Be Nice to your Authors, They make the Content Edition. Take 2
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Be Nice to your Authors, They make the Content Edition. Take 2
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Reposting this from the deleted thread. Sorry about messing up the OP the first time.
High quality sweat drop.
Make way for the most visually appealing cyoa.
What the fuck is this? What are you doing?
>Make way for the most visually appealing cyoa.
Ok, here it comes
As i said before
>Damocles dagger
>Magical contract
Fuck this gay earth it's time for adventure
>Make way for the most visually appealing cyoa.
It's that 12 year old that's been around lately.
They're being an asshat by posting something illegible.
Yes. Embarrassing for sure.
From the other thread I messed up..
>I’m thinking ring, potion, book. As much as I’d like to disappear in search of power, it would leave some very sad people in my wake and the guilt would eventually destroy me
>Shapeshifting spellbook and contract.
>Magical Contract
>Magician's Ring
Sleight of hands are no joke and due to how versatile the ring is it might be retooled a bit for self-defense if necessary.
>Make Content
>Tok, SDA, DSA, Italics
What did he mean by this?
Shapeshifting spellbook, contract.
I'd feel pretty bad about abandoning my family and friends too.
I too think that slight of hand gets underrated as to how useful it can be.
I'd probably choose The Magicians Ring, The Dragon and The's just too tempting.
He didn't specify that it's good content
I could also be a Thinker but I feel very Lost
I'd be pretty tempted with the contract too if I didn't have close ties to my family and my friends, though I'd probably take the shapeshifting book instead of the dagger.
FruitCatHandJob user is right. Content can be good and bad and is of course subjective to taste. Maybe you'd like a banana?
Conquest CYOA from the last thread...
alchemists gauntlet
time to become a hyper chad
It is a offer that one would only get once in a lifetime and you can still come back to visit from time to time
That's not a "just ripe" banana, that's overripe. Just ripe is what the pictures for banana bunches show.
Did people like this cyoa? Did you make a build for it?
I still have to play it so i dunno
I didn't make it but I agree. That one is definitely overripe.
>Vhollahian Empire starts a war of conquest against one nation to steal land and kills the other nation's children.
>Vhollahian Empire gets attacked by said nation a few years later + its ally and pretends that it didn't deserve to have its royal family killed and a duchy sacked.
What did Italics mean by this? Why did she make us join the obvious bad guys? When can we join Dragal?
user, it's generally agreed that a banana just starting to get brown splotches is the best.
In politics everyone's a badguy at some point.
Daily reminder Joss Whedon is abusive af
That's fucking bullshit green bananas are the best
I read the title and I was expecting wacky fantasy hijinks and instead I get vampires and highschoolers
Does somebody have a dungeon crawling CYOA or something in that vein?
Here's my build~
Abel Antoinelle Anderov III
>Military Occupation
Mask of covering
Lover's Ring
As for my feelings on it? I liked it, but it feels a bit...short? You choose relatively few things over all and for the first few pages it's like one or two before you're allotted three people as close companions out of three pages worth of companions.
That said as I stated I liked it so this isn't exactly a major gripe.
The real sad fact is that Ondrastia somehow has enough manpower to fight when their current generation should be heavily depleted which makes war a pretty fucking stupid option since they will have barely any men left whether they win or lose and risk being infanticided again.
I didn't hate it or make a build for it, but I'm not part of the target demographic, due to my utter indifference to companions and thusly, companion-focused CYOAs.
I thought Dragal was the one providing all the support. Not mention Odrastia supposedly became more religious and fanatical. I mean killing the children would make anyone fight and die now
The names everything have are way too fucking tryhard
This looks like dark souls/sda with all the outer glow on the text
It does look good
>runaway, god
Nice endging. Crooked text and images, I'll admit I'm weak enough and got a small shiver when I saw the headline.
What I am.
What I need.
Who I can help, and who can help me.
Where I can find what was.
Where I can find what will be.
This looks promising but it's too late unfortunately.
>tfw get to be a trader
Not really a CYOA but the lore of a world I made (and I'll probably make a CYOA taking place in this world if someone is interested). I didn't really know where to post it, so, here it goes.
I don't see you suggesting any names, user.
I'm not invested enough to do that
I can't believe this thing got updated without adding any fucking points! It wouldn't even need more than 1 or 2, just to leave some more options to go with the legendary stats! At present, taking a single stat legendary leaves you with 2 points, (and only 1 point if you try to get a bloodline with it). This is only enough to learn one fucking school of magic that you can't be a sorcerer in AND it can't even be fallow! That's ridiculous and completely inflexible.
