Are Alternative Heresies the worst thing about the 40k fan base?
Are Alternative Heresies the worst thing about the 40k fan base?
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Most tend to have shit names.
Literally anything that isn't Tyranids is the worst thing about 40k
>OP picture related
Further more, I'll admit a few of the paintjobs are nice and I'd consider using them for successor Chapters, but most of them are fucking terrible.
What's the origin of that image? I've never heard any of those chapter names
Found it on Facebook. Someone made another alternative heresy where they replace all the canon legions and their primarchs with their own ones. I think the most famous example is the Dornian Heresy (Though that is at least partly redeemable since it still uses the canon legions, just switching some of the loyalties around)
No, the constant memeing, dickwaving (A single space marine could kill everyone in Halo! My space dad is stronger than your space dad!) and "muh purging, muh emprah" roleplaying is. Alternative heresies are just people playing around with the defining event in the history of the 'protagonist' faction, which is understandable
1. Yes
2. It´s a great way to spot noobs.
Like the old and classic:
>hey, I have a great and never seen before idea for a lost primarch
> imagine that: Samurai marines!
>what if X did Y?
>40 movie, y'all?
>hey, girl marines, yay!
>imagine that: Samurai marines!
>"O-one of the standard Legions have a vague Viking theme, s-so you can adapt all of the classic warrior archetypes into muhrines!"
Veteran White Scars as samurai would probably work though, as long as you don't go too heavy on giving them samurai-like armour. Mostly just power katanas.
White scars are mongols not japanese you racist
There's a difference? They all look the same I know it's not strictly correct, but the White Scars are the legion closest to that theme.
So you hate fun?
Not that user, but jokes aren't funny after you've heard them a thousand times.
There's a Canon Samurai legion
>are cannon autists the worst thing about the 40k fan base?
Oh hush, I'd say it's in the spirit of 40k. GW literally put in two whole legions so people could make their own. The setting as it stands revolves around constant war in a vast galaxy you could never hope to see all of, custom built to accommodate any plausible original faction you like. Even if you like the world, its practically begging to be redesigned in some "What if scenario". What makes you think it's a bad thing?
Ehh, I wouldn't say that. Roleplaying goes hand in hand with WH40k, and memes are just trying to invent comedy from something straight faced.
I'm with this dude.
Also OP, don't be a shitstirrer.
A) That's a Chapter, not a Legion. And B) Their canon status is dubious at best because they were created as an example on how to create your dudes, and they have no apperances in canon fluff material like a novel or a codex.
Without a doubt. there are like 5 AU 40k threads up at any given time
I meant more the people who take that shit seriously and start sperging out in other threads and spamming space marines and imperial buzzwords whenever someone posts something they don't like
I love the idea of alternative heresy's like the Dornian Heresy but the "new legions/primarchs" shit is Sonic fanfiction.
The Roboutian Heresy is pretty good if you ask me.
It includes
: The Night Lords as Kevin Conroy's Batman instead of Frank Miller's.
: Lorgar being a militant atheist with Kor Phaeron as his arch nemesis.
: Angron not getting the Butchers Nails and becoming bro-est of bros.
: The Mournival (with Ahriman) going on a spirit journey to punch the chaos gods TWICE.
: The Emperor's children being trapped in the Webway and having their smugness stabbed out by the Dark Eldar.
: The Council of Nikaea ruling in favor of keeping the librarian program.
: Magnus and Mortarion reconciling.
: The Alpha Legion being an army of Sam Fishers
(Traitors in part two)
(Part two)
: Vulcan being a combination of Darkseid, Sauron, and Smaug.
: The Dark Angels being Shadowy puppetmasters and sorcerous Torturers forever hunting for escaped Loyalists.
: The Imperial Fists as Khornate crusaders.
: The Blood Angels as glamorous hypnotic Vampires.
: Guilliman Stealing Be'lakor's title as Dark Master of Chaos writing The Codex Chaotica, and continuing to write it after BEING KILLED AND HAVING HIS CORPSE PUT IN STASIS.
: Leman Russ turns traitor because the two lost Primarchs killed his puppers and winds up burning Prospero in order to prove that the librarians are bad...Somehow?
: The White Scars answering the question; What if the Huns from Mulan were a biker gang
And the Raven Guard Which is Thirty-two thousand words of PURE UNFILTERED UNADULTERATED NIGHTMARE FUEL.
>cannon autists
The Iron Warriors? I guess I'd agree with you, there.
>and continuing to write it after BEING KILLED AND HAVING HIS CORPSE PUT IN STASIS.
... how?
what about the iron hands?
Chaosfags are the worst thing about the 40k fan base
I'm sorry but I am too autistic to enjoy something if it makes Best Angels heretic.
The Warp.
That's how.
he is actually not quite as dead as you would think.
What I would find interesting in lost legions in 30k would not be fluff, but what people would do rules-wise
Seeing how every legion has its own unique units and rites of war, seeing a lost legion homebrewed to bring a unique play style with its own stuff would be interesting
Things aside I do like the color scheme of the Light Bringers and Dust Stalkers.
I think they become massive circlejerks that are nigh impossible to get into if you don't have an investment in them. Not the worst, that honour goes to imperialfags like but definitely up there imo
Literally anything with Nids is the worst thing.
Followed closely by Nurgle.
Oh course. I mean, I think that's the answer. The worst part of any community is the one that's not aware of itself. So folks just need to be told to think before they speak
I am so le edgy and le so cool my plastic army mans are le top secret
>no Power Katana
Wait a minute, didn't you chucklefucks make your own version of the Horus Heresy? One that you spent HUNDREDS of threads on?
And here it is.
>he says as if 40K isn't already Sonic-fanfic tier writing-wise
We've made several, actually. Some with some good ideas.
But there's two canon Lost Legions. Meant to enable Your Dudes.
They're interesting thought experiments, but I just think Veeky Forums takes them too far sometimes. A lot of the legions in that image would make good successor chapters in 40k actually, with a little more work put into them, mostly the names. Ashen Crows would be sick as fuck if they weren't just unpainted plastic grey for instance.
The actual worst thing about 40k are the secondaries who don't play the game and just spout dipshit memes.
Veeky Forums always takes things too far, or at least a contingent of us do. That's the reason jokes/memes like the angry marines have weird in-depth lore and characterization
You know where you are right? 90% of tg these days is either bait or magical realm / wank material requests.
No, alternative heresy's are overtly hypothetical. The worst part of 40k is the fanon idiots. It's like alternative heresy but they insist that it is actually part of the official canon.
Isn't the dornian heresy's whole point being a "What if the traitors and loyalists were swapped"?
Why are you acknowledging him?
Because my assumption was that he was being serious, albeit stupid.
It's not that they have bad idea's necessarily, it's just that they fail to follow the rule of 3.
That is, any thread, no matter the subject, that is subjected to 3 or more iterations, becomes increasingly cancerous with each iteration. It gets too far up it's own ass, too stupid, name fags start popping up. Any long running subject thread succumbs to this. Generals are no exception but are a necessary evil for containment. Hektor Heresy and Noble Bright 40k and all that other shit are just... herpes break outs
You can't finish a project with just 3 threads.
>Veeky Forums
>finish a project
It's cute that you think this is the intention or ever happens. They don't want to finish, user. They want to ride that high for as long as they can.
Pretty much, with the small detail of Gorillaman outright defecting and making his own imperium.
I though it was neat how he absorbed the Tau and incorporated their tech into the smurf's armor.
And what exactly is wrong with NobleBright 40k?
It's lasted more than 3 threads.
It's faggy