What went wrong?
Are you still hyped for Masters 25?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
>$10 + packs
>market fatigue
>card quality issues
>crowded release
>hardly any advertising
>forced diversity
>Wizards outting themselves as far left (don't turn this into muh /Pol/)
Amoung other things.
nope not hyped, selling my modern era cards and moving into FFTCG
>hyped for a product I know nothing about
No. I am optimistic for Dominaria because Richard Garfield is involved, but haven't seen any cards so can't be hyped. I know literally nothing about Masters 25 so it never crosses my mind.
>What went wrong?
covers a lot of it, mostly the price, market fatigue, an overcrowded release schedule, the card quality issues, and ICO getting minimal advertising. Shame too, the set was actually alright.
>Are you still hyped for Masters 25?
No. I haven't been hyped for a Magic set in like 3 years and I don't expect M25 to be any different.
>2017 releases
Aether Revolt
Duel Decks: Mind vs Might
Hour of Butt Devestation
Archenemy Nicole Bolas
Commander 2017
Duel Decks: Goblins vs Merfolk
Iconic Masters
Explorers of Ixalan
FTV: Innistrad
13 releases, 4 of which were in November.
Commander 2016
Nissa vs Ob
Blessed vs Cursed
FTV: Lore
Eternal Masters
11 releases
That's a lot of reprints
In comparison, 2005 had
06 was 4. 07 was 5 (Elves vs Gobbos, Lorwyn, 10th and the 2 TS block sets). 08 was 6.
2009 was 8
2010 had a staggering 13
2011 had 10
2012 had 9
2013 had 9
2014 had 11
2015 had 8
I just want to see a serious attempt at making Modern affordable. $10/pack and issuing problem cards as mythics is just pathetic. At this rate you're better off hoping that a bunch of people get tired of magic and sell off their cards.
>$10 + packs
got bad news anons
For a set labeled "iconic" is sure had a fuckload of cards no one gave a shit about
Canadafag here.
Its like $12-$15
I'm more hyped for Return to Dominaria
Almost no promotion
Market had 2 months to sell off the reprints instead of 2 weeks.
A lot of the value was actually cards that were expensive due to low supply instead of high demand so reprinting crashed the price.
Availability of draft packs at big box locations that don't give a fuck about margins are willing to discount it down to $5-$6/pack further drove the value of the singles even further.
Wizards likely intentionally didn't put good cards in because they had to put them in MM17 or Master25.
It is going to be completely forgotten about and referred to as Eternal Masters $1.5
>What went wrong?
Like most Masters sets it is over priced garbage. Keeping the $10 MSRP and doing a print run including big box stores didn't help.
>Are you still hyped for Masters 25?
If it is anything like past Master sets, no.
Man, Magic always seemed like the card game I'd like to play one day because it has such a storied history and like fifty thousand cards. Doing more research in competitive Magic makes me wonder if the competitive card pool in any given format is only like 100 cards.
>calls itself ICONIC
>there’s like 5 iconic cards total
>”b-but we actually meant iconic archetypes all along :^)”
>Channel at mythic rare
seriously, what the fuck was this?
You can't charge "limited print run" prices for a pruduct you're stocking at Wal Mart.
You can try, but when distributors have to try and make ends meet with $120 booster box prices, you're bit the hand that feeds you.
No more like 1-3 thousand, with some respectable variation. Magic has infinite potential and is strangled to death in a shed every night by its owners before being reborn from a player laying a golden egg the next morning.
Forced diversity? The fuck you talking about Willis
>still playing mtg after its found out that they promote pedophilia in the judge program
I sold off my collection weeks ago and my LGS is stopping it's WPN after the last Ix so no, I'm not buying that shit.
Buying WOTC product is like being a pedophile apologist.
>Buying WOTC product is like being a pedophile apologist
Ouch user, that's a bit much.
Sorry but if you don't hear the call to war after that big revelation within WOTC there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with you. I can only put up with so much but holy fuck allowing people like that around kids is too much, WOTC deserves to die off after this. You just don't let that kind of shit slide user. My LGS owner said a big fuck no after seeing that the other day and is going with GW and the Pokemon company for the most part.
pic semi related.
But user, lolis are for two headed giant, not for sexual.
PizzaGate is real.
Where is the proof you fucking retarded nazi?
Thought so.
Fuck off WOTC damage control.
You're a fucking nazi, provide proof you retarded nazi LARPER.
