Previous Thread: A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.
Possible topics include Modiphius' new rpg 'Star Trek Adventures', WizKids miniatures game 'Star Trek: Attack Wing', and Gale Force Nine's board game 'Star Trek: Ascendancy', as well as the previous rpgs produced by FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher, the Starfleet Battles Universe, and the Star Trek universe in general.
on the topic of the image in the OP, does that make Star Trek one of the few settings where something that can retcon the setting exists in universe?
Sebastian Campbell
One of? Yes. Few? lolno.
Robert Stewart
I guess I do not know enough settings then.
Brayden Peterson
Any setting which has time travel, anything all-powerful, any god/diety/personification of time, or any realm outside the universe is capable of self-retcon.
Ian Jackson
It's comic books' bread and butter, but not much seen in TV and films.
Hunter Richardson
That might be why I'm not that familiar with many examples, I don't really read comics, never have.
Evan Sullivan
So if Kobali die do they just get re-Kobali'd?
Jeremiah Martinez
If memory serves me right, they cant Kobali a dead Kobali, for some reason.
Cooper Lee
It’s because they’d find seeing their loved ones reanimated as someone else distressing. Imagine that. Shitposting aside, there’s certainly a point where a body is too far gone to be used.
Ryan Nguyen
I always just assumed the problem that forced them to become body snatchers had something to do with cloning. So maybe their DNA is so fucked that they can't reanimate it.
Cameron Baker
I don't think they make an appearance in soft canon anywhere other than STO, which said it had something to do with fucked up genetic engineering. So they can turn others into Kobali but can't reanimate themselves. Presumably this also prevents a solution involving cloning.
Angel Hall
Anybody else seen the Black Mirror episode, USS Callister? I like it, for the most part. It captures how endlessly fucking creepy holodecks can be. I'm a bit dissapointed that the tech is handwaved over though, because Black Mirror is usually so good at making the wonder-tech being abused seem attainable. To compare to another episode, I think the mind copying tech from the s1 finale seemed much better thought out than the weird, saliva-3d-printer thing that Daly was using. I've watched on through 2 more episodes and, while I think Callister is decent, I still feel like it's the weakest episode in the show so far. Good premise, decent execution, but poor attention to detail.
Carson Taylor
Weyoun is sad that he has to bump the thread so early.
Austin Gray
Clearly the solution is more cowb... posting images. Or being angry about something like Q's hair or possible names for a ship's cat.
Owen Walker
Liam Barnes
Ayden Clark
A good story could be them freaking the fuck out because the Elachi are taking their dead bodies to convert into Elachi.
Nothing stopping them cloning other species for fresh bodies.
Eli Edwards
Julian Perry
Isaiah Reed
Caleb Davis
David Parker
Alexander Reyes
>Nothing stopping them cloning other species for fresh bodies. Given that we know that 22nd century humans had cloning down (Up the Long Ladder), it should be relatively easy for the Kobali to get their hands on some simple cloning tech, even in the Delta Quadrant. Although they still run the risk of pissing species off if they they don't take kindly to cloning. Maybe they should buddy up with the Vidiians.
Justin Collins
Blake Jones
James Phillips
Brandon Bailey
Matthew Hernandez
Simple. Clone brainless body. Mature it in a tank. Clone fresh brain at end of the maturation. Install brain. Cleanly kill. Infect.
Brain only had a few hours of "life" to loose and it's all reanimated in optimal conditions.
Aiden Jones
Carson Kelly
Ryan Ross
Ryder Hernandez
Jace Thomas
Connor Kelly
Sebastian Roberts
>A good story could be them freaking the fuck out because the Elachi are taking their dead bodies to convert into Elachi. I don’t trust cryptic to pull that off well.
Evan Bell
So what starship is most like a submarine?
Jordan Taylor
Klingon birds of prey, Defiant and possibly some smaller Romulan ships. In general, anything with a cloacking generator.
Nathaniel Perry
>cloacking Your autocorrect has failed you, user.
Actually any ship can function like a sub when in a nebula or something. Remember the end of Wrath of Khan? That's fairly sub-like. In the absence of environmental factors though, you're probably looking at something with a cloaking device that is compact and not particularly tanky. I'd say something like a Shrike, a B'rel, or maybe a Defiant.
Gabriel Cox
Anything with a cloak. The first Romulan episode, "Balance of Terror," was pretty blatantly lifted from "The Enemy Below" with elements of "Run Silent, Run Deep," both of which are submarine movies.
