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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Jumpers, what are your giant space ships? Where do you store them?
Nero Claudius, Rose Emperor of the Imperial Baths, Towel Saber
Saber (625)
Summer (600)
Red (575)
Strength A-->B (600)
Endurance B
Agility B-->A (575)
Mana C-->B
Luck D-->A
Class Skills
Riding E-->Null (600)
Magic Resistance E-->C (550)
Personal Skills
Imperial Privilege C-->EX (100)
Migraine B (200)
Mana Burst Bubbles C (50)
Noble Phantasm
Aestus Domus Aurea: Golden Bath of the Rose Emperor C-->B (0)
Not technically a valid servant build but I'm having fun
Best magical defense perks/systems?
Not sure how good it is but I like supernaturals perk that makes you immune to all damage but a specific weakness, sans almighty killy weapons like the reapers scythe.
The spice must flow. Now give me a mirror so I can cut a line of melange.
Honestly, I've got two ships - One is the Lupus Cradle from Nanoha, and the other is a Dynamic-class frigate from KOTOR. The former generally sits in dimensional space waiting for me, and the latter in a hangar attached to my warehouse.
Unlike aome others my space ship is not super huge, it is a respectable 750 meters long, not counting the engines. I have plans for a massive city ship in the future but dont really see the need to put them into action quite yet.
Jumpers tell me about the villainesses you turned good with the power of the D. Pic related, it's Lolth
MapleStory v1.2
-Removed a scenario where you could have 25 CP floating at the end thanks to one awkward discount.
-Placed an explicit restriction on Heart Key to prevent duplication abuse and disallow reuse. It may not negate complaints, but at least this reduces potential problems with it.
Not sure if I posted 1.1's changelog, but basically included a few clarifications from thread and condensing the level ups into a single, tiered perk instead of multiple perks.
>Jumpers tell me about the villainesses you turned good
Oh, cool. I can answer...
>with the power of the D
Hardware not found. (A)bort, (R)etry, (L)augh at user?
I think we all know which choice I'd make at this point.
Come on user, everyone knows after (A)bort and (R)etry you get (L)oss
I like it. Pretty, too. You misspelled 'falling' as 'failing' in the notes.
Just take your extra pod bullshit and piss off.
I am curious why the Black Wings option has a cost to it, as it doesn't actually give you any particular benefit. Also, most classes are "out of origin" from it, thus making it actually cost 200cp.
Yes I did. Self-referential typo?
Basically because it starts you off at a higher power level. They get two free purchases of the high level start, and a further discount on the final purchase.
>Basically because it starts you off at a higher power level.
Ah, yes, I see. I missed that while skimming through there. Even more embarrassing as I'm one of the ones that suggested making tiered.
Does heroin aDdiction count?
I once put a leash on a Skrull empress using pimp tactics and cosmic dust.
That's not Lolth, THIS is Lolth.
That's Lolth?
It was a good suggestion, so thank you.
Of course it's Lolth, she just remembered to put on her makeup that day.
I was planning to post this in the morning, but I'm still wide awake, and will be for some time, so I figured there was no harm in posting this now.
This is ostensibly the finished Keitai Sousakan 7 jump. This is the one I'm gonna upload if no one has any major complaints.
With that said, this is my first jump, how exactly does that process work? Do I upload it to the drive myself, or do I just kinda leave it here and eventually someone just combs the thread for finished pdfs?
Yeah, you can upload it yourself. It's considered improper to upload without having first shown it to the thread, but you did that so go ahead.
What're some nice low fantasy jumps?
Congrats on the first jump. Upload it at your leisure.
Reminder: spice is lethally addictive in quantities over one gram per 35 kilos of body weight on a daily basis. Make sure you cut it with cinnamon or have a perpetual supply.
Sword and Sorcery is a Conan-esque world. There's magic, but it isn't overwhelmingly strong and a man with a sword can go a long way, if not longer, than a Sorcerer can.
Spice and Wolf, maybe? Much more focus is given to economics, and unless you're looking for it you probably won't see any influence of magic your entire time there.
