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Don't know why that scene bothers Veeky Forums so much. It's literally maternal instinct to protect their children as best as possible.
Also why people say the Marines in that short are too big? That woman is waist height to that Terminator, which if I recall is normal.
What is this from?
And the award for the luckiest woman in the entire Imperium goes to...
Because people screaming "my baby!" is a really tired cliche. It's sort of like when relatives refer to each other as "brother" or "daughter" all the time instead of using their name like the rest of the world. It just isn't something people do, and it doesn't do anything for the scene.
They have a couple of minutes for the trailer to tell a story. This lady is here to tell us at a glance who is the good guy.
Because the evil looking dudes killing people left and right don't already tell that?
>This lady is here to tell us at a glance who is the good guy.
Figured covering the bad guys in blood, spikes and skulls did that good enough.
Redundancy is always nice. Never underestimate the audience's ability to not pay attention.
because Veeky Forums complains about anything that isn't 100% original never used in any media ever. So since a mother has said the same thing in a movie or something its off limits.
>Because people screaming "my baby!" is a really tired cliche.
But it is still true though. A woman whose 7 year old child was mauled to death by pitbulls was reported to have screamed "My baby. He is my baby". You have a problem with it because you have no soul.
Why is the audio so bad? Voice acting, sound effects, music, mixing, all total shit. The animation is pretty good, the cinematography is pretty good, the audio makes it unwatchable.
it's not that it's cliché.
it's that literally noone would ever scream "my baby! my baby!" while fleeing from danger. it's stupid.
Because it's a cliché.
It's not really about wanting to protect her baby, but it makes no sense to scream about it.
Nobody will hear, and even if they do nobody will care
Yes, but the woman in the short still had a living baby
See Because people are rational in the presence of a battlefield filled with demigods.
what a stupid quibble to have.
So was her child during the mauling and screaming.
not the same. screaming "help us!" or "I don't wanna die!" would be believable.
Space Marines don't help people. They are Angels of Death.
Veeky Forums also complains when someone just formulates the wish for something new.
Not all chapters are Marines Malevolent or pre-Sapphire King Iron Hands.
that's not the point. panicked civilians would still cry out for help.
What a couple of edgy fags you both are.
Not from Space Marines. Trans-human fear and all.
trans-human dread is about facing down astartes. those civvies know that the ultras are their "allies", since it's set in the 500 Worlds, where seeing ultramarines is a normal thing.
Can someone tell me what is the point in dressing up in a retarded costume and parading around on stage for a bunch of rich fucks?
INB4 "It's art."
What the fuck?
If you're panicked, desperate, and scared shitless you're definitely gonna call out for help. Maybe not even at anyone in particular, but you'll call out.
And when The Emperors Angels of Death stroll out, being that you're probably a pretty ignorant imperial worker, people will DEFINITELY call out.
It's a fashion show.
He's a model, modeling some fashion.
And yeah, fashion shows are fucking weird.
>Not from Space Marines. Trans-human fear and all.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Holy shit that was some top 10 anime shit
one of the most cringe things ive seen in a long time
But it is.
he's referring to a psychologial effect mentioned in one of Abnett's short stories about Little Horus, how normal people are paralyzed by fear when seeing astartes fight.
>"Transhuman dread. Aximand had heard iterators talk of the condition. He’d heard descriptions of it from regular Army officers too. The sight of an Adeptus Astartes was one thing: taller and broader than a man could ever be, armoured like a demigod. The singularity of purpose was self-evident. An Adeptus Astartes was designed to fight and kill anything that didn’t annihilate it first. If you saw an Adeptus Astartes, you knew you were in trouble. The appearance alone cowed you with fear.
>"But to see one move. Apparently that was the real thing. Nothing human-shaped should be so fast, so lithe, so powerful, especially not anything in excess of two metres tall and carrying more armour than four normal men could lift. The sight of an Adeptus Astartes was one thing, but the moving fact of one was quite another. The psychologists called it transhuman dread. It froze a man, stuck him to the ground, caused his mind to lock up, made him lose control of bladder and bowel. Something huge and warlike gave pause: something huge and warlike and moving with the speed of a striking snake, that was when you knew that gods moved amongst men, and that there existed a scale of strength and speed beyond anything mortal, and that you were about to die and, if you were really lucking, there might be just enough time to piss yourself first."
-Age Of Darkness Page 163
Because they have literally no other skill than to be born attractive.
And some see it as a pathway to fame. Strutting down the catwalk in between producers' beds.
Someones bitter.
Now that's interesting, I wonder if this apllies to Mechanicus Troopers too. Does seeing a rust-stalker shred someone reduce you to pants-shitting dread?
>The Emperors Angels of Death
Problem is, both sides have those.
