Feels good no longer having to waste $200 just on mana base.
Feels good no longer having to waste $200 just on mana base
Feels good getting banned from sanctioned dci events.
The dread hand of capitalism glisten with the ichor of dismantled stagnations.
Could you put on a trip or something? I have ad block installed for a reason, you know.
The irony is you wouldn't get caught and people using real cards would get expelled from a mass check because the official cards are so garbage now.
Yikes! $200 for shock lands? Back in my days, they were $15.
Good on you for thinking smart.
And for those that still haven't caught on... Keep 'em cucked, WotC!
Eat shit
Antisemitism is not welcome on this board!
stop spamming these threads
Nah bro. I'm sharing a cheaper way to play mtg. You soyboy cuck.
What did I miss
>unironically being angry
It's a meme, faggot.
I'm so happy this stuck.
When you repeatedly force a joke, it isn't very funny.
It was funny the first time because it was unplanned. If you're planning on posting it in every Jeremy thread, it won't be funny.
I'm going to drag this bullshit so hard into the ground that no one is going to say Yikes again. Same with happened to Wyrd.
Yeah well given that you can get banned from DCI for saying mean things about a girl on the internet, I'd say their rules are more or less arbitrary at this point.
Shut the fuck up faggot
Retards posting stupid shit on social media then getting fired has been happening for 10 years now
If you're seriously braindead enough to fall for this shit you deserve the ban. Jeremy is the biggest fucking cuck to Grace MTG since the professor.
If I wanted to become a supervillan, and just flood these cheap lands out there in a way that could not get traced back to me, how would I go about doing it. I don't mean selling them for profit, because thats just being greedy. I mean buying thousands and thousands from the makers, and just getting them out there for free. Create paranoia that ANY card someone comes across could be counterfeit, and destroy this system once and for all.
What happen with Wyrd?
It got Wyrd.
>Slavery and genocide have happened for thousands of years so if you're dumb enough to fall for it you DESERVE the murder and rape
No one cares faggot.
Leave them laying around at lfgs like someone dropped them. Get some anons to do it at their lfgs.
What are you trying to prove, retard? I can tell the exp symbol is different from the thumbnail.
all this mad tho
Undercut. You flood the market with supply, and tank the value. You start with subtle undercuts of 5-10$, and keep going. You'll need a very large amount of these to accomplish this without some massive outcry. Make sure you diversify. Use profits to double up on production. Hopefully manufacturers can keep up without increasing costs by much to maintain the goal.
>Another messed up set symbol
Chang so help me we are going to start cutting off fingers for every thread you fuck up
Unironically yes, actually.
If you’re caught just claim you traded for them and you didn’t realise. At worst you’re likely to get booted from that particular tournament if you can’t source a non counterfeit playset.
>says the dumb white nigger living in a first world country
You'd be the first one to die dropped in a warzone.
id appreciate you no using slurs on my christian image board
nigger kike
Remember to sage this shit to oblivion
Likely, I done broke my leg a while back.
Someone will make it though. I'm irrelevant.
>crippled white guy in the middle of an African coup
Nice fucked up set logo. Please return to /pol/.
I'm Australian actually
And a farmer
Oh shiiit
>soyboy cuck
oh you're /pol/
fuck off
Something tells me that when China perfected 3D printing, we're gonna see this shitposting again in 40k general threads.
>not making 40k models from clay
>implying everyone not satisfied with WotC is from /pol/
>not hiring the chinaman to make 40k models from clay
I heard the chinese are good at making clay soldiers.
The students at the dormitory I work at already buy chink 40k shit.
>w-w-what do you mean I'm acting like an insane communist?
The fact that you can't stand behind your ideals without pretending that you're just a "company rights advocate totally neutral central realist" is all the proof you need that your ideals are fucking garbage.
Oh look, this thread again. At least there is a nice variety in tabletop cloth.
You could at least post the list of cards they're making.
I don't even use Facebook you literal fucking troglodyte
What ideal do you think I'm representing here? I just hate mongoloids like yourself.
Why the fuck is this advertising bullshit not banned?
Because the mods know we are right. Give in or it only becomes worse.
>set icon obviously different
>text is a different shade of white
i don't even play this gay-ass game and i can see the difference dude
I miss classic magic, too bad that stores are going out of business and digital ccg is so much better. That's why I hate cunts and niggers, fellow old-school magic players.
>/pol/ is going to ruin counterfeits for us all by blowing it up and screaming like retarded teenagers
And I thought leftists were bad.
/pol/ wouldn't be doing shit if leftist hadn't blow up a girl calling out a retard out of proportion.
And the girl would not call out a retard if said retard hadn't released a video of him literally sperging out on her for 10 mins or so. He is 100% to blame on this and now tries to convert fuckin Veeky Forums into his army by being annoying. What the fuck.
You don't know how content creators work. If leddit hadn't meddled Sprankle and retardmedia would have both gotten a moderat uptick in neetbucks from their respective fanbases, but because white knights were too thirsty to let things happen as they must now she can't show her face because the increased attention brings increased demands she's not willing to meet and he's banned forever and needs o make increasingly cringier content to remain relevant.
Reddit fucked up and ruined everything fore everyone forever.
The whole situatuon is fucking retarded. >Attractivr girl does cosplay for an easy market: autistic neckbeards.
>One autistic neckbeard named Jeremy decides to dedicate a whole video to making fun of her and her fans when he could have just not said anything at all.
