make the mission about? Depends if sex is on the table, I want a good deal
William Hill
Unfortunately paper currency is not exchangeable in the party's current plane of residence. Is the Supreme One willing to pay us in either amazons, or the crafting recipe for said amazons?
Easton Gray
That's what the healing spells are for, part of the joys of being a healslut Though keeping a few on hand for them to force-feed said healslut if he runs out or they get more aggressive isn't a bad idea I suppose
Evan Howard
Cooper Bennett
A cow is good too
Jeremiah Howard
The girls are a bit shy about their issued garments and flotation devices for their first mission. How do you raise their confidence?
>his superhuman, alchemically enhanced Amazon warriors with godlike endurance and strength requires a floatation device what sort of two-bit operation is this alchemist running
Jaxson Torres
You'll be training them to swim, among other things, seeing as this batch may have been literally born yesterday.
Julian Gray
It still makes thing easier, even if they have superhuman endurance it likely has it's limits, plus it can ensure their gear floats
Hunter Cox
I thought they had inbuilt flotation devices?
I think that I should thoroughly inspect their flotation devices prior to deployment. Possibly several times just to be sure. I like to be really hands on when it comes to safety.
Aiden Bennett
Supreme commander never said anything about that, just nutrient dispensers
Andrew Bailey
Additional floating gear is issued to make sure the mission critical gear(pic related) gets ashore.
Brayden Perry
Never run out of heal potions, just look at this poor guy having to be supported by the amazon after his spine gave out during cuddling.
Justin Wright
Will need to invest in potion making then Sadly never got high enough level to do so Though being cradled by and nursed back to health by an amazon is good outcome either way
Jace Perry
ignorance is a bliss I do recognize that image
Isaiah Moore
>tfw you can't into musclegirls because you're instantly reminded of pic related
Luis Turner
your loss user
Austin Phillips
What kind of cow has that kind of tail
Ayden Campbell
Neat. I kind of wish he didn't go so 'hard-body' in his latest works, though.
Oliver Brown
Charles Mitchell
>What kind of cow has that kind of tail Dracow.
Hudson Nguyen
>Musclegirl >Fluffy tail Nice mix
I think, it may be a behemoth from FF
Hunter Allen
>You will never snuggle up with a qt amazon almost two feet taller than you only to have your throat "slit" by a goblin with a wooden knife she hired specifically to show you how dangerous letting your guard down in hostile territory is
Dylan Thompson
I... I wanna see more pictures of muscular warrior women