>Humans fear fighting space marines
>T'au warriors are stated to be excited to be fighting space marines, seeing it as the ultimate test for their skills and devotion for the Greater Good
Justify this.
every soldier is a loud-mouth badass until facing the enemy. they are probably not as stoked about it once assault marines with howling chainblades land in their midst.
> Comparing pre-battle bravado and "worthy opponent" talk with actual in-battle psychological stress and fear responses
So basically a dude the size of The Mountain, moving faster than Bruce Lee and running faster than Usain Bolt, while wearing half a tank. Makes sense.
Tau are not human and are therefore immune to transhuman dread.
Actually, it's stated that the marines, especially the Ultras, have developed a good measure of respect for the T'au fire caste due to the T'au honour and valour in fighting them and alongside them.
>Ultramarines fighting ALONGSIDE Tau
Ultramarines allied with the T'au at least four times. Against daemons, Tyranids of Kraken, and the Necrons.
Pretty sure even the Space Marines have a priority list of who needs to die first. I expect Tau to be low on that list
>Tau are not human and are therefore immune to transhuman dread.
it's not called transhuman dread because it only affects humans. transhuman is a synonym of post-human.
and you can bet you're ass that almost every xenos trooper gives pause when first facing space marines, with only a few notable exceptions:
wild animals with self-preservation instincts overridden by the hivemind.
basically unkillable creatures. a good number of their footsoldiers being automatons
orks are mostly immune to fear
>eldar aspect warriors
their warmask personas override their fear responses, but guardians and their likes will invariably break.
>dark eldar wyches
way too skilled, seen enough to not be shocked.
>eldar harlequins
probably the most skilled and experienced melee combatants in the galaxy. already seen everything.
tau infantry will break. maybe crisis suit pilots won't, at first. but that's because they have enough hardware between them and the opponent to not immediately freak out, but once they see their unit members being torn apart, I'm sure they'll break all the same.
How long is this kino supposed to bem
Fucking this. Stop being autistic faggots and just be glad someone is putting the effort in to make something of this quality with the setting we love.
Oh wait, Veeky Forums autism is fucking incurable. Have a frog to trigger it some more.
I think I remember someone explaining fashion shows as such: The stuff you see is basically like concept models for an overall trend or style. It's extreme to gather attention, but the style, patterns and fabric are what gets selected and filtered down to us mere mortals.
Over several months that ridiculous jacket shit would be transformed into a much more mundane parker as it filters through the industry and into K-Marts etc, and while it would be nothing like what you see in the above image, you could trace elements of it back tot he initial stupid shit.
>"Your fight is with me traitor!"
Probably the best piece of voice acting in this short.
Holy fuck that looks like shit. Who is the edgelord making this junk?
If you react that way to the video, how do you even enjoy 40k?
I dunno dude, I've seen a bull go from 0-100 really fuckin fast. It's terrifying when you're supposed to deal with it, and your first instinct is to run the fuck away.
Big things moving very fast is scary at an instinctive level. It's not unreasonable that an 8-foot tall giga-nigga wearing tank armor and a gun that makes people explode, moving faster than a regular person and with precision a regular person just can't quite emulate, would be terrifying to someone who isn't used to it.
'Cause Primarch height is too fuckin tall.
I disagree
when did it become acceptable to brag about how much of a cringing little thing you are?
it's like if people suddenly started declaring anything they don't like made them cry.
Exept it's still cringe because the humans experiencing this "transhuman fear" are supposed to be allies. When you see a bull go from 0 to 100 a km away that's not going at you, there's no fear, perhaps a bit of dread but that's all. Same goes with astartes, and even if you're close enough to witness it charging, that's nowhere enough to make a fucking soldier shit his pants
Because, son, it's your fault for making someone cringe, and its their fault if they cry.
How would you rate my Autism Service today, user?
Yeah, whatever.
not really.
In my experience, cringing is generally the result of being hyper-reactive to pretty mundane material.
The appropriate use of cringing is when you are recoiling in pain, or disgust, like you were whipped or put your hand on a cadaver. To cringe at such things as some pretty boring text is honestly pretty weak.
>warhammer anything
>may contain violence
only gets worse from there
It's because the new generation are incredibly effeminate, and thus are not ashamed to admit when their emotions get the better of them and make them react physically to reading text.
It's fuckin' weird, but them's the breaks.
get out of here, space pleb!
patrician space romans coming through!
Guardians would likely go 'I mean, they are big but we are faster than they are'. They don't really have that 'They are inhumanly big AND fast' thing going on against a race that's faster than they are.
>space romans
>Leaded by Rabbi Guillimein against primarch AURELLIAN
On a topic of size, how big are Sisters of Battle? The power armour likely adds a bit. If space marines are 8ft tall, would SOB be 7ft? 6.5? I'm assuming they are pretty damn tall women in the first place to be the elite warriors.
I refuse to believe that the sub-humans that operate the fashion industry have the mental ability to do such a thing.
