>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list. mtgcommander.net
>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices. tappedout.net
>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet. edhrec.com/
>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity. manabasecrafter.com/
>Thread Question With Karn all but confirmed for the upcoming Dominaria set, we're left to wonder, how long before we see the return of the Phyrexians in some capacity? When we do see them again, what are you hoping Wizards does with them? What are you expecting Wizards to do with them?
>Thread question I bet it gets announced in the next year or so, with some call backs to their invasions in the Dominaria set itself. I'd like to see them used as compelling villains that have largely become vulnerable due to infighting (didn't Norn straight up kill Urabrask?), but still be a credible and persistent threat to the multiverse; if the good guys win, it'll be at a serious cost. Also, a little more background on the oil itself / why the Praetors developed as they did. That said, I have a sneaking suspicion that they're going to job to the Jacetice League and the taint of the oil will be somehow removed from the multiverse forever.
Angel Bailey
Guys, I have a question. How do I deal with a shitty player? We play kitchen table, but for some reason he's been acting like there's serious money to be won or something. He bitches whenever anybody does anything to negatively affect his board state but has the shittiest attitude when he combos off with Reaper King. He'll loudly complain if someone misses a trigger but if he misses some then he'll do whatever benefits him at the time. ("Oh, technically I should have drawn two cards last turn") It's like he wants to play his high-budget decks in a Craw Wurm meta (we're not a Craw Wurm meta)
Dude's been my best friend forever, but shit's getting ridiculous and I didn't realize it until earlier tonight. How do you deal with sore losers / winners Veeky Forums?
Ryder Hughes
I think I just had my first EDH "that guy" experience. >that guy is playing Krenko >he's been durdling most of the game >says he needs to go soon, he's going to scoop on his next turn after causing some chaos >okay, whatever >we all ignore him because we know he's scooping >on his turn he drops Krenko and some other stuff, goes infinite and kills us all with Purphoros triggers >he comes back an hour later, switches to Xenagod >I am not letting him get away with any more shenanigans, switch to my control deck >that guy immediately convinces everyone to kill me because I'm running blue and I already countered one of his problem cards >everyone else goes along with it even though I have the least amount of cards in hand and the weakest board position >turn 7 or 8, I'm at 11 life, everyone else is at full, I have no action in my hand and I am 100% dead in the next turn rotation >I scoop it up and join a different pod that's about to start and needs a 4th player >check back 15 minutes later >with no one to stop him that guy took over the game and killed the other two players within 6 turns of me leaving >mfw this whole situation I'm at a loss as to what to do about this.
Jaxson Jackson
Learn from it mate
Aaron Evans
how do i get my 6 mana commander out on turn 3/4? i had a chance to pop off last night but i was a mana short.
Bentley Rodriguez
Run more artifact ramp, at least that's what i do
Josiah Perry
Mana rocks my dude. Run 10-12 of them that are 3 CMC or less (2 or less if that's doable for your budget)
Ethan Adams
Your options are mana rocks or good ol' ramp if you're in green. Commander's Sphere, Signets, Cameos, Cluestones, etc.
If you're in blue you could shoot for Flash, but the consistency is iffy because this is fucking commmander
Austin Smith
wow, that's like one of my best friends but with super smash bros
i ended up telling him he has an anger issue and i'm not going to play melee with him anymore, and ever since he's been pissy, but at least he isn't throwing his controller across the room
Joshua Roberts
sounds like this faggot i know who always tells you why the way you built your deck is 'wrong'
Aaron Watson
Any good budget Nekusar builds out there? He seems fun, if a bit linear. >Thread question I hope we get another New Phyrexia-like lore season, with factions infighting. Maybe we can do dual- or tri-color factions this time?
Austin Hernandez
Jam all the cheap Grixis-colored wheels/windfalls, howling mines, mana rocks, boardwipes, and counterspells (in that order of priority) that you can afford.
Joseph Barnes
tappedout.net/mtg-decks/skeleton-kang/ here's my nekusar deck. The only "expensive" card I wouldn't cut for budget reasons is mind over matter because it basically wins the game if it hits the battlefield
Levi Rodriguez
Thanks! I might trade a friend for locust god, but i'll roll with feldon while waiting to build this.
Jayden Robinson
Who is the best mono white commander for goodstuff?
Isaiah King
This might sound absurd, but talk to him about how you feel.
Chase Davis
Probably Heliod
Parker Wood
Mono white goodstuff seems like the most boring shit ever conceived.
