Help me Veeky Forums, I require character art of knightly looking women! Post whatever you have!
Help me Veeky Forums, I require character art of knightly looking women! Post whatever you have!
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That's the last of what I have, but I need more for an order of women-knights in my game.
Women can't become knights.
/pol/ can't into knowing stuff.
How did I know some faggot was going to post this.
They can't in England but they can in my setting, so post some please.
It's /r9k/ you stupid newfag
>user can't imagine impossible things.
>That's the last of what I have
All you had were the first 4 images from Google image search?
I'd recommend pinterest or tumblr if you need an endless cascade of reference images. Waiting for Veeky Forums to spoonfeed you is highly inefficient.
fuck off /pol/
It's not politics
>Waiting for Veeky Forums to spoonfeed you is highly inefficient.
This is Veeky Forums, not /a. Image dumps are a staple, as is providing sources and generally helping a fellow fa/tg/uy out.
Maybe in your setting they can't.
Neither is /pol/
Pol is politics
/pol/ is shitposting about minorities and women
Yeah I came up with it on the spot and need good quality images for tomorrow's session
There is a big overlap with those shitholes you fag fag.
/pol/ is shitposting about /pol/ on other boards.
There's a huge overlapped between Veeky Forums and /pol/, it doesn't meant they are the same
That overlapped is more just /pol/ shitposting. What you are thinking of is /v/ and /pol/.
Spoken like a true /pol/ak
>they can in my setting
because nothing pisses off fake chivalry morons quite like saying "LADY KNIGHTS ROAM THIS LAND, RIGHTING WRONGS AND REAPING GLORY!"
This. Helping a poster out is part and parcel of a lady chivalry thread.
Are you really that fat?
Actually it's almost two centuries in which they can
What other aspects of your setting are based around upsetting people that take no part in your setting? I have to say, it doesn't seem like the way to structure something interesting.
Seeing /pol/ have a bitchfit about other people's fun can be pretty rewarding imo
Shitposting in response to shitposting is still shitposting. Consider where this conversation is going to go, user, and then stop being such a faggot.
Nothing is forcing you to respond to these retards.
Remember the first and foremost response to /pol/ bait is 'fuck off /pol/'
This is also the second and last response to /pol/ bait.
It's called bloatmax
Because a city was defended from a small army by its women centuries ago and it's a formality for the first noble daughters of the city to become a knight.
Something a bit more 19th century
Irrespective of gender, the third child of every noble family must be sent to the Royal Chivalric Academy to study the knightly arts.
See nigger, is what I was looking for. Is it that much to ask that you talk about your traditional game setting on the traditional game board instead of bringing up other boards for no reason?
Hey, what happened to Song of Swords anyway?
Who cares
> i-i-it wasn't bait, it was a genuine question!
Fuck off /pol/
>Irrespective of gender
>mixed-sex education
Most heretical
is that some valkyrie profile?
>Who cares
I do, it was pretty cool.
Lol so I'm not alone? Know anywhere i can get my fix?
>it wasn't bait, it was a genuine question
It's both. You should learn to handle light ribbing if you want to use the internet.
>You should learn to handle light ribbing if you want to use the internet.
Yeah, I should learn to tolerate /pol/ shitposting threads to death.
Fuck off /pol/
>Notice me senpai
Remove the god awful African tribal elements like the huge plugs and the dot facepaint and it's pretty good.
/Pol/ is a shitposting board.
Even in their homeboard they do nothing but shitpost 24/7
>Tits encased in single breastplate
>Each tit protected by tit-cup in breastplate
Which design is optimal?
Tits in single breastplate for combat, tits in separate cups for show
Depends upon whether the armor is made out of plot or not.