I wonder if SOB do the Transhuman fear thing. The Passion makes them faster than space marines are and power armour adds some bulk. Likely less 'Normal being against Transhuman dread' and more 'The Mundane in the face of the Divine awe.'
Do you even know what space marines do?
lol spotted the ugly fuck
You refuse to believe the people in the fashion industry care about cuts and fabrics?
Guardians are basically civilian militia of the eldar race. I'm sure they'd be at least taken aback by gene-engineered terror troops. IS art. That's sorta the point of it, it's like asking the point of a painting.
Yeah but not to the same extent as humans would. They are impressive/scary but don't quite have that 'We surpass you in every way' thing going on.
obviously I fucking don't, I just go into threads with stuff I don't like and try to shit it up
please realize i'm a different user
The point of a painting is a lot easier and concise to comprehend than some silly looking clothing.
what the fuck are you two on about?
wearing power armor won't make you a giant. sisters are ideally 6ft tall at best. sure, they will get bulkier, but this whole idea of "the armor adds this much to the height" is stupid.
put on cold weather gear and look how much taller are you getting. no change? guess what, that's the same with armor.
the only height difference will be due to the thick soles of armored boots, but that is negligible.
>I wonder if SOB do the Transhuman fear thing.
>and power armour adds some bulk.
sister's power armor is about as bulky as storm trooper carapace.
>faster than space marines
also no
I'll have you know that the best line is the Contemptor Dready charge.
>also no
Actually, that is true. SOB with the Passion were Init 5 (Or 6 for elite SOB) back in the day. Now they just get to move/fight twice since init doesn't exist.
>but don't quite have that 'We surpass you in every way' thing going on.
hm... let's think about it
>xenos civilian militia
>superhumans bred for war, constantly training their whole life, having centuries of combat experience.
I'm pretty sure they surpass Guardians in every way.
>SOB with the Passion were Init 5 (Or 6 for elite SOB) back in the day.
and space marines are S4 T4 W1. what's your point?
That it's an area where SOB outclass marines/wondering what sort of effect that would have on bystanders watching it.
>romans well known for their military might
>meanwhile Ultramarines were largest legion with lower frags
Well, save for being slower. Which was sorta the point, for all their superhuman nature, they are not super-eldar so they don't quite have that 'Better than you in every way' factor.
tabletop stats don't reflect the fluff because game balance and stuff.
even primaris stats don't reflect the stuff that marines do in the fluff.
>they are not super-eldar so they don't quite have that 'Better than you in every way' factor.
Guardians are not super eldar. I can't believe you're not getting this.
Yes, banshees, wyches, harlequins can compete with space marines, because they are the best the eldar can offer.
Go read Path of the Warrior. A squad of Striking Scorpions - who are melee aspect - get butchered by space marines.
There is a reason that the Great Crusade was a success until Horus fucked it up. Space Marines are literal monsters.
>Guardians are not super eldar. I can't believe you're not getting this.
No they are not but 'Eldar Baseline' is faster than space marines. That's sorta my point. They are superhuman but not supereldar (They don't surpass eldar in all areas). Inhuman speed and agility is sorta the Eldar thing.
I call my brother "bro" all the time, and my dad says "my son" all the time too.
Try talking to your family once in a while. You might have time while they're driving you to high school.
there is no way eldar baseline is faster than space marines.
The baseline eldar has basicly always been faster than marines. Init 5, Higher Move etc. There is basically nothing that says 'Marines are faster than eldar' in fluff or rules.
>tabletop stats don't reflect the fluff because game balance and stuff.
Mind you, in a purely fluff story Black Templars got the shit beaten out of them by a SOB's sudden burst of speed so where rules and fluff line up with that one is hard.
Idk, maybe Space Marine wankage is really just that strong.
No, seriously. Mechanicus dude here and flipping through the marine codex was a shocking experience.
Silly Mechanicus, everyone knows that gene treatments are better than cybernetics despite the fact there is an entire group of marines that try to become more mechanical because their flesh is weak.
Exept even their primarch said the habits of his sons were wrong, flesh is stronger in 40k, just look at the tyrannids
is the chaos marine at 1 min a dubber for dawn of war? i Swear he has the same voice.
>a team of fans make a 30/40k passion project in their spare time with limited resources and are doing it like the mods(for free)
And you all wonder why we never see 30/40k films/media.
you're telling me that an eldar civilian who is, say, a sculptor in peace time, that got a rudimentary training, and then got the most basic armor and weapons is faster than a supersoldier who is designed to be better in every way than peak human capabilities, and then trained for decades and then fought and survived in a bunch of wars against stuff that normal humans just can't compete with before he was accepted as a warrior of his brotherhood... is faster?
you seriously don't see any problem with your logic?
sure, probably most eldar are acrobat level agile. probably even olympic level.
space marines are regularly described as demigods of war.
but eldar sculptors and dancers and musicians... are just better.