Is it acceptable to write demons as slightly edgy or monstrous people with horns? Or do they always have to be always-evil, irredeemable monsters?
Is it acceptable to write demons as slightly edgy or monstrous people with horns...
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At that point you just have a race called demons that only have 2 noticeable traits.
They are nothing conceptually like a demon or evil spirit at all. You might as well just name them something else if you want to have horned waifus.
It depends on your setting’s definition of “demon”.
In several settings a “demon” is really just “any extra-dimensional entity”, with one particular human novel series having the main character quite often be a “demon” himself with all the dimension-hopping he ends up doing.
So you actually first have to define what a “demon” even is, which is an extremely variable thing in fiction.
Yeah, call them Capricornians or something.
I'd say no. The word demon is intrinsically tied to otherworldly-ness, not to superficial appearance. Tell me the demon is a ball of arms from a mirror dimension where broken reflections of real world emotions are reality? No problem. Tell me the demons are just animist spirits tied to geographical features who can be kindly or wicked and are worshiped by many as gods? Cool. Make them a race of flesh and blood edgy mortals who look like stylized 90's pop culture demons? Now I'm afraid you've lost me.
Or draenei.
>Tell me the demons are just animist spirits tied to geographical features who can be kindly or wicked and are worshiped by many as gods? Cool.
Not to me. Better off just not translating it than using a translation that shitty.
>Is it acceptable to write
It depends on the execution. This is true of anything and everything. There's no subject you can and can't write so long as you write it well.
>one particular human novel series having the main character quite often be a “demon” himself with all the dimension-hopping he ends up doing.
i need to know this series
for scientific reasons
that sounds like
Risk and Morty?
Well, yes technically they should be irredeemable entities, that are only evil. Recommended to be immaterial/spiritual. Also recommended to have unusual appearances like in Christian culture. (like pic related maybe).
In other situations you just end up with humans with batwings and horns, that arent original anyway (we have vampires for those mostly).
Well, it doesnt apply when you are going for succubi/incubi, in which case yeah, they should be humans with batwings and horns, but then you'll end up with just waifuing the setting
>Risk and Morty
I'd actually watch that.
Oh boy, a waifu thread
I don't see why not. Edgy people with horns isn't a particularly interesting interpretation of demons by itself but its not particularly unusual.
Worked for Pyre and Shingeki No Bahamut.
Personally I'd still want them weirder-looking than just humans with horns regardless, but whatever floats your boat.
The demons aren't naturally physical beings, and need a vessel to manifest within the world. The vessel can range from animals to buildings and items, and will often be horrible warped in order to accommodate the demon.
They are parasitic and devoid of any real sense of morality, only motivated by survival and hedonism.
What if they're not even edgy?
Depends on setting.
It's your game, you can run demons as irredeemable, inhuman monsters, Disgaea level brats, or somewhere in between.
They're evil by default.
Good or neutral demons suck because they pretty much stop being demons and become some sort of disgusting mutant
Think about it the otherway. Make them humans with horns AND THEN make them do things people would call demonic.
Otherwise you only have humans that happen to have horns.
Demons are literally the embodiment of torment and sorrow. Every facet of their existence is so alien to mortals that they can only be understood in loose terms or wholly misunderstood and romanticized. Outside of very notable exceptions they are not unique entities or even sapient. Trying to parse evil from them is as foolish as saying "i want my setting to have a water elemental except it isn't made out of water" because, by the fabric from which their existence was created, evil is inseparable from demons.
Would a being that knows only suffering and sole pleasure is spreading it to others try to deceive you? Would it tell any lie with any tongue, dance in any skin and play any trick to make your existence like its own?
People who believe they are dealing with extraplanar entities from the abyss are likely (genuinely) mentally ill or part of a plot so short sighted and fruitless that they would have done better to crawl into a blacksmiths furnace.
If you want a race of edgy humanoids and want to call them demons its your setting and nobody can stop you. In settings I've run dealing with demons is beyond mortal peril; even afterlife is no guarantee of safety against them.
>playing campaign with lots of demons in it
>demon infighting, human summoners, demonic invasions, all sorts of shit
>there is a succubus recurring character, constantly flirting with out paladin player who goes with it to extract information
>even gifts him a sword with a balor bound in it as a personal gift, trying to corrupt the paladin
>paladin asks the GM if its possible to redeem a demon
>"why dont you try and see ;)"
>"alright, here we go"
>breaks the sword and releases the balor
>"let me avenge your imprisonment for you"
>smites the SHIT out of the succubus
>GM tries to weasel out of it, saying her soul is trying to escape
>but the paladin rolls a natural 20 on an ability that lets him destroy demonic souls permamently
>balor goes "I liked the show of strength gods-pawn, what pact to you desire in return?"
>"travel with us!"
>he manages to slowly turn the balor into respecting camraderie and the strength of allies
The campaign is still ongoing but I have never seen magical realm NOPED so hard. I also really hate how people only try to redeem the beautiful sex demons.
You literally just described making humans with horns
Do whatever the fuck you want. Veeky Forums isn't your mom. We're not going to ground you or slap your hand if you do something we don't like.
I honestly don't believe you. I desperately want to believe you, but can't.
>You literally just described making humans with horns
Only to people with either poor language comprehension skills, or poor imagination. Which are you?
He's neither, you just have a much too positive perspective on the capabilities of humans.
False dilemma fallacy, cuck
Both seem pretty bland (but that may be just because I have an immediate instinctive hatred of you beyond all reason, OP), but both can be fun and interesting if executed well.
Why dont we have more succubi like cestree?
Because she's a subversion of a succubus instead of a succubus. A subvubus.
Just do whatever you want dude, it's just a name.
I choose to live in the reality where this is true, because it's rad.
I kind of felt sorry for her desu
>The run-of-the-mill mooks and servants enthralled by the big bad guy can be slaughtered by the hundreds without a second thought
>But you should go to any lengths to spare the sexy vampiress or succubus because she's redeemable despite her evil nature
Never fails
Isnt that basic human attitude to everything?
If its cute and pretty, it's redeemable
>this post
>this pic
It's like you're trying to shoot yourself in the foot.
How exactly? I said that we are biased. How does the picture of a cute succ contradicts my statement.
This should be the standard way of doing things
>an ability that lets him destroy demonic souls permamently
A what now?
That's Alma Elma, the only succubus in MGQ that is completely and utterly irredeemable.
As I said, if its cute, its redeemable
Or perhaps her cuteness is a clever ploy to get you to lower your guard.
but the file name says "annalise"
In my setting, the slightly edgy or monstrous people with horns are human+demon half-breeds.
Demons are more monstrous, but can also be humanoid at times.
Everything is possible. But I really don't understand why are you calling "slightly edgy or monstrous people with horns" demons rather than hellbloods or dark satyr or qunari or some shit
Are there gods who created said demons in your setting? Are demons ethereal being ratter than physical ones? Why would they be evil or "edgy" in the first place? are there angel to counter balance demons?
tale this with a a grain of salt. But if I were you I would work on the history of the world and its rules before deciding what I want my demons to be like.You could have them be simply another race in a setting where Humans evolved from monkey and they from horned lizards and the conflict is simply a mixture of a mithos demonizing the other side and all o the tragedies of war as well as natural disaster being blamed on them. You could also have them being absolute irremediable beings put on earth to destroy mankind by an evil god.
on the other hand If you are working with with a existing setting just go dig a little deeper and you will probably get an answer base don existing canon.
if the campaign revolves around demons, it's not too far-fetched to give a paladin that kind of finisher ability as long as it's balanced.
Better than only being able to use mcguffins