Ark Delegates

What is the best Ark Delegate for sub 50 ARK?

Whats the difference between biz_classic and biz_private?

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basically doesn't matter as long as they don't have a minimum ark requirement or are private

easy, thanks user

biz_private has a better return rate, but you need to have 25k Ark to vote for them.

For small amounts I recommend del

>sub 50 ARK
Fucking arklets...

Shit thats me out then

This. If you vote for them with a sub, I think it's actually 20k now, wallet, you'll be ignored in the payout script.

private dropped out of the top 51 yesterday and gave me a scare though (not that I'm private voter).

Also please reassure me it's all going to be ok, I'm losing faith in Ark with how well REQ is doing. Anyone able to shill that Ark will not be btfo by REQ?

Biz voters now get free transections

>all these replies
>no one tells him it'll take decades to make back the 1 voting ARK
It's not worth voting under ~200 ARK because it'll ages to make back the 1 ARK it costs to vote.

From what I know, REQ targets FIAT payments, where ARK targets bridging blockchains. I might be wrong, but I think these 2 can coexist as they have different uses.
I get why you're losing faith tho. Seeing all these coins moon while ARK stays the same is frustrating. That being said, ARK has 2x'd in a month. While that is not impressive in this market, it's still something.
My advice is if you have massive FOMO on the shitcoins, sell a chunk of ARK for them, but nothing you can't afford to lose. This project has so much going for, it has by far the strongest community behind it I know that it will grow, maybe slowly, but it will grow.
Personally, I was planning on holding this until 2018. Now that it's come, and I've made 2000% from this coin, I'm going to withdraw a little bit to gamble of moon mission, but again, nothing I can't afford to lose.

just unload your bags, even if it moons eventually you have made 5 times the gains in the meanwhile.

Don't buy ark. You've missed it.

yeah, missed holding it for half a year, watching it lose value in sats while everything else goes 100x

You can vote for biz for free ya dingus

It's worth more than LISK. To see it at $20 is tilting

When did they add that?

My bags made me 0.12 BTC in interest over that time while ARK is still double my buy price in sato so I can't complain.

Was announced last night

biz_network = biz_classic + biz_private?

Yes voters for either of those delegates get to send transactions for free

Interesting, Chang and Moon are doing great things.


>That’s right, our voters can now send Ark, vote for us, and create a second passphrase for FREE!
Oh fuck I'm salivating. I was gonna wait until core v2 for this.

Personally I like ark but the 0.1 ark fee is just pure bullshit for me and a real growth stopper.

Do you know when will this be fixed?

Read the thread nigger.

Well with Ark on the constant decline the .1 fee isn't a big deal

It's ~70 cents you bum

You're kidding right? This is a pretty low fee compared to many other cryptos and is being dropped HARD when core v2 comes out. Also see

When V2 comes out but just switch to biz_classic they're refunding fees

Gonna make a second passphrase to test this shit. If it doesn't work I'm selling everything.

Test it out first by sending a small tx to see if it gets forged by a biz node

I have autism and wanted the second passphrase refund to be the first ever to appear in the Tx refund list on the dashboard.

Also I've already done it.

The article said it could take up to 24h to show up as a pending refund though and I wouldn't have the patience to test that. Not quite sure why it'd take 24h, shouldn't they know immediately upon forging the block?

They aggregate all their daily forged blocks and allocate once every 24hrs iirc. Did your transaction end up in their block? I remember some people didn't restart their client and the trick with the IP address didn't work

>Please note that your first confirmation may take a little longer than normal because your transaction will only be able to be forged by a biz_network delegate (either biz_classic or biz_private), but all confirmations after the first will be at normal speeds.

..still no first confirmation after 10 minutes, what the fuck is this luck? With 51 delegates, one of which forges a block every 8 seconds, and biz_network being 2 of those delegates, it shouldn't take more than 3 and a half minutes for them to get a block... That math was bad but it's something like that.

