Leave Horus to me!
Best Primarch Coming Through
Do you ever get tired of talking about the same shit, again and again, every single day
No, why would I get bored with talking about the best fighter in fiction?
>chimps out
>gets left bleeding, broken and half-dead
>fellow yiff autists howl around him in lament
Horus should've just finished him off, but I suppose it's funnier this way.
Book isn't out yet. Russ is going to put that dent in the armor that lets Emps win.
Why does Leman Russ cause so much butthurt on Veeky Forums? Is it because he beats up nerds?
Because SW are obsessed with wolves and BL decided to write Russ as a low IQ retard
no that's why i'm here on Veeky Forums
>Russ had low IQ
Nice meme. Russ was probably the only primarch with self awareness and recognized the shape of the Galaxy as a whole. He was actually pretty deep thinking outside of his depiction in Thousand Sons
Not to mention he was also trusted by the Emperor to pick and chose his wars independantly and was also the one He turned to when facing the biggest threats like the Rangdan and several wars that were redacted from Imperial history.
>BL decided to write Russ as a low IQ retard
That's becuase he is one. I mean seriously, compare his reason for hating Psykers to Mortarion’s.
>Morty: “Pysker’s are dangerous and wily and prone to either go mad or abuse their power to harrass normal innocents, like the Necromancers of Barbarus”
>Russ: “Magic requires reading and is Dishonorable and for weakling nerds who can’t fight proper, except when we do it, then it’s ‘communing with spirits’ which is totally different”
Rune Priests differ greatly from what Magnus proposed. Look at their resistance to choas and orks WAAAH's effect.
SPACE WOLVES?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!???!?!?!!?
Shit writing
OP, there are loyalists who were of some actual use.
>The nerd thinks real power comes from reading books.
The Young Space Wolf entered the Wolf Cruiser's forward observatory with trepidation. The perils of Warp travel had always befuddled the Young Space Wolf's wolf senses, but he always found it reassuring to gaze out into normal space as soon as the Warp was left behind. It was then the Young Space Wolf caught scent of the Old Space Wolf and immediately relaxed. The Old Space Wolf had, in fact, caught the scent of the Young Space Wolf as well and bid his wolf brother join him in observing the space around the Wolf Cruiser with their wolf eye sight. The Young Space Wolf hurried to the call of the Old Space Wolf and was immediately taken by the quiet silence the older Wolf Brother radiated, his wolven features and wolfish candor tingling his wolf senses as surely as wolfbane. The Young Space Wolf again hesitated, but the Old Space Wolf bid him come once more to his wolf side but the Young Space wolf's inner wolf held him back. The Young Space Wolf's wolf senses told him not all was right with the Older Space Wolf and his wolf spirit was not as wolfish as it had at first seemed to the Young Space Wolf's senses. It was then that the Young Space wolf drew his fabled Wolf sword Wolfheart and issued a wolven challenge against the Old Space Wolf's wolf spirit, which met the wolf challenge with the wolvish ferocity a wolf of The Young Space Wolf's wolfishness had expected from the Old Space wolf's wolf spirit. The wolves wolfed in wolvished combat for hours as the wolven wolf spirits wolfed for wolven supremacy. Wolfing the wolves wolf spirit the Young Space Wolf wolfed once more at the Old Space Wolve who wolved a wolf in wolven defiance while wolf spirits wolfed on in wolven combat. Then the Young Space Wolf wolfed a wolf that wolved the wolfish wolf spirit Wolf from his wolven slumber amidst the wolves of Wolf Wolvington, wolfed high in the wolven mountains against the wolves of wolfy wolfishness. Wolfing wolves wolved wolf wolves wolf wolf wolf wolf.
Daily reminder that Russ was both a brainlet and a manlet
always gets me. Fucking furries. Best Primarch Dorn.
because he's written as a Chad Mary Sue who has no discernible unique skills other than liking wolves and lacking critical thinking skills but is somehow supposed to be the strongest and most uncorruptable primarch.
Except oh wait, he's a retard who doesn't realize that wolf priests are psykers and wulfen make him a massive bitchfitting hypocrite and a HERETIC.
>Also this thread gets made constantly to inspire rage.
