I'm fine with wire-guided missiles. Fire and forget is a no.
Carson Ross
Reposting XWM Imperial callsigns from previous thread.
>Backdraft: Passes gas when he thinks nobody will notice >Backstabber: Like the man butt but not open with it, however everyone in the squadron knows it. Tells non-squadron members it's because he did time for shanking a rival gangmember in the back before he joined up. >Blackout: Has a tendency to get blackout drunk when on leave. >Chaser: Notorious womanizer. "Chasing tail all day". >Countdown: Always counting down the time to launch when racked up and awaiting launch command. >Dark Curse: Believes in home-planet specific voodoo-like religion. Once threatened to put a dark curse on a AT-AT crewman after a bar brawl. >Deathfire: Accidentally started a small fire in a thrashcan, which the barrack fire alarm wrongly interpreted as a major blaze and started evacuation protocols. >Deathrain: Personality as toxic as the rain on Vjun >Duchess: Used to be really haughty and bossy. >Double Edge: High kill count but really accident prone. A double-edged sword in its true meaning for the squadron commander.
Luke Martin
>Echo: Has a bad habit of repeating herself when talking to people. >Fel's Wrath: Baron Fel's X.O. Stickler for regs and does the shouting when the Baron isn't around. >Howlrunner: Deathly afraid of spiders. Someone pranked her by tossing really lifelike fake spiders in her bunk and she ran into the 'fresher screaming. >Mauler Mithel: Keeps going on about how he ought to transfer to ground ops and drive a TIE Mauler instead of flying >Night Beast: Got caught jerking off in his bunk in the middle of the night. "He was slaying the mighty Night Beast". >Pure Sabacc: Really smart guy that often overthinks problems. "A Pure Sabacc that get's stumped by an Idiot's Array" >Quickdraw: Pulled and fired before the instructor gave the order when qualifying for sidearm badge >Redline: Hold the carrier record for most Ion Engines burned out. >Scourge: Best sabacc players in the squadron. "A scourge on everyone's wallets" >Wampa: Big hairy angry dude. >Whisper: Used to be really shy as a recruit. Wouldn't say much and even when she spoke it was a very low volume. Put her in a cockpit, however, and she's instant death on wings. >Winged Gundark: Flew like a drunken Gundark at the academy. Still holds the Carida record for number of dented or bent solar panels. >Youngster: Lied about his age to join up.
Jason Gonzalez
don't bother they're garbage
Chase Butler
Evan Bell
>tfw you will never be a Twi'lek slave girl (male) >tfw you will never be sold to a Hutt at a young age >tfw you will never be forced into skimpy clothing and made to dance for his amusement >tfw he will never put a slave collar around your neck >tfw he will never stroke your lekku with his slimey Hutt hands >tfw you will never fight him when he tries to lick your neck >tfw when he will never drag you back to his chambers while you choke >tfw he will never defile you with both sets of genitalia >tfw you will never cry yourself to sleep in a dark corner covered in Hutt slime
why live
Levi Campbell
Can't sleep, doing MSPaint hackjob TIEs instead.
This could be some Moff's personal penis compensator project. Load up all the tubes with conc missiles and you have something that keeps up the Sienar tradition of breaking your budget while doing fuck-all better than the same credits worth of Bombers and Interceptors
Cooper Carter
And here we see Sienar's latest addition to the Semi-Autonomous Fighter Wing concept.
The TIE Destructor is derived from the standard TIE Droid, but shrunk down in size and fitted with a composite beam laser. The sensor cluster which used to be housed in the cockpit area has now been miniaturized enough to be moved to sensor stripes along the upper and lover edge of the TIE ball.
The idea behind the TIE Destructor is that one human pilot with a sensor-enhanced craft leads a swarm of five to ten Destructors, giving each pilot the firepower of a corvette at his disposal.
Dylan Martinez
Does anyone have any experience with the Lancer in the RPG?
Jaxon Brown
Oh god, TIE fin funnels.
Adam Wright
It's more like Options in this case, I think?
Thomas Rodriguez
stop with this shit, use the real thread
John Torres
Slow thread today. Let's discuss campaigns. Any cool shit going on in your SW campaigns lately?
Samuel Butler
move it to
Blake Morris
Not until they become less shit.
Haven't had one wrote up in a while, sadly. Have had a thought for a nice AoR doorkickers romp. Bust into Imp facilities, strike hard and fast, find critical plot stuff, try not to flashbang the fucking squad leader
Oliver Thompson
enjoy your dead thread then
Aaron Peterson
Better dead than mired in bitching
Brayden Gonzalez
It's actually calmed the fuck down a bit in the last few hours.
