This thread has been claimed by nurgle by kawaii-haulers!
John Price
First for reposting how to fix orks
6+ fnp for anything green 6's always hit always (dakka dakka dakka) keep 20+ boyz get +1 attack, but add; Less than 20 boyz get +1 to move and advance Trukk costs 55 pts KFF works for any unit that's clipped boys can have eavy armor again
Nicholas Morgan
>xenos cucked again by glorious mankind
Easton Ross
What model should I get to make a golden statue for scenery out of? dubs decide?
Levi Peterson
Jokes on you.
Colton Allen
Join the Greater Good Gue'la. You can still worship your God Emperor
Asher Evans
I want to eventually build into Daemons of Chaos Undivided, but I'm going to pick a God to start with since the new dex clearly favors specializing. I'm thinking Slaanesh right now - is the SC box a good buy?
Brandon Ward
One of those pinup Saint Celestine models.
Wyatt Taylor
But I'm already part of the greater good
Dominic Wood
Jack Lopez
Now that Chaos Undivided was reconned, Perturabo is a daemon of Nurgle now?
Jason Foster
Brayden Lee
Great Unclean One
Dylan Sanchez
What buffs are you hoping to see in Codex Daemons anons?
Jeremiah Ward
Celestine, GS extra thigh on her too
Ayden Murphy
Yes and no, its been retconned but they'll fix that by never bringing him or the issue up.
Anthony Sanders
Actually, this gives me a great idea for a terrain piece. The old Celestine model painted as a statue as the centrepiece of a monastery.
Alexander Walker
You're both going to get genocided.
Noah Gray
deathwatch watchmaster?
Christian Torres
The Emporer makes more sense but
Matthew Gonzalez
>Reminder to trust this guy unquestionably, does this look like the face of a liar?
Mason Taylor
>hate Space Marines >hate how overused they are Today i went out and bought Space Marine Codex, someone please explain to me why did i do that I want to know a reason for why this happened
Jaxson Collins
You're a tsundere.
Dominic Rodriguez
A leman russ.
Eli Jenkins
If that one dub didnt count then a single spore mine
Caleb Sanchez
In the fluff, do chaos, crons, or orks fuck around in the eastern fringe?
Jose Roberts
What face? I'm seeing only his helmet. Every man love giant, useless pauldrons.
Wyatt Harris
no, this cannot be
Samuel Martin
you're obviously a xenos player
Nicholas Gonzalez
dubs have spoken, be sure to post pics of your giant golden tank statue
Eli Garcia
Warlord Titan
Cooper Rodriguez
Elijah Hill
Yes. Especially necrons
Colton Johnson
more dubs to confirm. you're committed.
Angel Myers
you wanna play raven guard
Leo Flores
Tyler Baker
>double dubs
Aiden Morgan
That's exactly what a tsundere would say!
Ethan Ramirez
looks like a lot want celestine
those are all great, but since i guess i have to get a stupid tank now ._.
Mason Hall
why did i buy the Space Marine codex then, WHY
James Campbell
>6's always hit always (dakka dakka dakka) No stop suggesting this. At best make it a stratagem or pyschic buff for a unit.
Lucas Rodriguez
>Using japanese terms
Gabriel Butler
kono baka wo mitte
Brandon Rivera
Bentley James
To defeat thy enemy, you must first understand him.
Carter Rivera
Stupid? A Leman Russ tank isn't stupid. It's the pinnacle of human innovation.
Kayden Cook
Baka desk sempai
Ryan Harris
same plotline for blade runner, npc's wants to be human, yadda yadda
Isaac Cox
You can make ANOTHER statue with celestine user. remember the thighs though
Josiah Barnes
>desk phoneposter detected
Tyler Scott
At least put lumpy the nurgling on top of the tank
Jackson Stewart
well, maybe I can kitbash it into something more special looking than just a golden tank I don't have enough money to make 2 golden models user :
Austin Jackson
...are you having it electroplated or something?
William Lee
Your numbers for 3, 4 and 5+ are wrong, all are far lower. It's not a particularly strong bonus.
