Why hasn't your character signed up for the adventurers' guild?
Why hasn't your character signed up for the adventurers' guild?
Because they don't make sense in any universe that's not a Saturday morning cartoon.
Because my character is not an adventurer nor a carpenter or doing any trade job. Just trying to catch up a ship back home, if there still are any ships left. Or home.
They have and it's amazing.
Because my characters don't live in a shitty isekai anime, where the whole concept of adventure is watered down and standardized, because japs can't comperend living outside of corporate culture even in the fantasy world.
Because there isn't one. He does sign up for any of the other guilds(fighters', mages', thieves', etc.)he qualifies for.
Because she became an adventurer so that she could live a free life and do what she wanted, not join the workforce and deal with red tape.
Wait there are adventurers guilds? Shit i guess i should sign up for
They want a cut of my loot?
FUCK THAT! I murdered an entire tribe of orcs for this gold and headdress and if these bureaucratic fucks want even a single rusted and bent copper they can pry it from my cold dead fingers!
It doesn't exist.
>for this gold and headdress
More fantasy art needs to depict adventurers as wearing absolutely absurd getups that makes them look like they just raided a novelty costume store.
Bare minimum entry requirement should be Adam Ant's Dandy Highwayman getup.
Why would I pay a fee to them when I don't even pay taxes.
Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?
They sell your loot for more cash and take a cut. So everyone is better off.
Not true at all, but nothing I say will convince you of the fact that you're a badwrongfun faggot
>you don't like thing for x y z reason? you're a badwrongfun faggot
sure showed 'em mate
If that's what you got out of the faggot's post you sure got some top tier reading comprehension there, champ.
because HOOPS (Hunters' Organization Of Proper Slaying) does it better
Hey yo you got source on the image OP?
I am under a guild and here's a basic summation of my first quest.
>Employer made a bet with children and lost
>Had to give up a pocketwatch for losing the bet
>Was a sore loser and hired us to get it back
>Two ingame days later, find out exactly the terms under which the noble hired us
>Still complete my duty and ask to him for the reward.
>First response from him is "...You think you deserve a reward?"
You know what, technically speaking, I don't. You know why? Because that watch I gave you is one of the fake watches the kids you fucked with made. But thanks for the gold anyway.
You probably like Goblin Slayer and wristwatches.
I’m not an adventurer m8
>implying there's something wrong with wristwatches
Fucking millennials, I swear...
best answer. also checked
What's the point of saving the world and getting the girl if you're doing it for a paycheck?
How do you feel about a organization that takes a fee for membership, but provides services to members that are too niche for the general peasantry to need like specialized spell component suppliers and magical item repair. It could also act a centralized location for jobs and tasks to be posted by either the crown or the commoners. They could even provide lodging and food like a tavern, and maybe exists as a chain across the country.
>posting Nephenee
Just make full fledged adventurer's guilds, they're easy enough to justify and keep internally consistent.
>He doesn't play in a Saturday morning cartoon setting
How do you think he made the orc tusk headdress, The little tusks at the front had to come form somewhere.
It's not unethical as long as you use every part of the orc, after all.
Adventurers Guilds would make sense if they were just the Mafia with magic.
Kings and Nobles own everything, all the land so they would of course consider you plundering some dungeon (even one they didn't know existed) as stealing from them. So "Adventuring" would be illegal.
So you couldn't just roll up to the nearest town with a bunch of loot you need to pawn unless you wanted to end up in prison. So you need fences and then people will start making you pay protection money to not get ratted out to the Nobility, and there will be turf wars, etc..
So really Thieves Guild and Adventurers Guild would be the same thing.
Screeches the person literally doing it wrong
Some people don’t want to be tied down in beaucracy or be forced to give up a portion of the payment to a corporate douche.
>easy enough to justify and keep internally consistent
good argument
Guilds are for pussies. I shouldn't need a license to go scale a mountain. Adventurers are defined by their skill not some bureaucracy
Neither of those girls is wearing underwear and only artist contrivance is keeping away an X rating
I'm too busy stealing panties from adventurers with my buddies
Any setting I've ever run that could support the concept of adventurer's guilds hasn't had a single, unified, *THE* adventures guild. Instead there have been a couple factions that could call themselves that in a world that also included various crime syndicates, mercenary companies, private military forces in pay to large banking houses, militant orders of churches that were various degrees of independent from their parent churches, nations with Foreign Legions that had permissive entry requirements as long as you're strong, willing to go shitty places and do shitty things for money, etc.
