one of my players went dark after a session and we couldn't figure out why. I finally figured out that it was because there are no modern nugender weirdos in our campaign setting. When I tried texting them to see if they would be at the game today, they freaked the fuck out on me and started spamming me with insane shit, pic related.
What player breakdowns have you witnessed?
Gabriel Long
That's just you texting yourself on another phone you massive fag.
If you want an identity politics circlejerk then go to >>/pol/
Carson Diaz
>muh pol conspiracy
Austin Parker
>Quinn Huh. I knew a guy who used that same username. He was a bit on hysterical side as well, and obviosly had huge issues with anyone who didn't agree with him 100%. Interesting coincidence.
Easton Roberts
Quinn is a cursed name, like Chad or Scout.
Juan Morris
Stop bringing identity politics into my hobby you fucking fag.
Kevin Barnes
>2003 birthdate keyboard communist owns traditional gaming
Cooper Cooper
>Veeky Forums: Twitter and Facebook screencaps
Cameron White
Only Quinn I know is transgender. I third the motion of it being a cursed name.
Brody Perez
Now I hate the "p-pol boogeyman!" faggots as much as the next guy but come on, OP. You didn't even tell us what they were actually mad about.
Tyler Nguyen
You know there's sites that just let you make fake chat logs, right?
Ryan Butler
>I finally figured out that it was because there are no modern nugender weirdos in our campaign setting.
Jaxon Adams
I actually like koebel but god damn if he isn't the perfect image for SJW memes.
Benjamin Cooper
Post more screenshots OP
Isaac Stewart
Except none of that ever happened.
Mason Lee
Interestingly enough, the Quinn I know is a transtrender too. Cursed name for sure.
Sebastian Baker
Oh. I read that as "Figured". Excuse my illiteracy.
Elijah Sanchez
I still find it odd that Paizo flat out stated that all NPCs in pathfinder are bi.
Jonathan Wilson
what the fuck
Easton Rodriguez
>Tfw recently picked up "Scout" as a username with a small group of friends
Ian Brown
This. I'm always down to expand my mental illness folder.
Gavin Barnes
DM used PC's family to "generate instant plot hook" complete with very graphical description. It was couple days after the player lost one of his parents in traffic accident.
Jeremiah Gray
Wewwwwwwwww lad
Leo Nelson
Alexander Ramirez
>DM used PC's family to "generate instant plot hook" complete with very graphical description. >It was couple days after the player lost one of his parents in traffic accident. That's actually understandable and kind of shitty(or just unthinking) of the DM to do that if they knew.
Jack Brown
It's a name that is seen as cool among the tumblrverse.
Normally it takes 13-15 years for a name to go from "We started naming people this" to "People with this name are noticable and have a culture", but when people are trans they pick a name that speaks to them.
Quinn is placed to not definitely be one gender or another, and that amplifies its place as a transname.
Chase Gutierrez
Tact is a very difficult concept
Dominic Wilson
Oh hey, here you go. I was waiting for a moment to post this for some time now.
Ayden Edwards
So in other words transtrenders are losers who can't think for themselves so they just always pick "Quinn"?
Leo Hill
That's what my GM is always telling us. He runs games for Paizo at events and cons.
Lucas Jenkins
Damn, that's some primo-stuff right there.
Jayden Wood
It's specifically so PCs can shack up with whoever they want regardless of gender.
Duh, you fucking mongoloids. That way really literal-idiot GMs have it spelled out for them. What part of this is startling?
Have you ever run a game for people before that involved romance?
Wyatt Hughes
Story time OP
Tyler Harris
I want to be leaf, but
Christopher Hernandez
Chad is blessed. Ever wonder why no Chads post here?
Charles Taylor
desu even as a trans person I have a lot of disdain for people who pick super "trans" sounding names. There's a lot of "Zelda" and "Angel" and I just don't know why people would make this shit even more difficult by picking batshit names.
Luis Butler
>tfw had my wife been pregnant with a girl, we were going to name her Quinn >tfw dodged two bullets, apparently, when we found it we were having a boy
Brody Sullivan
shut the fuck up nobody cares about sjw shit or hearing anyone bitch about sjw shit i want to talk about fucking boardgames you massive faggots
Sebastian Perry
I bet this totally actually happened.
Jacob Phillips
So, basically, you're new and you've never been in Veeky Forums before.
Hudson Morgan
>we found it we were having a boy you'll see how the kid feel about that when they are 13
Nathan Baker
thats so pcs can flirt without gender becoming an issue. its more of a way of avoiding conversation than starting it
Austin Wright
So did you straight up say non straights and trans don't exist in your setting or did you just not have anyone be clearly lgbt? Did you have a bunch of straight people?