Oh, and Mount and Blade. No magic, just mercenaries and medieval politics.
I store them in space, there's always more room In space, the trick is getting something in space you can store giant things in between Jumps
>it isn't overwhelmingly strong
I don't know, even if you aren't already 1000 jumps in and use them to fuck universal entropy in the ass while ascending to the heavens you created through sheer charisma as Jumpermotto the Foretold the sorceror perks sound quite powerful. And isn't Shuma-Gorath technically both part of the Cthulhu Mythos and the Conan stories because Howard was a penpal of Lovecraft's?
By that reckoning I think it's more like that magic IS overwhelmingly strong, it's just that the people who actually use it are like cavemen banging rocks on nuclear reactors instead of, say, Oniisama from Mahouka. So even the worst guy you meet there, the no!Thulsa Doom, is someone you can find a way to kill with a sword-but there's so much more
to magic than what anyone's figured out how to safely control.
Alright, it's in the drive and officially jumpable as far as I'm concerned.
I'm not too satisfied with how the format turned out, but I think I did the best I could with my current ability.
Upside of numbering this the way I did is that I can update at any point, once I have a bit more experience with this kinda thing.
Now that I'm all done with this for now, I can finally focus on my other claims. Because evidently, I am not nearly as good at multitasking as I initially suspected.
I say this every time, but seriously, thanks all you guys for all the active input, it really helped me get this into a final product that I could be happy with.
Where do I watch or download the series?
Magic in Conan is very much a corrupting influence that tends to lead to madness and mustache twirling - and a fair amount of influence on both Conan and the Mythos went both ways between Lovecraft and Howard.
What are your other claims again? I'm interested to see what's coming up next.
>Lupus Cradle
Huh. I saw that thing but never bought it. You use it for anything useful?
After a few fights we had an entirely different kind of combat, and then during one of her low points she showed back up and staked her claim on my couch. After I finally coaxed her out of her depression I helped made the human transformation voluntary, and she ended up joining my companions.
She is so cute when she gets jealous, even if it means the city we are vising is probably going to lose a landmark or two. Totally worth it.
Yeah... about that...
Unfortunately the place I got it from no longer has the torrents, but you can download the episodes, individually from here:
Past that, I know that at least some of the episodes are up on Veoh and Dailymotion
Besides that, a few miscellaneous drama sites have the whole thing, just be careful which ones you trust.
Weirdly enough, not even KissAsian has it available, and they have practically everything JDrama.
Truth be told, getting your hands on the non-canon stuff is a lost cause. I only had them on hand because I downloaded them on a whim when the torrents were still available.
I'm starting to feel like I'm suddenly making a lot of work for anyone who wanted to jump this.
Amazing Island, Needless, and Mars of Destruction.
Amazing Island is my priority, do to various circumstances, I'm on a bit of a time crunch for that. If I can't finish it before I go back to school, I at least want it mostly done by then.
Needless is the one I need and want to devote the most time to, so I'll be taking my time with that one.
Mars of Destruction is a claim I took on just last thread. I'm claiming it preemptively to drop on April 1st. This one will undoubtedly take the least amount of time and effort, but I arguably have the most time to get that one done. If I keep to my schedule, you'll know when to expect it either way.
As long as there aren't any pink magical girl apocalypses around, I use it quite a bit. My companions and I use it as our primary headquarters and observation point when we're not directly involved with things on a world. We don't generally rely on it for firepower, but it has been known to happen.
I'm importing Gudako as Grand Ruler, in a similar vein as EMIYA (Archer) and EMIYA (Assassin). What should her Noble Phantasm(s) be?
Damn, why is it that I only stumble into a shit ton of great KS7 reply images right after I've finished posting the damn thing.
Stuff that allows you to summon Prisma level Servants sounds funny to me. Fluffed as a udon filled grail maybe so folks can try breaking it?
I should've mentioned, but i'm ALSO importing her as my Master in that Jump. She's picking up Saint Gatherer, Summoning, Grand Summoning, and 72 Jumpers, so she can some crazy powerful Servants, and then bond with them and access their powers.