That being said,
No, no, no. What are you doing, airing out your ideas, heart, and passion in such a filthy place as this?
well you want to completely min max a single thing, its not surprising you cant get much else?
The spelling and grammar mistakes ruined it for me, frankly.
>I can't think of anything better, but wanted to post bait to acquire (You)s. Especially since I'll never make anything worth talking about.
I liked this narrator and the Paint graphics. The sweat drop on her face is perfect. I swear I'm not sarcastic
>shapeshifting spellbook
>like potion
>lazybutton jade dragon figure
As tempting as the extra offer is I really want to be able to be super lazy.
I really think the names are highly cringeworthy, like something a lonely 11 year old might come up with. If you don't like my opinion you don't need to respond to it.
>Shapeshifting Spellbook
>Like Potion
>Magician's Ring
Does the potion's "for life" stop after I reincarnate?
Regardless, these three all syngergize very well; maybe I'll make loadsamoney lowballing my stage magician skills and let her mooch off me.
After several decades more of life, I might fake my death by shapeshifting into a slightly different form, then sign the contract with her and isekai somewhere more interesting.
ROFL LMAO AND A KEK! I forced a fucking 5 to redo his cyoa
I don't want a whole bunch of extra shit, I want to be able to have options. Such as the option to pick a fallow school, or to be a sorcerer in an active school.
Its very surprising that your options are so severely limited. Also, going legendary on a stat isn't minmaxing.
like potion
>then sign the contract with her
Can't do that m8.
>spending 10 out of 12 available points on a single narrow thing isn't minmaxing
Why not?
>Spending available points without taking any penalties for extra points is minmaxing
What I am saying is that it should be out of 13-14. You shouldn't be locked out of fucking everything just because you wanted to boost a stat, its like the legendary stats only exist to tease you and punish you for picking them.
i have seen people take builds with legendary stats with the intention of building from there like for example with the intention to find one of the bloodlines to join, if you take the idea that a build is a starting point and run with it i think its not as bad as you say
>Trouble-Making Fairy
I always wanted to fuck a fairy.
>Shapeshifting spellbook
Morph into cute futa girl and go on a rapeing spree.
>Damocles Dagger
If someone tries to harm me while I rape, they get the dagger.
>Be Nice to your Authors
pic related
Got some progress from dickscord
>The knife only strikes down unjust attackers
It won't do anything for you; attacking you is a just action in and of itself.
I bet you think D and Genesis did nothing wrong too, huh Vhollahian scum.
Alchemist gauntlet to make gold and other cool shit.
Shapeshifing in case someone comes back pissed that their gold turned to wood.
Dagger in case they aren't fooled.
Potion and the contract so i can become friends with kitsune garage sells woman.
Rolled 72 (1d100)
Dex, diplomacy, Mumava and I did for the MOOLAH
I think that while their initial goals were good, how they went about accomplishing them were horribly wrong, leaving them directly responsible for some of the largest atrocities in the history of Constellia, which have had major repercussions on the present day.
I also think that Pasille a big fat ho, Arios did nothing wrong and is best legendary birb.
This does look kinda interesting, tho not sure what kinda cyoa would come from it
>Arioa is best and Pasille a ho.
Pasille is a faithful wife and Arios murdered 3 people and destroyed public property.
>Leaving them responsible
The only thing they did wrong was let in the Darkness. They didn't do anything bad other than that. Fucking Zekrom started a continental war for fucking philosophy.
No idea if there are more dungeon craling cyoas around
She's probably not hanging around couple decades. Anyway, the cyoa states that if you sign the contract, you can only take one item.
>Pasille didn't cheat on Arios.
>Arios divorced Pasille and hurt her feelings.
>Pasille is a big fat ho.
You what mate? Pasille didn't do anything.
Pasille is a whore who lusts for Hero cock, she betrayed Arios for the last hero and the last hero for you. When you go away you best bet she will jump on mommies next jannitor.
Hello my name is Sebastian Coll and I would like to be respected. Thanks.
no I don't celty
while we are on the topic of posting wips
isn't this just a copy of monster hunter so far?
Wow, that looks amazing
kek really? Everyone thought it was FUCKING SHIT though
post some more wips dickscord I wanna leak them
Mass report these two, which may actually be one.
I bet the thread quality will get so much better with this off-topic shitter gone.
I'd say report this too but they're technically on topic despite being a cunt.
I can...uhm...just reset my router?
And here we have admittance to ban evasion.
Have fun with that perma!
yeah just range ban my entire country