Henry Lewis
More, let's have a feast on this madness
Isaac Torres
>you'll see how the kid feel about that when they are 13 Don't you put that evil on me.
Ian Davis
Christopher Nguyen
I've been on Veeky Forums since m00t created this board and I missed Paizo turning everyone bi.
Joseph Johnson
Mine's all leftist/progressive shit that isn't Veeky Forums related.
Nathaniel Wright
>assuming your child's gender Cishit please go.
Joseph White
>muh /pol/ There are increasing pressures on the hobby to be more politically correct and as everyone is becoming demigirl asexual female-presenting genderqueers, I don't think OP's topic is uninteresting.
Player breakdown I witnessed was a transgender who was playing in game that they were a female and had had a child. I got fed up with them playing a cliche of womanhood and reducing it to "muh baby muh vaginaspawn", my character got fed up with them not advancing the plot due to baby shit and I yelled at their character in game that nobody cared about their ugly ass crotch-dropping and basically forced her to shut up about it so we could solve the mystery, and did not engage the whole baby plot. The DM and I later witnessed the meltdown by fb messages of how I was transphobic and disrespecting their right to explore fantasy in roleplaying games.
Easton Flores
>putting fags in your setting
Gavin Cruz
>It's fine to complain about shitlords >It's not fine to complain about empowered sisters and allies.
Hudson Ross
Robert Ross
Sounds like madness to me.
Ian James
>Scout >Cursed name Why? The only Scouts I know are either TF2 or To Kill A Mockingbird referenceses.
Hudson Murphy
>what if Zelda was a girl?
Cooper Martinez
jesus, makes my fucking skin crawl
Andrew Price
I agree, but it isn't Veeky Forums related. Though one of them(this chick I was in the Marines with who now pretends to be a man) does a fair amount of roleplaying. She also plays TTRPGs.
Carson Bell
It's literally just so your PCs can bang whoever they want.
Luke Thomas
>There are increasing pressures on the hobby to be more politically correct and as everyone is becoming demigirl asexual female-presenting genderqueers, I don't think OP's topic is uninteresting.
I have honest to god never seen any of this shit said or done by a real person. Stop looking for reasons to be assblasted and at least try and enjoy the hobby you miserable cunt.
Eli Nelson
>not wanting sexy gay barbarians >not wanting lesbian nun orgies
Andrew Richardson
Take 100000 hours on paint and change one word for Baneblade. Let's celebrate the last days of 2017 in oldstyle
Caleb Cox
>Chad is blessed. The only Chad I knew was a guy with Hemophilia and liked pissing people off. He's dead now. I don't why he thought it was a good idea to piss people off when he your blood has problems clotting.
Brandon Reed
Ya I always thought it was weird to straight up change to a differently gendered name. Like... That shit is your name.
Kayden Flores
The ones referencing TF2 are asshole losers, and the ones referencing TKaM are asshole losers who think they're cool opting for a literary reference over a game reference.
John Allen
i think complaining in general is gay. fuck off please
Ethan Thomas
>Everyone is a looser.
Brayden Parker
My middle name is quinn, am I cursed?
Tyler Nelson
It's just more proof that they are larping. They wouldn't need a new name for their character if they were actually a woman in their own mind.
Julian Wright
Ah yes, the Bioware strategy of "People in this setting only exist to support the players' depressing little power fantasies."
Luis Campbell
He carried the Chad spirit, at least
Nolan Sanders
Bethesda too.
Adam Diaz
/pol/, we've been over this a few times already this week. When we tell you to stop shitposting about real-world identity politics on the elfgames board, that isn't a condonance of other types of shitposting about real-world identity politics.
It just means "stop shitposting about identity politics on the elfgames board".
Nathan White
>I have honest to god never seen any of this shit said or done by a real person. Count your blessing. /pol/ started bleeding through in reality and so did Tumblr. I know 3 transgenders, another snowflake brand who is actually what I wrote and yet another snowflake that recently changed her name to something not male or female because she is non-binary and insists on being called "zer".
Gabriel Thompson
Just more proof that Pathfinder is babby's first system.
Tyler Cooper
Well, when it fits the setting ...
Nathaniel Turner
Straight is and should be the default sexuality of any functioning society, even in fantasy, even in societies where homosexuality is tolerated. The exception is if it's a deliberately exotic society where that's its gimmick that makes it different. Gay NPCs can come up, especially if it serves some plot point about their oppression or something, but they should not be assumed. None of this should be controversial or seen as oppressive.
Robert Nelson
>OP never responds to anything in the thread. >Posts bait image that probably has nothing to do with anything Veeky Forums related. Nice bait.