Also, he looks down on other legions for having impure geneseed and almost purges the Sons prematurely for the flesh-change, then like a year later deploys Wulfen against them without a hint of self-awareness. It's like he's intentionally poorly written.
Holy shit Russ sounds absolutely retarded.
He wont, because he's a mod
>It's like he's intentionally poorly written
He's an asshole. Those exist in real life, youknow?
>keeps charging in like a retard and needs to get his ass bailed
if Sanguinius and the blood angels become traitors in an alternate heresy will they become this?
oops i posted this as a reply instead of a thread
Woop woop
the rangdan were killed by the DA
Boo hoo. Deal with it snowflake
Read the lore
I think you should take your own advice, friendo.
>"Leave Horus to me"
>Horus tells Russ not to kill him
>"Well I can't kill Horus because he told me not to"
This is Russ's logic no? Or does listening to Horus only apply when it involves murdering loyalists?
I honestly thought that was the point, until it came out that Fenris spirits actually aren't chaos.
I fully thought that the idea was the flesh change and wulfen are similar, wolf-priests use the warp and all that jazz was an intentional parallel, and then Black Library struck.
>Shamanistic spirits aren't chaos
This goes against everything in the setting. Just because it's different looking or comes from a "different source" doesn't mean it's not actually all warp fuckery.
Furries are just in extreme denial about their heretical ways.
Its said that Russ led his legion along with the Dark Angels ended the Rangdan threat because only they could be trusted to get the job done. No mention of The Lion so idk what he was doing while Russ was getting shit done.
>Thousand Sons
What fanfic is this? This doesnt read like Russ in ANY novel that he has been in.
>Thousand sons
Yes they were until Russ came. Magnus fucked up I admit, but it doesn't mean he wasn't loyal.
If he was loyal, he would have listened. He betrayed the Emperor by ignoring a ruling that was directed in front of the entire Imperium directly at himself.
>He wasn’t loyal because he broke a Rule trying to warn him about the massive fucking conspiracy against him by his other sons
That logic is almost as retarded as Semen Bus himself.
You dont get to pick and chose when to be loyal. Magnus' loyalty was tested and failed.
By that dumbass logic Russ wouldn’t be loyal either because he still kept his stupid fucking wolf priests after Nikaea, and no, it doesn’t matter what BL says about it totally not being warp-fuckery, because at the time it was still assumed to be warp-fuckery.
>'"If you treat with the Warp, Magnus, I shall visit destruction upon you. And your Legion's name will be struck from the Imperial records for all time"
Keep moving those goalposts
He was trying to save the imperium. He might have done it in a stupid way. But loyalty is about intent, not outcome.
And if this makes him a traitor, then how come Leman Russ is still considered loyal? Russ was given orders by both the emperor and Horus and he chose to follow Horus's orders. How is that loyalty?
1. The Emperor's orders were open ended, granting Russ unlimited sanction in regards to Magnus.
2. '"If you treat with the Warp, Magnus, I shall visit destruction upon you. And your Legion's name will be struck from the Imperial records for all time".
Guess Magnus was too dumb to understand what the Emperor meant by that, since he's obviously loyal or so you claim
>Magnus was disloyal because he risked his and his legions life to warn the emperor
If anything, you’re shooting yourself in the foot if you’re trying to ale a case that Magnus was Disloyal. You can try and spin into however you want, but at the end of the day, Magnus was still loyal and Russ is a team Killing fucktard.
Isnt emperor themself is something something shaman magic?
He’s basically Ermac, made of a bunch of dead Psyker souls and the Shamans were explicitly Warp fuckery.
>Excerpt From: Chris Wraight. Magisterium
Look it up
I never said Magnus wasn't dumb. In fact I admitted multiple times that he fucked up. But I guess actually reading my arguments is just too much for you.
But making a stupid mistake does not make you a traitor. Magnus had every intention of helping the imperium, he was just arrogant enough to think that he could do it his way and there would be no consequences. Stop trying to argue against an argument I'm not making. That's called a strawman argument and it makes you look ridiculous.
Wrong on both accounts. Magnus wasnt loyal or he would have listened to Ahriman and warned the Emperor in a more conventional method, instead Magnus disobeyes a direct ruling and threat directed at him by the Emperor infront of the entire Imperium in order to justify a reversal of the ruling at Nikea. Magnus was thinking only of that when he sent that message to Terra.
