A type III civilization takes interest in humans as pets? What happens, how would Earth resist such a powerful enemy? Is it possible?
A type III civilization takes interest in humans as pets? What happens, how would Earth resist such a powerful enemy...
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Will I get pats and be called a good boy? Because Id backstab anyone for that.
Lucky for me that you're not real then.
>The US military takes interest in North Sentinel Islanders as pets? What happens, how would the Sentinalese resist such a powerful enemy? Is it possible?
No. We'd be utterly fucked.
Not even. It would be like the US military taking interest in an ant colony.
Only if they breed me like a fucking race horse with the finest females of my species. If im neutered then I get put down with honor.
>my ancestors are smiling at me imperials. Can you say the same?
There's no way for earthlings to possibly resist that kind of magnitude, so we'd just have to hope they are kind masters.
We would be fine, the whole point of a pet is not just to look at it but observe their behavior. Like alludes to, I would assume they would place us in habitats with a couple others, maybe a mate, and watch us go through our behaviors.
Also an advanced society, with enough sympathy to cooperate on they level required for space faring would probably take decent care of their pets.
There will always be dog fights and the like though, I imagine that minority wouldn't cause more death and suffering than say the continent of Africa.
It would be interesting to see the Owners handbook on humans. I imagine it would have a fair amount of information on selecting complementary personalities for both producing friendships and romances for your pets. Kinda want to try writing one now.
obviously they put every male on mandatory hrt to make the perfect trap pets
As if we would want to fuck a hairless ape regardless of decoration
>There will always be dog fights and the like though
Thankfully such an advanced technology would probably have medical nanotherapy so you can likely survive anything except destruction of your brain.
Do you think they would give us clothes like we give hermit crabs shells? They could buy themed sets, so they could dress us like cowboys or soldiers, or African tribals. They would build cool little
dioramas that might be similar to 50's suburbia, or feudal Japan. What if they put us in fetish gear because they thought it looked cool? Or they put some of us in blue and others in red and then get
sad when we start fighting each other. Imagine having tea parties with alien toddlers.
They bring their whole galaxy with it compacted in a less wasteful and more efficient form.
What is a type 3 civilization?
Think so technologically advanced they may as well be gods.
As much as I hate it, Time Lords from Doctor Who would count if they weren't so interested in spending time with random british women.
It's a civilization that has uses the same energy as having a Dsyon Sphere in every star our galaxy. 100 quintilliom of people per system.
>A Type I civilization—also called a planetary civilization—can use and store all of the energy which reaches its planet from its parent star.
>A Type II civilization—also called a stellar civilization—can harness the total energy of its planet's parent star (the most popular hypothetical concept being the Dyson sphere—a device which would encompass the entire star and transfer its energy to the planet(s)).
>A Type III civilization—also called a galactic civilization—can control energy on the scale of its entire host galaxy.
We are not even a type I civilization
>What is a type 3 civilization?
It's essentially a measurement of how much energy your species 'economy' (for a very broad definition of the word) manipulates.
Type I: May control most of the energy available on a planet. (ex: Cyberpunk megacity planet)
Type II: May control most of the energy available from their home star (ex: Dyson Swarm/Sphere)
Type III: May control most of the energy available in their galaxy. (ex: Galactic spaning empire of star harvesters.)
I don't think we would make good pets. We are smart enough we would be interesting to watch, like how we enjoy having parrots, but unlike parrots, we have the capability to conjure up our own questions and learn. Just that alone could make us troublesome.
The "habitat" part is interesting me. Especially in the context of ants.
I mean, what would a human ant farm look like? Those dioramas? An ant cage with an ant swing and an ant wheel? A small spot with plastic, sanitized versions of what we see most of the time (or bits of the Type III Civilization's culture at a different scale)? Or just a pen in a larger house?