Jayden Rivera
>got a guy that dumped near a grand on atraxa >plays static orb etc >gets mad when I take precaution to stop it >occasionally just scoops when he realizes I counter his ability to go off >uses this as examples to get the other players to target me >they all start killing me every game then immediately losing to mass planeswalker ults wondering where they went wrong >they still see me as a problem every game >mfw
He's one of my better friends, but I can't stand playing with that faggot when it gets like this. He has some ability to convince the board he's got no plays even when he's got the lock and key set up to go off on board or revealed from a tutor
William Lee
Your problem isn't him. Your problem is the rest of the players, as they are clearly retarded.
Luke Barnes
It happens. The good thing is that whenever something like that happens in our group I tend to remind them what happened the last time they didn't heard me.
Or i just focus on them the next time we play.
Austin Moore
Noted, but his whining just makes me out to be the bad guy in the group They've lost to the same combination of plays about 10 times now and still never catch on and save a way to stop it or hate me out when I play something big to stop them from going off. It's gotten to the point where I can't build new decks without thinking out a proper plan to stop this same cycle and not draw hoard hate
Cameron Brooks
Build Phelldagriff and just load Atraxa up with hippos and free cards every game until the group gets it
Aaron Morris
Might as well fully embrace the title of group scumbag I've been given I guess.
Dylan Howard
Slide me that list user
Nathan Jenkins
How many sac outlets and token producers should I have for Athreos Aristocrats?
Leo Gomez
>flashing in trinisphere against talrand cantrips >picks up the card, looks at his hand, looks at the card again >"Fuck you user, that cards broken" >Few turns later I show and tell for Blightsteel >he throws down force of will >with only 2 mana up Oh Jesus this is fun. Lodestone golem would work too right? Anything else I can do to tax people into oblivion?
Eli Davis
Sanctum Prelate
David Moore
>Sanctum Prelate Oh yes, yes indeed. Throw it in GAAIV and I'm in for a wonderful time.
Jack Carter
What's the best way to build her? I see a lot of almost entirely creatureless decks and I feel like I might have missed something.
Cameron Turner
>tfw you fell for the italian seller meme on MCM
my emrakul and darksteel colossus have been in the mail for almost 3 weeks now
Ethan Foster
Where to buy cheap Chinese counterfeits? Tired of printing/cutting/glueing proxies.
Dominic Parker
wew Email Villa Zheng, visit proxqueen1's website or use Esty user.
John Wright
Esty killed them off. You can't buy off of there anymore.
Michael Carter
>playing in a meta where force of will is just a normal thing
Justin Perry
That's currently the plan. Again, I didn't realize what kind of problem it was until last night. Any advice beyond, "Yo quit being a punk"?
Austin Long
damn, well they still have the best playmats at least.
Grayson Wilson
>it's cancer to play good cards because I can't afford them Who cares user? I have fun, my meta has fun the only person who doesn't have fun is the guy who brings a mildly edited precon and is like "1v1 me faggot". In fact, unedited precons usually win because the big ticket decks need to focus all their resources to make sure the other big ticket decks don't combo off.
Jack Nelson
this feeling.
Logan Allen
Don't talk down to him like he's doing something wrong, you retard. That'll just promote defensiveness and/or hostility. Just tell him that his negative attitude is making you enjoy the game less, then try to come to an agreement on how to handle misplays/takebacks and enforce it equally for everyone.
Levi Foster
>He has some ability to convince the board he's got no plays
This is literally me. Most of my decks surprise explode from nothing or very little and I talk a mean game. I always convinced other players to do what I wanted. My friends just straight up said "Fuck that" and literally don't listen to me any more. They all gun me down 100% no mater what I have or what anyone else has. "I don't care if I lose so long as you lose first." I still win most of the games even though its 2 v 1 or 3 v 1.
Hunter Jenkins
>Have a consistent playgroup of four to six people >Two of them always team up regardless of board position >One of them is spiteful as fuck and will sacrifice his own chance of winning just to fuck with you because you destroyed his enchantment on turn 3. >They always complain that people target them despite them turning the game into two-headed giant. >mfw
John Bailey
Clearly he dominated the politics game of the edh. Either that, or the other players are retarded. There is a reason grouphug decks can win games in commander.
Nathan Brown
Just do what I do and make a deck specifically designed to be the villain and take on up to four people.
John Rodriguez
It's because you play big creatures.
It's hard to overlook a 20/20 flying indestructible annihilator creature. Seeing ashnods and anointed procession is much less of a priority in comparison, because they're still one piece away from doing anything. Windmill slam your fatties lategame, run control and cantrips early game like a real pro.