As for being a team killer? Lol like who? Russ never murdered his sons or other marines like Magnus did, and dont claim that former Thousand Son on Shrike that Russ killed, he was chaos spawn. Tired of getting BTFO yet user?
No, he isn't. He is a Perpetual.
He was just a random warlord on Terra before meeting Malcador.
>resorting to memes when BTFO
Space Wolves win
Half these Thousand Sons posts are me shitposting. I dont really know the back ground so i shitpost to piss SW players off then when i get called out on my shit i double down on my retardation to get further replies. Lol
I don't like the Space Wolves especially, but I don't hate them autistically either. i prefer the salamanders But why is it that SW hate threads are always filled with people who fanboy Magnus and TS?
>because he's written as a Chad Mary Sue
But you people fanboy Magnus I.E the second/third most powerful being in the universe. Literally so powerful that the prospero battle was made fair by not having him fight for the most of it.
He broke a direct order from the Emperor? How much mentaly gymnastics do you have to do to justify that as not a traitorous act?
At the time only Russ and Horus were found.
BL's canonity is about as likely as the "old" fluff. We'll know which version is canon when 40k gets end time'd (when GW has to create a fixed "past" that happened).
>1. The Emperor's orders were open ended, granting Russ unlimited sanction in regards to Magnus
No, the Emperor wanted to bring Magnus to Terra. Even the Custodes(aka the true favourite sons of the Emperor) knew this.
Read Magisterium... Oh wait, you're a space wolf and thus you are clearly illiterate and probably frequent Rainfurrest as well.
Go molest dogs, you genocidal hypocrite.
>T. Space-Yiff fag resorting to false flagging because like his favorite chapter, he can’t actually hold an argument.
Shut up Andrew your Headcanon is shit ought to be retconned, along with the entire concept of perpetuals. Seriously when we’re perpetuals used in a way that wasn’t shit.
>aka the true favourite sons of the Emperor
I still like how people who half-read MoM and probably didn't finish it believe this.
GW intends for the HH series to be the definitive telling of the HH.
>GW intends for the HH series to be the definitive telling of the HH.
>Seriously when we’re perpetuals used in a way that wasn’t shit.
Alivia Sureka.
Oh and just to add that the Emperors past has never been definitely, without a doubt stated in the books. Most of the stuff "we know" can be chalked up to demons lying.
It happened well into the Crusade. Just before Lorgar got reprimanded
LG posts.
The Emperor tell us his past.
Also John-G comments about the Emperor to Pius that he is like the Emperor a True Perpetual.
Turns out when, Pius memory is restored that, that True Perpetuals are a subspecies of mankind. He has nothing but utter disdain to the Emperor and doesn't see him as worthy of worship.
Then you have the Emperor visiting Molech with Alivia Sureka and entering the Gateway to the gods stealing his powers from them while Alivia Sureka oulled him back out.
>this projection and hatred
Its like when a politician goes on an anti gay crusade then gets caught sucking a dude dick in an airport restroom lol
He was sucker punched by the Lion and went at least an entire day unconcious.
Leman Russ, the joke among the Primarchs. Even Lorgar has more balls than him
>The Emperor tell us his past.
Lolwhat. Stop lying. In MoM the Emperor says he killed a dude in Anatolia. He doesn't tell his past.
Turns out when, Pius memory is restored that, that True Perpetuals are a subspecies of mankind. He has nothing but utter disdain to the Emperor and doesn't see him as worthy of worship.
Doesn't explain his past.
>Then you have the Emperor visiting Molech with Alivia Sureka and entering the Gateway to the gods stealing his powers from them while Alivia Sureka oulled him back out.
Demon lies, a story only told by Demons.
>He was sucker punched by the Lion and went at least an entire day unconcious.
Source? That's just a legend. Doesn't the novel retcon the event?
There's no such thing as retcons.
Old canon is more real than new canon
>Lolwhat. Stop lying. In MoM the Emperor says he killed a dude in Anatolia. He doesn't tell his past.
Nope, he shows us his childhood. And shows us that what drove him in his quest is the murder of his father and then his murdering of his uncle. It was then that he decided that humanity needed to be controlled.
It wasn't like a programmed desire in him imprinted by something else. It was a chance decision which was a consequence of his father being murdered for a petty reason.