Jeremiah Ortiz
>AoR doorkickers Will there be wrist-mounted vibroblades, bloody clankers, deluxe model clones and heavy trando mercs?
Brayden Hill
But of course.
Jeremiah Cooper
I think I just found the Tie I am looking for: a prototype left to gather dust in a Sienar R&D warehouse, that falls into pirate hands post-Empire. What features does this monstrosity possess that sound impressive and intimidating to someone who has never touched a starfighter?
Henry Jackson
>Multiple Munitions Near-Simultaneous Impact System The on-board systems will program any missiles or torp fired as a salvo to impact the target within a fraction of a second from each other.
>Pod-Independent Targeting Computer The targeting computer can link up to five targets per munition pod
>Munition Specific Targeting Solution Target computer can suggest which munition is preferable to engage chosen target, should the pods be loaded with different munitions.
>Tri-Axial Thrust Projection Each bomber pod has maneuvering thrusters on the rear end, making it quite agile for it's size
Colton Perez
>”It’s actually calmed the fuck down a bit in the last few hours” >Check thread >Everyone’s arguing over how to “fix” the sequels >Someone is unironically trying to canonize Bigger Luke in support of their ideas
Jose Martin
Slow thread, post starfighter-centric adventure ideas.
Thomas Morales
We just have to hope for better things.
Carter Reed
How about you kill yourselves and let us have a thread where we don't feud about the new movies
Matthew Stewart
Here is what I started writing yesterday. The group is part of a Rebel cell (but anyone could do Imps) and the carrier they're on gets hit behind enemy lines. The shit starts off with them trying to navigate through a broken ship (sections with no atmo, no gravity, various environmental hazards) and eventually make their way to the hangar bay. This is where they get their starting snub fighters. I'm thinking for a group of 5 people, you do something like a Y Wing (2 seater), two Z-95s, and an A Wing. This is basically the start of a guerrilla campaign where they're stealing supplies to fix their ships, and recruiting locals who are sympathizers. Eventually they have an actual Rebel base, and they've got hired mooks becoming an actual fighter squadron, rather than just a few damaged ships.
Samuel Wright
I just rip missions from Ace Combat and replace the enemy fighters with TIEs.
Connor Butler
Jesus, /swg/ is a dumpster fire. Thank the maker for /wcg/ as a comfy refuge.
I'm playing Armada today and haven't played in a while. I got an Arquitens for Christmas, what is it good for?
Justin Hughes
Dominic Myers
Reposting from last thread
Does anyone know if Yorr's ability successfully combos with Karsabi/Advanced SLAM, or is it screwed by the same logic Yorr/Soontir got screwed?
Easton Edwards
Basically does this work?
Cygnus Spaceworks List (100)
Captain Yorr (32) - Lambda-Class Shuttle Fire Control System (2), Inspiring Recruit (1), General Hux (5)
Lieutenant Karsabi (34) - Alpha-class Star Wing XG-1 Assault Configuration (1), Advanced SLAM (2), Heavy Laser Cannon (7)
Rho Squadron Veteran (34) - Alpha-class Star Wing Deadeye (1), Harpoon Missiles (4), OS-1 Arsenal Loadout (2), Advanced SLAM (2), Cluster Missiles (4)
Carson Bennett
Either steal from Biggles books or go with actual WWII air operations, like Operation Catechism, the Kassel Mission or Operation Corona
Even something like the air convoys over the Hump could be done as a star wars mission, with the players smuggling supplies through an asteroid field.
Chase James
How quickly did they do the Kassel Run IRL
Ryan Morris
>Kassel Mission >Kessel Mission
So, a botched Rebel attempt to liberate Kessel? Sounds like it could be fun, especially if some of the PCs got shot down.
Adrian Price
Nolan Peterson
Just bought the Wing Commander series pack on GoG. What do I need to know?
Aaron Martin
I’ve never actually played Ace Combat. What are the best missions to steal from?
