/cyoag/ - CYOA General
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This is the version prior to slashing 1,000 credits.
Nice image quality. [/sarcasm]
what is this? did someone deep-fry urban unease?
reddit OC coming through
one more
>beloved by girls
What's your grudge against people anyway? Or are you just lashing out for attention?
yer a wizzard now
Trolls need to be fed.
>CockHaar Goll
Might as well play some synthwave to this
>Tome of extra knowledge (vitalism)
>Amulet of mara
>Makers of merriment
I will study dutifully to amass my power making trouble with no one maybe finding one of those cool tomes or two Then when the time is right i will cause a series of cataclysmic events to purge the world and create a new better one
Does anyone have the CYOA with Pasille, Ciel and Genesis ?
I heard about deep-fried memes, but deep-frying CYOA's is just radicilous
Why are you posting Pallas's CYOA?
This isn't new either it looks like the last version
a5 doesn't care anymore
But steampunk is better
I will eat you out like a gummy bear
How's italics doing these days?
And more importantly what?
Italics is about to release peepeepeeplus
>And more importantly what?
Your mom
I want to FUCK Pallas
Try me, buckaroo
Don't. Not even ironically.
fuck me in the ass tok
tok > everyone else
>this much autism already in a wip
I'd buy that for a dollar.
You can tell that this was not intended for /cyoag/.
at least it's something new faggot
Nasuverse cyoa when
New isn't necessarily good.
that's good style and concept-wise though
what's up with hating new authors?
I don't, I just hate multiplayer trash.
Guess that's a thing we do since around April: Shitting on any new author until they leave. Because ... I don't fucking know.
it's probably just tok
>since April
That shit has been going on for ages. Lest we forget Fulcrum.
Twelve years old
Gaming, Cosmetics
Smart, Charismatic, Quirky
Hard Worker, High Expectations, Extra Loving
Family Friends
Where are the other parts?
>Dick harasses authors
>Authors leave
>Then proceeds to complain about lack of content and talking about a non-existant golden age
>Bonus points if it complains about waifus too
Tok doesn't care about new authors unless they're making lewds. Most of this is one mentally-touched user who has nothing better to do than sit in on a semi-artistic community and wet himself
I made my CYOA around August, and didn't have any trouble with the community then
Don't attribute every anonymous complaint to one person. The community grows, and different people want to see it move in different directions. This one's just a troll
>I made my CYOA around August
Can you post it? i wanna see it
It's a WiP. It wasn't even posted by the author.
heh I made him change it
I'm posting OC tomorrow morning and you can't stop me!
Why do people even care?
Like,Nigga,if you want such a specific CYOA,make it yourself!
As for new authors,just let them do their thing and provide criticism.
Of course,this IS 4Chins,so that ain't really happening.
If you made anything, it's a negative impact on the thread anda brown spot in your pants.
Not now, not while Shitpost-kun is splashing in his puddle
I'm not doing a thing. We need you
Lastly, a friendly reminder to all that the Discord is open to all who want to see the creative process at work, or want a helping hand in making something yourself.
stopped reading right there
oh that sucks why would people do that
because it's funny
I know rite?
Yeah? Well, I'm going to finish mine and post it today! Whacha gonna do?
Post OC tomorrow.
Is this best timeline?
i dont believ u
notice me shitheads
Autistic discordanon
Discordian is a good name.
Don't make him feel special, he doesn't deserve it
fuck you
i love reddit oc please more
>trying this hard
Also sex and love.
Milking and Breeding
>Skin Color
Ditzy and Loving
Circumstance, acquired via fortuitous contract
>Living Quarters
With me, gotta keep a controlled environment
Bikini Combo
Collar, leather with a small bell. More like a choker.
>Breast Hormones
Large Dose
>Transformative Drugs
Small horns, tail, varying amounts of weight gain for research purposes
>Milking technique
Mostly by hand, will have a room dedicated to testing various techniques and paraphernalia
Spanking, restraint, reprimand
Affection, sex, rest
This thread is beyond salvation
do you think the mods don't care, the retard isn't breaking any rules or it's just he didn't get enough reports yet?
He keeps getting banned, he just dodges.
just range ban his entire country
This, unless it's the UK.
This, unless it's Pakistan.
Why do you repeat what the poster above you said?
Oh look, it’s OC.
I can into one-pagers too, apparently.
This is something simple and generic I did in my spare time just because I can. Didn’t turn out well, but that’s to be expected from a single page. I just wanted to experiment and make something outside of my usual modus operandi so to speak, but somehow along the way this ended up as an army builder, which isn’t that far from what I was making before.
At first I was actually going to make a multi-page CYOA about being a spirit which resides inside of the mind of a person of your choosing in a grimdark world, to which I alluded to previously – that thing was in the planning for two years now. However, I changed my mind sometime after I began and decided to make this thing instead.
When I finished Time of Troubles, I thought that I could make a quick one pager before the end of the month. Well, you know how that turned out.
Ayyyy, looks good! I’m honestly shocked you managed to restrain yourself into one page
HEey, that's pretty good.
That's fucking SHIT
Oh hi Tank
>you are dead
Can I just stop at destroying the Outsiders? I don't want to just go around conquering innocent worlds. Just the asshats.
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