Austin Roberts
you could have a model riding the tank?
Charles Adams
>golden statue what do you think that means?
Jaxson Cox
Damn how'd you find out
Grayson Lewis
How will faildar ever recover?
David Roberts
Or maybe make it that orks cannot get more than -1 debuff to hit from enemy players. They still -1 heavy moving and another -1 to any other source.
Colton Perry
-Shit BS -Shit strength -shit shot number -No way to buff the shooting -Low range on all the weapons -Regularly end up in a position where a 7 is required to hit
You can eat my green asshole
Thomas Cox
Seems good. If infantry get a universal 6+++ then the Painboy would have to be buffed to a 5+++ like last edition though.
Robert Green
...most people just paint it gold colored
Daniel Roberts
Saw this in another thread, alternative heresies aside, what was used to make all those marine templates?
Jayden Bailey
you wanted to write desu but phone fagged you
Jacob Barnes
Spray painted gold.
Julian Torres
Decide for yourself you indecisive animefaggot.
Ryder Morris
>saving thumbnail
Jacob Walker
A tank war memorial could be pretty superb.
Jayden Sullivan
Have Celestine on top of a tank?
Chase Campbell
Pencil and paper.
Gabriel Cooper
>cheap units, likely cheaper in the codex >horde army in an edition where horde army is best >is complaining about shit shooty when his army should be more focussed on stabby, like a melee only tau army should compete.
I can agree mid ground is possible, but an army wide buff that negates -1 to hit debuffs is shit. Like imagine if tau had a 1/2 to all charges against them
Luke Cox
Xavier Lee
Sly Marblo
do it!
Elijah Reed
You can do this one. Its pretty cheap.
Gavin Cruz
Yeah, I fucked up my probability table. I fixed it though.
Against 6+ hit chance the ability will make every attack miss, or add a 100% miss chance...on the 1/36 chance that you actually roll boxcars. Against 5+ this will make 50% of attacks miss Against 4+ this will make 33% of attacks miss Against 3+ this will make 25% of attacks miss Against 2+ this will make 20% of attacks miss
The best measure of efficiency would probably be to multiply the % of attacks missing that would have hit times the % chance you roll something you need to in order to have this work.
>Let's nerf elites against horde even more >tiers well in tournies and doesn't even have a codex >still complains
Austin Martin
Nope, the leman has spoken.
Gabriel Gutierrez
Gavin Fisher
I never said negate -1 to hit. But a rule that tells me I need to roll a 7 on a 6 sided dice is obnoxious as fuck.
and the goal is still mostly to stab things, but just because an army is thematically melee based is no justification to make them unplayable in the other phases of the game.
Thomas Allen
Yeah it could be neat, like it was the command tank for the imperial army regiment that liberated the world or something.
Dominic Morris
Hmm not as great as id hope.
But if you get lucky and roll 3-6 (4/9 chance i think) against 2 to hit and -1 to hit them then they only hit on 4s.
Brody Price
Hit penalties were a mistake
Robert Carter
You mean like tau in pyschic and melee?
Brody Parker
Not really.
Joshua Morales
Auras and moral denial was a mistake
Blake Gray
Yeah, I'd much prefer we go back to 2++ rerollables and snapfire.
Adrian Bailey
oops I am absolutely certain i came across something that would help you make this at some point but i cant find it.
Cooper Sanders
trips decide my next Codex, GO
Owen Reed
Sebastian Watson
>ork player can't comprehend that certain armies are bad at things
Ayden Phillips
Now that it's bigger it looks like Bolter and Chainsword's sm painter with some post edit modifications.
Robert Lewis
Sisters of Battle.
Samuel Hall
That Primarch money, though.
Wyatt Clark
Range modifiers would be better. Each -1 to hit becomes reducing range of weapons by 6", to a minimum of 6"
Liam Nelson
Colton Morales
Michael Collins
So daemons got cucked into having the chapter tactics 6" auras instead of always active, and they're all shit except for slaanesh. They didn't even bother to show anything else in the one articles they'll get despite having 4 factions in the book, looking like daemons are staying trash this edition.