Adam James
I know some of you guys were looking for a game of STA a bit ago. Just saw this on the on STA Facebook page. I'm already in a game though so I thought I'd share.
Kevin Brown
The similarities don’t stop there. The plot hook of racing to repair the ship before it is destroyed by environmental hazards is common across both genres.
Austin Foster
Not to mention all those times where engineering the retcon is the main goal of the plot. The terrible Prince of Persia movie comes to mind, although similar stuff happens in the games without being the primary goal because the games were better written.
Thinking about it, erasing the past tends to be a bad guy goal, where the heroes are normally trying to maintain the status quo. Which is interesting, because the classic Hero's Journey is normally about defying the status quo and restoring an earlier balance.
Noah White
Earlier ships feel more like submarines internally, if that’s what you mean. There’s even an episode or 2 of Enterprise where the crew are crammed into one of the nacelles and it actually feels exactly like a (budget) submarine set.
Joshua Carter
If this thread dies, would it be immoral of the Kobali to reanimate it?
Juan Peterson
Man. fuck the Kobali and their bullshit.
Isaac Gutierrez
Best crew or best crew?
William Lopez
The captain is a murderous butcher married to Kirsten Dunst, so it fails.
Lincoln Johnson
How can that be when there was no war to commit war crimes in?
Elijah Bennett
I liked the ending.
Lincoln Adams
All I know is that they’d see it needs bumping and not bump it
Jose Evans
>slow few days on stg >decide to check out the tv threads >oh... oh god >decide to check the subreddit >oh... oh god
I'm sorry, lads, I'll never betray you like that ever again.
Tyler Hernandez
So does STA have rules for Cardassians or are they a planned expansion?
Isaac Adams
It has rules for Cardassian NPCs and provides modifiers for Cardassians characters, I assume they'll be fleshing them out more in expansions.
Tyler Hernandez
NPC only. PC rules will (probably) be in the Alpha Quadrant sourcebook.
It's in the schedule but doesn't have a release date. Before that, there is going to be the Command sourcebook, Beta Quadrant book, and the Operations book.
Mason Johnson
If the Elachi can be assimilated then this could turn out very, very silly.
Kobali enter into a mutually benificial relationship with Klingons or other culture that is happy to hand over their dead.
Kobali after decades/centuries (or however long they live for) hand over their dead to the Elachi to cultivate Elachi.
The Elachi, when approaching the end of their natural life, approach a member of the Borg Cooperative and ask to join.
Klingon (or whoever), Kobali, Elachi and Borg all living together in one big weird but happy-ish family.
Chase Long
That spammer got banned though just now on /tv/. It was just one guy shitposting really bad memes
Hunter Collins
>shitposting really bad memes That's all of /tv/ though
Nathaniel Russell
True but idk if you saw them it was like some guy took it to the extreme
Zachary Edwards
>Maybe they should buddy up with the Vidiians Then they really would just be zombies
Adrian Russell
I wonder if Shatner shitposts in the /tv/ Trek threads.
Benjamin Peterson
Probably. I bet he is the guy that says more Kirk memes
Dylan Scott
Is the Phage contagious to non-Vidiians? I don't recall it being contagious. So maybe getting Kobalified could work out for them.
Jeremiah Fisher
the pdf collection is lacking the core book
Kayden Cook
It gets taken down with judicious efficiency so we stopped bothering. Some of the posters on here can send it to you if you want.
Benjamin Long
What do you mean it gets taken down? why?
Owen Gutierrez
They're being quite proactive with the copyright take-downs.
Leo Johnson
Nolan Sullivan
Given time they might chill out with it. As expansions come out and all that.
Henry Hernandez
I'm too unadventurous to go look myself. What exactly goes on in those places that is so distasteful?
If selling copies of a book you wrote was your sole source of income don't you think you'd try to limit the ways people could get a copy without paying you?
Daniel Edwards
nah pirates dindu nuffin
Mason Evans
Doubt it, Star Trek as a licence is very not cheap.
Nathaniel Thomas
And yet given the quality of most of the novels valued so little.
Josiah Powell
>possible names for a ship's cat. careful now. I seem to recall a "Starfleet is/isn't a military"-tier argument about Catians stemming from basically that.