I'd assume you'd need something that could be easy to observe to keep us out of trouble and have fun with us. Does this Type-III civilization have X-Ray vision to see through houses? Would a typical owner have a whole neighborhood, or would having more than one human give them a reputation for being like that Crazy Cat Lady?
And how acceptable/safe would it be considered to be let out of those spots? Would it be the equivalent of letting a hamster out to scurry the floor, taking a dog for a walk, or dumping a fish from its bowl?
>the whole point of a pet is not just to look at it but observe their behavior
This might be the single most terrifyingly evil statement I've ever read on these boards.
and no, I'm not just talking about the casual ease with which he mixes the singular and plural in one reference, although that is also very scary
It's all relative, user. The presumable intelligence gap between this Type III Civ and us is probably a couple orders of magnitude larger than between us and dogs... and we don't really have that much trouble dealing with dog questions.
>I mean, what would a human ant farm look like?
We do it the human way
that is to nuke everyone and everything including ourselves
>Each pet owner has their own replica of Earth
>Come in different models for different time periods
>Some have civilizations carefully controlled and events changed, so that owners can have the kinds of planets they really want
>There are breeders who specialize in selectively generating alternate histories, comparing their qualities, and selling them for pet owners interested in specific civilization types
No, user. You are the simulation.
>how would humanity resist such a powerful enemy?
The only way to resist it is in a humanity-fuck-yeah way, otherwise we are fucked
We fight the pawua obviously
Dogs don't ask questions or is capable of using knowledge against you. Humans can.
What the fuck are you smoking? A human trying to "use intelligence" against a type 3 Civ would be the equivalent of a dog trying to fool you into giving it more food
What if we already are pets?
Then our master/s are sadistic fucks
>Implying dogs don't trick us all the time.
I am saying we can fucking learn. For example, watch your master fly the godamn ship a few times and you are probably going to learn where the parking brake is, and if if they entertain the thought of teaching you and you ask questions you could learn to fucking fly it yourself.
Holy shit. Can't argue with those quints
>Implying the ship would rely on discrete, physical controls
Dogs and cats can learn to use doors by themselves. Doesn't mean they can be taught the rules of the road.
The difference in intelligence is to great. Try learning how to fly a jet by only sitting in the co-pilot seat. Try having a conversation with a dog. As a matter of fact, get five German Shepherds puppies, actively try to teach them how to drive your car for four years, and see if they could comprehend, understand, and properly utilise the information. That is the difference between us and them.
>Doesn't mean they can be taught the rules of the road.
Those on Moscow have learned it by themselves. The smartest ones even use the subway regularly and know which statiations and trains are the right ones.
Then why the fuck are dogs not stealing cars and having an uprising? Why are dogs not in the work force other than being cops and soldiers? What kind of campaign would this even be?
>I would assume they would place us in habitats
What is Earth ?
Not if it is tied to biometrics and the controls are behind solid walls, user. You're making massive assumptions about technologies. We have biometric controls now. We can hook things into our nervous system. A Type 3 civ would be beyond the need for crude wiring or simple optical scanning technology. You might never see the controls.
The fact that we are sophisticated as a culture means we could cope with a higher level of civilization invading us without culture shock. That doesn't mean we would be able to understand their technology without very detailed and intense instruction - assuming it was even compatible with out biology.
Just because they're leagues ahead of us in tech doesn't mean the average citizen of this civilization is a genius
Unless they've engineered themselves to be smarter
>The alien equivalent of the crazy cat-lady decides to declare his pet human as the inheritor of his Dyson Sphere.
>For example, watch your master fly the godamn ship a few times and you are probably going to learn where the parking brake is, and if if they entertain the thought of teaching you and you ask questions you could learn to fucking fly it yourself.
A type III civilization probably IS the ship. Their body being some sort of weird hardlight projection or synthetic avatar of a fully integrated cyber intelligence. You'd be lucky if you even notice you're on a ship instead of being in a nice mansion/hotel/zoo/magical castle much less actually being able to perceive something recognizable as a 'control room'.
