Army and Skirmish Warband builder > City generator > Art Database >
Also the actual model would look much better if it too had tentacles on its right shoulder.
Noah Rodriguez
Yeah the maggots are pretty uninspired. It would have added alot to the model if they just went with an oozing, badly healed wound and some maggots pooping out of individual holes.
Chase Adams
I just realized it's not the name guy...
Shoulder, pauldron, shield, weapon, stomach, helmet, and heads are all different.
Aaron Ross
I thought the severed head with a beard was wearing a cowboy hat for a second
Joseph Jones
>Le too much detail XD
Asher Ramirez
I for one I'm kind of glad the art ain't a total copypaste of the models.
Brandon Miller
What are you implying? The model is much less detailed than the artwork. It's actually to its detriment imo.
The main beef I have is that the artwork made me expect certain details that aren't there. As such it would've been better if they released the picture of the model before the artwork. The model on it's own is quite agreeable and I'll probably end up buying it, allthough I might do some changes to the belly.
Does anyone have that screenshot of the fella' from the Glottkin video that someone posted in one of the previous threads before the reveal of the model?
Brayden Jackson
you know, I really don't like the look of this one ,but I think I've figured out why. I don't really like the color-scheme.
Matthew Ramirez
I think it would be sorta easy to switch out that stomach with one from the Putrid Blightkings or the Lord of Plagues model. they basically have very similar folds around the strap from his shoulder-pad.
Ian Myers
Thats what theyve been going for though, ever since all those lawsuits
Jason Phillips
2 arms is unnecessary it makes the model looks cluttered.
Henry King
Im disappointed in your mums slimy puss flaps but hey, life aint perfect
Isaac Cruz
So far Dispossessed are in the lead, with Dispossessed+Fyreslayers Allies and Fyreslayers tied for second.
What do YOU think I should play? Dispossessed, while pretty competitive on their own, may get squatted, or maybe they won't get an update for another whole year. Who knows. Whereas Fyreslayers are an up and coming army, albeit one with ridiculously posed models and a penchant for hording. I wish this wasn't such a hard decision tbqhf
You've been making these posts for literally months. Fuck off and better use your time actually painting models.
Isaiah Rivera
I've heard the Stonehorn got nerfed hard
What happened to it?
Oliver Clark
Never, hopefully. Enough Nurgle is enough.
Dominic Clark
Neither of them are ever going to get new models outside the occasional one-off character. Nobody cares what you play. Fuck off.
Lucas Flores
Please don't make a huge mistake. Dispossessed are a dead range, they will never be supported. Pick them and regret it for the rest of your life.
Hunter Bennett
...what models am I painting exactly? The hypothetical ones I've not bought yet?
Jaxson Perry
GW is so fair and unbiased
Juan Sanders
Ya know, it's funny how the squatting of Bretonnians and Tomb Kings have had such and adverse effect on player confidence in factions. Ignoring meme meisters it's rather sad that entire model ranges are seeing less sales due to fears of being squatted, yet in turn that lack of purchase power is going to most likely contribute to said faction and/or units being sacked.
Ryder Fisher
Insanely bad decision. It was insane, it was bad and it was insanely bad. Easily the single worst decision to come out of the death of Old World.
James Rivera
The artwork depicts the same character as the miniature.
David Reed
Well, there are 10 books bundles and about 10 generic CSM products in the DG section
Lucas Cook
you gotta be delirious to suggest that dg aren't being showered in blatant favouritism while ksons are a meme "army"
Hudson Campbell
And Thousand Sons have three book bundles and only six actual model boxes in their section. Your point?
Kayden Perez
Yeah the colour scheme is not optimal. It will probably look much better if painted with a more fleshlike tone like pic related.
>I think it would be sorta easy to switch out that stomach with one from the Putrid Blightkings or the Lord of Plagues model. >they basically have very similar folds around the strap from his shoulder-pad. I sure hope so! If not it will be an easy matter to just greenstuff over it.
Gavin Long
Go back to your own generals with this shit .
