>these doesn't feel like Fantasy at all. To me they look like they could've been picked straight out of the pages of Liber Chaotica or Tamurkhan.
Jack Kelly
>Warhammer elves aren't immortal Did they change that at some point? I feel like that was the case back when I played over 10 years ago.
Matthew Murphy
I could swear I remember I believe the 6th edition rulebook talking about how elves do live for thousands of years on average. But then there are powerful elves like Tyrion and Teclis and Malekith who do seem effectively immortal.
Brandon Reyes
Apparently elves kind of love for thousands of years and die when they themselves decide to die. They live at least one thousand yeas for sure
Lucas Martin
Well Tyrion and Teclis are like, I think around 300.
Zachary Hill
Is there a better scan of this map or one similar somewhere? Google only has smaller or general borders ones.
Elijah Robinson
I myself tend to not pick a dispel scroll in games under 2000points. That's just a personal preference though.
Brayden Stewart
Yeah, it's might as well be useless,but also very important. You don't want that chrap 3d6 fireball hitting your main unit in a game this small.
I don't know how quote from previous thread, but to that troll guy: common trolld can be taken in units of 1+, stone and river trolls 3+.
I'm planning to buy a oop unit of ruglud's armoured orcs and use them with that Swedish guy's project rules. They look fantastic, and crossbow fire really helps im chaff wars.
I'll edit my list if I have time during my break.
Thomas Baker
*cheap 3d6 fireball
Sebastian Gomez
>I don't know how quote from previous thread Just copy the # of the post and make sure that >> is infront of it.
>ruglud's armoured orcs NOICE
Juan Kelly
In case you were that guy, I compiled it to a pdf, maybe nobody bothered to upload it anywhere.
Blake Wood
I was. I went to download it to my phone and compare the older models for some painting ideas, and saw the book still cut out the model section.
The mega guy must not have it. Any chance mega guy is here today?
Benjamin Stewart
Speaking of the Warhammer Armies Project.
Since most my exposure to WHFB was through Mordheim, I have a hodgepodge of stuff but little coherent to turn into a regular army. I'm considering trying out the unofficial rules for Dogs of War. Are there any notable things I should be aware of? Some stuff looks more exploitable than others (Scorpion Batteries, comboing "The Best Money Can Buy" on certain units, Domingo's Arbalest, etc) and I want to make sure the army isn't too fanwankish.
Elves definitely get old and age with time. Hellebron is the most obvious example, but even Morathi needs the best cauldron to keep her looks up.
Lucas King
Carson Sanchez
I don't really understand how you can say that with a straight face when somehow Bretonnia is feudal, and in the past the Empire was feudal.
Jace Perry
I think he might be insinuating that the idea of our version of feudalism manifesting in the Old World without the Roman Empire equivalent to lay the foundation is nonsensical.
Julian Morris
I want to get into Chaos Dwarves, but the Forge World infantry is too expensive. How good are the Russian Alternative models?
Adrian Barnes
Where is my saturday morning cartoon where Skaven from each major clan are best "friends" and go on adventures that teach important moral lessons?
Aaron Morgan
Try Fraggle Rock?
Xavier Torres
I’m new to fantasy, what can I play these dudes in that’s like kill team/skirmish type games.
Also what do I proxy foot knights as, as they have no rules.
Austin Turner
Mordheim. Look it up in the resources.
Mason Perez
Any good empire knight proxies? I checked out perry miniatures, but those seem a little small.
Oliver Long
What real life human cultures would have been better for the empire to take after than HRE? I just find the aesthetic extremely boring and bland, especially when compared to the other fantastical elements of the setting. The knights and some elite units are fine, but the fucking pajamas and floppy hats just ruin it
Anthony Ross
>but the fucking pajamas and floppy hats just ruin it
Jacob Morales
If you dont like death obsessed Landsknecht fashion and the hats im afraid you just have bad taste.
Benjamin Hill
That's why we had Bretonnia, Kislev, Tilea and Estalia. GW just failed to keep them around and relevant after the 6'th edition.
Ryan Foster
Luke Moore
>I think he might be insinuating that the idea of our version of feudalism manifesting in the Old World without the Roman Empire equivalent to lay the foundation is nonsensical. I'm not saying that it's necessarily nonsensical, but that something akin to the societal changes brought on by the slow fall of the WRE would likely have had to happen for it to develop. This ofc means that it's quite implausible to assume that some of the Norscan states would be feudal.
Christopher Johnson
I think it's mostly a result of a lot of GW writers not being quite the historical scholars that some people on Veeky Forums make them out to be.
Jason Howard
Owen Kelly
I'm a little ignorant on this topic, so this is a question rather than an argument: But wasn't Russia Feudal during the middle ages as well? And I didn't think the Roman Empire reached them before the fall
Eli Bennett
The East Roman Empire didn't fall until the late middle ages.
Aaron Nguyen
Right, but did they extend all the way into Russia? Also, earlier the user said that the Fall of the Empire is what gave way and was necessary to the rise of Feudalism, so if the Eastern Empire didn't fall until the Late Middle Ages, how could it have given way to Feudalism several hundred years before then?