If this is going to be a common thing it may not be worth the refund. One of Ark's selling points is its fast transaction times and it should already have 51 by now.

I restarted the client before even reading their instructions to do so out of paranoia. Though it's worth pointing out that before restarting it it said that the peer was their IP on the front page of the wallet, so if it doesn't use it until after a restart that's a nasty bug.

I assume it did since I still have 0 confirmations.

constant decline? you realized its been stable between about $6.15-7.50 for a few weeks now for the most part

Ok, the explorer shows zero information on the Tx too. Block height still going up.


Worked for my a few hours ago. I noticed the tx only showed up on explorer after it got forged


15 minutes to forge a block? What are the fucking odds of that?

Your tx isn't in the block though weird

I'm literally the only Tx in the block lol.

Can you link? I don't see it in dafty's explorer

It's there. Got forged by classic.

That fucking 15 minute gap between Tx date and block timestamp though. If that's going to be a regular thing then I'm not sure I'll use this. A 15 minute additional delay in getting my Ark to an exchange could be murder.

biz_classic, they offer a monthly payout option which should reduce the amount lost to transaction fees (most others are weekly I believe).

So someone explain to me how the second passphrase works anyway.

If the first passphrase created the address in the first place why would it not be able to now? The only thing I can imagine is that the network has registered a second signature on the address and all _future_ transactions will now be checked against the additional signature? Am I guessing correctly? How much load does this put on the network to have to check back through the entire chain to see if an address added a signature or not?

would a kind Ark hodler explain from the start how stacking and delegates works for an ARKlet like me?
I have 451 ARK sitting on ttrex since too much time.
What can I get with this amount?

What's the point in getting a second passphrase? Just one passphrase with 12 words should be secure enough, right? I mean, what are the chances that someone burteforces that?
Here you go. With your amount of ark you would be getting about 0.1 ark a day. Keep in mind that the kikes from biz_classic STILL are going to charge you a fee of 0.1 ark per payout.

That's why they let you set your payout to weekly or monthly.

>What's the point in getting a second passphrase? Just one passphrase with 12 words should be secure enough, right? I mean, what are the chances that someone burteforces that?
Low as fuck, but the chance of them getting both is an order of magnitude lower than the already astronomically low chance of getting the first. And if it's free, why not?

It'd help a lot if Ark would implement the private keys being encrypted by a user password inside the wallet file so the user could just use their own password to sign transactions though. Every single other wallet does this, what the fuck.

>Keep in mind that the kikes from biz_classic STILL are going to charge you a fee of 0.1 ark per payout.
Keep in mind it won't pay out until you have 1.0 pending, AND you can up it to monthly payouts as well, minimizing the fee sting significantly.

Also, MoonMan has already explained why delegates who cover their stakers fees are retards.

I'm at a weekly payout atm but considering to switch to monthly. Thing is, having weekly payouts is comfy as fuck. Rationally speaking it's pointless but it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling seeing those ark arrive on my wallet every week. Monthly saves a lot in fees but it's not as satisfying because you wait so damn long. I wish they would just reduce the damn fee to 0.01 and I could set it to daily.

If you don't mind paying 4x the fee (which is low frankly, and soon to become far lower), then sure. It is literally pointless to subscribe to anything other than monthly though.

Even at 0.01 I wouldn't set it to daily though. And do I really want all that fucking spam in my wallet history?

It's 0.3 now.

Oh the min payout amount? I dunno why they'd do that, that's stupid.

because users can just change it on their own, the 0.3 is just for those too lazy to change it or even make an account.

Why such a cruel default?

I don't see anything in the dashboard that allows me to change the min payout amount.

I actually half expected this feature when I first joined desu, neat if implemented.

You can't change the min payout. It's 0,3 by default.

Ah yeah, I see that info in the FAQ now.

I still think that was a dumb change, maybe after the fee reduction it'd be ok but at 0.1, 0.3 is cruel.

who's going to have less than 0.3 after a month?

Yeah I know, but you yourself said it's going to affect those to lazy to make an account.