What does Veeky Forums think of the pedophiles being found in the judges program for MTG? Why doesn't WOTC seem to care and keeps deflecting?
A few are registered sex offenders....
What does Veeky Forums think of the pedophiles being found in the judges program for MTG? Why doesn't WOTC seem to care and keeps deflecting?
A few are registered sex offenders....
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I honestly think that literally anyone should be welcome-ish to play magic. If they've served their fine for this or that and are not deemed a threat they are welcome to participate just like Nazis, commies, and anyone else I find distasteful.
Putting predatory people in a position of authority over children is completely unacceptable though.
>A few are registered sex offenders....
For doing what exactly? Some countries have weird laws about it
Why are registered sex offenders allowed to do anything helpful to anyone anywhere?
Hey man, if a drunk chick hits on you then has second thoughts in the morning then you /deserve/ to starve on the street.
what's with right wing fuckers accusing literally everyone that disagrees with them of being pedophiles? Pizzagate, this shit, basically every post by Mike Thernovitch, et cetera.
/pol/ plz leave
Isn't this more a requirement if anything? Got to hangout with a couple of them since I'm a tourneyfag and they're all a bit off.
you shitbirds politicized it with zach jesse. then twoo, then the sprankle bullshit. now it's coming back around and you can't take the heat?
reap what you've sown, dickhead.
I remember a thread about an user who was charged for being a pedophile. After a few years he wanted to separate himself from such thoughts and behaviour and start anew and his salvation was finding a D&D group. He wondered if it was alright to reveal his past crimes to his new friends or keep it a secret. It really was a burden to him and he really wanted to be accepted in the group, yet carry it's weight. I would have forgiven him.
If you are reading this, keep strugling and seek salvation.
noone's going to click on your video jeremy
fuck off
It's basically the right-wing equivalent of using "racist" or "nazi". Hard to disprove and is pretty much indefensible in the eyes of the public.
>My feelings can't handle mature and appropriate discussion.
>Anything I disagree with is Hitler, /pol/, Nazi.
Kill yourself. This is a real problem that needs to be discussed and is a problem strictly related the Veeky Forums and the Veeky Forums community. Grow up or get out.
Pedo's need to lose any authority related to game with kids. WOTC need to Publicly announce that any and all Pedo's are not allowed to Judge.
Sex offender can mean a lot of things because the title covers a lot of different offenses (I think) so that can be up for discussion.
This is about convicted pedophiles, and pretending that this is a right/left thing is silly after the Alabama race. I'm not interested in keeping anyone without a perfectly clean criminal history out like Hambly is but it is a legitimate thing to want to have discussion about, the problem isnt WotC taking a pro pedophile stance, it's that they're actively trying to pretend like these problems don't exist.
>several years ago wotc banned a criminal from mtg
>ok how about not banning criminals from mtg
>you shitbirds politicized it with zach jesse. then twoo, then the sprankle bullshit. now it's coming back around and you can't take the heat?
Nobody here gives a shit about mtg drama. The reason people hate the game here is because r&d have made the game into magic the tappening and the current game design is hot garbage. The politics is just a convenient distraction for retards who don't understand why the game is so fucking awful nowadays.
If he was an actual pedophile I couldn't forgive him. I could move past it if he was truly redeemed, but you can't commit acts of inhumanity and get away with it, or be accepted as anything but scum.
Reminder that public urination can get you registered as a sex offender.
The reason WotC isn't saying anything is because the Judge program is kind of in a strange place as it stands. If WotC takes a stand on something in the Judge program, it means they have to acknowledge that they control the Judge program, which would give the "Judges are employees and thus deserving of compensation" argument merit. For obvious reasons (WotC are cheap fucks) they are unwilling to make that acknowledgement. It is easier for them to simply ignore it all and let the Judge community work it out between themselves. That way, WotC gets its Judges for free like they want to.
tl;dr: WotC are scummy when it comes to the Judge program so they're not gonna do shit about this.
>Game is so awful nowadays.
The old cards are still a thing. Just don't play tournament standard rules that limit you to the most recent sets. Find a group who will play with older sets in your local tournaments.
No matter how much they add the game won't ever really change. Me and my community all still play with the same decks we did even before battle of zendicar and older.
Is Jeremy sitting all day in front of his computer and shitposting all day on/tg/? This would explain almost anything wrong with this board, at least for the mtg part.
So can having sex with a 15 year old girl when you're 16. And it's tough as all hell to get yourself off the list. Some things need to put you on a shitlist forever, but some thing's that can get you on that shitlist are complete bullshit.
No, he's manipulated /pol/ to do it for him.
for free
go away jeremy
Hey jeremy, if you're still here you should start a patreon donation on your 'quest to sue wotc and bring the big brudda down'. I'm sure you'll make big bucks from it.
Does that include national parks?
Here's a nice article to feed this debate thats not from jeremy or anyone else involved.
well they did recently decertify a level 3 judge for sexual harassment allegations.
Christ what the fuck is this new flavor of bullshit.
How many of these fucking threads have you made now, holy shit. Give it the fuck up already. This is a waste of your time and ours and we got along just fine bitching over tiny, irrelevant details of MtG the actual game before this 'muh wizards' campaign of shitposting started.
Oh hey it's that dude who was banned for life from Magic. I guess he's not over that.
It's part of the whole Milo, Vox Day crowd of people who get people worked up for money on the right-wing side of things. The whole culture war narrative pays $$$ on either side for these youtube and patreon fucks.
"Guys, people have caught on that we're talking out of our asses and we might actually be advocating for Hitler unironically. What do?"
>"Well, clearly we need to recruit. What's our target audience?"
"Right now, it's mostly disaffected teens, young adult males that feel left behind by society and disillusioned with the idea of globalism and acceptance."
>"Ok, here's what we do. What are some gathering places of these people?"
"Since they tend to keep to themselves in their own communities, they like collecting things, and traditional games."
And from there we get all the shitposting about WotC banning people for being assholes to community members, WotC's cardstock issues being representative of the degeneration of society (???), ENDLESS shitposting about Chinese proxies, and now pedoposting. I'm so fucking tired of this culture war, it's exhausting.
Here's a hot opinion: All of this shitposting, ALL of it, is tied in with propaganda. Even and especially by people who don't even know they're perpetuating it. They see a new "meme" of people hating on something other people enjoy, and Veeky Forums being the place it is, it catches on with idiots who think they're in good company. And from there, we get crossboarding FUCKHEADS who INSIST on posting about American politics on boards that have NOTHING to do with them! They defend it by tangentially relating it back to Veeky Forums, but it's just fucking right wing propaganda all the fucking way down and I'm so tired and frustrated with it. I just want to talk about stupid Magic combos and make dumb fake spoiler cards and rewrite bad flavor text and talk about weird DnD multiclass options and HAVE FUN WITH A HOBBY I ENJOY! STOP FUCKING RUINING THIS BOARD FOR THE LOVE OF GOD YOU HAVE YOUR OWN ENTIRE FUCKING CONTAINMENT BOARD TO SHITPOST TO YOUR HEARTS CONTENT EVEN FUCKING /MLP/ KEEPS THEIR SHIT TO THEMSELVES
We need a fucking global rule, and we need to enforce it. MODS MODS MODS
>t. deathworthy pedshit
>here's my opinion on the matter
Fucking kill yourself
I think there should be more pedos in the community, im pretty sure Jeremy is one he told my 8yo nephew at the theros pre release he would suck his dick for his elspeth pull
I have evidence