Aaron Gray
On the Ophion our ship counselor is an Orion who through a genetic mutation only has the pheromone ability to affect cats. She uses them an a therapy aid. I jokingly raised the question on her her affecting Caitians but didn't get a solid answer. Not sure if the cats have names though,
Caleb Wood
Is Data's foreshadowing at the end of 'Conspiracy', where he mentions that the mother alien sent out a homing signal to others of its species, ever followed up on in any books or comics or anything?
Ian Hill
STO followed up.
Ethan Mitchell
Yes. They're a sister species to the Trill symbiont. There's a shadow civil war going on between them in the books.
In STO they get made into a catspaw of the Iconians which happens to basically a lot of the bad guy races. The Elachi, the Vaadwaur.
Jackson Diaz
In the novels they're genetically engineered Trill offspring that basically end up being Yeerks but deadlier. In STO they're genetically engineered Iconian creations that are one subspecies of an entire group of Starship Troopers ripoffs.
Nicholas Sanchez
>the Iconians >genetically engineered Iconian
Ok, so for those of us who've not played STO (because fuck MMOs), what's the Iconian's deal? Are they just dicks for fun or do they have some reason they're trying to conquer everything everywhere?
Alexander Parker
What they said, but originally it was supposed to summon the Borg, and originally the Borg were insect dudes.
Jayden Myers
Austin Thomas
The Iconians used to be the most advanced species in the galaxy until a bunch of primative shitters managed to gang up and fuck them over, so they hi-tailed it over to Andromeda and spent the next 200,000 years planning their revenge. For some reason, their revenge involved a metric fuckton of infiltrations and usage of servitor races in order to make the various powers of the galaxy fuck each other over enough to weaken the galaxy enough for takeover, when they had technology strong enough to steamroll everyone such that the subterfuge wasn't necessary to begin with.
Robert Cox
Basically they were an all powerful race that was killed off by the lower races because they wouldn't share their tech. yadda yadda yadda in STO because of time shenanigans you and Sela (Tasha Yar's Romulan rape baby and biggest mistake of TNG) go back into the past to prevent them from destroying the future. Sela decides she wants revenge because they blew up Hobus and destroyed Romulus. Of course this very act fo revenge is what makes them blow Hobus up in the first place. You end up grabbing the database of their collective knowledge the one thing the Iconians were trying to save in this past war, and the reason for their future war against the Milky Way races because they thought it was gone forever. You zip back to the future and go "Hey remember waaaay back then that one guy who wasn't a dick and was actually trying to help you? Yeah that was me btw here's your sphere of knowledge can we be friends now?" And the Iconians call off their assault except for one of them who promises to continue to attack the joined forces of everyone else.
Kayden Baker
so how much homebrew and stuff have people made for STA? what about hacking it for different settings?
They used to be a Federation-esque society, except that their bar for assisting races was much higher than them achieving warp travel. So they wouldn’t offer any sort of aid to their nearest neighbors, who seem to have had problems ranging from war and famine to plague. Pissed off at this, and honestly just because they were assholes too, the alien races banded together to wipe out the iconians and take their technology for their own. Some time ridiculousness was also involved, incidentally making the Iconian extermination a part of the Temporal Cold War. But the Iconians that escaped started scheming nefariously for far too long and are basically responsible for every terrible thing in Star Trek. Unless someone were to destroy the K.I.S. Annorax, a Krenim Time ship. In which case the Iconians would have all died on Iconia and a bunch of dumb time shit would be permanently erased.
Jordan Gonzalez
>Krenim GOD DAMMIT why the fuck are they involved? Man, fuck Voyager. Did it give the franchise literally anything good?
Elijah Jenkins
Yes, it did. In fact, the Krenim is one of them. It's also the only episode to stand on its own, apart from any charismatic guest stars (which it did have in Red Foreman).
William Howard
A bunch of depressing shit happens, then they fly into the reset button. There, I just described Year Of Hell in its entirety.
Josiah Perry
>They used to be a Federation-esque society, except that their bar for assisting races was much higher than them achieving warp travel. So they wouldn’t offer any sort of aid to their nearest neighbors, who seem to have had problems ranging from war and famine to plague. On the contrary, they had a very Prime Directive-esque sense of aid. They helped people with famine and plague but wouldn't simply give those races the advanced technology out of fear they'd misuse it.
Ryder Martinez
have they expounded on some basic spaceframe creation rules?
Like if i was homebrewing ships what kinda system numbers would i be looking for or whatnot
Bentley Brooks
I don't homebrew so I wouldn't know what to tell you. My best idea would be to choose a ship that's comparable to the one you want to make and tweak to your desire?