Jaxson Walker
But he is doing something wrong. He's playing like a petulant toddler. That's why we want to correct it.
Jose King
What do you recommend for becoming the archenemy
Ryder Gonzalez
A couple of things depending on what you like to play.
My personal favorite is a Korlash deck with as many board wipes and graveyard recursion spells as possible.
Brody Harris
I'll play anything under the sun, the majority of my group isn't cool with anything infinite unfortunately but I always plug in one or two combos to abuse just in case I run into a new group at my lgs.
Asher Ross
Be that as it may, don't come crying to me if he takes it the wrong way and it ends up hurting your friendship or your playgroup.
Jackson Cooper
Not him, but Im trying to up my archenemy game by playing stax. It still needs some honing. Right now, my go to me-vs-a-table deck is pillowfort reanimator.
Jaxon Sullivan
I built a deck with Odric, Lunarch Marshall that was really just focused on goodstuff with a decent curve. Worked pretty well.
Bentley Scott
FoW isn't even that good of a card. I think it's only good if you must have answers early game, so pretty much a necessity in a strong meta anyway. It really just seems like that it has such a stigma because of the price. sure, it's a free counter, but you're down one more blue card afterwards and it's terrible hardcasted
Evan Turner
Yeah I'd rather have Swan Song like 99% of the time
Julian Phillips
>FoW isn't even that good of a card
You stop fucking right there Heritic
James Ramirez
>What are you expecting Wizards to do with them? Lol give them annihilator to piss people off
Blake Johnson
Stop playing with LGS virgins
Wyatt Hall
Considering that Jhoira and Teferi are looking well, and Weatherlight is in the background, either we went back in time, or we are in a time rift where things happened in a different manner.
Either way I expect Phyrexians to show up and hope we get some cool stuff.
Oliver Moore
It really isn't. It's a meta dependant card. I have more situations where I'd prefer any other counterspell to FoW than I've had situations where it has been better. only situations I've used FoW have been on turn 1 or before I've had my 1st, with exceptions of from my more competitive meta, where I'd prefer Swan song or Mental misstep, really. In the weaker metas, I'd prefer any other, because I'd rather have more cards in hand than counter a spell for free. >tl;dr FoW is a card that's power rises depending on strenght of meta and isn't good in weak places. If you play blue control, you don't tap out, right?
Kevin Cruz
Atraxa and Nekuzar so kind of.
Jackson Flores
>Thread question >Yfw Gix finally re-emerges from the Blind Eternities and takes his place as the new Father of Machines
Benjamin Jackson
I hope these are dubs of truth
Joshua Torres
FoW isn't a good card because it is better in 99% of the cases, FoW is a good card because it does something that no other counterspell can do. It could be that FoW is only better in 20% of the cases, but the problem is that no other counterspell can cover those 20%.
Ryder Sullivan
Back to
Evan Murphy
Who would win a 1vs1?
Nicol Bolas or Gix?
Henry Nelson
>Yfw Gix finally re-emerges from the Blind Eternities and takes his place as the new Father of Machines
Jayden Russell
Gix would wipe the floor with bolas
Xavier Gomez
>The first thing he does is bitch slap Norn into submission
Juan Flores
Best draw power in Krenko? Vanquisher's banner, Howling Mine, etc?
Daniel Gray
I'm inclined to say Bolas just due to how many spells he probably knows. Also, we know Gix can take on Old Walkers but that had more to do with disruption rather than actual power, I think. I could be wrong though.
Caleb White
outside of my comp group, I've seen it in two decks, one netdecking dude, who literally took a "competitive Talrand control" from tappedout and I run it in my Memnarch just because I have a copy and the deck generates insane amount of mana, so i just hardcast it anyway. Only other decks I could play it in are Hanna or Locust god, but in latter I don't bother and Hanna needs every card and usually I can't afford to exile any of my pieces.
Jordan Gomez
If you play against combo decks or decks with massive bombs then you need it (which is why it's played in Legacy/Vintage) but if you aren't playing against early "counter or lose" cards then it's poor. It's a good card objectively but hardly the kind of card a smart person would complain about facing just because it costs $40.
Jason Diaz
It can be cast for no mana. There's also Pact for free counterspell and arguably Mental misstep. The first few turns in a competitive game are the most crucial ones, where you're going to need free or cheap counterspells, but unless you're playing in a cutthroat meta, there's plenty of better options for most of the situations.