Tyler Baker
I know next to nothing about russian history but if I'm not mistaken they had alot of connection with western europe before the mongol conquest. For a similar reason Sweden also developed a semi-feudal society. As far as I'm aware Norsca haven't, probaly for reasons of style, been influenced by the Empire (or Bretonnia) in any meaningful way that would affect how they organise their societies. Ofc, in the end it's all make believe so whatever floats your boat.
Andrew Powell
There was a (sadly derailed and abandoned IMHO) thread a month or so ago about if the Empire was an exaggerated notOttoman Empire instead of NotGermany, due to being the other notable civilization with a love of giant cannons and outrageous hats. It would make a Sylvanian rebellion more plausible in context.
It also suggested making the Blood Dragons the Vampire Counts equivalent of the Assassins, kidnapping the best warriors and tasking them with eliminating trouble targets before being ascended as immortal. So notAlamut instead of Blood Keep.
Logan Ramirez
I'm not all that educated on the subject, but Russia did adopt the Orthodox church from the Byzantine. So they did have some kind of respect for their culture and prestige.
If I was Lindybeige and made wild guesses I would probably assume that they viewed the Byzantines as the model for prestige and status. So they would probably want to emulate things from their culture.
Oliver Sanchez
Remember, Russians got the name of their emperors, Czar, from the Roman title Caesar. And the Germans of course based the Kaiser off the Latin pronunciation of Caesar. Which was similar, but has a soft S sound, not the Z sound. Kai-ssar.
Parker Wright
The Eastern Roman Empire (ERE) had centuries of interaction with russia, they even married off one of their princesses to the ruler of Kievan Rus, which I believe was the only time roman royalty married a barbarian.
By the Fall of the Roman Empire I was refering to the fall of the Western Roman Empire (WRE). People are usually eurocentric enough to get that but as a EREboo I can't say that I'm not happy about you not making that assumption. The situation in the WRE and ERE were quite different. While both had a hard time around the Fall of the WRE the ERE managed to ride out the storm and lasted for about 800 more years.
Austin Mitchell
I like RA, I got their femOrcs though. Both in both resin and metal.
They’re good.
Colton Clark
Believe it or not, HRE is what made Warhammer.
It was an aesthetic nobody had done in fantasy. Hell, fantasy in general hadn’t been done realistically, it was mostly Arthurian or mystically alien. Warhamner boomed because it drew in people sick of the generic as well as the historical fans.
Warhammer already has a medieval expy for most European groups other than British and Roman. Romans just never existed for some reason with Tilea based on Empire rather than the other way around, and Albion is in pre-bronze age. The other Germanic root countries are just generic Chaos vikings.
Adrian Miller
Yes, that is accurate. Russian court customs remained Byzantine until Peter the Great, and the Russians claimed to be the "Third Rome" until the fall of the Tsar.
Just a nitpick, but I really don't like that particular spelling of Tsar. It's probably more accurate from a linguistic standpoint, but it's not very close to the phonetic spelling. I prefer the Tsar spelling, because the letter at the beginning of the word is actually pronounced "ts", with the t not being silent. It's the same letter you'd see at the end of a word like "molodyets."
Jason Perez
>Tsar I agree, I just used the Old spelling to highlight the connection to the Roman title.
Joshua Hernandez
I may want to build a Giant or two for a game. What is its scale compared to, say, an Ogre?
Jason Ortiz
To put it simply, Rissua was really slow getting going. They had a shitload of trade princes ruling everything, and were damn near Arabian in havibg trade hubs surrounded by dirt poor tribals.
The trade princes united when faced by the growing power of everyone else, and tried to decide who to copy. They told the Muslims and Eastern Orthodox they’d hold essentially an auction for the souls of Russia, and the EO bid higher so the Muslims got pissed and invaded. This forced Russians to unite militarily, going from unofficial city states into being a united but fractious monarchy. This also influenced the Muslims in regards to Iberia, essentially creating the kebab/cross animosity and the odd history of Spain.
I really need to read up on Byzantine and Russian history.
Aiden Ward
it still hasn't be done justice apart from warhammer.
It's kinda poetic that total war's oldest reviews are most notable in mentioning that it is a fresh spin on a genre that is beginning to get stale (RTS) and warhammer was the same for fantasy humans. It is only poetic that Warhammer fantasy will be entombed in a digital sarcophagus where the person at the center of the screen is the emperor of the !HRE
Brayden Anderson
To east europe the ERE was the cultural hegemon. Some of the more crafty of the states tried to play out the franks against the ERE to maximise their own gains.
The swedish word for emperor, 'kejsare', is also derivative of Caesar. 'Emperor' meanwhile comes from the title of 'Imperator' which roughly means Commander. Fun fact: Rome didn't officially have an emperor before the late third century. Up untill then imperial power was actually made up out of a myriad of republican titles which the 'emperor' held. Thus, the ruler of the roman empire during this era were refered to as Princep, i.e 'The First (of equals)' which is where we get the title prince from.
