>Entire race has a single culture, religion, and language
>To add insult to injury, their kingdoms are just called "the *race* kingdom" and their language is just the name of their race with "ish" at the end, unless they're human in which case it's "the common tongue"
Entire race has a single culture, religion, and language
>Gods literally exist.
>The setting isn't affected at all by this.
Considering these kingdoms usually aren't very big and their species are quite humogenous it's not surprising.
Or does everything have to be like Humans in our world?
Because of course, Dwarves would develop exactly like us I'm sure.
An putting -ish at the end isn't very surprising. Language names are based off the name of the people. Dwarf language could be Dwarvish or Dwarven. Just like German is German, and Spanish is Spanish.
Also in most fantasy settings Humans are the varied species, the travelers, adaptable. It's not surprising they develop varied cultures, like they did in real life, while the other races which are usually depicted as far more humogenous don't vary as much.
Also as the travelling adaptable live everywhere type it's not super surprising their language became the common tongue, or they picked up the common tongue and many regions forget their old tongue.
Frankly, you're being autistic over nothing.
>>To add insult to injury, their kingdoms are just called "the *race* kingdom" and their language is just the name of their race with "ish" at the end, unless they're human in which case it's "the common tongue"
>He says not realizing that most countries on earth translate out to 'land of the [ethnic group]' in the original languages, and those that don't are named after somebody
>good gods exist
>they don't directly interfere with the suffering of mortal
I can understand evil or neutral gods not giving a fuck about a orphan dying in a street but why are there still orphans dying in a street if a deity designed to prevent that exists.
But all of those things happen all the fucking time in the real world, throughout history.
I'd assume the good gods fail to be omnipotent and/or omnipresent and/or omniscient and so can't prevent ALL the orphans dying in the street. It's possible the number of orphans they prevent from dying in the streets is not much more than the number of additional orphans the evil gods deliberately cause to die in the streets.
MAD makes a lot of sense here; the presence of evil gods mean that the more a good god interferes, the more an evil god works against them.
Also, gods aren't omnipotent or omniscient, and tend to deal with problems on a cosmic scale. An individual orphan doesn't mean a whole lot when they're dealing with threats that could literally obliterate whole planets.
>Dwarf language could be Dwarvish or Dwarven.
>Just like German is German, and Spanish is Spanish
German and Spain are locations named after smaller ethnic groups of a single race, calling Dwarf language Dwarven would be like if there was a language called "Humanish"
>It's possible the number of orphans they prevent from dying in the streets is not much more than the number of additional orphans the evil gods deliberately cause to die in the streets.
Zero sum game?
Why have deities at all, if they are worthless pieces of shit who play favorites.
Why still make them objects of worship if we know they are less powerful than a big "G".
Deities are just reduced to sports teams. Ultimately irrelevant to day to day life with just a few nutjobs ready to stab someone for wearing colors in a wrong neighborhood.
>His humans don't speak Manish
But really though, if your demihumans have a universal culture which is also the universal traits/behaviors/personality traits of their race then you're a shit DM
It's also likely 99% of the reason for clerics/paladins/invokers/whatever. You are empowering an agent, which is basically getting into a proxy war (Like the Spanish Civil War in 1936-1939) rather than personally slugging it out.
>No, I'm not attacking you. I just gave Divine Magic to X, who is attacking Y, who you gave Divine Magic to.
>Why have deities at all, if they are worthless pieces of shit who play favorites.
>Why still make them objects of worship if we know they are less powerful than a big "G".
I actually couldn't tell you. Why did historical pagans do that sort of thing?
>Why did historical pagans do that sort of thing?
Because the concept of monotheism to unify the aspects of their respective deities didn't exist/isn't conductive to humanizing your origin.
Old faiths are based on common myth. The world sucks because the gods are flawed, rather than the world sucks because we are flawed.
Because the evil gods offer power, so they have a permanent recruiting base, and if good gods can't at least hold the stalemate then evil wins and ALL the orphans die instead of just some of them
>their kingdoms are just called "the *race* kingdom" and their language is just the name of their race with "ish" at the end, unless they're human in which case it's "the common tongue"
You say that like that doesn't happen in real life, you fucking meatloaf.
