Do you prefer a paladin that smiles while killing demons, or one that is grimly resolved?
Do you prefer a paladin that smiles while killing demons, or one that is grimly resolved?
I prefer a paladin that smiles while he is grimly resolved.
Depends on the paladin's age and experience. A youthful paladin might smile while fulfilling their duty slaying demons, but a grizzled old paladin doing the same strikes me as a bit deranged. By that point the paladin seems likely to have lost comrades to demons and generally have these kinds of foes bring up some unpleasant memories.
Grimly resolved. I mean, if we're playin it straight up, goodness and all, he shouldn't be ENJOYING this shit, not anymore than Faramir enjoyed killing orcs.
Killing demons ain't some party, it's your holy duty, you should smile while saving people, or helping out, or sacrificing yourself for the greater good or something.
Not when you're doing some general demon slaying.
That's just weird.
grimly resolved.
a paladin shouldn't be happy about killing anything, even demons
of course that is going to be for the greater good, but it's still killing. And when you find happiness in murder, that's when the demons get you
Paladin =/= Crazed Zealot Murder-hobo
Sadistically laughing while at it
Only Blackguards take pleasure in slaughter, whatever its necessity or reason.
I prefer a paladin who always smiles except when violence occurs.
The paladin who'll cry for the loss of life but will bite the bullet and cleanse now.
Somethimes you must slay ALL the evil, even if you feel awful about it.
In general, I'd rather be around a guy who likes his job than a guy who just bitches and moans all the time.
Grouchadins are the Lawful versions of those rogues who brood on rooftops and corner booths all the time.
>Not being euphoric while doing God's work
Slaughter is a serious, unpleasant business. I'd be scared to see him smiling, that'd mean there's something wrong with the guy. I understand smiling after it's done, and when he beholds the result - the grateful people, the untouched houses, the saved lands. I, as a barbarian, fight for glory, gold and whatever I want to have right now rather than fighting itself. Smiling during the fight is a dangerous sign.
>Grimly resolved
Does that cover a calm and clinical paladin? Just methodically doing what has to be done without feeling any kind of way about it.
I'd prefer a paladin who doesn't just change into "combat mode" at the flick of a switch.
If a party member told an incredibility funny joke before the goblin ambush he should giggle while smashing some heads together. If he stubbed his toe while putting on his armor he should be fighting goblins while tears stream down his face.
*tips helmet
>In this moment I am euphoric, not because of my phony intelligence but because I am enlightened by my God's blessing.
>In this moment I am euphoric, not because of any phony intelligence but because I use divine smite at 4th level.
Depends on the setting, the paladins order and the character itself.
Either one can be good.
doom guy in plate is best paladin
A paladin that sings while smiting the demonic hordes back to Gehenna.
That's... surprisingly accurate, actually.
Grim resolve that warps to smile over time is the only answer.
I think you'd sober up pretty quick if someone came in to kill you after you heard a funny joke, user.