Convince me that Primaris Marines were a good idea.
Convince me that Primaris Marines were a good idea
>move that immovable object for me
What makes you think they were a bad idea?
look how thin the bolter is
maybe they'll be the thing that finally kills 40k
What are those ghost things?
>Cawl guarantees they don't have the Red Thirst
>have Red thirst
Cawl should have been executed as a heretic and a liar
We Tau now.
No one will expect their return.
jesus those guns look ridiculous, I wonder how primaris would look with the regular bolters
We all space weebs now
This picture kind of does it.
It's a transition between squating manlet marine sculpts and proper true scale marines. Obviously, the execution was shit but at least they're working on the scale issue now.
Wierd that they decided to do lore about it instead of literally going "the upcoming marine models will be truescale compared to guardsmen etc etc, old marine models will of course still be tournament legal (for 5 years after that get new doodes you walking wallets)".
Gotta sell all those old marines.
GW should have just released truescale Marines instead of pooping on their fluff.
There was a broad desire for "truescale" marines but also signifigant resistence to the idea of just upscaling directly and invalidating old kits.
"Something something, technological advances in geneseed" was a perfectly cromulent way to get those truescale figures customers wanted onto shelves without the invalidation problem customers feared.
I think that people would be bitching about "muh no fluff background" if gw decided to just release bigger marines
No, they wouldn't because new models aren't relevant fluf-f wise
They mess with the marine design that had carried GW for over multiple editions in favor of more generic sci-fi supersoldier designs
No. Cawl did not say anything of the sort. In fact, Cawl was for those genetic deviation since he believed that they are a part of the Emperor's plan.
Why guns incorporated into gloves?
Can he aim in two directions at once?
I am gonna piss a lot of people off but primaris marines should instead just have been new updated Marine models they could be fluffed as a new set of armour crawl came up with and released as better looking to scale marines instead of some sort of weird ass uber marine.
I find the fluff terrifying for Primaris because it suggest they're going to squat normal marines at some point in the future. If they had simply released 32mm tall marine models and refused to say a single thing or acknowledge I would actually be happier than I am now.
kek they dont even need to make new models, just use the old marine models
I agree like i said i think they could have just fluffed it as Crawls new fancy armour and the old SM models are just dudes who did not get their new armour yet. Best of both worlds. I really want to make an SM army now because the new Primaris marines look so much better and properly fit the scale but the primaris rules and the fact they are not compatible with most tanks means people who love them get a half assed lineup and people who hate them fear for their normal marines they literally picked the option that made the least people happy if you ask me
>Convince me that Primaris Marines were a good idea.
Starcraft design are just superior to 40k
low quality bait
Sauce? Didnt hear anything about the Wulfen, Black/Red Thirst or Dark Angels crave for penis coming back
They were a shit idea and no need to go over it.
>Sauce? Didnt hear anything about the Wulfen, Black/Red Thirst or Dark Angels crave for penis coming back
Dark Imperium, something people forget is that current mutations and genetic deviances are exaggerations of things that are already in the source and they happen more because the genes have been recycled and re-implanted with traditions and rituals more than actual knowledge, such practices being repeated for 10,000 years has effectively corrupted the genestock that the Marines are using. All Cawl did was stabilize the gene-pools, he didnt erase or touch anything so if BA got the munchies for human flesh then so will Primaris and its only a matter of time before their gene-pools become corrupted and prone to even more mutations and deficiencies.
>low quality bait
Comment of the year.
That’s what I can’t get my head around. Maybe they wanted to bring back Gulliman and have it mean more than just good leadership. But the emperor knows good leadership alone means a whole lot for the imperium.
You can hate the lore all you want (as I do) but those models are just gorgeous.
>but those models are just gorgeous.
>generic sci-fi dudes
GW has been slowly making they marines bigger over the years anyway, I doing think a sudden spike in size would be too much of a shock.
The models size is mostly irrelevant, GW wanted to make their models more complex so they would be harder to duplicate with a 3D printer. The tech is still years away (3D printed models look like ass now) but they want a head start. The massive redesign they took with primaries marines requires a new type of armor, and that means they need the fluff to justify it.
I'm sorry my choice of adjective is going against your beliefs. Maybe a more standard ''cool'' wont offend your sensitivity.
>so they would be harder to duplicate with a 3D printer.
Tht's why 3D printer models better designed than GW?
Kek they literally just have stormtrooper helmets with an extra nose slit and a mohawk bit on top
More like Deathtroopers
What do Chaos Marines have to counter Primaris? The Imperium is getting all the advancements but Chaos is getting squat.
That's just modified mk4 helmet. It always looked like this.
They couldn't do that because the Space Marine players would sperg out anyways about their models becoming obsolete. (Plus 5 years is a stupidly long time, and would lose GW money in the long run.)
stop replying to troll threads
>Convince me that Primaris Marines were a good idea.
>it makes money which means it's good
PS: see that sharp spike in the middle where it just goes up and doesn't stop?
That's 05/17
That's May
>what are they getting to counter Primaris?