>race is a hivemind
>they just haven't bothered to correct anyone on what to call their form of government/society
lots i just visited the human kingdom #2648 last week
Or evil win anyway and you helped no one.
Do biologists interfere with nature when they record it?
They're here to watch and learn, to globally protect, not to save the young bunny eaten by a fox.
I think enough people will bet a lot on a chance to live, if the alternative is just not living.
>>To add insult to injury, their kingdoms are just called "the *race* kingdom"
Like "England" or "Scotland"?
>The eternal anglo does it, so we have to lower ourselves to their subhuman standards.
Imagine if a race were uncreative enough to just call where they live 'Dirt'
No, like "Humantown". Because if we're like elves, we have a monoculture.
Pardon my newfaggotry, but what is MAD?
Mutually Assured Destruction. America/Russia during the cold war for example. If one attempts to strike the other, the other has capabilities to make sure that both die.
I've always strived to have nations based on geography and ethnicity, not on strict biology. In reality there are cultures that live on cliff sides, in deep forests, why would they not live with dwarves or elves? I also strive to have varied ethnicities in the various races, brown elves and Indian dwarves and such. It's gotten to the point that my most recent setting doesn't even have racial languages anymore, instead I made all the languages based on real world equivalents. There's not even a common, just an English stand in.
That might have been a step too far, not sure.
MAD is two people staring at one another and saying "I swear to god, if you fuck with me I'll kill us all"
Stands for Mutually Assured Destruction
Maybe they externalize it, like those crazy Southern US christians?
>If we were meant to help, he wouldn't have died, oh well.
>I bet THAT dying orphan was elf hitler.
Thanks you! That's what I thought but I wasn't sure.
>describing the actual world we live in
>England literally means Land of the Anglii
>France is just Country of the Franks
>Germany is the Land of the Germanic tribes
>Russia is the Land of the Rus People
What you call "Dwarvish Kingdom" probably should read "Duervania" in their tongue.
>everyone in the setting is culturally aware
>op knows that people from the phillipines speak tagalug, not phillipean
>google translate calls it tagalug because everyone automatically knows what that is
>describing the world we live in
Not one of them is called Land of the Humans.
Sure thing user.
"The human race" is not a universally accepted concept. In plenty of societies, "people" means exclusively "people like us".
They're still named after races the way they were split up at the time.
If you've got a fantasy setting with elves and dwarves running around, it makes sense that they'd be divided differently.
Having only one dwarf or elf culture -does- seem lazy, though, unless the scale is very small.
There's no Anglo blood in me so i don't care
They do that too, but they also have a cultural/racial predilection for overly descriptive names and horse puns
All Dwarves being the same is shit world building yes, Dwarves having to be as diverse as Humans, with lot's of different languages and diverse like Humans is shit world building as well. You've just made stunty Humans without considering how their racial traits might actually effect their cultural development and diversity.
Because Humans are a diverse species that spread out, why shouldn't a sedentary species stay in roughly one area and develop a very limited about of cultural diversity?
If there are two groups of Dwarves, on two different continents, yes they should speak different languages and be different. But if we're talking about one group of Dwarves, in one Mountain range, on one continent then why shouldn't they? They're the Dwarves, they speak Dwarven.
Maybe there are some Desert Dwarves really far away called the sanddwarves, maybe they speak Sand-Dwarven.
I don't see the issue with races speaking languages based off of their name just as Humans speak languages based off their ethnicities.
But there are other Humans, that aren't you. So you need something to differentiate yourself from them.
We don't speak Manish because there are other Men that aren't us that speak other languages, so we speak the language of our people and name it after our people.
If every Elf in the area speaks one Elven language, what actual reason is there for it not to be called Elven?
>>His humans don't speak Manish
Unironically wish this was the default term instead of "Common" or whatever desu
>why shouldn't a sedentary species stay in roughly one area and develop a very limited about of cultural diversity?
Because that's extremely fucking boring and a good sign that you really don't give a shit about the race being in the game for any other reason than "well it's a fantasy so it has to have elf brand elves."
Even Tolkien didn't do this shit.