Go back there you larper retard racist.
>PizzaGate is real.
Of course it's real. Linked to gamergate via CIA influence over companies like Hasbro, and chosen by the reincarnation of Hitler as the hill they will die on.
I never go to /pol/ I only go to Veeky Forums and /ic/ you megafaggot.
You talk like a nazi and all you say is racist, no proof you're wrong and retard .
I can't find it and this is the first time I've heard about it. And it's not the Lansdell case.
If it's not on Reddit (unfortunately) it's not real.
>relying on Reddit
oh my god what has Veeky Forums come to?
Wait, what is this? First I've heard about this.
>if it's not on Reddit it isn't real
Holy shit are you fucking serious?
see It's nazitrash.
It's hq trying to lengthen his click my video pls moments of glory.
Have the guys held up in WOTC HQ today not had time to look at twitter and youtube?
Seriously all it takes is a search of the sexual predator database to prove everyting, the judge program has had pedos in it, 4 so far, more coming. HQ just posted that another judge/store owner is a pedo to.
You guys are bad at this.
Waiting for the proof, you literal nazi.
just scroll down and do searching online holy shit how dense are you?
Reddit having shit opinions does not exclude them from reporting on a general situation. And it's unfortunate but they're the most ready and fastest to report on a general situation.
Therefore it follows if they're not bumping it up to the Magic front page or it doesn't show up in their search, it's not real.
You're fucking retarded for failing to acknowledge that.
Some times you just don't give a fuck.
You are hyped for the next set and look towards the new big green dino.
I would still buy apples from a murderer if I like the taste.
So, we have Jeremy trying to kill Magic because he said stupid shit and got kicked for it? Really? This is your argument?
A bunch of doomsayers trying to downplay the fact that WotC is pulling out all the stops and making the print runs large enough that the $9.99 MSRP they have to stick it at to stop hoarders is rarely what it's sold at. I've been getting boxes for $170, drafting them out and actually having fun, then selling off singles and getting most if not all of my money back. The set is moving well still as people continue to draft it at affordable rates, driving down a huge amount of prices - not because of market panic as some would say, but because the set is what Masters sets should be - widely available, affordable and fun. Fuck the market, it's gonna have to learn the hard way that they're not the biggest target for these sets anymore now that Limited followings are beginning to show real enthusiasm for these sets, and that that is translating into far more consistent sales for LGS's.
Reddit is full of shills and bots, and deletes dangerous stories all the time, and you're probably a shill for refusing to recognize that.
>unsleeved media
lol okay, any proof other than the clickbait guy just being kicked to the curb by wotc?
>A bunch
only one
>Neo-nazi group known as UnsleevedMedia
Opinion discarded!
Shills and bots also have to provide links and sources too, and even if shills and bots and retarded users have shit opinions, they do still report on the general situation. And if the shills and bots aren't posting either and there's no screens of articles deleted, which there always are, and there isn't even a hint of their existence deleted by their moderators, then again, it's not real.
This is always the problem with you amateur-hour social engineers, you just yell; you don't actually know how to do your job well. We once had standards.
Here's you god-damn motherfucking unbiased proof. Now read the fucking article and then atleast you guys can go back to flinging shit everywhere. Its not from reddit, its not from UM, its not from the professor, its from a complete outsider with actual journalism cred.
>Nazis are opposed to child molesters being given power over kids
Wtf im a pedophile now
If you respect reddit I'm just going to laugh at you as a person. You demand to be spoon-fed proof of everything around you. I don't care that you're too dumb to see what's going on and neither does anyone else. Shame on you for your arrogant ignorance.
>gaming news
>journalism cred
lol ok, were't you guys the one screaming that gaming journalism is dead since gamergate?
Umm, sweetie that's an outspoken literal fake news nazi website.
And from where do you know the website? Oh it's being promoted by the clickbait guy just being kicked to the curb by wotc.
Leftists really are a cult.
>people were expecting $170-$180 would be the ideal price to buy iconic masters
>it’s now selling at $130-$135 after the holiday sale period
they fucked up
This thread is terrifying. I can't trust my kids around these sociopaths.
That's why we're kicking literal retarded nazis like Lou Colagiovanni out of magic.
I'm a Nazi. Stay the fuck away from my kids.
Low value set.
Good to draft though.
Apparently he needed a place to publish the article and did so there, from what ive gathered he did the article first then posted it there so the website dosent really influence the article. Thanks for calling me sweety, though i prefer salty foods.
