>your character picks up a cute NPC, but she turns out to be a castle in disguise
How does your character handle this?
>your character picks up a cute NPC, but she turns out to be a castle in disguise
How does your character handle this?
Other urls found in this thread:
I check for traps and enter the castle
I'm dying.
Delve her dungeons.
I'm not saying I miss quests, but somehow you managed to make a topic that was even worse.
How does that work?
So, we're running a medieval Transformers campaign?
Best post
She girl.
But she also castle.
I hate this post, but I still can't stop laughing.
Fuck you, user.
but how
she girl
she castle
but most importantly
she will never be real
I like to point out that in a very strict reading with no subtlety for intention, the "and" doesn't disqualify the enter the castle. So there could be a trap you know about but are entering
Shine on, you inglorious bastard.
Exactly as planned
Castle gates exist to be penetrated.
Beat me to the punch, you brilliant asshole.
You are the worst
Okay...does she change her size? Because if not she's just a cosplayer dressed up as a castle...and not a dedicated cosplayer at that if pic is anything to go by
What kind of castle? Is she still normal sized or is she colossal?
Presumably she functions like a stone colossus, except her humanoid form appears to be a girl wearing castle-themed armor.
I lay siege
What mobage is she from?
This is one guy replying to himself right?
Put me in the screencap
Is there anything that can't be turned into cute anime girls?
>Bard: let's us explore
Oh Christ
Wait, is this like Kancolle but with castles instead of botes?
Cheers mate
>"like Kancolle but..."
Just call the genre for what is is - waifu collecting game.
I was referring more to the:
>They're WWII ships that are also cute girls
>They're guns that are also cute girls
>They're planes that are also cute girls
>They're castles that are also cute girls
Yes, and? Saying that something n a Japanese mobage is a cute girl is like saying that water is wet.
Id siege her
I'd take her by escalade, if you know what I mean.
This shit really needs to stop.
I know it is japan but there msut be atleast some sort of logic attached to what you are writing. Completely throwing it out of the window is utterly disgusting.
Not on this anime girl world.
The Cock.
It at least makes "kinda-sorta" sense with ships. Most human cultures have anthropomorphized ships, and done so by considering them female at that.
>your character picks up a sinister godfather, but he turns out to be a castle in disguise
>How does your character handle this?
Forgot pic. Pardon me.
If they had done it like they did in arpeggio of blue steel i would get it.
Female AI for ships is pretty ok and makes sense.
But girls are ships? It is throwing any semblence of logic out of the window. And the worst part is it tries to take itself serious sometimes.
Pick both.
>euclydian star fortress tier
>dirty girl tier
Fortifications of Xi'an
the maroccean wall
german Landswehrs
>politically correct tier
the iron courtain
the US-mexican border wall
the DMZ
>baggage tier
Zone Rouge
>70% looks tier
german city fortifications
Albanian bunkers
That tunnel system the dude on /k/ dug
>you don't even wanna go there
Fritzl Bunker
Them problem is that when Japan does 'X but they're girls', the girls are never actually X.
Scrolling through a one time, saw some op where some dudes dick was turned into some girl. Need to Google it.
The Chinese
Chinese are only good for recasts and cheap handheld tools they produce
Dunno if they are from the same game/series but here's another castle girl.
NSFW: myfigurecollection.net
>And the worst part is it tries to take itself serious sometimes
Literally the reason why the KanColle anime was shit with the exception of the DesDiv 6 episode.
Classic Case of "First Post, Best Post" here.
Only if you are a newsperg. Checking for traps always meant that you DISARMED the trap. And if you couldn't, then you would have to make a decision after that.
Factually wrong.
>your character picks up a cute NPC, but she turns out to be the Vietcong tunnel network in disguise
You were waiting for an opportunity to post that, weren't you?
world of warcraft got weeeird
Are there any good rules for player characters owning, upgrading and operating a stronghold?
Girl (male)...?
I'm still laughing holy shit
What kind of male has breasts and hips?
The best kind.
user, you're right
>unzips battering ram
include me in the screencap plz
i use her to threaten my opponent's back rank while simultaneously protecting my own
Why the fuck do you start every thread with a stupid oversexualized image, you horny manchild?
a-user pls
storm the gates
Are you sure it isn't just her shield? What part of the castle does the girl represent?
If she is a help to the group then she is welcome.
If she is just there she will be tolerated.
If she becomes a hindrance to the group she will be asked to leave (by knife point and a disturbed grin) when no one else in the group is looking
If she actively causes the group harm... She disappears and is only found later with her guts hanging out in some trees.
My character is what you would call Yandere.
Sounds pretty edgy bruvva