Any setting with one "common" is garbo
That's for tabletop/reader convenience more than anything else.
Having a lingua franca is a legitimate concept, though. People that need to be able to communicate between a bunch of different races or countries benefit from having a "common" tongue.
why qare you so stubborn-dense holy shit
The funny thing is...I can't think of too many settings where D&D races only have a single group.
>Has 2 major elven nations, 2-3 minor ones. All with different culture (Though the two major ones have commonalities due to both splitting off from a common ancestor)
>Forgotten Realms
>Has like half a dozen elven nations, all different.
Even Iron Kingdoms has 2 different elven cultures and would likely have more if they'd not been unable to have reliable children/thus be unable to spread.
>The eternal anglo
Where did this meme start?
You know that every tribe/group used to define itself as the only "real" humans, right?
Think about this; when you look at Chinese names they always translate to what's almost a sentence. That seems funny to use, but it's not. They've had basically the same language for ages, so the meaning of names was never lost in translation. They don't have words that are JUST names exactly, not like we do. So those tribal names and shit, if you go far enough back probably mean something like "the real people" or "true humans".
That's how you can tell a person isn't actually from Veeky Forums.
Not that user, but I can address these:
>Zero sum game?
Not necessarily, but a muddled mix of good god actions and bad god actions leading to humans still suffering.
>Why have deities at all, if they are worthless pieces of shit who play favorites.
1. From an out of game perspective, they serve many possible purposes.
2. From an in game perspective, what are you gonna do, downvote the existence of gods?
>Why still make them objects of worship if we know they are less powerful than a big "G".
If you don't see the problem with making multiple gods omnipotent, I'm not sure I can help you understand why water is wet, let alone this issue.
>Deities are just reduced to sports teams. Ultimately irrelevant to day to day life with just a few nutjobs ready to stab someone for wearing colors in a wrong neighborhood.
That's quite an unsupported hyperbolic conclusion you're jumping to there, friend. How'd you get there?
My gods are relevant, directly aid their followers, are far from omnipotent but can seem very close to it in certain areas and circumstances.
You mean, The Kingdom to the North? Have you been to their capital, The Glade of Aces? Where are you going next? To the Land of Swamps to meet the Swamp people? And then to the Land of Rus people and their capital Wet River City?
nu/tg/pol/ won't get this.
I found it hilarious.
How old are you if you haven't learned about the Cold War?
Wow it's almost like humans aren't a specific group distinct from their neighbors in real life because we fucked and killed all the non-humans out of existence before the concept of the nation state. Who the fuck would name their specific land for their specific people "Literally fucking everyone-land".
Elvish kingdom makes perfect sense when there are things that aren't elves, and preferable the elves are in the minority within the region.
Not that user, but I'm old and I don't think I've ever seen it referred to by initials before.
Of course, I don't read about it much either.
Proof of Age: AD&D is my preferred fantasy rpg system.
>Uses extremely specific abbreviation for a concept nobody was talking about, and then is confused when it took someone else on the exact same wavelength to figure it out.
Man that's FRYD
>Man that's FRYD
Yes, yes it is.
Speaking of, is there a setting where there are multiple races like humans, elves, dorfs, but they're separated by national identity rather than racial?
Pardon my newfaggotry, but what is FRYD?
Wait does that mean hittler but an elf, or hittler to elf's?
That means nothing, you could just be a hipster
Did you ever stop to think that maybe the people are named after their kingdom and not the other way around?
>tfw people from russia are called russians and speak russian
>tfw people from vietnam are called vietnamese and speak vietnamese
>tfw people from somalia are called somalians and speak somali
>tfw people from Britain are called British and speak Arabic
>Proof of Age: AD&D is my preferred fantasy rpg system.
That doesn't mean shit. I'm 26 and my preferred fantasy rpg system is AD&D 1e
Because some small human kid whos just gonna end up chilling with them soon enough really doesn't matter to them when there are evil Gods and monstrosities and whatever else your setting might contain.
Humans are really fucking conceited, why should a God who's leagues above us care about a single one of our orphaned spawn dying off?