Show us their dci so we can ban then and call social services you fucking nazi, also while you at it
Piss off creep. Children don't belong to you and you don't get to order them to be stolen by the government. And you're the one bringing politics into it by insulting people's beliefs.
isn't mana drain the only good card in that box?
As i tried saying while i was admittedly a bit pissed, this guy isnt even a games journalist, personally i wasnt around for gamergate and only observed it long after it was over. so yea, not a games journalist, just posted it on an "appropriate" website for hosting purposes.
hey, the article rails on both sides about as equally in my opinion. Sure he's the one that shared it around to hell and back but that dosent mean that the article is discredited by association with a guy.
I'm here to talk about how masters sets are over saturated an need to come out less oft- JESUS WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS THREAD????
I don't know but I would actively mistrust anyone "helpful" enough to explain what they want you to believe.
sorry to have your thread being destroyed by clickbait man and his quest for more clicks.
Because I'm not a fucking retarded nazi. And the government exists to destroy nazism and nazis like you.
We'll find you and we'll fucking KILL you and take your children you fucking nazi creep.
Find a nazi and punch a nazi.
Horizon Canopy, Aether Vial, Cryptic Command, Flusterstorm, Thoughtseize and Ancestral Vision
To be honest I'm actually kind of excited with how fast it's plummeting. I'm kinda hoping I can pick it up for even cheaper, since it's an actual blast to draft.
Gonna make a cube out of it, probably.
>Wizards outting themselves as far left
No corporation is far left m8.
Man I'm getting really tired of this /pol/ level shitposting.
I like the rare part of the set but the mythic part always left me questioning. How can they choose such a selection of not really iconic and low value (aside from mana drain on both counts) mythics? The mythics doesn't even mesh well with the supposed archetype of the drafts.
Wizards as a subsidiary of Hasbro probably is. Hasbro is not.
>Sprankle is generally accepted as MTG’s most popular and publicly visible member.
Maybe after she cried wolf, but I had never fucking head of the cunt before this shit.
>He views Sprankle not as a revolutionary cosplayer, but as a talentless and an over glorified softcore porn model who hustles her fans for a living by sexualizing herself.
That's actually word for word his opinion of her, though.
EMA was decent, fite me
I don't think anyone but a white knight ever called her "revolutionary".
Never drafted EMA but it feels like a set where the value is all on the mythics.
So it's a set of magic from post 2009?
>/pol/ is the most cancerous board on this website by far
>Hiro the man without any morals whatsoever has done exactly nothing to deal with them
what a sad state of affairs
it's just going to get worse as more trash is funneled into /pol/ from other websites like reddit, stormfront, and whatever other shitholes they crawled out from and then spread out and slowly destroy every other board
Well there are several 10 buck rares but for a master set that's just bep value.
>We'll find you and we'll fucking KILL you and take your children
But anyone who says white people are under threat is a lying Nazi. So we'll take their children.
You creepy goddamn monster.
Yea. ill say im about a tiny bit more afraid of THESE people than /pol/acks shitting up the board.
>>/pol/ is the most cancerous board on this website by far
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Well, she isn't. "Revolutionary" in cosplay would be someone who applies a whole new level of VFX to their performance, not a girl who could barely meet character.
Hell even calling wolf on sexism to get free betabucks isn't anything new in /cgl/ it's the oldest trick in the box.
Really, take your meds.
>stores sell at smaller profit margins, people gobble it up at good, affordable ranges and LGS's order more since it stimulates their Limited scene
>distrubutors clamor for more
>WotC keeps doing this, we get Masters sets affordably and everyone wins
It's just convoluted enough of a plan to work, and fuck over hoarders in the process
>enter thread to post that while underwhelming, EMA helped with EDH fuckery like rune-scarred demon since these sets might as well be called EDH masters anyways
>get bullshit drama
WOTC's pro-ghey agenda has nothing to do with this set bombing. WOTC has barely done anything right ever.
>reprint set is 10 dollars per pack and balanced around draft, because everyone loves paying up 40 dollars for a one-go limited run and gives excuse to make even the reprint sets 90% chaff
The only way to deal with /pol/ is to convince them that you are more edgy than them, that will show them who the true alpha male is.
>You must be 18 years or older to post here
I can't wait for school to start again
WotC only acts leftist because it's what brings in the money. It's 100% capitalist marketing.
niggas I just got one iconic master box for 100$ from my lgs