Isaac Lee
The big, flashy superweapon missions in 4, 5, 6, 0, and Infinity are all good tabletop fodder. Check out playthroughs of the games on Youtube if you can. >Enemy forces have taken control of railgun/hypervelocity gun array. Fly in, blow up the guns and its defenders, try not to get shot down by the guns' large AoE blasts. >Enemy supercarrier is being refueled in contested space. Swarm in with your buddies to kill it and its elite starfighter wing before it gets away. >Air assault on heavily fortified missile silos. Kill the elite starfighter defenders then engage in a series of dangerous tunnel flights to blow up the missiles inside. Players may have to chase one of the missiles if it launches. >Large satellite/space station is about to crash into a large population center from orbit. Fly up, kill the starfighter escort, then dismantle the thing piece by piece with your guns, then trench run the thing and shoot its vulnerable core to finish it off. >Buddy has betrayed you and is now flying an experimental superfighter with large AoE missiles, composite beam laser turret, and Sun Crusher bullshitium armor. Dismantle his starfighter in stages then cap it off with an air joust (his only weakpoint is his frontal retrothrusters for some ungodly reason) while a Latin choir with Spanish guitars cheer you on. >Fuckhuge railgun/hypervelocity gun is being used to bombard a population center. Destroy its massive defense force, destroy its cooling systems and weak points, then fly down the barrel and torpedo its final weak point. Optional: shoot the ammunition as it's being lifted up into the gun to reduce civilian casualties because it's still firing during your air assault.
Camden Fisher
WC:TG when?
Mason Garcia
Soon (tm)
Cooper Garcia
Hmmm. I've only played 6 and Assault Horizon but I imagine "The Unsung War" would be a good choice.
Chandelier: Balls to the wall attack on a massive hypervelocity gun or planetary superlaser a la Guns of Dubrillion to prevent orbiting fleet from being destroyed.
Invasion of Gracemeria: Fighters scramble to defeat an Imperial invasion. Kick the Imperials shit in until a McGuffin is deployed forcing the players to withdraw.
4 has missions where you take out an orbital defense array that's been fortified to hell and back, something ripped straight from wings of wings of honneamise, where you defend a rocket launch against an enemy combined arms attack (in star wars maybe a capital ship launch?) and a solo duel with an enemy ace.
5 Has in addition to the unsung war, a trench run where two groups rush head on to strike a target simultaneously from both sides and pass each other mid-run, an ambush mission where all enemy radar positions must be struck at once to surprise the opponents, and dogfighting in a canyon because flying above will expose you to enemy SAMs.
0 has a mission where you must fly a trench run to a dam where all your NPC allies sacrifice themselves one by one, then into it to strike loading superweapons, a no-man's land where dogfights occur every day and your repeated visits earn you the title of demon lord, and a heavy dose of arthurian mythology.
Jonathan Johnson
Sure. I'm gearing up for one. The players have indicated they want exploration. I'm starting them off through Beyond the Rim, just telling them they know Reom and changing the ending because it's contrived. Also because I have autism and demand that the Imperials use their space-superiority to bombard targets more, which would make that final Act more hellish than it deserves to be.
Past that I'm tossing over ideas. It will probably end up being more detective/private eye style of games than normal. Private eye specifically, where it ends up being small, personal affairs, where the party's lack of any legal obligation or responsibility makes perfect sense. I believe Traveller has lots of idea stubs in that vein, and my party is cinema plebs, so I have a wealth of material to work from.
Josiah Rodriguez
Woke up at 05-fuck you time, can't go back to sleep so decided to design a TIE.
The TIE Arrestor was the product of Sienar Fleet Systems entry into the Next-Generation Dedicated Ion Platform contest. It consisted of a TIE ball cockpit (as we've come to expect from SFS) married to four wings reminiscent of the Skipray Blastboat 24r, with a heavy ion cannon on each wing.
The winner of the contest has not yet been released to the but one source within the SFS who wants to stay anonymous for fear of reprisal tells of huge budget overruns and constantly shifting target goals.
Thomas Davis
>damaged ship What's fun is when part of the ship is simply gone and you need to cross a zero-G chasm. That's a nice little "how risky do we want to be?" moment. >each player gets a ship This feels contrived, although I fully understand why you'd want to do that. You don't want any player to feel punished or left out. Me personally, because I like fucking with my players, would provide them with four single-seat fighters. Someone gets to double up. Draw lots, whatever. Someone is sitting on someone's lap, or getting left behind. How will your characters respond to this? Will someone volunteer? Will someone absolutely refuse, no matter who draws the shortest draw? Will they bring it up later and give each other shit for it? Limiting player options is fun.
Jaxon Brooks
>Beyond the Rim I actually had a player who wanted to play an undercover sector ranger, and we ended up playing beyond the rim and Jewel of Yavin, and the other players thought it was just bad application that the imps kept showing up and stealing their score, it was great.
Noah Murphy
/swg///wcg/ X /aceg/ writefriend crossover when
Isaiah Collins
if by crossover you mean slashfic then I seriously am hoping for right the fuck now
Oliver Hernandez
I can't remember if some user was just joking or not but i recall someone talking about lobbying Disney to allow the crew that makes the Ace Combat series to make a Star Wars game in the same vein. Or maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part.
