What's the edgiest character you've ever seen played?
What's the edgiest character you've ever seen played?
Hello it's me, Blade Run.
You can call me over jack because that's what I do.
Blayde-shot Acerola Heart Under Kiss
Well at least it's not Candlejack, that would b-
Huh, that's not that bad
They call me deadshot.
Because when I've shot someone they'll be dead.
I miss 2006 era Veeky Forums ;_;
>and that's how I lost my medical license
Crow Claw
That's actually not edgy at all. It kinda sounds like the Pseudonym for a wise old witch or something
I might use that
Sounds weird, but I'm OK with that, I like corvids, though rooks are more common here.
>edgiest character I've ever played
Well, that "ever played" part is problem, I'm eternal GM, and I'm pretty sure NPC don't count, so... I'll go with my current drow fighter. Drow is edgy, but he's LN bodyguard for exiled drow noblewoman (now, she's edgy). "Nothing personnel, kid", without the teleporting crap. It really isn't personal, he's just doing his duty and following orders.... so... not that edgy?
Crow shade... croshay?
You gaynigger that's not how you do the Candlejack me
I am blade hawk, swooping in on wings of edgyness
It's good to know that after all these years that ropey bastard is still filling in the captcha and hitting the post button for people.
Bet you thought I was going to say Candlejack, didn
It appears that deep down I was the edgiest character I've seen the whole time.
So I have an unhealthy obsession/attraction to shrapnel based explosives?
Gunrazor, but that was my fathers name, please just call me bayonet
Some guy I played with checked all the edgelord boxes
>always sat in his corner
>only speaked to say that our plans were shit
>enjoyed being cruel and badass in combat
>he wasn't neither of both
He also said that samurais MUST hit with dexterity. There's a feat for that but good god we lost an entire hour to convince him that it wasn't like that.
The Rob Liefeldiest name is obviously B.L.O.O.D.P.O.U.C.H.
Mine would be Blade-Force.
Because he Forces his Blade into You.
Before You Die.
Then You Die!
By Force.
I'm BLADE RAZOR. Fucking redundancy. At least if I go to Japan I'll be "razor blade" due to their Say-family-names-first language.
Cablewhip. Not bad, honestly. I could use living wires and shit.
That's obviously meant to be BLACKRAZOR, the craziest sword since Stormbringer.
>Ice Force
I am a generic ice powered character.
Anyway, to answer the prompt. I haven't played any TTRPGs with edgy characters that I can remember but I used to RP in a certain survival video game and there were a ton of super edgy characters. Lots of people who were demons or got possessed by demons and went around murdering people because they're evil and that's about it. Lots of shitty character arcs involving "suppressing the darkness within me"
It's me, Painblade! When I cut you, it hurts!
The edgiest character name I actually played with was Dirk Schwartzmorte
X-Blaze, former mutant at Xavier's home for gifted children, the forsaken hero X-BLAZE left after accidentally killing another student with his flame powers, often thought to be the most powerful pyrokinetic ever to live, and went on to fight villains the only way he knew how to, MURDER, and so the anti-hero X-BLAZE stalks the night and the cosmos, hunting for evil to KILL!
I'm the Moon Moon of edgelords
>Shadow Run
I guess it's time to hack a megacorporation, but, like, with magic or something
>I'm the Moon Moon of edgelords
I see your "shadeshade" and raise you BladeBlade
Fuck ya. I support this.
I think it would be cooler if my blood WAS steel. That way, when I get stabbed I can stab the stabber, or I could have some sort of shrapnel atrial spray.
>BlackBlaze here ready to roast some motherfuckers
But in all seriousness some asswipes I used to play with always made super fucking edgy characters with autistic "dark" backstories I'm really glad I don't play with them anymore
I got "Deathforce".
What does that make me?
We bladeblades need to stick together
>chaotic neutral
>16 year old girl
>mother was 14 years old when she gave birth to her (rape pregnancy)
>was raped a lot, starting from age 8
>drug addict
And this was 5e Forgotten Realms as well.
I was GMing on Roll20 once and posted a LFP. I don't remember anything else about his character, but one guy applied and part of his character description was that he always carried around the skull of his 8 year old sister whom he had raped and murdered when he was 14 or something. Needless to say he was not accepted.
Crowsteel sounds like a hitman for hire with a crow motif.
That being said, the edgier character I ever saw being played stopped in the middle of combat to cut themselves in order to "commune" with the god of blood.
I use fire, to an excess I guess
ah, of course, crowrazor, a razor for crows
Blackrun yeah sounds about right.
>Blast Whip
My blade is also a razor
great name, but i envy whoevers OD for the sweet sweet coldsteel
Well, I kinda found my spirit animal.
I started from FRPGs, so I've seen plenty of edgy characters.
> 400 y.o. green-haired golden-eyed demon-possessed guy of European origin with Asian name, brought up by a mysterious monastic order. Can summon his demon as a giant serpent or a magic sword, shapeshift into a monster, has superspeed, superstrength, supersenses.
> 17 y.o. (+700 years in hell) red eyes, semi-childish personality. Was taken to hell with his brother where demons suggested a contract: they will being him back if he survives all the pain of one demon. He did, also drank all his brother's blood, becoming a demon. Has the powers of telepathy, telekinesis, and super illusions that are completely material for everyone who does not know those are illusions, and his presence slowly drives people insane.
> 109 y.o. vampire girl (looks 15), grey hair, red eyes, small, slim, emotionless. As a vampire has superstrength, superspeed, supersenses, also has the power of Aeris - ability to cause insanity, wrath, and destruction.