If his father wasn't murdered, he would have been one of the many True Perpetuals running around in human history.
>Doesn't explain his past.
Pius's past reflects on the Emperor's past. We have been told that Pius is the same type as the Emperor, we have been told that the True Perpetuals are a subspecies of mankind. Both the Emperor and Pius are Perpetuals.
>Demon lies, a story only told by Demons.
Nope, you absolute bitch. Alivia Sureka is not a daemon. Nor are the historical records about the Emperor's visit of Molech.
>71 replies later
On one hand, I'd like to imagine Russ' state is due to him accepting the deed he has to do in the Prospero Burns, when he speaks to Magnus through Hawser. On the other though...
Oh fuck off.
So it was retconned if this is your reaction.
>get sucker punched
Do you know what a sucker punch is?
oops, sorry! let me fix it:
>he was bitch slapped and then went unconcious
He was trying to save the imperium. He saw an exceptional circumstance that he believed the emperor hadn't predicted when he passed down that directive, and so foolishly took it upon himself to breach the directive.
Magnus is arrogant, stupid and stubborn, but he was still loyal until he believed the emperor had decreed his death and the scouring of his homeworld.
No, he wasn't. During the Great Crusade, Magnus cried to the Warp for salvation for his legion. He said that he would offer anything for a remedy for the Flesh Change.
Guess who answered? Tzeentch. At that moment Tzeentch owned Magnus.
The Emperor warned them about the Warp but Magnus continued to blunder into it.
Shut up Russ, you are just a commander
You keep saying that and you keep getting BTFO.
It's said the Emperor himself intervened to stop the Rangdan thread, and the DA and SW, supposedly joined by AL, led the clean up campaigns in the aftermath during which a legion was lost. In Inferno it is also mentioned that the Xenocides are the period when DA and SW acquired their dark reputations.
Okay, so I guess you consider Sanguinis a traitor too? He was ready to make a deal with a demon as well. Fucking Blood Angels, pack of traitors, amirite?
Also him hiding the thirst from the Emperor was traitorous too.
Sangy was not as perfect as dipshits on Veeky Forums claim to be. He was far more flawed than most his loyalist brothers
Funny how the Space Yiff fags ignore this post. Probably because they can’t actually counter it.
I can.
That was betrayal. According to the Emperor himself, it was the worst form of oathbreaking. Magnus lied to his face.
Malcador in his audiobook said that he could not blame Lorgar or Horus but he blames Magnus 100% because of all the Primarchs he should have knoen better.
Having good intentions doesn't absolve treachery, and he didn't have pure intentions. The deed was down in order to prove the Emperor wrong about sorcery
I legit almost howled when I saw that the wolfs were getting a codex.
>invades one planet, blunders and gets his legion crippled
>long marches to Terra taking over or destroying countless planets, becoming stronger all the way
>almost ends the Imperium
>kills Sanguinius, almost kills the Emperor
>forever breaks the imperium
russlets forever btfo
>Possessed puppet of gods
>Is named the "Sacrificed King"
>wept pitifully at the end instead of meeting his end like a man
>was replaced by a marine of his legion whom the gods consider to be a greater champion than Horus ever was
Russ was never humiliated like this.
>Russ was never humiliated like this.
Let's see:
>retreats after Prospero
>Alpha Legion fuck the Wolves bareback
>Alpharius launches a direct teleport assault on the bridge of his flagship
>saved by deus ex machina DA
>limp to Terra
>"Imma kill Horus. No, serious."
>enter the Raven Guard having to save their asses at Yarant
>wanders of again
>found by the Lion
>"No we save the planets on the way to Terra."
>delays both the SW and DA resulting in the Emperor's and Sanguinius' death
>"Imma create chapters to watch over the Eye."
>creates one chapter, they all mutate into Wulfen
>Feast of the Emperor's Ascension
>gets shitfaced drunk, holds a slurry speech, gathers his best warriors and takes them into the Eye, never to be seen again
Russ never had to be humiliated by others. He's a fucking joke.
Lion got killed by a non astartes and had to be revived by xeno shit. Thats Alpharius get out swordsmaned by that Lucifer Black tier.
Lion wasnt killed when fighting Luther. He also refused to actually kill Luther, luth himself being empowered by all the chaos gods.