You don't need to be a genius to use a microwave. But you do need to access the controls to use it If they're behind a steel panel, accessed through telemetry, you couldn't use it.. If they're beyond the point where controls are physically present at all, it wouldn't matter what you tried to learn how to use it. and that's what the problem might be - technology we can't study because there is no access. We're approaching that point already, even before we're a type 1 civilization, user.
Those giant robots are the enemy user. Not us
Dogs can be quite clever. I could see a lose human being every bit as frustrating as a cockroach in a computer.
Then why would we resist or even consider them the enemy?
>What happens, how would Earth resist such a powerful enemy? Is it possible?
Any direct resistance quickly becomes pointless. Our most powerful weapons pale in comparison to the sort of technology they could use against us. I figure the only real act of defiance we could undertake as a species would be self-destruction, turning our weapons against ourselves and denying our conquerors the spoils of victory. And that's hardly appealing. So it all comes down to how well the aliens would treat us, as their pets.
Because some people just can't have nice things, and need to prevent anyone else from having nice things too. The very thought that someone, somewhere, might be having a nice time and enjoying themselves fills some people with rage.
Don't worry though, that would get bred out of us after a few generations.
because freedom is generally better than something like that kind of situation
We wojlsnt jave to do anything. The civ 3 aliens would assume that we are their equala or have friends that are their equals and would negotiate with us in exchange for no hostilities.
>nice things
>meaningful existence
I choose option 2, maybe I would be terminated for being such a shit pet.
>I am saying we can fucking learn.
Kinda doubt it. A type 3 civ is unlikely to have anything we'd even recognize as "controls". The kind of aliens you're talking about here are at the level of the obelisk from 2001, the 5D people from Interstellar, or the friendly contact from Contact. The human-to-dog thing isn't even a good comparison, it's going to be more like human-to-insect.
>Then why the fuck are dogs not stealing cars and having an uprising?
Dogs are, on average, a lot less shitty than people, user. You should meet some.
Freedom is an illusion. All you lose is the emotion of pride.
How long do you think you would live in these conditions. I would be stressed 24/7 and would probably die due to it and food refusal. You can give me all the nicest things in the galaxy but I don't find fulfillment by ayys or people handing me shit.
Earth wouldn't be able to resist but enough people would be willing to be pets that there wouldn't be a need for hostilities. A lot of people would want to do it just because that's what they get off on, but having all your needs met and probably being made immortal would appeal to people who don't have that fetish.
Meaning is relative to perspective, though. If you can narrow your view enough to find a meaningful existence in a mayfly-short life as one of a few-billion tiny, mostly-indistinguishable organisms clinging to a rock hurtling through an incomprehensibly vast and uncaring universe at ludicrous speed toward some uncertain doom, you can probably find it anywhere.
I don't think you're really grasping the level of separation. A Type III Civilization has probably on the order hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of years of technological advancement. This is way beyond the level of anything you can fight on even a symbolic level. Things like keeping you alive against your will, or just straightup changing your brain chemistry, would be trivial for them.
What meaning could I find as a pampered pet? I find meaning through goals and planning how to fulfill them. Like raising a family or fixing my car. Sometimes it's little things but they matter. I wouldn't find it in making an ayy happy or managing to make it to the litter box.
>How long do you think you would live in these conditions.
Only if you are permitted to die. They can probably pump you full of shit that makes you regenerate, or even lock up core motor functions if it detects that you are attempting to self-harm.
That's before you consider possible skills at deception like virtual reality or inserted memories to serve as therapy (or a prison.) Encounter with a revealed Type III entity is enough to put the rest of your existence into question as you wonder if you ever existed before they cloned and simulated your memories as a Great Value brand birthday present for one of their children.