Angel Carter
Wishful thinking on the part of a lot of people. Successfully convincing Disney to be that cool and do specifically that requires mass autism on a scale that is probably unreachable by a few mere fa/tg/uys.
Austin Reyes
>mass autism on a scale that is probably unreachable You're not talking about a DCS module, famlad. Ace Combat is normie-tier as fuck.
Kevin Russell
Eli Fisher
You can pull the stress off of the red move. I'm unsure if Hux is needed, and I like Av. Sensor shuttles with him.
Landon Butler
Are the new to X-wing players interested in Dual-IG-88 and Gunboats in this thread, or the other one?
Thomas Wright
Have your group ever had to put their ship in drydock? what shenanigans did they get up to while their ship was being fixed? How did they scrape together the dosh to pay for the repairs?
Isaac Lee
>drydock You mean literally anytime you land on a planet?
Aiden Martin
Drydock as in extensive repairs over a week or more.
Jace Gomez
Anyone have any good art of Mon Cal ships? I've been using them extensively in my campaign (the PCs are operating close to Mon Cal space), and I want to stress the whole "every ship is unique" bit.
Jaxson Sanchez
I wasn't referring to the actual game design so much as the difficulty of anons getting enough support and money to successfully convince a multibillion-dollar megacorporation to green-light said vidya.
Gavin Jackson
Nice, looks crisp and profesional. Do you do this in mspaint? H-how.
Andrew Adams
Carson Morris
Thank goodness the only true gunboat is here, else we may see stupid crap like the Skipray.
Which Missile Boat style do people prefer? Smooth TIE Fighter, or chunky XWA?
Logan James
So I'm a bit unfamiliar with WC in general beyond the 90s cartoon and the 2000s movie. I know about Star Citizen, but am far from versed.
If I was interested in the older lore are the older games worth picking up and playing on GoG or Steam? Are there books, etc that might help me out? Looking for inspiration for sci-fi beyond the mainstays of Wars, Trek, Firefly, W40K. Saw the thread and thought I'd probe for recommendations.
Carson Wood
Yes, very much worth picking up. The GOG versions of WC 1-4 run quite well. Don't know about Steam. As for books, WC has canonical novels and the manuals themselves are packed with lore, having come from an age when game manuals weren't just a list of key bindings or controller layouts. If you're a fan of Aaron Allston (and you should be), he was also one of the contributors to the Claw Marks publication.
Adam Watson
I'm looking for some movies to watch so that I can make a starfighter themed game. What are some good ones?
Aiden Cooper
Top Gun The Dam Busters The Battle of Britain Macross Plus OVAs Memphis Belle Aces High Flying Tigers Wings And don't watch the actual Wing Commander movie. It was shit. You could make a better movie out of the Wing Commander 3/4 cutscenes and some recorded gameplay footage.
Brayden Gonzalez
wings of honneamise Firefox Flyboys Hell's angels (really old but all live) Porco Rosso
Michael Garcia
12 O'Clock High was the main inspiration for a story arc involving the PC's squadron leader in one of my games.
Ryder Scott
sup /wcg/ or /swg/ refugees- whatever this thread is.
I'm expanding on FFG's rule change sheet for Epic to try to make it no longer need gentleman's agreements to function. Thoughts on this?
Epic Play Card Restrictions-
The following cards now have limits on the maximum number of copies that can be included in a squadron:
This section describes restrictions and changes to card text in Epic X-Wing Games:
- Navigator can not be equipped to huge ships - Zuckuss can not be equipped to huge ships - Maul can not be equipped to huge ships - Biggs Darklighter’s pilot ability does not affect huge ships. Small and medium ships may attack huge ships that are at Range 1 of Biggs Darklighter, and huge ships treat Biggs Darklighter’s card text as blank when attacking - In Epic play, Lieutenant Dormitz's ability reads "During Setup, other friendly ships may be placed anywhere in the play area at range 1 of you."
What did I miss?
Tyler Roberts
[Mappy Intensifies]
Leo Nelson
I am glad you faggots made a containment thread to contain your autistic lists and spreadsheets.
Austin Nguyen
Does anyone have the d6 Heroes & Rogues book? I can only find incomplete collections.
Julian Stewart
d6holocron has it.
Tyler Hughes
>complaining about lists and spreadsheets >on Veeky Forums
Brody Foster
Thanks user
William Edwards
Spreadsheets and the command
Cooper Martin
Is LOTGH any good? Is there any material in it that would be usable for a Star Wars game?
