Bought the Skitarri box and plan on using it to fight my friends start collecting box so we’re about even. Should I do 5 vanguards and 5 rangers?
Chase Martin
Second for Orks place top 8 in tournaments more frequently than any other xenos.
Andrew Kelly
yeh sure, thank you friendly Xenos
Colton Morales
Today my Techpriests Biologis had their first outing, my first games since the Admech codex came out. I wasn't entirely prepared for it, and the second game of 3500 Space Marine vs. 1750 Admech + 1750 Deldar being a one-sided stomp because we couldn't roll at all well and had basically no AT for the allied Shadowsword and Raiders and Vindicators after my Fulgurites and Onager were instagibbed at the very start of the game. 3.5k worth of First Turn advantage from a dozen lascannons Hurricane Bolters and the Baneblade killing my Priests with Crush Them is a bitch. Can you use Guard strats on an Auxiliary Detachment Baneblade?
First match was actually kinda fun, it was the Admech half of the big game against the Deldar half, asked about possible lists yesterday. Wound up not going too long but having some good slugfests in.
Wound up being: Stygies Mech Dominus kitted for melee Enginseer 20 Fulgs 2 Arquebus teams 10 plasma Vanguard 3 Gravstroyers 2 Kastelans One Neutronager 5 of each type of Sicarian 2 Dragoons
2 Haemys 3 Talos, 2 Cronos Engines in individual units 9 Wracks in a Raider, 5 in a Venom 6 Deepstriking Grotesques Voidraven Bomber
Most of the minis are primed and half-painted, a couple are in worse shape 'cause I was stripping and redoing them when I got challenged to battle. I took pictures, should I type up a batrep?
Xavier Rivera
>should I type up a batrep you should paint your minis :^ )
Mason Sanchez
I want her to pee in my cup
Jaxson Cooper
Why are you people competing for the worst Duncan video switcheroo?
Does people painting models tigger you that much?
Jace Cooper
Serious question - why GW hates Gray Knights now? They got the worst codex, get nerfed pretty hard and also got quite shitty release. I mean GW could brew up some lazy bundle with basic troops, a transport and a HQ to actually gave us an option to start an army with a discount but they just ignored this option. On the other hand Nids and CWE have 2 start collecting boxes each
Joshua Diaz
>Crayon keyborad. Thank you young lady.
Lincoln Hall
Does it have a dragon dildo mounted inside?
Caleb Evans
>tfw malcador infernus came in the mail
Logan Hill
Does not having a duncan video *trigger you that much?
Kevin Allen
Still find that weird and I don't know how they are doing it.
Christian Green
ywn have a khorne waifu
James Smith
Jose Miller
>it ain't me starts playing
Kayden Cook
thats either very big cup or very small dildo
Jack Martinez
Usually an Admech army starts with two boxes so they can split the special weapons out properly. I'd build a Neutronager, a Techpriest with whatever weapons and then 4 Rangers with an Arquebus and Omnispex and 4 Vanguard with a plasma Caliver and Data-tether. Then make 2 basic Rangers to fill in the 5th slots for now and when you get another box build the second Arquebus Ranger and Plasma Vanguard out of that, and use your two premade Rangers to make 2x5 basic Ranger squads with no upgrades out of the remaining 8 so you wind up with:
Seriously. Plastic Librarian, a Paladin kit or 10 PA dudes, and a Razorback or DK would be a fine start collecting.
Christopher Reed
Last night I had a 6000 point game of a 1v2 against Space Wolves. But in this, I ran into an interesting problem with Leviathan Dreadnoughts.
Relic Contemptors are simply better at melee than Leviathans, especially when given a chainfist. My own chainfist contemptor went up against a Repulsor tank that was at full health, and did 16 wounds to it in a single round of melee, destroying it INSTANTLY. In the very next round it got charged by a Leviathan, and then proceeded to solo said leviathan. The Levi simply does not do enough damage to kill a Chainfist contemptor, especially not with melee penalties from having a ranged weapon.
Why is the penalty still there? Back when the leviathan first came out, ALL OTHER DREADNOUGHTS had the -1 attacks from swapping a melee weapon with a CCW. It got removed in the SM Codex, and then the dreadnought buff happened, which leviathans never got.
Now it's 8th edition, and they still have a dreadnought penalty that has existed since 5th edition. A leviathan should not be outclassed in melee by a contemptor that is literally half of it's points cost.