> Somewhat creepy-looking 189 y.o. (looks 18) half-demon half-alien wizard. Can summon all sorts of magic weapons.
> 15 y.o. girl, solid black eyes, cat ears, pale skin, very slim but pretty, nekomata. Has lived four lives already, five more left. Controls the four elements - mostly creates ice needles as a weapon, throws fireballs and lightnings, creates stone shields.
A midget scared of midgets, was a sadist and a voyeur, scared of the dark and claustrophobic but was a sneak master, liked to burn people to death.
Idk why this was a thing.
Oh shit, who brought fucking moon moon.
Shadowslash, which isn't awful as these things go.
I'm currently playing an evil rogue in my group's podcast, doing the whole "I was a refugee and lost my parents now I'm on the run from the criminal syndicate that raised me and I'm suspicious of everyone" thing. I kind of hate the character and want him to die so I can start fresh.
I am satisfied.
I miss that era Veeky Forums, the rest is not too different.
Obviously one of you becomes Moonblade and the other becomes Blademoon, you just need to decide who's top and who's bottom.
I can take a hint. I guess to the bathtub I go.
Got bloodsiege. Guess that makes me a hemomancer of some sort.
I once played an elvish swordsman who wore a mask and a red cape, to remind him of his failures in protecting the royal family he was assigned to guard. Thankfully my character was overshadowed by another, who sat in a corner, wore all black, and his father was a vampire, making him a dhampir.
Is that a mastubation style?
>Druid somehow takes proficiency with martial weapons
Not much has actually changed outside of /b/
That's kind of lame, but hey it's the 90's.
That's not even the funny kind of lame.
fucking Doom Doom
Probably a Half-Devil Warlock. He was beheaded by the Paladin for instigating a fight with some kindly priest and using Dark Magicks.
Fun times.
And I’d say the edgiest character has actually been mine. I’m still pretty new to ttrpgs and I and my boys are still trekking through our first campaign. My bard was the first to die like five months in and we all were really bummed so our DM let us summon the death god of the setting and strike a deal to do some housecleaning for him in exchange for a second shot. So I took a couple levels of Undying warlock for flavor and eventually completed his task for which he named me his champion and gave me a sick scythe. It’s only moderately edgy but I love it for how it happened so organically.
I see your
and raise you
I.Y. tho? what is your name?
Isaac yamamoto?
Illene Yaeger?
Isaiah Yancy actually
i played with a guy who solely makes characters that don't want to play rpgs. like, ww2 stealth game, doesn't actually want to investigate the nazi occult stuff, walks around in a huff constantly and thinks helping people is bullshit.
scifi setting, pfft, "missions?" why don't we get actual money by piloting goods back and forth holy shit.
space opera setting "god, why are you guys out fighting shit, we could literally be making so much money in real estate development"
shadowrun "why don't we just start selling drugs"
5e characters, in order: "i just want to summon demons and buy slaves, i don't care about this dumb main story about awakening the gods"
"i'm a bard and all i want to do is marry into a royal family, oh, what's that, the one PC's royal family is from fantasy sheepfuck wales? nah, let's not travel the world looking for dope loot and maybe earn glory that way, i'm just going to see if I can buy mercenaries and seize the castle of this sheep fucker lord"
and finally
"i'm a half orc. all i do is fight stuff. no i won't investigate those strange noises or anything else. we've got a job to do that I'm going to complain about doing even though it may involve fighting stuff"
I am Shadowrun.
This is a pretty good list, OP
I have another one from BLOODP.O.U.C.H. if you want to roll instead.
I chuckled
For a star wars game I asked the GM if I could play a paycopath doctor and make him really edgy and he gave me permission
He was expecting a coldsteel fucktard, but he and the rest of the players forgot that I'm a criminologist that knows real psycopats really well, and my impression of an actual psycopath left them really surprised. We all were supposed to be a party of criminals and they murderhobo'd on a basis, but when it was time for my character to do his stuff they all got visibly uncomfortable because of how realistic it was.
There was a session involving ourselves doing a debt collection job, I got to do the interpretation of the talk with the guy and his young dauther and because of how it went I said to the GM "do I roll for intimidation now?" And he responded with "N-no, that won't be necessary"
After that the GM came to me saying "user, that interpretation and character is top, but jesus christ it is really spooky"
>Putting a dash on the end
Did you read this shit on knowyourmeme or something?
wtf I'm Shadowrun
So cold....it burns!
Balk at the tensile strength of Cableforce
Gromak Gro-Shalak, Half-Orc
Barbarian 3/Druid 2
Our DM had his orcs be the pig kind
I was literally man-bear-pig.
Well shit.
Kneel mortals before the might of OVERWHIP!
I unironically want to be your friend DoomDoom.
i mean, that's p funny.
It isn't overblown enough, or dumb enough.
Cause you're gonna bleed so much it'll be like a red tsunami.
Rolled 3, 3, 3, 1 = 10 (4d6)
I gotta try this.
well shit, it looks like I'm the HUNTFORCE.
It's like the speed force, but I'm King Cuerno instead of the Flash.
So, I’m, what, a predator-themed villain?
name's night shot, or shot night if we use my culture's way of naming
I have to wear a suit of armour and maybe get shot by a musket
I'm generic as fuck with Dead Shot.
Now that would be awkard.
How'd you finish typing the spoiler quotes if Candlejack got you?
It have been like thi
I am the one who who out-edges the edge