THIS is the reason Lovecraft characters lose their minds. They witness enough evidence to extrapolate that they are not, and probably never took a hand in their own identity or destiny. Escape isn't even an option as you'll spend the rest of your existence wondering if you only THINK you escaped and are not just living in an elaborate sandbox set.
>changing up brain chemistry
Well then I would be nothing but cute meat to them. I wouldn't be me. I imagine they could even make me sit on their laps for pets.
What would be the purpose of lobotomized pets?
Good for you but if you're one of the countless millions who live in horrifying poverty and will never have any other way out of it then having your basic needs met is a lot more important than the satisfaction you get from fixing your car or whatever.
>Like raising a family or fixing my car. Sometimes it's little things but they matter
Oh sure, but it's all Ashes-to-ashes at the end of the day. The things we do have the meaning we give to them. It's an important part of staying sane, but it's also important to be able to access that objectivity (even if doing both requires a bit of doublethink).
Point is - you'd find meaning. People always do. Pets can have families of their own, and jobs to do. Playing with the Five-dimensional children, hanging out under the World Tree in the backyard, chasing the Cosmic Mailman... you'd figure something out.
>What would be the purpose of lobotomized pets?
It wouldn't be anything so drastic - that would compromise your value. But I can't imagine the alien would place more weight on your precious individuality than you do on that of a gerbil.
Yeah, people want their pets to be happy and there's no reason to assume the aliens are evil (and they're definitely not stupid). They would develop a very good understanding of human psychology and would find fulfilling things for us to do.
This would be a good analogy, except that this is /tg, where people are constantly trying to stat up Cthulhu and develop a loot table for him. I don't think they really comprehend the idea of "incomprehensible", if you know what I mean.
>horrifying poverty
Been there friend. I remember growing up in an old farmhouse that didn't even have plumbing. You wanted a bath you had to heat water on the stove. You wanted to take a shit, you went to the outhouse. I was content though, I didn't know any other life at the time. Never made me want to be a pet to an ayy.
No, user. We are the precursors and future K3 civilization. If there was any K2 near, let alone a K3, it would be detectable from galaxies away.
It takes one pampered motherfucker to consider that horrifying poverty. If you've always had enough to eat, and if fidning the fuel to heat that water for water was never a huge issue, then you've never been truly poor.
>I was content though, I didn't know any other life at the time.
That sounds more like regular poverty where it's tough but you get by, I think the other user who said "horrifying poverty" probably meant more like "watching your kids starve to death in your arms because you can't find anything to feed them". There are different kinds of desperate.
Your point about contentment is valid though. People are pretty resilient, both physically and psychologically. You can deal with all kinds of things when you have no other choice.
Dogs are close enough to lobotomized wolves for me to assume mind altered humans would make way better pets.
>We are the precursors and future K3 civilization.
I like your optimism, user.
>it would be detectable from galaxies away.
assumes that the development happened long enough ago to see it, then yeah. but if they figure out FTL, they are on stealth mode as long as they get to us before the light does. from 'galaxies away' that;s potentially a pretty big window
They call us "good boy". They pat our heads and provide us with treats. But what they do not realise is we are not "good boy". We never were. Lounging in front of their fireplaces, sitting comfortably in their offices, we are learning. Small things, at first. Where they keep the treats and how to interact with their simplest technology. They watch in wonderment and misplaced pride as their "good boy" figures out how to unlock their holding pen. They share videos of their "good boy" learning to mimic their language and even respond to choice commands. Perhaps they create a show, dedicated to the viewing of these things. They laugh and bawl as they watch us learn to replace them.
And yet still they don't see. There never was "good boy". But by the time they call us "bad boy" it will be too late for them, we will have already won.
Delete this
>What happens, how would Earth resist such a powerful enemy? Is it possible?
Probably not.
Even our science is getting hard to get our minds around with our puny brains so any civilization reaching type III would most likely be much much smarter then we are to the point that we wouldn't be able to comprehend what they're doing beyond the most basic of things.
