>knight character walks around in armor
Knight character walks around in armor
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Be honest, when was the last time you ever saw anyone play an honest to God knight?
>It's okay since they do that all the time in Dark Souls!
>ambushed at camp in the middle of the night
>equip full plate
I don't do it because they do it in dark souls
I do it because they do it in ultima
>le armor is heavy meme
guaranteed replies
>ambushed, arrested, or otherwise lost equipment
>mage and monk don't mind but weapon armour man is fucked out if half his class
it's pretty fucking heavy
for you
>My greatsword looks like a giant key
Why wouldn't a knight walk around in armor?
If he's on duty, it only makes sense that he'd be wearing armor as his armor is does sort of serve as a status symbol as well shows people that he's not to be fucked with.
It' not comfortable enough to be worn 24/7 though.
I could see him wearing it during a short rest in a dungeon, or putting it on when they finally set out for that ruin just outside of town. Not in the tavern, days from any real adventure.
>Playing Mutants and Masterminds
>Situation comes up which PC cannot don his armor AKA ambush
>Player gets a point discount on all the abilities attached to the armor because of this and even possibly a hero point depending on the situation.
>GM gets to enforce realism and player has a silver lining to either have some extra stuff from the complications and perhaps even guarantee a cool attack rather than getting completely screwed.
And this is ironically because of a "meta-currency" which people complain compromises realism in a game heavily based on dice rolls anyway.
You can't walk in armour at all.
Your legs barely move while wearing steel pants
This is your girl in armor.
When you put armor on you literally die because your internal organs get crushed under its weight.
This is your girl out of armor.
This is your girl in armor.
Haha I get it, TOWER SHIELD
This is your girl out of armor.
This is your girl in armor.
This is your girl out of armor.
Wouldn't he just wear a lighter, less armored set?
Wow you sure showed those people who haven't made a comment in this thread with your single anecdote.
I bet they feel real dumb right now.
Why is she wearing MORE without the armor?
>not just making your player a nobody with false memories to punish them for the snowflake powers
Thank you for the cute, user.
Every single time anything with meta points in it's system like Savage Worlds and Fate I've never failed to see bitching over.
>Bard character walks around dressed like a stripper
To be fair, everyone is half-dead and half-crazy in Dark Souls.
gotta get that cha stat somewhere
formal occasion
Why the fuck would I give a fuck about what you think its comfortable?, my character is a superhuman powerhouse not a puny nerd who has worn cotton all his life
Actually, most people in the Dark Souls series are entirely dead and entirely crazy.
>able to strike down a several ton monster with melee attacks alone
>gets crushed under 100 pound armor
FACT: armor was only worn in parades, no Knight at any point in history has ever worn armor in a battle because it was so heavy and cumbersome, see ninjas, vikings, and archers for historical examples. Pic related, Bronn from my favorite show, Game of Thrones, is one of the only realistic knights ever shown in media. Not only does he accurately wear no armor so as to maximize speed and maneuverability, but he's also greedy and prioritizes money before honor, exactly as a historical knight would do.
Admit you're wrong armor posters and get off TG.
you know knights are calvary right
kinda alieves the "heavy and cumbersome" parts of armor
Monk being ready to go at all times is fine because that's part of their schtick. Depending on where the mage is positioned, what spells he has left, and if he sleeps with his focus/component-pouch, he'll be screwed too. I've also once played a fighter fucked out of his armor and weapons and still managed to outperform the rest of the party, but that may just be because they were idiots. All that being said, a fighter going for days or even weeks in full-plate is not something so far-fetched.
This is you
You're stupid.
He's a troll.
Not only that, strengh building is in general one big dumb meme. Historically soldiers have always built their speed and agility, strenght is only useful in sports.
>try to find shady figures out in the streets
>learn that my armor intimidates them out of hiding
>I have a cleaver plan.jpg
>remove armor
>get ambushed
>try to capture preps
>accidentally kill them
low quality bait.jpg
>be rogue yuan-yi pureblood
>be hiding during my watch
>dm says i didn't roll high enough and am ambushed but a giant snake
>try to use animal friendship to talk to it
fails since snake can't understand me, because dm is dick
>it bites me
>dm says i take x piercing and y poison damage
>i only write down the piercing
>dm says i have to take the poison damage
>i say that being a yuan ti PB i dont take poison damage or any poison effects
>he says that isnt fair to the other players and i have to take it anyway
>i pull out volo's guide and show him
>he says he didnt know, even though i told him during character creation and he said it was kinda broken but fine
>end up taking down my poison damage anyway
Then the GM gave you a blow while the other players highfived you.
What kind of fucktard DM can't even know the RACE of his players?
If you're playing any kind of setting whit magic and monster it's not far-fetched for a fighter/paladin to be able to walk all day on a metal suit.
Your GM's a cunt and an idiot.
You don't get speed without strenght.