Adrian Morris
All of AoS was a bad decision. I'm still going to play Warhammer, don't get me wrong, as my faction of Choice is rather consistent in either setting.
I just don't know why GW has owned up and released a public statement akin to, "We fucked up, we royally fucked up, and all we can say is sorry." Honestly it wouldn't even be that hard for them to do another major rule and fluff rehaul that would merge aspects of WhFb and AoS, in both rules and fluff.
Eli Clark
fuck off mate, it's perfectly relevant to the subject at hand
Noah Wood
What sort of releases would you prefer?
Jason Hall
>Caring about Thousand Cucks
Gabriel Scott
Dude, Death Guard is the edgiest fucking faction >Death is literally in their name >Primarch is an edgy and angsty Grimreaper >Pity Fuck of a Faction
Juan King
Containment thread is over there:
Cameron Reed
diversified releases
Elijah Powell
Wow! Nice comment! Have some Karma!
Chase Kelly
>you gotta be delirious to suggest I suggested nothing mr saltyfag. I just stated the fact >and only six actual model boxes in their section. Your point? That half of the 43 shits in the DG is actually not DG. Still, yes - GW is favoring some armies and not giving a shit about other ones. I hope you people pointed it out in the big survey instead of bitching about it on mongolian cartoon porn forum
Thomas Hill
Balanced releases that take turns to update every single faction one by one. If the is just one thing the old GW did better than the current one, it's the release schedule. New GW has fully embraced the favouritism it has always secretly harboured and decided it was a good move to take turns releasing two faction for the entire year.
Lincoln Howard
Well obviously, but what releases in particular would you like to see?
Levi Powell
i don't even give a shit honestly, i just want every release to be of similar size and of a different army like he said: if you're trying to suggest that i'm salty because my army was abandoned, tough luck, because i play seraphon and wanderers/sylvaneth
The answer is always that you collect what appeals to you the most, otherwise you're gonna have a worse time with your hobby if you pick your minis based on nothing but stats. The exception is that if you don't care about the minis at all and just care about the gameplay.
Carson Johnson
>Caring about Thousand Cucks
Parker Perez
I'm really hoping they don't include pestigors.
It's too bad Tzeentch was taken over by beastmen trash.
Xavier Fisher
>No more comebacks Heh, nice try kiddo, time to get ready for school and get off Veeky Forums.
Dominic Torres
>Caring about Thousand Cucks
Josiah Bailey
What would you use a bretonnian foot knight as in skirmish?
Luis Evans
>if you're trying to suggest that i'm salty because my army was abandoned I was merely trying to start a conversation about what kind of new models people want.
Nathaniel Kelly
I'd actually like to see pestigors and some sort of emanciated humans as a sort of rabble to the Putrid Blightkings' elite.
Seeing as there are a lot of different armies and even more individual preferences I'd say that it's not. I for one would like to see them release a unit akin to the warrior part of pic related. Tzeentchian mutated Warriors clad in baroque armour with fish and bird motives such as a scalemail shaped as if it was made out of fishscales would be the dog's bollocks.
Christian Jackson
And it would be even better if they were sword 'n board.
Hudson Kelly
That's actually pretty sweet my man, gonna have to take notes down on that idea you presented. Be nice if they also put emphasis on the old Champions who had horror limbs etc.
Dominic Peterson
So what the fuck is going of with these pizza slices? Were triangles like this a symbol of some shit in the old world?
Ayden Butler
Triangles are usually marking left from skavens, but my guess is these are connected to something new.
Jaxon Johnson
Huh, that model sans the giant hand is actually kinda spot on or what I want allbeit with a new more precise modeling technique.
Samuel Baker
Chase Garcia
This is quite possibly my favorite mini of all time.
It has plenty of detail, but not to a silly degree. It tells a story. It juxtaposes flesh and metal, then conflates them. It also plays with archetypes of a knight wielding a noble sword, and a savage wielding a wild flail. But the knightly stuff is tainted with deformity.
I also love how it seems to have 3 arms until you look closer and see it's a face whispering to the helmet.
Caleb Gonzalez
AoS was so successful they reworked 40k to be more like it.