I tend to have a lot of autonomous or semi-autonomous factions in my campaigns. I find it's an easy way to add a sense of depth of complexity, and maybe depth, to a world without doing a terrible amount of work; it's easy to bang out a name and a general ethos, and they're not hard to stock with characters because you can just recycle NPCs from the groups that the party isn't interested in interacting with into the ones they are. It's also a fairly easy way to sink plothooks into the party; if the characters hate everything that the Red Zodiac stand for on general principle, or better yet, get wronged by them at some point, and know that the Brethren Court of the Diamond Tower are stolid opponents of theirs, they have reason to seek them out and liaise with them.
Now in my mind, this Does Not Work for every setting, if we're starting with a concept that's more focused, it would add unnecessary distraction to events. But, if the players feel like more or less sandbox, Gonzo Fantasy, just a disparate party of characters made from options they wanted to try out without a unifying theme, it's a good way to get balls rolling.
I know that that autist guy I discussed about guilds some time ago is bound to come to this thread, so I want to hijack it to propose this:
In my super hero setting, they are registered in the Super Hero Association, A place located in international waters that work as some kind of interpol, receiving specific missions from specific people that abide to the law of each country that the mission takes place. Why is this not possible in the real world?
That's a completely different scenario entirely and is based around the idea of law enforcement and interpol. Which are both things.
Adventurers however aren't people going around being police, they're people questing for fame, fortune or just for the fuck of it.
I know, I care not of the guilds dilemma, I just want to flesh out my world.
This Adventurers should be mercenaries, thieves, treasure hunters, soldiers, scavengers, or survivors who do what they do because they're good at killing and either can't or don't want to do normal work.
A single unified "adventurers guild" makes even less sense than the idea of a thieves guild. Just have a few scattered mercenary companies and bounty offices and call it a day.
>Flesh out world by cribbing shit from other sources where it didn't work either,.
Well you're doing a crappy job.
so you have no idea
>implying mercenaries, soldiers and treasure hunters aren't/weren't organized.
Cause no one ever got their group sponsored for a expedition in the history of ever right?
You fucking retarded niggers need to read a fucking book instead of pretending to know shit because you're clearly highschoolers who have no fucking clue.
Mercenaries are by their very nature SELF employed. Yes they're ORGANIZED but organized doesn't mean UNIONIZED. If they wanted to work for a larger organization then they wouldn't be mercenaries.
And as for sponsorship deals, that's also completely different and typically done at the behest of royalty or some wealthy third party. NOT GUILDS.
>You fucking retarded niggers
Read a book you dumb nig.
>but organized doesn't mean UNIONIZED
>implying mercenaries are ionized
fucking pleb
I like you.
Because he's well known enough now that he doesn't have to work for that shitty temp agency just to get a job.
Seriously, Japanese fantasy is fucking shit.
>Pig orcs
>Turning adventuring into a fucking 9-5, well considering it's Japan more like 9am-4am, job
>Kobolds are dogs
>meta """"humour"""" out the ass that just makes you wish the writer got a brain tumor
>"alright guys, so our lead has brown shaggy hair and wear's a "breastplate" that's really looks more like just a metal bra with pauldrons, too generic? What if we made him a red head girl with the exact same outfit instead"
>Females of the species look like girls with headbands, despite males being full on furry-tier creatures
No sense in talking to them, they'll only shout at you that a fantasy world can't possibly have any organization of people that doesn't exist in the real world while pulling shit out of their asses and completely missing the point of any real world groups they talk about.
There's a fundamental difference between a band of mercenaries and the traditional adventurer's guild.
Adventurer's guilds are fine depending on your setting, but don't pretend the traditional idea makes sense.
Why don't I cut out the middleman and have my face sell it instead?
Here’s a tip to everyone on this thread for ease of Veeky Forums usage for the morons out there.
If a thread starts with a pathetically short one-sentence post about a subject that has been repeatedly posted every single day for days and which always starts arguments or gets people angry, it’s a troll thread.
The person who starts a troll thread is called a troll, and they’re just there to shitpost and get (you)’s out of you.
The person who posts in a troll thread is called a retard and is of subhuman intelligence for falling for this bullshit instead of reporting and hiding.
Glad to educate the dumb fucks on here and happy to remind the smart ones.
>The person who posts in a troll thread is called a retard and is of subhuman intelligence
It’s called sageing so as not to bump the troll thread. And now I’m out because I’ve given the message.
but now you're just double retarded
Hey, sometimes these adventurer's guild threads can be pretty neat. I've seen some decent worldbuilding and history come to light in these threads.