>cosplay sloots faggy fanbase runs in droves to defend her honor
>Jeremys autistic fans also strike
>girl says shes leaving cosplay for super vague reason, implies its because boo hoo jeremy hurt my feelings
>really she was gonna take a break regardless for college
>Jeremy doesnt keep his mouth shut and keeps egging on her white knights. Keeps poking the bear and acting cocky like he dindu nuffin
>cosplay sloots attack jeremy worse that he did to the sloot
>wizards slaps him with the banhammer after enough bitching from cosplay sloots whiney fanbase
>Jeremy dedicates the rest of his videos being a little bitch and cherry picking why hes the victim
>literally no one wins. It was just a tide of faggots crashing against each other
>I just want to sit her and tap this cardboard to the side but everyones too busy playing victim/bully
not quite that bad yet, more like $200 for a deck's whole mana base. non-mythic shocks are only around $20.
Sell pre-owned guaranteed boosters on ebay using a burner email account. Bulk commons and uncommons are a dime-a-hundred so you could sell these "Modern-Ready" booster packs for like $5 a pop and basically have the cheaposhocks in 2 packs for every single sub-dollar rare.
mtg is dying, local store is closing down.
>meanwhile has a patreon himself, shills harder than any youtube channel I've ever seen and does fuckin unboxings
I wouldn't call that video "making fun of her", more like hypocrytical butthurt rage. He does even less, and know makes money of /pol/fags by playing the victim. I wont say cosplayer is not also to blame, but I really hate everything that guy represent and how /pol/ is falling now for literally the same tricks as the other side.
holy fuck these posts are hard to read. am i having a stroke?
I appreciate this post for what it is, but fuck this photo I'm cringing so hard
It its just for Kitchen gaming
I'm ok with this.
Where do ya'll niggas buy these actual good fakes?
I'm getting tired of the paywall for every fucking deck.
used to be a fake online storefront for jewelry, but last I checked he moved
There, there, Jeremy. It's gonna be okay. One day, your testicles will drop and you'll realize that Ayn Rand did not have all the answers.
>literally no one wins. It was just a tide of faggots crashing against each other
literally both of them won
their patreon numbers skyrocketed
They "pretend" nto be other things a lot of the time. Jewlery, card sleeves
Why do you keep doing this
Is it a /pol/ thing?
Do you want proxies to become mainstream so it's impossible to play them?
I see his list got changed. Does he still do his legacy set 3.0 still?
Two wrongs make a right? Imbecile.
Like half of my 40k models are from eastern Europe or china already.
One third is from ebay, and the remainign 1/6 is FLGS.
The few models I buy from GW are stuff like beautiful characters at a reasonable price/Paints. Everything else is like half price elsewhere.
But you do use tumblr.
This is cute.
Should probably ask him. He does respond to emails.
What the fuck does 3D printing have to do with it when recasting is cheap, easy and effective?
Don't even need to buy a master in the first place. just torrent the file.
Normie mtgfag don't know shit about recasting, and only heard about personal manufacturing trough 3D printing articles on the whasington post and a CNN special.
I saw them for $5! Jeez!
The right thing to do is kill both cultists, not let one do their shit and punish the reactionary when it comes crying.
>Retards posting stupid shit on social media then getting fired has been happening for 10 years now
Except he didn't get fired, he got banned from a card game for no fucking reason other than (((Wizards of the Coast))) virtue signalling.
>Duel Masters
Fuck WOTC for intentionally sinking that game in the states. If anything makes me glad that I can just get Chinese knock offs instead of supporting that company, it is that.
>Implying Duel Masters was the only casualty of WotC incompetence, or more precisely WotC sabotaging anything that isn't MtG or D&D because they can't have people NOT play MtG
Pre-Nintendo Pokemon, Showdown Series, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and way too many other games would like to have a word with you
Dual Lands matter
Terrible counterfeit, I don't play and that symbol on the edge just gave it away like spot the difference flash game. Do you do cards because you can't into money?
The sad part is that this is true. The print quality wasn't that amazing back in RtR era either. I sold a shockland opened by myself in booster and guy who bought it claimed it to be fake.
I thought he would try to switch the card to fake, but what I got back was the exact same card... To be honest the card did seem like it was printed on twice, sort of looked a bit blurry and very thick colored. Have one abrupt decay that is like that as well.
Dedicate your entire youtube career to shit on game company and it's players. Whine when the said company and players shit on you and you get burned.
Only Jeremy things.
Also fuck people jumping onto his victim wagon. I don't like companies holding the virtual commodities I have bought, but on the other hand you are signing a contract for them to do whatever the fuck they want with them, because you are not actually buying the rights for them, if the company hasn't fuck up the terms of service.
I'm not gonna lie, it's real tempting to get some counterfeits of the most expensive cards in some edh decks I'm brewing, but I just don't feel like it.
This, the image is at an amazing HD resolution of 640x480 and you can tell it is fake at a glance, without even touching it.
And I've tried handling these cards, not only are they glossier and have a completely different texture, but they weigh less.
The only thing that I'd buy fake are the dual lands.
They should have never made any land reserved list, it's fucking retarded, now we're stuck with shitty dual lands with downsides that still cost a fortune.
Hypocritical pieces of shit.
The one casualty that made me fucking angry was Dreamblade. That game was absurdly good to the extent I hope FFG or someone else buys the rights to remake it.
Fuck this makes me hard
Haha shut up wotc.
no u