Jaxson Ross
It looks a lot more like the Predator Flagship than the Weatherlight. There are speculations that it's the ship Venser was repairing/improving in Quest for Karn. Also, aren't Jhoira and Teferi fine in the current timeline?
Mental Mistep is very restrictive, and Pact only really works to protect your own combos, any other case Pact fucks you up. I will repeat, no other counterspell can replace FoW when FoW is needed.
Owen Gonzalez
>Everyone I don't like is /pol/ That board is living rent free in your head
Isaiah Cruz
Bolas wins the arena cage match -- Bolas uses powerful spells when Gix really doesn't, and while Gix is fairly imposing versus humanoids, Bolas is a fucking Elder Dragon.
If they have prep time, though, I think Gix makes better use of it. Urza was never able to manage a clean win against Gix, and Urza is one of the three candidates for "Most Powerful Planeswalker Ever" along with Bolas and Taysir.
Jose Adams
What makes Gix so strong? Isn't he just a normal human like thing?
Dominic Sanders
The problem is that you were an idiot who decided to play control instead of a more fast and deadly combo.
Josiah Perez
i struck a balance between stax tax and aristocrats, heres a hint, dont use smokestack
Ian Martin
Rules question: can you choose not to find a card when you tutor, even if you can tutor any card type?
The situation in question is Razaketh with an infinite loop such as Fiend Hunter + Sun Titan, do I have to tutor my entire library to my hand if I want to execute the loop an arbitrary amount of times? E.g. I have Blood Artist and Soul Warden out to counteract the lifeloss and kill my opponents but they're all at 40 life each meaning I need execute the loop 120 times, could someone kill me with a Blue Sun's Zenith after I've been forced to tutor my entire library?
Wyatt Morales
>Rules question: can you choose not to find a card when you tutor, even if you can tutor any card type?
Yes. Any time you are looking at hidden information you can "fail to find". Even with Demonic Tutor where there is no restriction.
Cameron Perez
You do have to find in that case, you can only fail to find if the object searched for must have at least one specific characteristic.
Leo Johnson
701.15b If a player is searching a hidden zone for cards with a stated quality, such as a card with a certain card type or color, that player isn’t required to find some or all of those cards even if they’re present in that zone.
701.15d If a player is searching a hidden zone simply for a quantity of cards, such as “a card” or “three cards,” that player must find that many cards (or as many as possible, if the zone doesn’t contain enough cards).
Oliver Walker
What's an original non-instawin way to use Kiki-Jiki?
I don't want to be that Kiki-jiki + zealous conscripts guy
Lucas Mitchell
Avenger of Zendikar, Rune-Scarred Demon, Karmic Guide, any Primordial, Deadeye Navigator.
Jeremiah Bell
He was personally augmented by Yawgmoth and was the second in command of all Phyrexian forces.
Adam Lopez
People are gonna assume you're insta-winning anyway.
Just look for non-ETB untap sources (to Kiki moar) and ETBs that aren't conscripts (like Inferno Titan). Ends up playing somewhat similarly to a monored version of Roon.
Aaron Russell
The Norn-faction nuPhyrexian do look pretty Gix-y. Would be a cool development.
I want Urabask to still be alive and play a role in taking down the others.
Jackson Collins
>TFW this is me
Politicking is all I know
Carter Powell
Well I'm pretty sure the Razaketh search abilities can all just sit at the bottom of the stack without ever happening, so it's a moot point.
But no, you can't fail to find a card if the search ability just finds any card.
Sebastian Ross
She does a lot of different shit: stax token swarm aristocrats goodstuff pillowfort control
Jacob Peterson
Oh, didn't know that.
Gabriel Rogers
Trying to improve my marath precon and im wondering how good a sunforger package would be since ive never run one before? Also are there any must haves besides doubling season?
Chase Rogers
>hardcasting force
Gavin Turner
I'm building Edgar Markov because my 1v1 buddy is running a degenerate GW goodstuff Sigarda toolbox deck abusing tutors, birthing pod, infinite recursion engines, commander voltron components, etc
What bullshit can i put in to hose him besides the usual Mardu staples? I'm running a pretty standard list so far, edgar aggro shell, a solid removal/burn suite, and a few board wipes that can break his engines.
Nathaniel Ward
>I have the least amount of cards in hand and the weakest board position. >least amount of cards in hand >least amount of cards Bitch, you're playing blue wrong.
Samuel Gonzalez
Stay mad. I'm perfectly happy with my 5 mana 50 euro counterspell.