>And isn't Shuma-Gorath technically both part of the Cthulhu Mythos and the Conan stories because Howard was a penpal of Lovecraft's?
Technically probably yes. Lovecraft's work has references to stuff from Conan. However there is the question of if Conan Shuma-Gorath and Marvel Shma-Gorath are the same or not.
>By that reckoning I think it's more like that magic IS overwhelmingly strong, it's just that the people who actually use it are like cavemen banging rocks on nuclear reactors instead of, say, Oniisama from Mahouka.
This however I have to both agree with and disagree with.
I agree that it seems like it had a lot of potential, and that their unlikely to actually have figured it all out. Even if it's limited to using tools and making deals (and it's clearly not do to one of the 600 cp perks) that still has a lot of options.
I however have to slightly disagree with the 'cavemen banging rocks on nuclear reactors' part.
I think a better analogy would be cavemen that
learned the principles behind how nuclear reactors work, and that tried making the tools needed to make the tools to make the reactors. While ignoring stuff like 'You should really have multiple people working on this'.
Well she's from an alternate timeline, she's been time traveling, and she's capable of some rather implausible stuff. Your also importing her as a Grand, and like you said later you have her a lot of summoning stuff.
So I'm going to recommend having her gain the Second Magic (valid as an ex ranked Grand phantasm) despite how terrifying that idea is.
Any of the Fire Emblems except for Tellius or Geneology.
It's Gudako. I'd make her have a bunch of shit based around other Servants. Including making them even stronger.
Give her the Third for real shenanigans. After all, the Servants are a refraction of the Materialization of the Soul built from Einzbern fragmentary remnants of their lost Magic.
To clarify I was mostly thinking that it would give her enough energy to maintain all of the Servants, would make it theoretically possible to expand her range of options though the process known as "I summoned them from an alternate universe", would give her a lot of other potential weirdness, and that it would fit with her 'weird alternate version' thing.
Also depending on how it combines with 72 Jumpers she might even be able to do something like summon a Servant, bond with them to access their powers, and then access the capabilities and powers of all of their other aspects/variants.
Endless Nine or Legendary Hero
You can get through Endless Nine
Different user, but what's Endless Nine?
>It's Gudako. I'd make her have a bunch of shit based around other Servants. Including making them even stronger.
Also I forgot to mention it here , but I'm assuming they meant Learning With Magna Gudako, and not the Grand Order protagonist.
Who is less 'Manages to unite an army of Servants to save the world' like her game counterpart, and more 'Manages to terrify everyone while complaining about the lack of lewd, and couldn't care less if the world burned unless it gave her a good gacha roll that hour'.
Fuck, it just occurred to me, her NP should in some way reference or relate to her desire to implement the ability to skip NP animations. Maybe I'll have it be something that allows her to commit to an action, and then skip actually Causing it and jump straight to the Effect it has.
She should still have buffs for Servants, only it involves them eating alternate versions of themselves, and enslaving them to her terrifying lust.
You need to be an absourdly powerful mage, on the level of a Voyager. And at the end of the series that wasn't even enough.
You can get through it and therefore it's useless. You might as well blow your CP on money purchases.
Np skip, it just works.
No, no. Here, I'll use a command spell...
Do not fear me.
And tomorrow I'll have it back.
She should still have buffs for Servants, only it involves them eating alternate versions of themselves, and enslaving them to her lust.
I wasn't arguing against that part. I was arguing against the "Fear Her" filename.
user I removed the word "terrifying" in my post, in response to your command seals.
Ah, right. My bad. I'm going to blame the vodka.
How does one determine the rank of a Noble Phantasm?
Jumpers do you take the window seat like a main character or the center seat like a loser
I float outside the window seat visible only to the main character. The boys seem to be annoyed when I give them an offer to become a magical girl.
I sit in the long seat in the back of the bus, and right in the middle.
Out of universe? Whatever the fuck the writer feels like making it.
In Universe? There is not hard determined method.
Godhand, for example, is B-Rank. Despite being fucking Godhand, one of the best defensive NPs in the series.
