I need pics of elves for my setting.
Preferably wizards and magicians.
Space related if possible, magitech is welcome.
I need pics of elves for my setting.
Preferably wizards and magicians.
Space related if possible, magitech is welcome.
OP here, I forgot to add: no niggers
some modern elves
Unfortunately I have mostly rogue types
You just had to do it didn't you, fag? Here have a totally non-nigger elf as a token of my thanks.
And of course being the fag myself I forgot the picture
Oh, /pol/shittery. Nah, go ask in the eight other character art threads then.
I like this artist. Something about him resonates pleasantly with me.
hol' up, you waz sayin' we wuz elves an shit?
>"I'm an elven waiter serving in the Fat And Hungry Bear Restaurant and apparently a human woman and her male companion have taken a 'liking' to me. Help, wat do guys?"
Adopt them as pets
You mean he resonates with your dick
Implying he isn't going to be the one getting adopted
the big guy is gonna fucking destroy him
>Image search
>No matches
I need to know if there's more and where this is from reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Maybe? Is it called love? I need to research further.
>implying stray humans in the elven society showing affection to the elven waiter isn't the same as stray cat rubbing onto his legs to get food
Does Midna count as an elf?
Can I fuck that human?
Is a human fine too or is that sexual deviancy, or merely exotic to elves?
No, user, it's not okay. It's deviant and perverted. Depictions of so called 'humangirls' are disturbing to many.
This is more disturbing than I expected.
Warning: this image can be too thicc for unprepared viewers
I need more noticeably male elves in my life. For reasons
Didn't know that guy did illustrations for Total War
>If one doesn't like elves to be larping dindus from songhai, he's a mean waisis from /pol/
You know your life took a wrong turn when you post official art from Paizo
Here you go, from back when elf ears were of reasonable size, male elves looked like Elric the bloody Melnibonean and female half-elves were the hottest thing on two legs.
>female half-elves were the hottest thing on two legs
It's a miracle if the male elves looked like grump arrogant shit
Probably those half-elves came from male human/female elf pairings, if the elf ladies wanted something more fun than grumpy swordy elf men.
Why not have someone both handsome and a hardass?
what system let's me play fantasy wild west with elves?
It just hit me that Moorcock's elves look like inbred Habsburgs while half-elves look like their bastard children (which often turned out to be completely fine unlike pure bred kids).
Does this guy feel miserable so his ears are sad and droopy?
Those are from the Forgotten Realms grey box (the 1st edition AD&D campaign set), not from Moorcock, but I know what you mean. I just call the grey box elf the Melnibonean because he has an inhuman otherworldliness about him, the way Moorcock described the Melniboneans.
Those are bits of his helmet, not his ears.
>"Hey fellow troopers stationed here in Shene Edhil, how you guys holding up? How goes helping the elven gov and its forces fight off those dank ass drows and Templar Consortium faggots, befriending elven locals, and occasionally shooting at orc and goblin raiders? Pic sort of related, it-sa me and my assigned elven partner; Alaion Grelar, but I call him Alex, a real adorkable sweetheart who likes to go on about his high elven people's illustrious history and an eager guy in learning how to use our day-to-day tech. Really gotten real close as good friends and ofcourse he's a pretty neat spellcaster too. Your thoughts boys and girls?"
>t. Staff Sergeant Samantha Herregods, Armed Forces of the United Federation Government
Is this a white lion?
what's with all the butthurt in the background?
Vampires noticed her long delicate ears
Vampires, not even once
Can this male half-elf with his human and dorw GF do?
Wild Hunt Navigator/Aen Elle Elf girlfriend:
>"I don't mind if you're but a lowly dh'oine, I like/love you for who you are."
>"You're into elves and tall girls in armor?"
>"Wana see some magic tricks? I'm a magic user after all."
>"A Megascope? Don't need that low tech garbage. I can teleport us nearly anywhere you know?"
>"Awwww you made me a hand-crafted gift. Even if its not as superior as Aen-Elle craftmanship, that's still so sweet of you!"
>"Don't worry about my King Eredin, I'll just tell him and that meathead Imlerith you're my pet and servant so they won't hurt you."
>"I can show you a whole new world, literally. We Wild Hunt Navigators can travel accross the multiverse."
>"Let's ride honey! Our kings has called upon the hunt/the Red Riders!"
>"You may be 'unofficially' a member of the Red Riders, but to me. I consider you an official member, MY member."
>"I won't let those mean and scary monsters harm you sweetie!"
>"Let's conquer this weak world I found and make it into a colony! Then our king Eredin will be proud of both of us!"
>"Let's have cute, adorable half-elf kids."
>"Even if you will die of old age while I and our half-breed children are still alive due to our differing lifespans. I and our children will still treasure you in our fond memories."
>"I shall speak with viceroy Ge'els to have him paint us a painting of our marraige."
>"Let's go find Zireael and bring her to our king! And we can also kill that mean ol' greyheard witcher who's causing our king and commanders trouble!"
This looks oddly familiar but I feel I'm missing several references at the same time
This lady is perfection
I like how barely anyone bothers with the OP to just have their generic fap dump.
That guy looks very sickly even for an elf. He should quit whatever the source of unlimited power unimagineable by mortals he is addicted too.
Dwemer art might be useful for this topic.
This thread has been great so far. Thank you, guys.
Your threads are shit and attract shit.
You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs
I like them with extra beef
read two paragraphs and still no idea whether that elf is a grill or a fag
She counts in my book