Ian Rodriguez
I was in a twitch channel where dude unironically promoted roleplaying "technique" to materialize (or more like conceptualize) plasmoid-spirits and let them take care of PC/NPC decision-making while you just serve as conduit to deliver their will. Tulpas can't compete. Man also claimed that he was once haunted by the spirit of the teacher of his Kong-fu teacher after a failed summoning ritual. And one another occasion he was hit by a literal rasengan by some traveling Kong-fu master.
Charles Howard
>a species that isn't mostly straight doesn't survive WHAT THE FUCK YOU NAZI OMG NAZI FACTS ARE NAZI
Matthew James
I'll stop shitposting about this shit when "Feminist 40k" stops asking for female space marines on fb and doxing people.
Kevin Wilson
Fucking amazing. So that GM "tripped" and broke most of his face and 3 of his ribs, right?
John Miller
>that isn't a condonance of other types of shitposting about real-world identity politics. Not him, but that's exactly what it is. You people want a certain type of identity politics banned so you can on peace complain about how sexist x,y,z are. You annoying newfags should realize that if something annoys you on Veeky Forums the best thing to do is to not respond. Screaming /pol/ at everything, contrary to your beliefs, won't do anything.
James Perez
I mean, pretty much.
Do you understand how romance works in a TTRPG? Honest question.
Because you can't decide to ship NPC A with PC B. Because you don't control PC B. So the actual practical thing to do is scatter the world with characters (whose orientation is not a defining trait of them) and wait for the PC to decide they like one, or they have chemistry with one, or they want to pursue one.
Then, because you haven't pinned down needless details like their exact metabolic ratio, who their great-to-the-nth grandparent was, or their orientation, you can decide that on the fly later on- making it serve for whatever you want. If you want to enable this romance, surprise! They're interested in the necessary gender(s).
Joshua Hernandez
>I'll stop shitposting about this shit when "Feminist 40k" stops asking for female space marines on fb and doxing people. So you're saying that you shitpost on Veeky Forums because someone writes things on Facebook that you get upset about?
Makes sense to me!
Isaac Sanchez
>two bullets Apparently so did 'she'.
Connor Jackson
Why would anyone actually DO a romance subplot? It's easily the worst part of other stories.
Joshua Green
>that isn't a condonance of other types of shitposting about real-world identity politics Yes it is. I've seen this shit on this board and if someone says to shut the fuck up its "". It's not political shitflinging if it is something that affects the hobby and tears groups apart.
Hunter Baker
This really wasn't very clever.
Isaiah Gonzalez
Some people like different things. Shocking, isn't it?
Presumably, some people like the variety or the subject itself and choose to engage in it.
Zachary Jackson
So this go back to /pol/ thing, is it just evidence of the left's paranoia and persecution complex? Or are people really just so retarded that they think anyone with a different opinion has to be from /pol/?
Jace Watson
Yes /pol/, telling you to stop spamming infographs about nigger IQ scores in the Barbarians of Lemuria thread is exactly the same as complaining about a lack of safe spaces or the high cost of purple hair dye.
You're so good at arguing that nobody can find any faults in your points.
Jonathan Hall
Yeah, but in the end all he was a winner of the Darwin awards.
Julian Rivera
Honestly, I do this myself as a GM. Or at least their sexuality isn't really defined until it's relevant or a PC shows interest in them.
If their sexuality hasn't shown up and a PC of the opposite gender shows interest, they're straight. If it's a PC of the same gender, they're gay. If they were previously or sometimes currently in a relationship, they're now magically bi for whatever gender the PC is.
It's not necessarily guaranteed that their advances will always be successful, but none of them are necessarily off limits because of sexuality.
Ayden Bennett
Obviously nobody ever would be like this, OP only texted himself with another phone to get (you)s, doesn't happen in real life, no no no.
Juan James
I was playing a game at some new age bitch's house who had a crystal collection and would stop the game to change the oils in her diffuser to match the situation. I like how it smelled but god damn some people are a bit out there.
Jeremiah Williams
>none of them are necessarily off limits because of sexuality. Shouldn't, arguably, some of them be?
Cooper Clark
>What player breakdowns have you witnessed?
>big boss battle >one guy moves in to melee with the dragon >miss >miss >another fucking miss >6 rounds of his dice giving him exactly 2 rolls that were over a 7 >guy starts shouting and throwing his dice >throws one outside and gets a new set >still misses >battle ends >other villain who was present during the fight escapes >that guy's character attacks and kills another PC for "not doing enough to stop him"
We don't play with him anymore for some reason.
Samuel Thompson
>I write homosexual fanfiction for mentally ill players and they just looooooooove my games! I'm such a great GM! Make sure to buy extra strong rope
Carter Bell
I've never been on /pol/. This keeps cropping up in games and materials for games, so it'll continue to be discussed here.