Benjamin Johnson
Daniel Walker
Was that because Julius Caesar's son played it smart and acted more humble than his father?
Mason Campbell
I highly recommend the History of Byzantium-podcast. It's the bee's knees and a very apt successor to Mike Duncan's History of Rome.
Leo Hill
This one is a little larger.
Henry Foster
I'd recommend "Russia: People and Empire" by Geoffrey Hosking.
Luis Carter
Yes, Augustus set up imperial power in a way that allowed him to rule as a monarch without getting tagged as a king by feigning a continuation and rekindling of the republic. Incidentally, this is another reason to hate the Star Wars prequel trilogy.
Thomas Johnson
Isaiah Moore
Thanks, user. I will bookmark it for future use.
I will have to remember that for future reading.
Jeremiah Cruz
To be fair, the Empire being the HRE only came into being in 3rd edition. 2nd Edition Empire was at the same high medieval level as Bretonnia usually is. The Tragedy of McDeath has East Albion at around the same level, which is unsurprising since it's a Shakespearian pastiche played on a table.
Benjamin Garcia
I had no idea Parravon was so close to Athel Loren. I always figured Quenelles was closer.
Ryder Martinez
Was this also around the same time when they invented the Fimir and Soats to stand out from DnD?
Jason Perez
Latin c was a k tho but vulgar latin c is a more modern c
Jace Rodriguez
But vulgar Latin is for fucking plebeians. [Spoiler]Literally[/spoiler]
Wyatt Allen
Welp. Fucked up me spoiler tags. I ha r the excuse of being a phone posting faggpt.
Nathaniel Wood
I know but we ain't no plebs
Cooper Diaz
Thanks senpai. How accurate is it now anyway, AoS not withstanding? Looks pretty old but it was the best map of Athel Loren I could find compared to Total war's minimalist one.
Did anyone ever want them on the tabletop? This is something so old only the most dedicated dwarf fans really care about it. Like Bretonnians occasionally going 'you know, cannons weren't really that bad' because they want their Brets to be cool like all the other kids.
Hudson Morris
I recommend reading battle reports on the matter. There used to be a DoW forum that was fond of that project army list and.
Leo Cooper
One or more of only three reasons GW never did something. 1) “Balance”, they didn’t need them to force the playstyle they felt was correct. 2) Nobody wanted to write about them, or someone felt they don’t fit the theme. 3) Nobody wanted to sculpt them.
Cameron King
>Did anyone ever want them on the tabletop?
I'm guessing they couldn't think of anything for them that didn't amount to an ushtabi.
Jaxson Allen
Saving them for Total War.
Jason Gonzalez
How do you use a Wyvern in a friendly cannonless environment? How the do you keep it alive in any kind of combat?
Joseph Rodriguez
Flank charging, target mitigation, avoid high Strength foes.
Gavin Stewart
Pretty sure they were there in 1st or 2nd Edition, and you could use those 54mm plastic dwarfs as proxies.
Juan Hughes
hey user that looks like a perfect army for Regiments of Renown for 8th ed, also in pastebin.
It's easier to get into than mordheim(you need less terrain haha) as much as I love mordheim and has semi persistant stats for your leader. Games go fairly fast too. Pic related is a wood elf warband I played earlier in the month against.
apart from that just scour ebay for old knights and repurpose them lad.
as user mentions charge weaker enemies/range units, have it join in existing combats against scarier melee blocks.
Benjamin Williams
Coming to TW WH when?
Joseph Watson
Perry Men at Arms?
David Campbell
You'd think it'd actually make for a great 'cavalry' mount for Dwarf lords.
Hudson Walker
I don't know why the lizardmen appeal to me but they just do
Jaxon Phillips
shamanistic future lizards from the past I guess user, got any of their minis?
Jordan James
fuck no i ain't going down this money pit
Lucas Bennett
I never thought I'd like Lizards either until I picked up a whole bunch of Lizard minis from a second hand sale for real cheap. They're old, poorly painted, broke and missing arms galore. But I've played a couple games with them and I'm really liking their play style and heroes. And the Blade of Realities.
Robert Murphy
we need a virgin/chad meme with Lizardmen as the chad and some other race as the virgin
Juan Wright
Austin Wright
What are some Tilean-friendly starter careers for WFRP?
So far I've got: Cadet Deepwatcher Knight Errant Man-at-arms Mercenary Squire Strigany Mystic
Logan Kelly
Yeah. Oathstone too. Also a Thunderbarge, Bugman, and Gotrek.
So, question Veeky Forums. I have an old IoB set. About how many more Clanrats do I need for a full army? T9A and 8e are both played in my community.
Elijah Parker
Is there anything in the Warhammer equivalent of the Pacific Ocean?
Ayden Baker
>Virgin skink vs. Chad Saurus
Asher Murphy
Tilea is a land of learning and culture, so you could do anything from artillerist to scribe.