More importantly I like yelling at people who disagree with me.
>they don't make sense
Nice imagination there bud. Guilds provide stable pay rates on quests/jobs, easy access to said jobs with everything being in one location and handled by guild managers, special rates on equipment and services including lodging, legal defense and other member protection services. It's just a union, like Longshoremen or Teamsters.
We're already members of the Hunter Association.
because neph is a good girl
What if the adventurers guild exists on the frontier? People are meant to explore the forgotten or unknown lands and report back to the guild about the areas found. Its meant for understanding the realms beyond man and starting the process of colonizing the lands.
Still doesn't make sense. The best way is for the players to be regular mercs hired by an eccentric and fabulously rich hobbiest entrepreneur. He likes to hire mercs to dig around in remote places in the world for: 1) Strange peoples to popularise to rich people and anthropologists and then industrialize them to make their trinkets and baubles for the rich people and anthropologists.
2) Discover natural resources.
3) Discover anthropologically interesting cites, carefully and secretly loot them, then sell access to them to anthropologists at a premium.
And other shenanigans.
What if you give them a small cut off everything, but they'll give you a meager wage when you're down on your luck and give you access to a rich community of cartographers, historians, wizards, niche venders, and colleagues?
Amen brother.
Because adventurers' guilds don't make any sense and are a shitty idea to start adventuring.
There is literally no good movie, anime, book, manga or serie that has a concept such as "adventurer guilds"
I wish i could play in a Saturday morning cartoon.
How to spot the Aussie shitposter, or if unironic, the American.
>what are gentlemen's clubs
>what are hunting lodges
>what are secret societies
>what are mercenary guilds
>what are the Bardic Voices novels
>what are the Theive's World Novels
>what is the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
I think you're mostly just being contrarian,. unless you're just under-read.
Half those things are just where people get drunk and smoke cigars
Oh, so you;'re an unimaginative stick in the mud. Carry on.
Actually now that I think about that I AM totally in favor of an adventurers lodge where we can chill out after a quest and get drunk while smoking cigars.
The closest thing to adventurers' guilds in my setting are some prominent mercenary companies that wander from conflict to conflict. This is the only way to make money as a homeless vagrant, since Farmer Bob in Localsville isn't always going to have a goblin problem.
Well that's defining guild very differently. In this instance it's basically just a team for hire rather than a larger governing body.
And you're just a brainlet that thinks he knows how the world and politics work, when in reality he doesn't know jack shit.
It's hypocritical of you to accuse them of being unimaginative when an adventurer's guild is a cliche.
Merc work is pretty much the only way I can see a bunch of murderhobos making a living, though. The function of an adventurer's guild can be fulfilled by a local bulletin board for odd jobs and things people need. Most of said odd jobs wouldn't require a stab happy rogue to stab some things for it either, so the 'adventuring' part seems entirely unnecessary.
I just don't see how there would be such a high demand for adventurers that would require a larger governing body or a niche which couldn't be filled by just hiring a couple of mercs instead.
>I just don't see how there would be such a high demand for adventurers
Careful, the adventurer guild autists will get you for
>just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean it can't be done, hurr durr
Hunter X Hunter.
>Hunter x Hunter
Nigga, no. It's average at best
>We are the Adventurers' Guild
>The entire Adventurers' Guild
We're trying to get a bunch of other mercs, mages, explorers, etc. to join up and help get the kingdom to legally recognize our proper guilds status, and get people to help with legal protection and clout for asshole clients, etc. etc.
of course, also have to keep going on impressive adventures to make sure everyone knows what awesome adventurers the adventurers' guild is. Something many rivals both legal, political, and fellow adventurers' do not fully appreciate.
I just made this shit up. if anyone wants they can use this as a campaign concept.
The closest there is in my setting is random mercenary work under one of the empires, but nobody does it because the availability and type of work is inconsistent, the pay is shit, and the chances of dying or being assassinated by the aristocracy are usually higher than if you just went to the middle of nowhere to stab some spawn creatures and come back with their hearts.
Nevertheless, if you do manage to get on the good side of a nobleman and don't mind doing wetwork, you might even become an imperial citizen if you're not from the main region.
There are no adventurers. Why would there be a guild for them?
fucking unions can burn in hell
Well ultimately we have two types of problems that would need to be dealt with.