Josiah Green
>or very small dildo It's a 1:1 replica ;___;
Mason Hernandez
Why are blasters D3 damage?
Owen Hall
>Chainfist contemptor Which codex has chainfist contemptors?
Cameron Morgan
You can yes for the Guard stratagems. You could do an imperium brigade with 1 infantry squad of each doctrine and use that squads dedicated stratagem. You wouldn't get their doctrine buffs but because it's labeled Catachan, you could use their stratagem for that 1 squad.
David White
Help me out Veeky Forums. Should I put sponsons on leman russ? Hard mode, dont scream WAAC fag, its for a tourney
Blake Jenkins
Because they have a decent range, unlike melta.
You get 6" more range in exchange for losing melta rule and d6 damage.
Robert Ross
>his blasters aren't 2d6 drop lowest
Mason Cox
Commander or not?
Commander I'd go Lascannon and 2 Plasma Cannon.
Normal I'd go for 3 heavy bolters. Or 2 flamers and 1 heavy bolter if you expect melee shenanigans.
Elijah Bell
The forgeworld index? I thought this was pretty widespread knowledge.
The standard marines codex has no fucking options for contemptors, it should have never existed, but geedubs is fucking retarded.
Logan Edwards
>Serious question Then you should...
Joshua Martinez
>>Big boy squads. >>>Lots of weird boys. >>>>Distraction Squiggoth. >>>>>Learn to use Charge and Fight phase.
Charles Watson
Some people say yes but I say no unless it's a tank commander. Lascannon and Plasma Cannons for the TC. Otherwise I like basic Punisher with HB and Battle Cannon with HB. I don't find heavy bolters to ever be that worth it and the rest are either too expensive or wasted on a normal Russ.
Gabriel Reed
>The forgeworld index? I didn't know this was a thing..
Chase Howard
>bs 4+ scum speaking
Adam Rodriguez
>his hopes and dreams: destroyed
Dylan Rodriguez
Then stop living under a rock, it was released at the very start of 8th edition on day 1. Go download it off of the links in the OP.
Juan Lee
But a melee levi is better than a melee contemptor in terms of a 1v1? And if you're not running a melee levi, then you're an idiot for letting it get into combat, rather than shooting the big target to shit.
Justin Johnson
hello, just like another user did, trips decide my future codex gogogo
Michael Gomez
Carson Garcia
Way ahead of you friendo, thanks
Leo Taylor
>4 of them on a bs2 commander >4 of anything on a commander
Dominic Edwards
sissy girls
Ryan Miller
>tfw watchmasters are bs3 ws3
should i get them plasma pistols and power axes?
Isaac Williams
Justin Thompson
Thanks my guys. Little bit of a follow up, how do you feel about executioners? Im planning on going cadia for the event so they seem quite good
Brandon Walker
I need pictures!
Pictures of alternative genestealer cult carapace colour! I'm not a huge fan of the blue.
Noah Thomas
Genestealer Cults
Carson Rogers
>future codex Pure Slaanesh daemons then
Jaxson Peterson
It's a hilariously inneficient then. Even with a dedicated "Melee" loadout for the Levi, it's 200% of the cost of the same contemptor with the chainfist. But the two have EXACTLY the same damage output. The Contemptor on the other hand has a ranged weapon or two to stay relevant outside of melee. The levi loses the fight if it takes even a single gun.
Juan Stewart
Grey Knights.
Aiden Reyes
Sons of the Hydra anyone?
Mason Murphy
don;t do this to me
Aaron Howard
Executioners are great for a tank commander, but I guess good for normal tanks if Cadian I guess.
The 36" range is an issue, but surprisingly cost isn't since its cheaper than a battle cannon.
The daemons codex is going to be shit, isn't it? I've been waiting all this time for nothing.
Sebastian Miller
The Chitose protects.
Grayson Morgan
Grey knights lel
Gavin Allen
Who's this cutie?
Thomas Nelson
They are solid. If you're going Cadia then Plasma Sponsons are worth it for even a normal Russ since you get your rerolls.
Jack Jenkins
Those are both excellent replies. But I must ask again, can I just chuck old sprues in the recycling bin?
Aaron Diaz
I bought some Neophyte Hybrids with the intention of converting them into the Shriven from First and Only.
" They were described as elaphantine, with long, nozzled gas masks sewn into their faces. "
Where could I get some apropriate heads for these guys?
