How do you handle players who don't pay attention? I try to be as clear as possible as to what's going on and i'm getting sick of having to constantly remind them of what's going on
How do you handle players who don't pay attention...
Have you tried talking to them directly and explaining why you're not enjoying their behavior?
Lol JK I know you didn't do that.
Talk to them or just don't play with them.
They're not paying attention because your game is boring. Git gud faget.
Replace them, you're (presumably) neither their parent nor their teacher, so there's no reason you should be arsed raising them.
>The customer is always right :^)
kys faggot
are there others that do pay attention?
If yes just focus on those players
If no, just don't play RPGs with them.
Grab them by the pussy.
Rape them
Are they all on their phones or something?
before every game i have everyone put their phone on an end table nearby so no ones distracted. You wouldnt believe how much it improved.
Stop everything until they pay attention.
They on their phone? Stop talking and just look at them. When they realize what's going on just ask, "Everything okay?" Keep doing this until they get it.
It's passive aggressive as all hell but it works since the other players want to keep playing but the game has to stop while they're on their phone. This of course is limited to exceptions like important phone calls or something.
Anal Obfuscation
> Use a nerf gun to get their attention.
> Refuse to explain things, and have them take damage when not paying attention
> Pack up and leave when nobody's paying attention, and don't go back.
I once had a GM who seemingly constantly forgot his own descriptions for things and replaced them with other, wildly different ones. I'm not sure if he was just very forgetful or if it all made sense to him and he was just really bad at explaining what was actually going on to us, but regardless I'm sure he thought that we were the ones that didn't pay attention.
Stop reminding them all the time. If they forget, their character has forgotten.
It's simple sempai. Stop being boring.
That sounds hilarious
Stop paying attenton to THEM. Have their characters stand by the sidelines and drool stupidly.
Tell them to stop, explain the situation.
If they refuse stop inviting them over.
I would never waste my time with people like that. Find better people to hang out with.
Your character was actually suffering from a mixture of mental crisis and drug fuelled delusion.
Hit a little too close to home, eh?
Any examples this sounds hilarious.
>constantly remind them
Stop that, they don't get it the first time, they don't get it at all.