1. Problems that can be resolved internally by people in the village with specialized fields. Local soldiers, black smiths, delivery services etc. These people would be paid by whomever is employing them or in the case of merchants, whatever they charge based on local economics.
and the big one
2) Problems that go beyond the scope of these things. Remember a local baron needs that Mansion of Skelentons taking care of more than you need a one of gig. So if your reputation is good enough then you pretty much have him over a barrel.
I never got this argument.
Adventuring is profitable in a lot of settings. Dangerous work, but profitable. Why wouldn't an organisation with contacts who can gather rumors of dungeons or quests or whatever hire adventurers for a price?
I agree with you, but the adventurer guilds shitheads don't.
They'll go on and on about some vague constant threats that make the adventurer guild relevant, even if such a thing is utterly retarded.
They'll be like
>oh, there are mercenaries, but that's too boring
>better make adventurer guild that make no sense whatsoever and could be done just as well by mercenaries
Those are not adventurer's guilds. Those are legitimate guilds or associations revolving around a trade or a cause. "Adventurer" is as much of a legitimate trade as YouTuber.
The problem I and many fa/tg/uys have with the whole adventuring guild stuff is not the guild part but the "adventuring" part. Sure the whole "fun adventure with my friends" stuff IS the whole point of TTRPGs and I'm all for it, but from my point of view it doesn't make any sense in-universe, unless you take out the "adventurer" stuff to make them a dedicated mercs or explorers guild/society like many posters in this thread proposed.
Adventure defines as "An unusual and exciting or daring experience.". That is precisely what you, as a player are looking. But except for a very carefree, eccentric and somewhat psycho background, I don't think many PCs would have that as their primary motivation to delve into the Tomb of Horrors or for that matter kill other sapient beings. You may have fun (and I sure hope you do) as a player, but your PC is going through (literral) hell and only wishes he/she was back at the tavern.
And then you have unimaginative Badwrongfun poster, who will do an immediate about face when someone posts "depends on the setting' in a thread he likes and scream bloody murder that you're an unimaginative prick in his favorite one question worldbuilding shitpost.
>Adventuring is profitable in a lot of settings
Sure. In setting where there's enough "adventurers" and "dungeons" and "quests" for such a thing to be profitable or even possible, that is true. That guy chose to call those types of settings "saturday morning cartoons" but you could more charitably call them something else, if you wanted.
In more serious settings and games, there wouldn't be enough of any of those elements to justify an adventurer's guild.
In the end, this is a conflict of play styles. People who are okay with adventurer's guilds are looking to play a fun romp in the dungeon to kill stuff, grab loot, level up and move on, like D&D and a ton of other games provide. People who are against the idea prefer something more down to earth and serious in their TTRPGs, and in my experience also tend to gravitate towards low magic settings.
You keep screaming that word but you don't offer any real insight on how to make this shit work, You're just some faggot who probably finished watching Konosuba or some other Isekai crap.
It's not being unimaginative to call bull shit on something that doesn't seem to work. Unimaginative is copy something you saw and not putting in any thought on how it effects the world you're developing.
Of course there'd be room for (an) adventuring guild(s). It'd just have fewer employees.
Unless there's no adventurers in your setting, there's potentially room for an adventuring guild.
You know what an adeventurer's guild would be good for?
You pay them an exorbitant amount of money. but this money covers you for critical things:
>you are allowed to retain your weapons and armor in town despite local laws
>or they can store such if they can't swing that
>local thieves guild get paid to leave members unmolested for their stay in the city
>immediate information on where to go to get what you might need in the exotic materials and supplies rather than hunting around town and city all day
>access to clerical and magical support staff rather than again, hunting over the whole damn city
>bail & fine payment when your barbarian or sorceress goes on a bender and wrecks someone or something important
>info on what other parties are where in the membership so you don't cross paths unprepared
>updates on what situations are where and political movements that your new-to-the-area party might need to know in a pinch
This stuff is hard on adventurers who move around a whole lot. Joining a guild might be expensive, but this is all worth it. and it adds in other adventure hooks such as 'joining the right guild', 'guild wars', 'struggling guild recruiting', and 'someone political has it out for the guild'.
So, fuck all the haters, do it.
Adventurers themselves are an artifact of that kind of high fantasy D&D-like setting.
Most settings I play don't have adventures.
Adventure is not something you do on purpose, it's something that happens to you, usually when you're not ready for it and you spend the majority of it trying not to die and maybe come out on top.
No, you're pretty much just an unimaginative twat.
If thieves guilds can work - and they not only work, they're a staple in fiction both fantasdy, modern, and science fiction forever - there is no reason to think that it can't be done elsewhere. Such as suggests.