It's kinda bullshit really so just read a lost of them and try to ball park.
The strongest non-grand EX is hitting people with all the combined energy of human history, but that's used by Saver who is crazy strong compared to literally every other servant because he's Buddah.
That's just the internalized homophobia talking, stop letting them refuse to live their dreams and make them mahou shojou whether they say yes or no
I'm probably the car.
I don't even know what that means in this metaphor.
>Godhand, for example, is B-Rank. Despite being fucking Godhand, one of the best defensive NPs in the series.
To be fair (or unfair not sure which) Godhand works under the process of 'If your attacks rank is not higher than this if fails', and their are only two more ranks(not counting pluses). So it's probably not a good example since if it had a higher rank it would probably change from
'one of the best defensive NPs in the series' to 'Nasu how the hell did this guy lose when it's literally impossible to harm them and you have to do that 13 times?'.
You're the plot, sending the characters on the road that is their journey.
That or you're a Transformer.
I don't show up for class.
Even when I'm doing stealth jumper runs, y'know, where I'm pretending to be a totally normal human, I'm just a delinquent who doesn't bother to show up for classes.
I'd rather smoke cigarettes with the cool kids out behind the school, or wander around town.
... wait, is that what we're talking about?
Is this about buses?
I usually just sit somewhere I can fall asleep.
>I usually just sit somewhere I can fall asleep.
That's usually the window seat.
I give my seat to the disabled or pregnant women and I often leave two stations after where I was supposed to.
That's not how school buses work. Your joke fails.
Weren't we talking about class seating arrangements? You don't seem to be on track with the argument here.
The best though is if you get an entire seat and the one across it to yourself in the back.
I take the drivers seat because that provides me a car/bus full of hostages.
I see you've played Lolthy Spidery before.
good enough for me
Lucha Underground *note inserting between Medaka Box-Abnormal Addition and
justice league dark
Power Up+200
Enemy of ElJefe+300
immovable object free for heavyweight not sure I need this
weapon-X -100 discount for heavyweight it's sort of an airplane ride toss, but I'm gripping them by their neck.
No-Sell -300 discount for heavyweight handy.
Cero Miedo -100 not sure if I already have something like this, but it's always good to have as many immunities as possible.
Fire in the cosmos -200 I've been needing something like this!
Oh hell yes! Worthy opponents! Evil masterminds! Violence! I love this!
I'm driving the bus off a cliff for laughs.
>Don't worry guys! I have regen factor perks! I'm sure to survive this!
>CE Jumpers on their daily life
Does anyone have the most up to date jump list?
I mean, it's not like I can't raise them from the dead in recompense.
...It's just that I usually choose not to.
SB have updated theirs a lot more recently than ours and you can find it there. You might have to ignore some rolls but ours had Spongebob on it so chances are you'd have to do that sometimes anyway.
I own a harness and saddle that lets me ride anything. I forgo my seat, jump through the roof and ride the bus like the magnificent stallion it is. Instead of squatting among my fellow passengers' filth.
I sit on top of a pile of money with many beautiful ladies.
>Yesterday we had 1104 jumps
Is this the true power of autism?
Question Valeria, I wanted to ask about a perk interaction with a Jump derived powerset.
In Sburb everybody has a Class and an Aspect. However if you are fused with another person with a Class and Aspect you get all derivatives of the combinations of Class and Aspect.
For Example: Witch of Life and Heir of Breath would be a Witch of Life, Heir of Breath, Witch of Breath and Heir of Life.
What I want to know is if Selectively Religious would allow us to disable one of those Classpects (Like if I wanted to be a Witch of Life, Heir of Breath, and Witch of Breath but not an Heir of Life)
(Same Poster)
Please keep in mind each Classpect like Witch of Life is basically it's own individual power set.
Has there been any update on Godbound? I've been away for a couple of weeks
it was dropped unfortunately
Oh... that's a shame
i agree it had a lot of Cool looking stuff
Doing the fate go jump now. Is there any reason to buy the chaldea plans when we have the entire facility to study and steal?
Is World Seed still being updated?