Is the Witcher Netflix series going to suck? What are the odds that it is better than expected? Should I get my hopes up?
Is the Witcher Netflix series going to suck? What are the odds that it is better than expected...
Would you kindly?
I think it's/tg/ related
>Is the Witcher Netflix series going to suck?
> What are the odds that it is better than expected?
>Should I get my hopes up?
I hope that answered all your questions.
Definitely /tv/
No it's /v/ related at best.
A thread about a tv series based on a video game. Which board is this again?
Veeky Forums. Commander Keen rule applies. Fucking newfags.
I hope Yennefer is asian.
It isn't though. And I say that as someone who loves the books, the games, and I'm hoping it's a great show.
Diversity, shitlord, she'll be a proud black wimin from slavic origin.
However it's going to be, Sapkowski is probably going to be butthurt about it.
Don’t get your hopes up, don’t get your hopes down. Don’t have expectations unless you can actually control your emotions in regards to them and not let you feelings about shit direct you.
Modern advertisement has basically hinged on you following whatever “feelings” their advertisements can deliberately invoke in you without actually giving you concrete details about the subject matter, in effect selling you a falsehood with your own emotions.
Right now we have nothing at all except it’s being planned to get made, so feel exactly that; nothing at all.
>based on a video game
Wait, what? Are they actually using the game plot rather than the books?
We know literally nothing about what they’re doing aside from that at some point they are doing it. Anyone who says otherwise is a moron or is lying.
>Sapkowski is probably going to be butthurt about it.
The poor bastard sold his rights to a $100 million franchise for about 500 zloty (50 bucks). You'd be pissed off for the rest of your life too.
It's gonna be better than 2000's series
Wait how did that happen? Underestimate the potential of his setting?
That's very unlikely, user. The polish series may have been low budget, but at least it had a heart.
He stole it from Moorcock anyway.
It's his own goddamn fault. He only has himself to be mad at.
Way back in the day, some developer (not CDProjekt) wanted to make a Witcher game, and licensed the rights from Sapkowsky for a small fee and royalties (probably a really small amount of money considering this was Poland in the 90s). The game ended up being vaporware, so he never made any money. So when CDProjekt came to get the license years later and offered a similar deal, Sapkowski opted for a larger lump sum and no royalties. The rest is history.