Nothing, they don’t need it. They already have warp fuckery, daemons and a massive numerical advantage over loyalist marines
They addressed this first thing, Chaos goodies are coming (eventually)
They've already somewhat started with the nurgle stuff
>Dark Angels crave for penis coming back
user don't call it a come back it been there for years.
how the fuck can chaos marines outnumber loyalists? they get less new recruits and live in extremely hostile environtment
It doesn't mater how well designed they are if the end result looks like ass because the technology simply can't keep up.
But by all means show me your awesome 3d printed models dude. I bet the two grand you shelled out for that printer was worth it.
Makes marinefags cry it's not all about them anymore.
if surrounded by enemies, yes. plus, if thats termie armor, he probably has a hud assist.
Because if they did you'd have exactly the same backlash you have now, with people crying that their small marines are obsolete and whatnots. Prople will never be 100% happy. GW used Primaris to open potential doors for new models without restrictions, thanks to Cawl, innovation, etc.
but their models are going to become obsolete anyway
>GW's primary concern is not making money
>GW is me
>unironically believing that the only thing a corporation cares about is not money
cultists, demons, Fabius clones
Ask Fabulous Bill and his daemoncubula.
Love the design of their helmets, goes back to that art with the unknown-armor marines surrounding the Emperor back when they were still trying to figure out what HH Astartes would look like.
Directly, not entirely. Most corporations work with a triple bottom line these days. It's better for the long-term sustainability of a corporation to pay attention to all three rather than directly going for profit. Social is important for maintaining your customer base (Rather than having an increasingly large share of an increasingly small market like what happened to the comics industry in the 90s when they were chasing raw profit) and environmental for making sure you've still got a business in the future.
On the other hand: No one said GW was being run well, so this may not apply to them.
Is it possible that Primaris are stabilized/astarized Thunder Warriors?
No. Fucking drop that shit right now user. Thunder warriors are extinct. They predate idiot faggot crawl
>Most corporations work with a triple bottom line these days.
The small ones do. The big ones rather go for short term profit, everything else be damned.
On paper it's fine, I don't really care, but then I don't play Marines and all we're gonna get for the next 3 years is Primaris/Death Guard models so I don't think they were a great idea.
No they are probably close to done with Death Guard, next will be either Emperors Children or World Eaters so that all the cult legions get updated, and probably after that they will do Black Legion updates.
Dunno. They, like the Thunder Warriors, are better than the worthless fucking Astares but not as good as the Custodes.
Lemonade from lemons, user. Lemonade from lemons.
That's easy OP
They Were going to Age of Sigmar 40k. They were going to have primarines replace all regular marines, and they only wound that back because of the kick back AoS had from the fanbase.
Always remember, decisions like what happened to WHFB and the new 40K take months of preparation. They couldn't very well not release new space marine models after they were ready for release, all they could change was how they were received.
Microsoft is basically the poster boy for triple bottom line these days, though you are not really wrong in many cases.
See, that's perfect for private corporations, but for publicly traded ones, they're thought of as having a moral obligation to earn the shareholders as much money as possible, so any corporation that doesn't go for the pure $$$ could get shit on by the shareholders, as they literally will have no stake in the company by the time long-term investments roll around.
Chaos marines do not outnumber loyalists. Most warbands arw absolutely desperate for recruits. There are vastly more loyalist marines than traitors. If anything chaos marines probably have the overall quality advantage since they have thousands of hardened, chaos-blessed vets that have been fighting the Long War nonstop for 10,000 years
>cultists are the same as fucking space marines
All you're describing is going indirectly for profit (as opposed to making short-term profit the main goal). It all still comes back around to making money, the overarching goal of the company
Yet Chaos Marines are the absolute cannon fodder whenever Imperial story is told.
I can't, but those plasma rifles are sexy.
Also, I want all my iconic Marine Units (Assault Marines, Honour Guad, Breachers) in Primaris Scale and now they have to justify everything one by one.
You're not wrong, but expexting GW writing to have any kind of internal consistency or logic is asking for disappointment
Most huge corporations these days go for short term profits these days since it's run by unfaithful execs that will just bounce with huge severance checks the moment anything goes belly-up.
It's only because of lack of competition and an iron-triangle style agreement between the Big 6 that they are able to stay in business.
Allow gripping melee weapons.
Also, rule of cool.
ever since i first laid eyes upon this picture all those years ago i've wondered why there's that random helmet just incongruously sat there next to sang's corpse
what if horus takes a step forward and trips over it flat on his face, and that's what actually provided the emperor with his opportunity to mind-blast him
I find literally nothing offensive about the Primaris Marines.
It took One high ranking Biologis Magos exactly 10,000 years to make Primaris Marines, who have like 3 extra organs and did nothing but base-line most of the genetic defects each chapter had.
Now the influx of Primaris allows thousands of different scenarios we never could have had with normal marines my favorite being
>Space Wolf Successor chapters.
I like it, too
Preferably with their awesome Heresy Era color scheme.