Warhammer Fantasy did this to some extent. The elves and humans are divided into different nations, but the dwarfs and orcs tend to be pretty much all the same.
But there is no single group, humans are divided into a thousand different groups.
>His humans don't speak Manish
Came here to post this.
I do that so my players will have an easier time remembering names of places. I'll take that over "Uh, where are we again?".
*tips top hat*
This is true, and also the only reason anyone anywhere cares about English.
>Because Humans are a diverse species that spread out
Why dwarves aren't diverse species that spread out?
Why elves aren't diverse spe-
Oh wait, your average fantasy setting has, like, a hundred of different elf races so your point is even more silly.
Please help me understand user-sempi
Those are the actual names in the native tongues of those places.
It’s actually a multi-layered and intricate way of stealthily expressing support for Nazi ideology. (Even if some people who use the term don’t understand its origins and just think it’s a funny meme). It’s a play on both “perfidious Albion” and “the eternal Jew”; which were both themes in Nazi propaganda. The former actually goes back quite a ways in history and isn’t exclusive to the Nazis, but that’s who /pol/tards who use the phrase have in mind. It’s a convienent meme, because it signals to other Nazi sympathizers that you’re one of them, while providing plausible deniability if someone calls you out on it.
You know how the children who get coddled for all their lives end up being entitled dip shits who think their shit don't stink and how everyone should take care of them as well as mommy and daddy does?
Imagine a setting where these type of people represent 99.9% of the *good* population because their deity goes out of their way to save them before they ever learn how to fend for themselves.
This is why the gods don't interfere with mortal bullshit.
This guy gets it
>gods exist
>describing the actual world we live in
In a world with multiple intelligent species it kind of makes sense that members od the same species stick together.
Some writer/shitty philosopher said he wished the earth would be attacked by aliens so the humans realize that they're essentially all the same and have to work together in order to compete.
If we got attacked by aliens racists would have to accept that they are on the same side as black people. And eventually, over hundereds of years, 'human society' would get more homogeneous.
I'm assuming this has just happened in most fantasy settings.
>Some writer/shitty philosopher said he wished the earth would be attacked by aliens so the humans realize that they're essentially all the same and have to work together in order to compete.
That was Reagan.
That UN speech was surreal as fuck.
>It's possible the number of orphans they prevent from dying in the streets is not much more than the number of additional orphans the evil gods deliberately cause to die in the streets.
I like this idea.
Except it's the only way it would work. It's a sad truism.
I agree with the concept, but that only works as long as x group is perceived to be a bigger threat.
As soon as large diverse groups no longer have a common enemy they tend to balkanize.
Norway, Oslo, Finland, The Finnish, Russia, Moscow.
It was started by a Turk on /pol/ who pushed it with Dresden threads until it stuck. This is the direct origin of the phrase.
You're doing GM's work, user. As long as it makes sense and follows a logical pattern your players will follow through.
If you have interactive players that is.
Am I still a subtle Nazi sympathiser if I'm just a Brit who finds the meme funny? e.g. in the Total War threads on Veeky Forums 'eternal anglo' gets thrown around a lot to refer to the attitudes of CA, a British developer, to Brit factions vs. other nation's factions.
Besides which, I thought that perfidious Albion was largely a French thing and there have certainly been amble opportunities for cultures to rail against a sneaky English stereotype throughout say, colonialism or the Great Game against Russia.
>Entire race has a single culture, religion, and language
>GM is actually giving a frustratingly subtle hint that the race has information tech comparable to real-life humans, and has had it for even longer than we have.
Yoo seen that episode of futurama where Bender becomes god?
P. Albion got picked up by westerner generals in WWI on the German side, particularly Falkanhyn. So im the post war it was a big sticking point for nationalists.
To be honest, it had a basis in britain constantly switching alliances from the 1600-1800.
What if I give my nonhuman races universal cultures, but deliberately so and take that into account as far as how it would affect their interactions with humans? Actually thinking out the implications of "here is a race with a psychology that's fundamentally alien in that it consistently produces X type of culture"?
Tragedy is not the same as evil. Turning sapient beings into impotent manchildren who can't look after themselves in a universe that has manifestly evil beings looking to harm them is not good.