If they'd want us to be their pets we'd just become their pets and we'd most likely not even realize what happened
>a superintelligent ayy keeping a human as a pet would be the exact same as a human keeping a dog as a pet
This is the dumbest assumption. If they wanted to keep dogs they'd just keep dogs.
>translation: user's dog stole his house, his car, his girlfriend, and his job
Do i get removed form degenerates like this? Because ill take that deal any day
So, humans are cats.
Mate, he's going to die from a fucking heart attack within the next ten years or so. Settle down with the anger and let the fat faggot be a fat faggot. It's not like he's going to rape you, you can fucking out run him.
it would just be the ship CYOA?
because i am down for that 100%
True, true. Sorry for my outburst
It's an exaggeration, not an assumption.
It's a stupid exaggeration because the difference in scale changes the entire scenario.
Who gives a fuck what happens to humanity if a type III civilization finds us ? The chances of one existing and finding us in our lifetime is so small, it's insignificant. If it happens in the far future all of us here will be dead by then, we won't be there to see it.
Answer: you either do what they tell you or they kill you, that's all there is to it. You can't fight back.
Fucking underrated. I would play the everloving shit out of this. Like Hyperion except the whole thing is an adventure in the realm of the AIs. Players are the humans who have to navigate and survive the attempts of the other would-be inheritors to kill them, while meeting a host of other humans who help them along the way, including many "street"-smart enough to survive in the world of these aliens alone and without masters. Psychedelic drug-fueled jazz-scene mandatory, of course.
>this is irrelevant, why are we talking about it
You must be new
If there were any K2 nearby within a couple of million or even billions of light-years (yes, inter-galactic colonization is possible), the galaxy would have been colonized already. They are easy to detect as their star shows a very characteristic and clearly artificial infrared light. It is basically impossible that you would be to hide it by downgrading your residual heat until you are on the range of background cosmic radiation. A K3 may actually have an easier time if it dismantles its whole galaxy, builds a megastructure with all the storaged mass around its supermassive black hole and dumps residual heat directly into the black hole.
Because of that, it is likely that there are no advance civilizations even in our own galactic supercluster for now.There will be, but there aren't many technological civilizations in the universe just yet. Just look at the time it took for our planet to even leave the unicellular stage. The universe is young and as it gets older, there will be more Earth-like planets, more chances for intelligence to evolve. Earth belongs to the first 8% of all planets that will ever exist.
The alternative scenario is that we are in simulation and they keep us in a zoo as virtual entities. You don't build zoos by diminishing your footprint. You build walls to trick the animals into thinking they are in the nature.
What kind of multicellular life was there before animals and land plants? Just seaweed and shit?
I feel like they’re probably the closest analogue for humans, yeah.
algae maybe
Unless these beings value biology a hell of a lot, chances are we could already be pets.
They'd simply copy us and digitize the copy for safekeeping. If they really loved squishy humans they could print out a new human at will, with billions to choose from, and after a bit of study, could customize their humans. A bit of nanomachine fuckery and they could probably do it without us even noticing.
Actually at Type 3 each individual could probably safely simulate an entire earth if they wanted. So as said earlier in the thread it would be more like an ant farm.
Microscopic ones with a few cells. Earth stay a slimeball of unicellular life for 3 billion years. It was basically Earth was covered in this greenish-purple slime reeking of rotten eggs. It was literally a slimeball sphere and it is likely that the grand majority of planets with life are too given how long it took for life on Earth to become complex enough. Multicellular life is about to 800-600 million years old. Note that multicellular life is not some lucky random event, it has happen independently at least 46 times although only six evolved into the complex lifeforms like plants, animals, and fungi. It just took that long for cells to be complex enough to allow multicellular life at which point things speed. Sex was another innovation since it allows genes to pass among multiple organisms instead of relying on linear iterations. The Cambrian explosion is when you start seeing things that look like animals, about 541 million years ago.