They have nothing to apologise for, unless you're just upset about generic exaggerated fantasy land getting blown up.
Matthew Anderson
You DO realise more than half of the DG's are actually regular CSM stuff and their codex, don't you?
Alexander Ross
You know why?
Because they didn't, no matter what a butthurt assblasted whiny bitch like you keeps bawling.
Caleb Martinez
You cant even begin to imagine how wrong you are, my grognard friend
Charles Bailey
Wow aren't you clever and original!
Lucas Lee
Was 2014 when the 7th edition Tyranid codex was released?
Jason Campbell
It also got alot of interesting stuff going on with its backpart.
Brody Brown
Landon Edwards
>tfw didn't invest in GW when AoS was released.
I was retarded.
Luis Bell
Not really, though. 2016, which was defo nu-gw, saw updates with new kits for 3 new factions, more than twice that for lore and toolbox updates. All spread across mainly three GAs, with death being slotted for 2018. 40k similarly saw updates for 3 different factions, all with kits.
GW works on a timeslot basis, in all areas. JReynolds in combat phase commented this worked even on the story and plot, that they selected the different threads based on what they thought would be the right moment (with death becoming the focus come next year, he affirmed.)
Nathaniel Green
I haven't seen anyone else actually make that joke yet, it fits the antisemitic theme jokes common to these threads and so it actually is.
Josiah Phillips
Most people want Aelves. There are three Aelf armies and no updates whatsoever since AoS started.
Luis Martin
>almost a year of 40k releases and little aos >GW skyrockets
seems like people really liked the 8th edition
Elijah Flores
>Little AOS
It's going to be one of those discussions, isn't it?
Jan to May was almost entirely AoS based, with two new armies and new stuff for four prexisting army lists.
James Long
>Wanting to play a faction that is DOA. All legacy army players should be beaten with a bag of spikey bits for being such poor investment planners.
Christopher Stewart
Funny, many, many years ago, my friend used this model as his ultimate argument why Tzeentch sucks.
Jace Carter
>My antisemitic joke that is very boring and unoriginal is original because it is here in a thread that is constantly assailed by antisemitic jokes!
Not only are you unoriginal, you're retarded. I'm so sorry for you.
Hudson Mitchell
I wish they'd release more Oldhammer inspired stuff, take Slambo for example. His sculpt is a perfect blend of old and new.
Agreed, full heartedly agree. Too bad that amazing sculpt is made from fucking finecast.
Robert Murphy
Now it halves damage per weapon, not total damage, which means that if you do it 10 wounds with damage 1 weapons he takes every of them.
Alexander Price
Dear god, the HORROR. ;^)
Chase James
There were people using it the other way? it was intended to work like that even before aos was a thing
Kayden Thomas
Mine was Necrosphinx, lol
Josiah James
Is there no way to transfer models from bubblecast to plastic?
Liam Carter
Are the rumors of GW massively increasing thier production capabilities true?
Kayden Edwards
Possibly, but none of the old finecast models have been transition to plastic yet. Either they have too many in backstock or their molds aren't capable of casting plastic.
Jacob Hernandez
You can also see the drop at the start of the years where the few aos stuff tske center stages, as long as it's 40k it's upward and upward more!
Alexander Reed
>Most people want Aelves. Most people aren't actually most people but individuals with specific preferences.
Jacob Martin
>or their molds aren't capable of casting plastic. I thought this was already explicitly said
Mason Foster
Ian Hill
>no updates whatsoever What are allegiance abilities?
Also sylvaneth are basically wood elves 2.0 if you read their lore.
Jaxson Johnson
Well the sword and mutated hand doesn't look good but the rest of the model is quite stellar imo. The armour manages the golden combo of being fantastical yet realistic and the gaudy helmet and the mutated leg gives the character an eery avian apperance that hints without revealing further horrid mutations.
James Morales
>Also sylvaneth are basically wood elves 2.0 if you read their lore. Kill this meme slowly.
Elijah Morris
>no updates for aelves Wait, how many allegiance abilities they have? 3?