Will Wheaton has paid Veeky Forums's mods to nuke any thread containing this image which could prevent him becoming "the celebrity face of gaming".
Will Wheaton has paid Veeky Forums's mods to nuke any thread containing this image which could prevent him becoming...
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Alternative theory: you're an even bigger faggot than he is.
>imgur level attention whoring tactics
Still the most punchable face.
His beard looks like glued on pubes.
But he's already lost.
Matt Mercer is the celebrity face of gaming now.
fuck off with your celeb bullshit, if you want to gossip fuck off to hello magazine or whatever
Will Wheaton always was a faggot. Heard he sucked off River Phoenix in Stand By Me
>caring about namefags
>talking about namefags
>pretending namefags matter
Literally who?
Stop posting random nobodies from internet. And the fuck this even has to do with traditional games?
The kid from Star Trek that nobody liked.
How long until he decides he is gay, trans, non-binary gender, etc.
I expect nothing less from a rather unsuccessful former child actor who has no real secondary education (acting school doesn’t count) or job skills. It’s rather sad that a 45 year old man is best remembered for the “work” he did as a 15 year old boy.
Wheaton lives with generalized anxiety disorder and chronic depression. He supports mental health nonprofit organizations in raising awareness for these conditions.
Look another mentally ill frother liberal.
>He supports mental health nonprofit organizations in raising awareness for these conditions.
Is this a fancy way of saying that he's just pretending to be retarded?
How long until the sexual allegations come out that he really WAS the peg boy for the entire Enterprise crew, and we have to hate even more of our childhood heroes?
Poor guy reminds me of the Home Alone kid.
I expect more of an Anthony Burch scenario only with a rage-fueled murder spree at its climax.
>tfw /pol/ was, as always, right.
This entire board must be purged.
You know how sometimes a joke is funny until you you get this little piece of extra information that completely changes the context around it?