Logan Rogers
>Is LOTGH any good? Yes >Is there any material in it that would be usable for a Star Wars game? That depends on whether you like Star Wars more as sci-fi or fantasy, if it's the former then it's got some pretty good stuff.
Samuel Williams
Iserlohn Fortress would be pretty neat, and might be able to be fluffed as a unique/highly nonstandard Worldcraft.
Jason Lopez
I always thought LOTGH has more for a game of Traveller to steal, than a game of Star Wars. The ending is pretty depressing, unless you love autocracy. The series includes a bit of philosophy, definitely recommend it.
Thomas Long
Yeah. It's very large scale however. A smaller and excessively comedic alternative is Irresponsible Captain Tylor. Again, a Traveller game can make use of more of the material.
Caleb Brown
Fuck, I still really want a Tylor-ish Star Wars story. What're the requirements to get a book published in the nucannon, anyway?
Brody Morris
The protagonist has to be a faggot of color
Luke Perez
Or a female of color.
Nathaniel Murphy
Mostly cutting and pasting using various Star Wars wireframe schematics i find online. I made the TIE Arrestor by taking the TIE pod from a Interceptor and the wings from the Skipray Blastboat. The tricky part is getting the scale right between the parts, since no two schematics are the same scale.
Jose Moore
Meme answers, but it certainly wouldn't hurt its chances with people like Kennedy and Hidalgo at the helm. Guess I'm off to write and submit about a lesbian space!Japanese Tylor expy set in nucannon.
Jayden Cook
One last TIE before this year ends. This time it's a Cygnus Spaceworks/Sienar Fleet Systems joint venture.
The Long Range Escort Fighter was created as a more cost-effective alternative to Gozanti Carriers. Instead of being carried and launched by a mothership, these long range fighters had a inbuilt hyperdrive that would slave itself to the escorted ship, meaning that when the escorted ship jumped, so did the fighters. The fighter had enough fuel and provisions onboard to endure a 72 hour nonstop flight.
Armed with the same firepower as the feared TIE Interceptor and the durability of the TIE Bomber the Long Range Escort Fighter found some success as anti-pirate defense in the Outer Rim but never saw action in large numbers.
Isaac Hill
Legally speaking, I'd advise against sending in unsolicited manuscripts unless you're an established writer with multiple published works under your belt and/or connections in high places. IIRC, there's no real guarantee that you won't be rejected and your idea stolen and handed off to another writer, especially with a legal department as well-funded and well-connected as Disney. It's probably legally safer to build up your name doing OC or small-time brand names before trying to get into major IPs. Getting a Hugo award certainly wouldn't hurt, either.
Dylan Thompson
>Meme answers Those are really the only answers anyone here can give. It's obvious Disney is on a diversity trip and I feel quite safe in saying that nobody here has seen any official guidelines from Lucasfilm for their writers.
>tfw orange buttcheeks will be the last non-human jedi protag
Xavier Sullivan
What's a good size/composition for a Rebel fleet operating near the Calamari sector a few months after the Battle of Yavin?
Noah Morgan
Quoth the Wook: >During this time of war, the Mon Calamari and Quarren of Dac lived under the constant threat of an attack by Imperial fleets. The Alliance maintained a strong presence in the star system, including enough capital ships to defend against a standard Imperial battle line or perhaps even a squadron, but the Alliance and the Mon Calamari didn't have enough firepower in the system to repel a full Imperial attack squadron. The main Alliance fleet was considered too precious to risk in such a dangerously exposed position. My best guess is a handful of big MCs loaded with torpedo-toting letter-wings, along with a modest escort of CR90s, Neb-Bs, Quasar Fires, and other assorted small warships. The hyperlanes that lead to Dac will also be pretty heavily mined.
Jordan Young
Well, not in the Calamari sector persay, and not directly responsible for its defense. Just near enough to Mon Cala that they would have a good supply of warships.
Jacob Morales
>Japanese That won't work, they're honorary whites. Make them at least half-brown. I don't think it really matters what kind of brown, but I'd avoid Asian style.
Xavier Kelly
My guess would be 1 Quasar Fire carrier, 2-3 MC30 frigates (scout or torpedo variants) plus a handful of CR90 corvettes, DP20 gunships and Marauder corvettes. Maybe add a modified Pelta or GR-75 running ECM/EECM and C3 duty as well.
Charles Rivera
Sabine is some kind of space asian and she made it through focus testing. He just needs to give the character tumblr hair.