Post a pic you have saved, others come up with a encounter based off it.
Post a pic you have saved, others come up with a encounter based off it
So storytime thread with meme pictures, great.
It would work a lot better if you and the mods hadn't chased off all the writefags.
>spell mishap when casting Clone
Ent was used for lumber during construction of a house, party is trapped inside it's walls as the Ent has gained control of the building.
>modern Ironclaw
>Everyone the party has ever pissed off shows up for revenge
>The Paladin and/or cleric's god shows up after a terrible defeat and recommends new training regiments.
>Player character encounters and must battle their Shadow (THE TRUE SELF!)
>it is highly symbolic.
>Horny loli elves (who are chronologically 48 years old, dammit!) refuse to wait over a half century and begun capturing men for their sexual blossoming
Reminds me of something we did in a 5e campaign.
So GM introduced this turbocreep. Villian who called himself Vilca, The Great Evil, and was a massive asshole and degenerate. We were a jerkass neutral party, so he wanted a villian SO BAD that we felt we had to stop him anyway.
So it was difficult getting him anywhere alone. He was prone to leaving his guards to indulge in his vices, but getting him completely alone was hard. So we spied on him for a long time, until we noticed he was a paedophile (because of course he was, can't be full asshole evil without that detail apparently)
So we used magic to make one of the characters look like he was 10, dressed her in a cute but slightly revealing dress, and let her "accidentially" bump into the villain. She did a cute apology, and due to a successful charm attempt, he started hitting on her. She asked if he wanted to see her special hiding spot, and he followed along without his guards.
He got dogpiled as soon as they came into the magically silenced bubble we had prepared. Completely and utterly destroyed, with a lot of rape jokes thrown around. He was left alive, but mangled and mutilated, and left to dry on a wall on the most crowded plaza in the city, naked.
He quickly fell from power after that, and ended up dying to an unrelated disease that was plaguing the city.
damn, never trust a loli
>So we used magic to make one of the characters look like he was 10
>dressed her in a cute but slightly revealing dress
You commited a crime against humanity if you actually changed the gender, and didn't just put a cute shota a boy in a dress.
>Party delves into a generic dungeon
>Fight their way to the final room to find that it's actually a really nice kitchen
>pic related is making the greatest meal they have ever seen
>The party is the final ingredient