Tyler Kelly
melt them down to recast stuff >mfw I tried this earlier >mfw I now dont have a face anymore
Dominic Butler
>mfw I'm gonna be happy about any new rules for daemons because I will run a mono nurgle daemon army in AoS anyway
Grayson Miller
Chitose Ikeda. Gods gift to mortals.
Sebastian Walker
Henry Richardson
Because it is written as a low model count army so doesn’t make enough money
Mason Smith
I love this army.
Henry Jones
I mean look at the "Chapter Tactics" We got. They are all based around 6" of a character.
Carter Miller
Tzaangor spam with exalted sorcer hq.
You should be able to get around 120 tzaangors, with each unit equipped with an icon
Matthew Adams
Thank you guys, keep your chin up and have a great new year
Brandon White
Sicarian Ruststalkers have gas masks, although the kit only has five of those heads.
Jonathan Gomez
Brody Bell
Can chaos ally with those robot dudes
Sebastian Perry
Which brand of robot dudes?
Cameron Rogers
I’m currently not wanting to grab a second box because none of my friends have anything larger than a start collecting box themselves
Christopher Roberts
I want a Gargantuan Squiggoth but I hate the default model. Wat do?
I think I've narrowed down to two options
>Big ass battlefortress +can kitbash from GW shit, so legal at GW stores and/or tourneys +Fukkin sweet -possible LOS issues since you can't see through the legs
>Meka-Squiggoth +can make from a kid's robot toy, cheaper +fukkin sweet -most likely not legal at a GW store or tourney.
Benjamin James
is the Broodlord supposed to be picking at his brain like that guy from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 who kept picking at his skull with a coat hanger?
Joseph Evans
Hood lazer Walker crab tank dudes
Asher Evans
He's casting a spell.
Jason Morgan
But there are other low model count armies like BCR and Ironjawz in AoS - both have good battletomes, accessories, start collecting boxes etc. Hell, you can play a BCR army just with three models but an average 1000pts list has about 7-8 models. GW can make nice money on elite GK but somehow they decided to fuck them hard with no real reason
Caleb Williams
Please, someone. Just tell me if I can recycle these sprues or not
Elijah Morris
>But the two have EXACTLY the same damage output No they don't you retard. No matter what melee weapon you choose for the leviathan it has better damage output than a chainfist contemptor.
Chase Morales
Yes you can but you should be a good hobbist and cut them into pieces, spray with leadbelcher and drybrush to use them as anti-tanks barriers
Oliver Thompson
Yeah make spruecrons.
Cooper Powell
maye they're just restoring them to their rightful place as allies
Nolan Hill
>nurgle demon prince + DG demon prince warlord with reroll all DG plague wounds >2 bloat drones with flamers >plague tank with flamer >6d6 heavy flamers that reroll all wounds and get +1 dmg on 6+ wound rolls so gud
Jason Allen
Nah he just has a headache.
Andrew Nguyen
if you got a gasmask you CAN melt them to recast stuff you can also shape them into little crystals or stones or smth for basing if your skilled you could even cut them into weapon bits/arms etc. for advanced modelling options you also could use them to glue stuff to, so they function as some kind of handle or you could throw them away to make some room overall it depends on how much you're willing to do yourself to safe money If you dont have to safe money throw them away if you can/want/have to cut entire modelparts yourself to save money/make the models extremly unique, dont throw them away also
Jaxson Taylor
>chapter tactics within 6" of a character. >HAS to be mono god despite each god bearly having enough units to fill out each type of detachment
Luke Powell
Fraid not for the time being, even if there's a dark mechanicus book on the way it'll be a long way off
Thomas Gray
Renegades and Heretics
Isaiah Moore
GK player getting advice from another GKbro earlier. How’s my list? Sorry for format, phoneposting from work.
1964 pts Draigo, Gate and Hammerhand GMNDK sword, incinerator, Psycannon, Liber Daemonica, Sanctuary and Gate, WL-First to the Fray
2 Paladin Squads, Hammerhand, Hammers on Paragons, halberd on other 4, 2 Psycannons per squad.
Apothecary, purge soul and a hammer
Ven Dread, Astral Aim, 2 Twin Autocannons
2 Terminator Squads, hammer on Justicar, halberds otherwise, 1 Psycannon per squad
John Barnes
Very sad.
Jayden Bennett
Why do you expect us to know which plastics your local recycling service accepts?