RPGs lied
yes go on
Not really. Modern soldiers carry heavier loads, for hours, with streneous physical activity the whole time, and it's not even distributed as well as plate armor would be. That's just the basic expectation for the average soldier in active duty, without bringing anime ass fantasy superheroes into the question (which would be most D&D characters in modern editions)
i'll take it as you wanting more, i posted this story a few months ago
>be rogue yuan ti PB
>going through dungeon, party runs into a magical puzzle thingy
>other characters try to solve it but cant
>my character has 2nd lowest INT, only person lower is the barbarian
>i am able to figure out the puzzle
>dm gets visibly upset but the game goes on, though with less "showmanship" from him
>after the game he asks me to talk for a bit
>he later tells me my character shouldnt have been able to figure out the puzzle
>my reasoning, i said solving the puzzle, was that "puzzles are just different kinds of locks"
>he tells me next time i shouldnt do that since it doesnt fit my character and he'll probably do something to make it harder if i do
>argue with him for a bit but reach an agreement where i'll only do that if everyone else has tried and too much time has passed
It's not really that weird irl too.
It's tiresome and uncomfortable, but not impossible.
stories like this make me glad i have a good dm, when i read the greentexts with the bad DMs i couldnt believe what i was reading cause good dms were all i ever knew up until that point. cont pls
Stop asking and keep posting, fool!
Please tell me the story ends with your foot up the DM's ass
As someone who mostly GM's this is so fucking retarded I can't even begin to comprehend.
when the dm was first starting out he didnt exactly get the rules, i had been a dm before, and so challenegd him a lot in the beginning
>be in combat
>rogue yuan ti PB
>roll to hide as a bonus action after killing an enemy
>next character goes
>a paladin, in heavy armor
>at the end of her turn she asks if she can hide as a bonus action (to the dm)
>he says sure
>he, the dm, rolls
>she succeeds
>call him out on it
>we argue a bit but after he reads through the book (he doesnt own any, he borrowed mine) he said i have to roll because it lists it in my class and he has to roll for others because it doesnt list it in their class
>flip over to the page where it lists hiding is an action and show him
>he tells me to stop interrupting the game and just keep playing
>tell him the bs of the situation
>he says if i keep bringing it up i can just leave
>i get my books from the other players and leave
>he says in the group chat i shouldnt have left and dealt with the problem with him afterwards
>i told him i wouldve just kept bringing it up so i left instead
he learned after that how poor he was being as a dm, but he still had and still does have problems that i keep challening him on
i'm the only veteran player and dm in the group and the only reason i keep playing with them is because, well, being here, should signify that i have barely any friends
Knock that shit off, either post what you want to post or fuck off.
well it could make people tear out their hair and call me out on it being bullshit and tell me to stop posting, so i am asking to be kind
sorry, bitch
You could say you're alive and people here would still call it bullshit.
Did he challenge you over your shitty grammar though?
>call him out on it
>we argue a bit
>tell him the bs of the situation
>i get my books from the other players and leave
>being here, should signify that i have barely any friends
People are going to call you a liar and That Guy regardless you stupid cunt. If that's too much for you to handle then go somewhere else.
Also pretype your greentexts you fucking newfag.
i am drunk, so no i won't
>when i was very first making my yuan ti PB rogue i was making him a swashbuckler archetype
>started very first game and dm said i couldnt use it, even though blah blah he knew before hand
>he said i had to change it since he hadnt read the sword coat guide
>i told him he already knew what it was from since we talked about it weeks ago
>he said he decided to change the campaign from being pirate-y to going back on land and doing quests there
>i told him the swashbuckler wasnt only good on boats, but could be on land too
>he said i dont remember the stuff from that archetype so i dont want you to use it
so i spent about 10 minutes going back and forth between switching between the swashbuckler to the assassin
lindybeige no
If you're not wearing armor and it's not too cold, being clotheless is good to avoid wounds getting infected.
I could believe it. My brother is one of the dumbest pot smoking highschool dropouts I've ever met. He once asked me on Christmas day if tomorrow was the 26th. He can solve pretty much any puzzle we hand him in a couple minutes. It's frightening.
>wizard player has an autistic fit if you take his spellbook
>not playing as an undead
When I go to medieval faires and ren fests I walk around all day in armor, but I keep my helmet on. People who harp on realistic full plate and no helmet should be fucking gassed.
This is why you let characters roll for clues, that way dumb people can play smart characters and smart people can be handicapped by their dumb characters
Hes a shitty GM alright but why do you push him around by doing shit like playing a Yuan Ti PB which you knew was broken af?, thats an asshole move
This is why every gentleman should own a set of padded or layered cloth armour in addition to his full plate. A jack of plates is also acceptable for chest protection.
>his armor isn't an intelligent magical item that can transform into an animal companion when not in use.
Pleb knights these days, i swear.
>armor turns into an animal companion
If it doesn't turn into a turtle, tortoise, armadillo, or pangolin, you're fucking doing it wrong
>knight character hovers around in armor
>knight character slides around like a slug in armor
You're forgetting the part where modern soldiers will immediately dress down whenever they can. Trust me, it fucking sucks to have to wear your Full Fighting Order all the time.
not actually sure if this is good bait or not
>wanting to fuss around with two sets of stats for a character
Yeah, nah.
>Prioritizing muh numbers!!! over actually roleplaying
Show me where OP said that.
OP said "walks around", that could mean as little as walking around a single room of a dungeon.
My last session
ill just leave this here.
It sucks, but it sucks significantly less than getting shot or not being able to shoot back. I actually got pretty used to it, but years of walking around in that shit most of the time and not being a FOBbit will do that to you.
fascinating video actually, I’d like to see other period armors, like if plate and mail sets were better or worse on maneuverability.